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86.95% The Spark of Change (Teen Wolf) / Chapter 20: The Ascendance Part Two

Capítulo 20: The Ascendance Part Two

AN;Like a day late, but whatever!

Last part of the ascendance, whooooo! Damn, the word count 💀

Did I manage to fit all creature request?


Also! Check out the rest of the series, though it can be read independently! I got a new MCU fic out, yay. As always, thx for the love and support on this, especially y'all commenters that encourage me 💙

See ya!


"I-I would like to go next." The voice that rings out sounds exhausted, crackling like dried leaves in autumn. A middle aged woman approaches, steps unstedy and looking distinctly like she's been living on the streets. Rather than kneeling, it looks more like her legs collapse, and I take in the deep pain, grief, and hunger surrounding her. When she looks up, her eyes are shining the familiar icy blue of a shifter who has taken a life, just like Derek. I can hear whispers across the clearing, and while I can't hear what was said, the way the woman hunches in on herself was answer enough.

"Do you need a pack?" I ask, cutting through the noise. The woman nods, but makes no effort to lift her head from the ground. I reach for my magic, examining her for her moment, but while I can feel her getting dangerously close to feral, there is no malice, and when I think of her joining our pack, there are no alarm bells. I look to Derek who is already watching me and I gave him a nod and a smile. The pack is still under Derek's jurisdiction, so it's not like I can make him except people he doesn't want to. It was different with Baby Iggy, as I'd instantly dubbed him, since I knew he would never leave the baby to die, but with this lady I could only tell her if I sensed anything bad from it and hope he accepts her. If he doesn't, I'll reach out to somebody here and hope that they know a pack I can send her to.

Luckily, it seems I was overthinking it. Derek, despite his grumpy face, is never one to leave others to fend for themselves. He pads towards the woman and bumps her face with his muzzle. When she raises blue eyes to red, there's a moment of silence as they stare at each other before she looks down once more. Then, Derek slowly sinks his teeth into her shoulder.

As I feel another new bond form, I take in the thin spiderweb just barely connecting her to the pack, the way her pain spills out over it and the hunger gnaws at her, and I pity her. Gently, hoping not to startle her, I send a welcome down the bond. Her gasp, and the way her head whips towards me, let's me know she feels it. Stiles, smiling softly, approaches her,. When she doesn't flinch away, he carefully wraps an arm around her, helping her to her feet. A strangled sob rends the air as she practically collapses into my friend, one hand going to pull a bit desperately at Derek's fur. Sensing the way she was quickly ‏ turning towards overwhelmed, I call out. "Let's let her rest inside for a bit. Scott will take care of her."

I was sure she wouldn't harm those in the house helping the baby, and frankly, considering she looked like a stiff wind could take her out, I was sure Scott could handle it. Stiles escorts her, murmuring softly to her as he tries to sooth her shaking and trembling. I make sure to keep a tight hold on our tiny bond, sending calmness and safety down it as best I can, feeling the desperate way she absorbs it.

After that, a group of nymphs come up. They're a variety of different kinds, mostly forest nymphs with a few water nymphs, and while they currently looked human, they requested to live in the preserve full-time rather than maintaining a human life. Considering that nymphs are essentially just nature spirits, I could understand why they wouldn't be interested in putting up a front.

Their vows ensure that they would be allowed to stay and move freely through the preserve assuming that they followed my rules and didn't let any of the Normies see them. They also volunteered to act as scouts for me. If they saw anything strange in the preserve or if anyone in the forest was harmed, they would appear at the trees of my house to let me know. In the exchange of vows, I offered them flowers grown in my palms before their eyes and they in return offered me their own flowers or bits of pretty river rock and seashell. Their little gifts made their way into a bag carried by Stiles along with the unicorn charms I had slipped in there earlier, all while I struggle to breath under the force of so many new vows.

About now, everyone came out of the house with Baby Iggy, and our newest packmate, who turned out to be a weretiger named Calista, freshly bitten and terrified, having gone on the run after she realized she'd changed. From what Scott texted Stiles, she'd been on the road for a whole year before some friendly witch had run into her, explaining she needed packbonds if she was going to stay alive. Weretigers aren't as susceptible to going feral as werewolves are, but she was clearly cracking already. The poor woman is a mother, having run because she thought she would try to hurt her kids and father. Hopefully, after she gets control, we can reconnect them.

Our new baby werebear was still making distressed noises as Mama Mel bounced him gently, but it didn't seem to be working. Suhel spoke again for the first time in a while. "Your human pack mate has not yet mastered using the pack bonds, and the bond between her and the child is too thin for her to properly grasp yet. She won't be able to calm him."

I frown, reaching for the baby. Hesitantly, Mel passes him over and as soon as I grasp the bond sending gentle calmness through it, Iggy begins to quiet. The big brown eyes looking up at me remind me of a tiny Sunya and the way my mother used to rap her to put her to sleep. I tug off my shawl and hand the baby to Stiles for a moment. Then, like I'd seen my mother do a thousand times, I like the long fabric over around and through itself before tying it off. Then I take back the baby and stick him through the folds of the fabric so that he can lay comfortably against my chest, head just at my collarbone. Immediately, the werebear seems to settle, pressing his head to the place above my heart as I carefully nudge the newly formed packbond, sending as much positive energy towards the traumatized baby as I can. Iggy falls asleep quickly, hand clenching my top's neckline, the emotional upheaval having exhausted the poor kid. Distantly, I realize my premonition had picked this particular outfit with a soft blouse just for this baby as I glance up to see a bunch of grinning packmates.

"What?" I mutter defensively. Stiles just smiles, perching himself on the arm of my throne.

"I know we were joking earlier, and I think that one day you're going to make a really good mom." My eyes go wide, shocked before something warm swells up. I smile up at my friend before glancing at Mama Mel and Papa Sherrif who were peering over the edge of the stone chair.

"I've had some really good role models for parenthood," I tell them. Both seem touched by the statement, Papa Sheriff touching my head gently, careful not to knock free the flowers resting on it.

"We would like to offer our vows next, Gaurdian!" A cheerful voice rings out as two girls and one man came forward. They look like hot grad students. But, the magic coming off them made my fingers tingle. It felt slightly like Suhel, but also nothing I'd felt before, just ancient and commanding.

"I'm Danica, and this is Skylar and Atlas. Or gods ordered us to aid you in this territory." Danica, chirps, short blonde hair bouncing with her energy, Skylar looked vaguely mortified as she hides behind Atlas, a tall caramel skinned man who looked like he thought the situation was somewhere between amusing and exhausting.

"Your… gods?" Stiles asks curiously. It isn't that we didn't know about the various pantheon of gods, we just didn't know which ones they were referring to and why the hell they would be interested in our territory.

Atlas stepped forward, dark wings sprouting from his back, making several people exclaim in shock. Danica and Skylar join in as well, Danica's wings looking like that of a hawk, speckled with red, brown, and white, but Skylar's were a lovely white and gray.

I blink, not having seen this in my visions. "Huh. Okay, what do you consider yourselves?" There were frankly an absurd amount of options when it came to winged humanoid beings with divine connections. They were almost always portrayed as beautiful and wise, and while they were pretty much all the same thing give or take a few special abilities and blessings, I needed to know what they would prefer to be referred to as, something that would depend on the pantheon they served.

Damn, I'm meeting literal angels and I can barely feel anything besides the satisfaction of my magic growing. Have I finally gotten used to the shit?

Danica giggles. "We don't really care to much about labels since they are simply translated words across cultures. We take divine orders, gather certain souls for our gods, offer blessings and wisdom, and battle the bad things that go bump in the night. Technically, though, I serve Slavic nature gods, so I would be a Gamayun. Atlas would technically be Nephilim decended of a fallen angel, but he isn't, like, psycho or anything! Just, like, shitty family, ya know." I nod, hoping none of the bewilderment is actually showing on my face. "And Skylar is a Valkyrie!"

Skylar peeks out from behind her friends for a moment, dark hair covering most of her face. "Um, your highness? Loki wishes for me to let you know that he finds you and your emissary amusing. He'll be sending a gift."

I stare, noting the horrified feeling of her aura and decide that a gift from a trickster god is going to be a pain in the ass, but Stiles is beaming ecstatically next to me. Loki has always been his favorite. Somehow, Stiles has only been getting more and more excited as time passes and with every new creature. I'm glad because I am honestly starting to go numb from the roiling power in my veins bursting with every new vow. His emotions were like a blazing fire, constantly bringing my attention back to the present. Baby Iggy, still asleep against my chest, is also doing a fantastic job of grounding me, little warm puffs of air on my collarbone reminding me where my skin is. Even Derek had occasionally taken to pressing his wet nose against the bare skin of my arm or side.

"Suhel? Am I losing myself in the guardian part of me?" I send mentally.

The nemeton laughs, gently, amused. "Silly girl, how can you lose yourself in the Guardian if the Guardian is you? This is what you are and what you were always meant to be." For some reason the answer doesn't reassure me.

Next are some sirens or mermaids, they didn't particularly care either way. They all had human jobs, but asked to spend time in the water sources of the preserve, away from prying human eyes which Derek and I agreed to. In return, some would help monitor and keep safe anything in the waters of the territory, even offering to join battles as long as it was not on land. To complete their Vow they offered me beautiful shimmering scales for a bit of my hair, cut using Scotty's claws.

After yet another rush of power that nearly made my veins burn, Suhel's cackles ringing in my ears, I called for a break, telling everyone to help themselves to the food. I got to my feet, carefully checking my balance and headed to the back of Hale house away from prying eyes, my hand cupped around Iggy's head.

Not long after, Stiles and Derek, now two legged and wearing pants, appear carrying plates. Silently, I eat, sat on the back porch, untasting and mind whirling. Derek nudges me, brows furrowed. "Are you okay?"

I grunt. "Fine." At their unconvinced looks, I sigh. "A bit overwhelmed. Each vow is just a flood of energy. It feels good, but… too much. Not quite like myself. Distant."

"There's something else," Stiles probes.

"Yeah, but let me process a bit," I murmur, thinking of my new revelations on the nematon. I couldn't really fault Suhel for not giving a shit about anyone who wasn't me, or Stiles and Derek to an extent. What was a single life to him who had lived since the begining of time? I was the one who forgot what he really was in the first place.

Then again, Suhel had chosen me to wield his power in the first place, and had repeatedly implied that it was me who decided what it is used for. Even now, every vow that I took increased our power, but Suhel had left the decision of which vows to accept up to me.

If I had to pinpoint what exactly has been so unsettling to me, it was probably not Suhel at all, but rather the thought that I, too, would end up not really caring about the people around me as well. But even as a thought crosses my mind, I recognize its ridiculousness. My very soul was bound in colorful bonds of love and friendship that I couldn't imagine ever not being important to me, and with every vow I took, I could feel those individuals now under my care, like points of light to the distance, lanterns in a dark sky. No, I don't think guardians are ever meant to be unfeeling.

I feel myself relax as I come to a conclusion. Suhel wasn't a person, but he was still my friend and partner and that was enough. And I was not going to forget how to feel. Nodding to myself, I relay those thoughts to Derek and Stiles who quietly listens without complaint.

Soon after, Scott appears with Mel who takes the sleeping baby off me, much to the relief of my aching back. Catching my gaze, Scott nods. "They're here."

I breathe deeply, taking a last few bites and getting up. "Go get them, and don't forget the blindfold."

Scott shuffles uneasily. "I-Is this really necessary?"

I nod. "You know it is. Trust has to be earned, and I can't endanger people, my people, on blind faith. But you believe in them, don't you?"

"Yes," he agrees.

"Then have faith." I pull him into a quick hug, following him back throught the house and to my throne, the others right next to me

"There are a few more people coming today. I asked that you not act hastily and trust that I know what I'm doing." I call out. "Please continue to eat and speak with one another."

Not long after, Scott reapears guiding a blindfolded Chris and Allison Argent. The dining supernaturals don't react much at first, easy conversation flowing between them, but as they catch sight of the dark fabric covering their eyes, the clearing slowly goes silent. There's a blur, faster than the wolves, and Ezra appears, a pissed off look on his face and steel in his aura, all the warmth from earlier replaced with viciousness and the desire to slaughter, as he hisses, "My Queen, they are-"

"I'm aware," I interrupt calmly, patting his arm as I walk past. "Observe first, and if you still have concerns afterwards, I will gladly hear them."

Scott brings them to stand a few feet in front of us, hesitating for only a moment before returning to stand next to his mom and Calista, the weretigress still worn, but already looking and feeling better.

"This is a bit dramatic, don't you think?" Chris asks stiffly, his hand wrapped tightly around his daughter's arm, shoulders tight with unease.

"Considering the land we are currently standing on, soaked in the blood of innocents that your family killed? No, not really. I have people to protect."

Both Argents flinch, but I have no plan to go easy on them, not when I have an example to make, a point to drive home to these people planning to put their lives in my hands. Chris grimaces, "Kate broke the code, I know, but-"

"But, what?" I ask. By now, nearly everyone knew who now stood in front of us, several climbing to their feet in either rage or fear, but I hold my hand out to keep them still for a few precious seconds longer. "Hunters play judge, jury, and executioner. Have you ever considered how many shifters your clan has driven to madness? How many blue eyed shifters have been slaughtered after killing one of their own that hunters had driven mad? You shot Scott on his first full moon knowing damn well his eyes were gold." Allison reels from the new information, and I feel Chris age right before my eyes. "You might not have been planning to kill him, but you sure as hell didn't see him as a person since I doubt you would have done that to a human. Are you really going to claim your code as a defense?"

Chris, tales a shaky breath, and does something that surprises many. He kneels, pulling Allison with him. "No. There is no defense. If you want retribution, you can have it, but Allison is still innocent."

"Dad!" She cries out alarmed, the clearing errupts into whispers, but I have to fight a smile because I've managed to achieve my desired outcome after many, many visions and hours of blindness. "Layla, please-"

"I don't plan on killing you, and definitely not Allison. You aren't getting off that easily. No, you will work to redeem your family." I can feel the curiosity directed at me now, the hesitation. "The world is changing, and I refuse to let hunters run it any longer, not in my territory. Here and now you will give me your vows."


Gasps ring out around the clearing, and I shift, pulling Allison closer into my side. I'd agreed to put on the blindfold, not honestly thinking that the Hale pack or the Guardian would take the opportunity to kill me, but I hadn't realized how many unknown supernaturals I would be surrounded by. I know I would have needed to come either way, but I probably wouldn't have brought Allison with me.

As for Layla, I couldn't read her at all. The girl was young, and she seems like a really good kid, but the way she was now, the entirety of her presence was so beyond my expectations, I didn't know what to think. And now she was asking for vous?

Long ago, I remember my mother telling me about theGuardian, their place in this world, and the sheer goodness of two she had met. They were said to bring balance and protect both the supernatural and the mundane from one another. It was said that they did so through a series of magical oaths that couldn't be broken without forfeiting one's life.

"You want the hunters to make vows? Guardian, hunters know nothing of honor!" A voice rings out, aghast, and the reality of how supernaturals see us is once again dropped on my head. Back when my mother, Joanna Argent, was matriarch, the Argents were well respected. I even distinctly remember her meeting diplomatically with alphas and coven leaders on a few occasions. I can't remember when we stopped being enforcers of justice and became murderers instead.

The guardian's voice cuts through the rising descent easily, still calm and unbothered, lilting and almost hypnotic. "It doesn't matter if they have honor or not. If they break the vow they will die, be it from the magical backlash or me and mine hunting them down." I feel a shiver run down my spine at the casual death threat, deciding that Layla is, in fact, very different from my own daughter. Surprisingly, the revelation didn't bring anything but a sense of pity to my heart as I wonder where exactly it was that she lost that innocence that Allison is only just barely clinging to.

"What-what exactly is it that you want?" I ask, feeling bone weary.

"It's simple, really." The supernatural queen states. "You will not hunt or harm any in my realm without first providing me with ample evidence of any wrongdoings on their part, nor let any other hunter do so. This, of course, will extend to all those under you or in the clan, so you better make damn sure who exactly it is you're employing, because if anybody does decide to harm an innocent, you will be required to kill them or bring them to us to do so. Acting in a manner against good faith, and allowing harm to come to any innocent supernaturals, or humans, will break your oath. Then, assuming you even survive that, I'll hunt down every last member of your clan, chasing them to the ends of the earth until the name Argent only exists in memories."

I feel the blood drain from my face at the almost cheerful tone she uses. "…You're basically turning us into your hunting dogs."

"What's wrong with dogs?" She questions playfully. "All I'm doing is putting you under someone else's purview and ensuring that hunters won't be able to slaughter innocents on a whim. Are you seriously going to claim that's unreasonable?"

The worst part is that she is right. There was nothing she had said that I had an actual defense to. I think back to my mother, back before she got sick and my father hid her away. Every story, every journal and note she had left about the Guardian which always claimed them to be beings of honor and fairness, and even now, I'm aware that the Hale pack had more than enough reason to simply finish us off. In fact, doing so would've been so much easier for them, but instead, she was forcing us into being accountable for our actions.

"She's right," Allison states, startling me. "Our code is wrong. It didn't stop Aunt Kate. It calls for suicide if one turns, like being not human makes you unreedemably evil. That not okay, dad."

I swallow heavily, feeling the truth of it. A cry rings out, and I stiffen, reaching for my weapon because that cry has to be from a baby. Layla's voice brings me back to the moment. "That's a baby werebear. It was nearly killed this morning by hunters. The dad didn't make it."

The guilt starts crushing me. I know Layla's doing it on purpose, but again, I can't fault her for it, because even just now, when I heard the cry, my first instinct was to take aim at the nonhumans around me. The thought makes me sick to my stomach as Allison lets out a choked little sob even as the baby continues to cry. The sound rips my heart to pieces.

There is a rustle of fabric and I tense at the sound of a growl. "Easy, Derek," Layla murmurs as she approaches, crouching in front of us. Then, a small hand is taking mine, and from the hitch of my daughter's breath, hers as well. " Believe it or not, I'm not your enemy. I –" she hesitates. "I want to create a world where humans and supernaturals can live peacefully side-by-side. Despite everything, I don't really think you're bad people. So I'm asking for your help. Please."

"Remember, dad? Our new code," Allison asks.

"We protect those who cannot protect themselves." I reply, that flood of pride, and hope, warming me. "Alright, Gaurdian. I'll make a vow, but you do realize that it's my wife that runs the American branch of the clan, right?"

"I literally don't give a fuck," she states bluntly, startling me. "I suggest you convince her quickly, but if not, the wording of the vow maintains that you have to police your own, even if that means the matriarch herself, or you die. And while I hope you don't have to kill your wife, if you can't keep her from being a psychopath, that's on you."

This little girl is somehow both awe inspiring and terrifyingly treacherous.

Layla leads me through the oath. There isn't anything overly restrictive or malicious about it and when I finish, I feel something warm clicking into place, and it takes me a second to realize it's magic, but I can't feel anything evil about it. God, what fools we've been. Forgive me, Maman, for forgetting the things you taught me.

"My turn," Allison murmurs, and I startle.

"Wait, you're underage. You can do it later." I disagree, but Layla's snort catches me off guard.

"Dad…I'm almost 3 years older than Layla." My teeth click shit, because once again, I can't argue against that.

When it's finished, Layla stands, pulling us with her. Strangely, she asks for some silver bullets, and i hand them over easily, ignoring the grumbles and hisses from around us that has my hair rising in discomfort.There is a shift, a change in the air, and some silver light bleeds through the blindfold across my eyes. Then, something round and smooth is being pressed into my hands. I run my fingers over it, finding a single hole near one edge and what feels like an intricate crescent moon carved into it.

"My sigil," Layla states.

"Like on your forehead," Allison realizes.

Remembering something I read about vows years and years ago, I carefully, slowly reaching into my belt, ignoring the uptick in crowds and snarls around me. I pull a sheathed dagger off my belt, one with our own symbol engraved on the hilt, and pass it to the girl, telling Allison to do the same.

"Mistletoe?" The guardian sounds terribly amused, but thankfully not upset at our choice of gift.

"And wolfsbane and mountain ash," Allison admits sheepishly. "Wait, can you even use them?"

"It's fine," The other girl says easily. "Thank you. And just so you know, I think we can do it. Achieve peace between us all. One day."

In that moment, I truly believe it, too. Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe Allison and Layla aren't that different after all.

Layla's voice raises, this time addressing the clearing, something harder edging it once more. "The Argents, as of now, have joined the realm as part of the Vowed, my Vassals. Any unwarranted attack upon them will be treated like one against another member of the realm or the mundane. For now, they will be given a chance to prove themselves just like any other here, and just like I would protect any of you, I'll do so for them as well. This will be the only warning I give."

I feel relief wash over me, followed by the feeling of being genuinely impressed. In a single move, The young queen had secured our safety and our cooperation for herself.

Scott comes over to start walking us back, and I pause, deciding there's something I need to add. "In good faith,…Soon, my father is planning to visit. While my wife is matriarch, it's only until Allison turns 18. Gerard, though,….he holds a lot of power…"

"You don't think he follows the code." Her icy tone makes it very easy to believe that this young child has the ability to rule over All types of powerful creatures.

I wince. "He was always really close with Kate, and while I never saw any evidence of code breaking, there's no way he's not coming back for retribution."

The girl sighs heavily, and it's far too tired a sound to be coming out of someone so young. "Okay, thank you for the warning."

Scott leads us back to our car, quietly talking to Allison as I follow, a bit dazed. I can honestly say I hadn't anticipated any of that. When Scott finally removes our blindfolds, he hands me a stack of papers. Reading my eyebrows, I ask, "What's this?"

"It's Layla's rules for the realm," he answers with a shrug. "It's like the framework for the laws."

"What, she's making a democracy?" I ask jokingly.

"Oh, hell no, she's way too controlling for that," Scott denies immediately. "Most of it is laws about how the supernaturals are to conduct themselves and punishments for if they choose to go against them, but there is a part about representatives for a council that will help her manage the territory. Oh, and she told me to tell you, that she's open to having a representative from the Argents, but that even though there will be a council, she's still the Guardian and will have final say."

I stare, for a moment, before bursting into laughter, utterly baffled by the sequence of events and in need of a very large glass of whiskey. "Your friend is something else."

Scott grins, stupid puppy dog eyes still so terribly earnest then I found it really hard to hate the kid, even with his ass relationship with Allison. "Yeah, but she's going to be an amazing queen."

And well, I couldn't really argue with that.


The hunters had only just disappeared behind the tree line when Ezra bent over, absolutely crippled with the force of his laughter. "Oh, fuck! I can't believe you really just put chains on the hunters! Oh, gods!"

The rest of the creatures in the clearing seem to share much of the same sentiment. Aunt Angie's cackling was particularly distinct amongst the chaos and I can't help but huff, sitting back down in my throne. A gentle hand pats my head, and I look up to see Mama Mel smiling down on me, Iggy against her chest sucking on a bottle. "You were amazing. Scary, but amazing. We're proud of you, kid." Papa Sheriff nods, grin wide and I turn away before my cheeks can heat, even as I send my gratitude to them.

Suddenly, my smile falters as I remember my own mom, the one I hadn't heard from all week. It's a terrible time to be thinking about it now, but both Noah and Melissa essentially got a kid they didn't ask for dumped on them, two kids actually, considering Sunny. I haven't told my mother anything about the supernatural, and right here and now getting parental praise from two people who've cared for me like their own child, I realize that I do have to talk to my mom. As much as I love Noah and Melissa, my sister and I should have never been dumped on them. I'm not oblivious, I realize that my mother has been neglecting us, but it's the first time I'm willing to admit it. Mother needs to take responsibility, and dammit she needs to come home, especially for Sunny.

I gulp, feeling my stress spike, but just as the pack starts noticing, A timely distraction appears in the form of one ecstatic vampire lord. Ezra kneels again, taking one of my hands and pressing his lips to the back of it, grin so wide I can actually see the pointedness of his canines. "Oh Guardian, forgive me. You have proven once and for all that I was not mistaken when I decided to take my vows. I will not doubt you again."

I shake my head. "No, feel free to doubt me all you want. I'm bound to make a mistake at some point, but I'll gladly take your support and thank you for having faith in me."

After that, people start coming forward to take their own vows a lot more easily. Some dwarves rock up, cheerfully accepting our request for help building the pack house as they were architects, crafters, and engineers. There were some yeti and bigfoots, (Bigfeet?), who asked to live freely in the preserve, offering some help protecting it and herb gathering. Then there was a fucking giant who is planning on purchasing a winery just out of town. Because of course, he is. Him and his wife also offered to help with construction and the occasional battle, so that was nice of them.

Finally, The group I have been expecting approach nervously and I once again thank Silas and Derek for helping me last night. Smiling warmly at them, I beckon them forward. "Hello."

"Your majesty," The most gorgeous man and women I've ever fucking seem stand before me, a young teen by there side. "We'd like to ask for residency in your realm, but, um…" The man bites his plush lips and I have to mentally slap myself back into focus and tear my eyes away from the way the sun made his auburn hair look like glinting jewels.

"I'm a Succubus and these two are Incubi." The womens voice was like smooth honey, and really someone so beautiful shouldn't sound so sad- Fuck, goddamit, get it together, woman!

The man, dark lashes framing wide, innocent eyes, seems unable to help himself as he quickly begins to defend his family from the accusing stairs already aimed at them. "I'm aware of the stereotypes of my kind, but I assure you, consent is extremely important to us. In fact, while we do need sexual energy to live, it's way better when verbally consented too. Additionally, while we do have an allure, we can't actually make somebody do anything they don't want to do. Like, we can't actually make somebody cheat on their spouse, that's not how it works-"

"I know," I cut him off, fighting laughter. "I know you guys have been demonized for centuries, and I have no intention of discriminating against anyone, nor allowing such things in my realm." I send a pointed look at the creatures around me, most of them turning sheepish at the silent reprimand. "I know you spoke the truth when you talked about consent earlier, and that's really all I needed to know. You are welcome to take a vow."

"…Really?" The teen who might have actually been younger than me asked with such hope that I felt for tham. Hell, I knew what discrimination felt like and I had no intention of doing it to anyone else. There were, of course, some inherently evil creatures, but succubi and incubi were not among of them.

The two elder ones, the parents gave vows to also offer information as well as live here. Apparently, info gathering was their specialty, and yeah, I could definitely see why.

"Shit, how old are you?" The man said, abruptly freezing at the end of his vow. "Oh, gods. I totally thought you'd be older."

I laugh, amused that out of the two of us, he was far more concerned about what was about to happen than I was. "Be at ease. I understand it is just a greeting between friends and family for your people. Please don't feel bad about it."

He winces, nodding before quickly ducking his head to press delicious looking lips to mine. It lasts only a second, but it's enough for my pseudo dad to start cursing and Derek to snarl, while poor Stiles is left to wrangle the others while clearly losing his own shit at the same time. I choose to ignore it, turning to the woman who steps forward, looking vaguely apologetic as she kisses me as well, resulting in an audible squeak from my unprepared best friend, causing me to laugh again. Outside of the typical rush that came with sealing a vow, I don't feel much. I can honestly say that I might as well have been kissed on the cheek. Last night with Derek and Stiles had felt like far more-

I cut that thought off before I have to deal with it. The little trio returned to their seats, the young boy, Rowan, who was going to be joining us at school as a freshman in the fall, not having taken his vows due to his age. I am honestly relieved. I wouldn't have to kiss him considering it would probably have been his first.

When I returned to my throne, the Sheriff did not look impressed, and I could tell the worry from Mel, Stiles, and Derek. I huff, gently tugging at my bonds. "I'm fine. Honest."

"Still, your first…." Mel murmurs sadly.

I smirk. "It wasn't my first kiss."

"What!?" Scott hisses, shocked.

"Later," I whisper, winking, amused at the way Derek and Stiles pointedly don't look any where near me.

"My turn?" My head whips up, and for one of the only times tonight, I'm genuinely surprised with the next person that steps up.

"Lola?" I sputter.

The old woman laughs. "Yes, Princessa."

Lola has been Sunya and I's part time nanny for years. She would come over almost every night to make sure we had everything we needed and that the house was taken care of, although these days she seems to only come around once a week or when we are at school, and I suddenly know why.

"My mother-" I start, but she jut shakes her head, a little sad and even angry.

"I've known since February, dear, but I told her nothing. It is not my place, especially considering she is mundane."

I grimace, but appreciate her not airing out my dirty laundry to the supernatural community by pointing out that she's never actually home. "Thank you. You're a witch?" I guess, feeling her magic.

"Yes. I will be taking a vow of residency for my coven, although I think a few of the young ones might see you later in order to offer their magic for other uses."

After that, Stilds went around collecting contact information and exercising his ability to speak for long periods of time without breathing and being a genuinely charming motherfucker like normal, finessing information about various supernaturals left and right. All of the non-pack members also get the first look at my framework of laws for managing the territory, the thick stacks of paper being handed off to everyone, many turning to discuss amongst themselves. Somehow, my bones ache from tiredness even as my entire body buzzes with energy. I ignore the way that my skin feels too tight as I help with the cleanup, politely making small talk with everyone seeking me out. Thankfully, it's over quickly and just as the pack is getting ready to enter our cars, having been the last to leave, the final supernatural makes its appearance, prowling out of the woods.

I curtsey, watching the man return it with a bow of his own since, just like the unicorns, this creature also deserves the respect even if I didn't actually have to give it. Like Ezra, this man was also dressed in an expensive looking suit. Dark-haired and sharp featured, he would have made a strong impression even if I couldn't feel the tremendous amount of magic just beneath his skin. I feel both Stiles and Derek come up behind me, but when they go to speak, I elbow them sharply.

"Did you find whatever you were looking for?" I ask curiously.

"Hmm, you'll do." He drawls, looking me up and down. "I'll be buying a house near the preserve. I offer my assistance protecting it, but I'm warning you now that there's a strong probability I'll just eat whatever is bothering me."

"No mundane or innocents, and you have to respect the other residents while following my rules."

He stares for a moment before a sharp smirk appears on his face. "Agreed."

He gave us his vow never once kneeling, but I never really expected a creature like him to. When it comes time to exchange gifts, he reaches into his Boogie ass pocket and pulls out a necklace with a giant blue/black gem. I sputter, feeling the weight in my hands.

"Are you serious?" His positively scathing look has me shutting my mouth and pinching my choking friends into silence again. "I hope you don't expect me to have something like this to give you in return."

He snorts. "Just a bit of blood, Child."

He snatches up my hand, slicing the palm open on suddenly sharp claws. As blood begins to well up, it rises, forming a jewel that rapidly turns from scarlet to a transparent silvery color. The man hums happily, the sound low and rumbling, and this time the rush of power sends me staggering into Derek, who easily catches me. The man who is, hysterically, named Draco, merely eyes me for a moment before turning on his heel and disappearing back into the shadows.

"What the fuck was that?" Stiles hisses, fingers carefully brushing my cheek.

"A dragon," I shrug, handing my newest bounty to a wheezing Derek. "Sorry guys, I'm at my limit. I need to sleep."

Like a switch being flipped, my best friends go from losing their damn minds to understanding and reassuring. "Sleep," Derek rumbles, cheek pressed to mine, and in between one moment and the next, I'm asleep.


Raat_Ki_Rani Raat_Ki_Rani

Anyone notice a particular Druid missing?

This is in fact, not a plot hole!

By the way, do we want a bad Deaton? Or an incompetent one? Or just nah.

next chapter
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