"Hello incoming freshmen of the year 3467!"
"You have been selected from countless other geniuses to be a member of the main campus of our great university."
"I hope by the end of these five years of studying you will turn out to be fine cultivation warriors and fight for the glory of the Earth Federation."
"This academy was established on a dream by our noble founder John Archibald Willis Henderson Goodman the third and then later built by his son John Archibald Willis Henderson Goodman the fourth…."
Sophie was feeling bored out of her mind while the principal continued to talk on and on about the rich history of the school.
Why did every assembly have to be so freaking long?!
She was currently sitting down next to her friends in a vast open field while the face of the principal was projected onto a holographic screen floating above them.
Hello my dear readers,
Man... these chapters keep getting uploaded later and later lol
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..... wait.... wrong platform.