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87.5% The Saint and the Void / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Adapting

Capítulo 7: Chapter 7: Adapting

If someone had asked Guiche how well he considered his day was going 5 minutes ago, he would answer with a definite "excellent", after all, today he would have 2 dates with 2 different beauties.

First, he would spend some time with Montmorency and his beloved Verdandi while Katie made the dessert that she promised him, he really didn't know how long it would take the girl to finish a souffle, but it shouldn't be less than an hour, right?

That time was more than enough to flirt with Montmorency with all his heart's content, then he would excuse himself and meet the youngest student in the north wing of the dining room, it really seemed that this day would be a very good one.

And then everything had to be ruined, all by the intervention of a maid, the slaps he received had really hurt him, now he was upset, and although seeing the maid bow down and apologize repeatedly had calmed him down a bit, he thought that scaring her just a little it would serve as a lesson so that next time she would learn to read hints.

It was then when that redhead got in his way, appeared behind him stopping him and insinuating that he did not have enough courage to bear the consequences of his actions, did this guy not know that women were like flowers? Abundant and beautiful in an endless meadow that was this world, as a man it was his obligation to admire and woo all that he could for the beauty that they radiated to the world.

Then he called him immature, he would not sit idly by listening to these offenses against him, he quickly challenged the talker to a duel, after all a noble without pride never acce…

"A duel huh? Well, let's see how good you are then, noble"

He… he had accepted? Well, that didn't matter, then he only had to defeat him to regain his honor, shortly after, the two met in the Vestri garden and the smug refused to use magic, or even his sword! At that moment Guiche decided, he was going to send this smug on a medical break in bed for at least a month!

But when his Valkyrie ran towards his opponent the unthinkable happened, his golem, a construction made of solid bronze was pulverized with a single blow, was that even possible? Guiche knew that surely monsters like ogres or trolls would be capable because of their much stronger constitution, but a human? That was impossible, and yet it happened in front of him.

"Since you seem so upset about my state in this duel"

He said when he caught the sword of his construction and their eyes met, Guiche could clearly feel his confidence drop.

"Then I will face you with this, now, let's see who will be victorious, your wand or my sword"

Yes, today was definitely not his day.




[First Attack Immunity]

[Morning Blessing]

[Unarmed Mastery]

I had really decided to get into this, after all, this would be the test that tell me how well I would do in combat in this world, so I was sorry, but just a little, for Guiche, but until I'm satisfied, I was going to use his golems as my test dolls.

After taking the golem's sword, the messages rang in my head once again.

[Blessing of War God]

[Left Hand of God: Gandálfr]

Blessings overlap, effects stack.

I felt like definitely just heard something really important, but I decided to push it to the back of my thoughts for the moment and focus solely on the fight I was participating in.

The second step I took seemed to bring Guiche out of the trance he had been in and quickly moved his rose from one side to the other sending several petals flying, and like the first one, from each of them a living armor emerged, each one wielding a weapon, I counted a total of 9 Valkyries that began to run towards me, with the first attack I had checked my strength and reaction speed, now I would check my combat speed and swordplay.

Without my noticing a small smile had formed on my face.


When the golems approached Reese, he swung his sword against the 3 closest and then passed them by, when he was already in front of the next ones the first golems fell to the ground, each one divided in 3.

His sword then moved in front of him effectively blocking the 3 joined slashes from the next golems, taking advantage of that moment 3 more tried to hit him, one from his back, one from his right, and the last from the left.

Surely anyone else would have lost their calm in such a situation, however, Reese's expression showed no hint of alarm and his almost imperceptible smile did not waver at any time.

His body fell back like a puppet whose strings were cut and the Valkyries' attacks went through where he had been seconds before, hitting their partners and causing them to stumble, two of them fell while one only took a step back.

A single kick destroyed the Valkyrie that was on the redhead's right side, and as the last one, his weapon was taken by Reese as he passed through the now free place.

Now with a sword in each hand Reese was in front of 5 golems, they ran once more trying to reach him with their attacks, diagonal cuts, verticals, horizontals, lunges, all kinds of movements tried to connect with Reese, but he moved without hesitation, it was like a dance, a beautiful and graceful dance that left no opening.

Every blow aimed at Reese was blocked, deflected, or dodged without the slightest effort, even when Guiche summoned 5 more golems the situation did not seem to tilt in his favor.

At one point in the fight Reese pushed the Valkyries a few meters and for a few moments neither the young man nor the armors moved, closing his eyes, the redhead took a deep breath, and when he opened them again his smile that during the fight had been growing disappeared and his gaze became serene, he whispered something to himself and then looked directly at Guiche.

"This fight has shown me a lot and I have been able to answer most of the doubts I had, but it is time to end this, as a token of gratitude I will tell you an advice, if you have anything else you want to try I would suggest doing it now"

Finishing his statement, his right leg was stretched forward and supported a considerable part of his weight on the left, this leaned slightly, the sword that held in his right hand pointed to the front and the left took a reverse position aim towards the back of the redhead.

Everyone in the patio fell silent as they waited to see who made the first move, it wasn't until the Valkyries tried to advance that Reese responded in kind.

[Blessing of Wind]

[Wind Evasion]

Faster than human sight was capable of perceiving, the sound barrier was broken into thousands of pieces and a blink later the swordsman had moved between the armors, coming to be right in front of Guiche.

A second later the dolls finished to take their first step... and then, they fell to the ground totally destroyed.

"Well?" Reese asked standing in front of the mage.

"I-I give up". The blond replied with a clear tremor in his voice as his legs lost strength and he fell sitting on the grass.

The cry of surprise from the onlookers was immediate, a mage had just been defeated in front of his eyes using nothing but a sword, Guiche was just a student, that was true, but the ease with which Reese had mastered the entire duel made the students think that even if his opponent had been an experienced mage, the result would not have been different.

Reese, who was oblivious to everyone else's thoughts, gave a last sigh as if he had come to a conclusion and then left the swords he had to extend his hand to the blonde with a smile.

Guiche for his part looked at the limb with an expression between confused and somewhat fearful until Reese spoke. "That was a good fight, besides, you are not as bad of a person as you appear, right?"

"Eh? What do you mean?" Feeling like all the pressure in the environment has disappeared, Guiche took the redhead's hand and asked, still confused.

"The weapons your golems had, none of them were sharp" At Reese's declaration, Guiche's expression turned surprised.

"You... did you notice?!" He asked and then his eyes widened even more, as he had just made an even more shocking discovery. "Wait! So how is it possible that you could have cut my Valkyries? You were using those swords too!" He said more like a statement than a question.

Not a second passed when the whispers increased in volume and speed.

"Well, I have my tricks, If you know the movements you must make and use the correct technique, even an unsharpened sword can cut as well as a freshly sharpened one". Reese answered and after saying that, his cheerful expression disappeared and in his place, there was a serious one.

"Guiche, I'm not going to give you a shamefully moralistic talk about how you should always be a good person, that would be hypocritical of me, we are human, all of us, so we are full of defects, but the thing is to try to be a little better than we were before, from what I can see you have enough moral and conscience to understand what I am trying to say, so if you call yourself a man and a gentleman you will know what you have to do now". The redhead finished saying by patting the blonde on the shoulder and passing him by.

The crowd parted, letting Reese pass, they all followed the redhead with their eyes until he disappeared turning behind a tower.


"Try to be a little better than we were before, huh?" I said to myself as I kept looking at my hands, the thoughts that had been in my mind during the "fight" echoed in my head again.

'This is fun'

'I can kick his ass anytime I want'


I gulped and clenched my fist, if having Reinhard's abilities I felt hundreds of times stronger than I was before, when the runes were activated the euphoria rose to the stars, the golems movements were so slow that they almost seemed motionless, the force of their attacks felt like a weak breeze.

While I was moving the swords I felt... happy, as if I had been born for that purpose and wanted to dedicate my life to it, I had not felt this kind of emotion running through my entire body almost ten years ago.

I couldn't believe that even had considered the possibility of launching an energy blast just to show off and scare him away.

At that moment a saying that I learned by heart rang in my head "If you want to know how someone really is like, then give them power over others"

It seems that the words that I had said to Guiche were more for me than for him, I moved my head from one side to the other a couple of times and took deep breaths to calm myself completely, I was no longer that brat who used violence to feel superior, at that moment another voice echoed in my head, the voice of an older adult, the person that I most respected.

"I really don't think you're a bad boy, I think you just need someone to guide you to get the best of you"

When I remembered those words I smiled, you always knew what to say to make me feel better, right? Grandpa.

After that, my mind finally cleared completely and I was able to stop feeling the weight that until just now I felt on my shoulders.


My steps led me to the tower of the student rooms and finally to Louise's room, just when I was about to turn the knob I stopped and knocked on the door, I heard a small start and shortly after a female voice.

"Who is it?"

"Louise, it's Reese, can I come in?"

"W-wait a moment!" Was the scream that I received in response, well, it seems that I was able to dodge a mine there, who knows what I would have seen if I walked into a girl's room without warning.

"You can come in now"

Nodding to myself, I turned the knob to go inside and see Louise in her uniform, sitting at the table where we had chatted yesterday.

"Hey". I waved as I entered.

"You, where have you been". Although her tone was higher than what is normally used in a conversation, it did not become a scream nor did I feel that she was upset, in any case, the girl seemed more curious.

"Well, I had to clear my mind a bit, you know, digest the events, it's been a long time since anybody challenged me to a fight"

"I see". Louise answered so that later her expression became more serious. "I have many questions to ask you"

"I know, after what happened, it would be strange if you didn't, I promise to answer the best I can"

"How is it that you are so strong? I knew you were a swordsman and a knight, but what you did... shouldn't be possible"

I laughed a little. "Well, who can really say what is possible and what isn't?"

Certainly, I couldn't, not after getting isekai as a cheater character from a world that should be fictional in another world that should be fictional too.

"It's like I told Guiche, with the correct technique and enough practice, a swordsman can do things that would normally only be possible in fairy tales"

"But when you stepped on the ground"

"Well, I told you that I was a magic knight, remember?"

Louise's eyes widened. "That... was magic?"

"Hmm, it's kind of hard to explain". My hand moved to my chin and I tried to think of a good way to put it into words, I had heard more than once that even the "normal" people in Re: zero were considerably stronger than the people in Subaru's world and being who Reinhard was, it wasn't hard to imagine that his physical strength was miles away from characters that already stood out even in that world, such as Rem, Garfiel, Elsa or Willhem.

"We could say that in a certain way I am stronger than others due to magic, since I was born my strength has been higher than that of those around me, don't you know of someone here who presents a similar case?"

"What?! I had never heard of someone who could do something like that, only monsters like ogres, trolls, or similar could destroy golems made of solid metal only with their hands"

"Well then, wouldn't that serve as another proof that I came from another world?"

"Wait, so, that was true?!"

"Of course it was, why would I lie about something so important?"

"But you haven't shown any of those magical abilities you said you had"

"Well, the fact that my body being stronger than what is apparently possible here would count as a magical ability, right?" I replied with a teasing halftone.

"You... that's not verifiable at all". She said somewhat irritated.

I sighed when she said that, I knew she was right, but I didn't really know how to approach the subject of blessings and Reinhard's other powers. "But there's still a problem you know? Remember I told you that I need a weapon like a sword or a spear, even a dagger would be fine"

"But you had one when you fought Guiche, why you didn't use any of those abilities at that time"

"Well, there are several reasons, the first one was the one I said before the duel started, if I managed to beat Guiche with a sword then I could show that in one way or another a commoner with enough experience could do it too, remember that you also thought this was impossible during our discussion"

"But even if that's the case, I don't think you should have…"

"Let me ask you a question Louise, do you return the favors that people do you?" Interrupting her I saw how confusion filled her expression, but a few seconds later she recovered.

"As long as it is possible for me". She said seriously.

"Then there you have it, if you had been in my place and thanks to another person you would have got free accommodation and food without being asked for something in return, would you not favor that person if she suffers from an injustice?"

Louise looked at me directly for about 10 seconds until she sighed with resignation. "Fine, I understand your point, I will not touch the subject anymore"

"Thank you, and for what it's worth, I'm sorry if my actions caused you problems with a classmate, I promise that from now on I won't accept duels in such a careless way"

"Well, I don't think that promise is of much use actually"

"Eh? What do you mean by that?"

"It isn´t obvious? I really doubt that there is a single student in the entire academy who wants to challenge you to a duel after what you demonstrated, the news here run fast, I'm sure that by tomorrow there will be absolutely no one in the academy who does not know what you did today"

"I'm... sorry?"

"The apology is not much use if you give it to me as a question". Louise replied with a blank expression. "But it doesn't matter, was Guiche who asked for the duel, and seeing it from another point of view, maybe that was good in the end, at least with this shown that I have a considerably strong familiar, and in the way things are going that would really help me at this point". She ended with a rather low tone and a little depressed.

"What do you mean?"

Apparently, she did not expect me to hear the last part, because my words seemed to surprise her as she was visibly startled and then spoke in a hasty way. "It's nothing, it's just that having someone strong by my side will make me look better, you know?"

Maybe it was because I wasn't close to her, maybe it was because I didn't want to pressure her, maybe it was because I still had a lot of things on my own plate, but, even though I knew she was hiding something from me, I decided I didn't want to intrude, so I changed the subject. "Speaking of something else, when are you planning to talk to the director about finding a place where I can stay? Because I would like to be present if it possible"

"Ah, it's true! We can go right now, after all, classes won't resume until tomorrow". Louise answered hurriedly and then got up from her seat and walked to her door with me behind her.

Our walk took about 10 minutes in which neither of us said anything, when we entered another tower I could see a woman sitting in front of a desk, her hair was green and it was held in a short ponytail, she was wearing glasses and seemed to be reading some sheets that were holding close to her face, when she noticed us she leave the papers and got up from her seat.

"Good morning Miss Valliere". She greeted giving a slight bow to then look at me." Good morning". She said again with a respectful tone.

"Good morning Miss Longeville". Louise answered back while for my part I bowed slightly and gave my regards.

"It's a bit sudden, but is the director there? I have to talk to him about an important matter"

"At this moment he is talking with Colbert-sensei in his office, please wait a moment, and when he finishes you can talk to him". The woman replied with a smile as she sat down again.

Fouquet, if I remember correctly that was the nickname that this woman had been given, a thief who was going to steal a rocket launcher in this school, a user of earth magic who fought creating giant golems.

And if I was not wrong she had already given Reid a total of 3 quick glances in the time we'd been in the same room, God, she wasn't thinking of trying to steal it from me, was she? I mean, it sounds a bit ridiculous trying to steal the Dragon Sword from a Sword Saint, but I didn't want to take any risks anyway, the last thing I need is to trust myself too much and then wake up one day and see that the strongest weapon I have at my disposal disappeared.

At that moment the door next to the woman's desk opened and the same man who was in the garden when I was summoned came out, he didn't take long to notice me and Louise and I could notice a slight surprise in his expression.

"Miss Valliere, young Reese, what are you doing here?" He asked with genuine doubt.

"We're here to talk to the director about Reese" Louise answered before I added.

"After the shock during my summoning yesterday we didn't have time to find a suitable place where I could spend the night, but I was lucky and found a free bed, so we came today to speak with the director and see if we could solve this problem"

"I see". Replied the man putting a hand on his chin. "If you don't mind, would you allow me to accompany you to your meeting? As the teacher in charge of the summoning rituals, I can testify to the peculiarity of the situation and answer any questions the director could have"

Louise seemed in doubt for a moment and then she looked at me, I understood that she wanted my opinion so after a few seconds I nodded to her.

"No problem Colbert-sensei". Louise said and then the 3 of us entered the director´s office.

"Eh? Did you forget something professor Colbert?" Asked a man with long white hair and beard, his gaze went to us right after his question, lingering a little longer on me and squinting for just a blink before returning to normal.

"Miss Valliere, what brings you here? You didn't damage any walls or furniture with your explosions again, did you?" He asked with a joking tone.

Louise for her part seemed embarrassed and said. "T-that's not like that, I came for something else"

"Actually". Professor Colbert said as he took a step forward. "Miss Valliere and her companion come to discuss a situation that arose due to her summon"

"Ah, so I suppose you must be the young knight, right?" The old man said with a nod and then looked at me.

"So you have already heard about me". I answered.

"You don't seem surprised by that"

"Well, the academy staff and Louise took it upon themselves to make it clear to me that news spreads quite quickly here"

"Certainly, even I heard how the teachers commented on how surprised they were by the development of events". He spoke as he got up from his desk and walked slowly towards me.

"After all, a human invocation is something that had not been seen before, although if the invocation had been a commoner, the thing would not have passed beyond a strange experience, but a noble summoning another? And the summoned noble agreeing to be bound by a master-familiar contract? That would definitely cause more than a pair of raised eyebrows". He finished when he stood a meter in front of me.

I honestly did not understand the purpose of the older man's words, at least not in their entirety, I knew that this was somehow a way to test me, after all, he had made a very valid point, based on the belief that I was a noble, the fact that I agreed to be Louise's familiar would be very rare.

Most likely an equivalent would be that of a rich person working as a butler for another rich person, there should be no reason for someone to accept such a circumstance, and yet here I was, a "noble" in the service of another.

But one way or another I felt that there was something else, was it because of Gandalfr? I remember that he knew Saito was, so it was most likely the same with me, but even knowing that, I didn't understand what he wanted to get to with this.

"Well, it's not like refusing would have led to a better result, right? Based on my experience so far I can say that the experience of being a familiar is not particularly difficult or unpleasant"

"I see, anyway, it is my duty as a director to welcome you to the Tristain Magic Academy, welcome young Van Astrea, I am director Osmon and I am sorry that we can´t present ourselves on the same day that you was summoned". He said with his hand stretched out to me.

"It is a pleasure, director Osmon, you already know, but my name is Reese Van Astrea, and there is no problem, as you said yourself, the situation was something completely out of the ordinary, it would have been strange if you knew how to handle the situation perfectly". I replied shaking hands with the director of the academy.

The older man then gave a light laugh. "With that out of the way, I would like to know what brings you all to my office". He asked as he looked at professor Colbert.

"Well, as you said, no one expected that the summon bring a human, and because of that young Reese has suffered from certain shortcomings in his short stay at the academy, so both he and Miss Valliere are here to ask for things such as a place where he can sleep and the daily food ration that a student normally receives, as a teacher in charge of the summon ritual I can assure you that the whole process was carried out normally, so although there is no doubt that the young Reese is the familiar of Miss Valliere, he also still a noble"

"I understand the situation, but first of all could you please show me your runes?" The older man asked me.

I had no problem showing them, so I removed the glove that covered my left hand and showed the engravings.

"Umm". The man muttered something that I couldn't understand as he looked at the letters and then nodded. "They are certainly quite peculiar runes, I don't remember ever seeing some similar ones, but there is no doubt that they are genuine"

"So is it possible to get a room for Reese?" Louise intervened.

"Unfortunately, we have a couple of problems". replied the director with an apologetic tone.

"Although providing the basic services that we give to all the students is not something we would refuse, the male dormitory tower is currently full, and although there are a couple of free rooms in the tower for female students, there could be problems if young Reese's room is set up next to a female student, also I suppose that as a mage and familiar you would surely like to be as close as possible, so I would suggest that you both share Miss Valliere's room, the school would have no problem providing a bed, so there should be no problem, right?"

I understood the director's point, I really did, after all, if I had a room next to a girl it could make her uncomfortable in some way, also that even if the academy accepted that I stay, I was, saying it simply and shortly, the responsibility and problem of Louise and her family now, so leaving me with her was the smartest way to spare the school any trouble, but, live in the same room?

I had never shared a room with someone, much less a girl I had "met" not more than a couple of days ago, after all, my room was my private place, and if Louise's gaze expressed something, she seemed to think in the same way, but after a few seconds of thought, she seemed to come to some kind of resolution and looked at the director.

"If we do things that way we would avoid any problems, right?"

The old man nodded while placing a pipe in his mouth. "Yes, things would be much easier to handle this way"

"Fine, then I have no problem with Reese staying with me in my room"

"Perfect, then I'll see to it that a new bed will be prepared so there won't be any problems"

Although I was somewhat dissatisfied with the idea, I decided not to say anything, after all, I also understood the reason for all this, besides that Louise also seemed to have her reasons, so after thanking the old man for his time Louise and I left the room leaving Professor Colbert in the office.


"I see what you meant when you said he was somewhat disconcerting". Said the older man taking a puff of smoke from his pipe.

"So you felt it too?" Asked the teacher getting a nod in response.

"I could notice some doubt and bewilderment in the boy, although it is very little, and he seems good at hiding it, I can say that although he doesn't said it, he has not fully accepted his position as a familiar, is like he knows the situation he's in, but he's still trying his best to adapt, and yet he's much calmer than one might expect"

"He… do you think he knows about his status as Gandalfr?

"It is a possibility, as you said yourself, he was not really shocked at the time of being summoned, and that by itself is something to take into account, for now, it is best to simply observe him and hope that he does not attract the attention of anyone important, I don't want to imagine what one of the idiots of the royal court could do if they found out that the legendary familiar has reappeared". He commented with a somewhat irritated tone.

Colbert for his part understood well what the director was referring to, after all, although the country was in a "stable" state, it was not impossible for someone to take advantage of the new appearance of Gandalfr to try to put him on his side and gain more influence.

"It could destabilize the country if someone assumes that Miss Valliere has a lineage with greater closeness to the founder, and although the princess is well qualified to do her duty and has enough support, I think she could still need more experience to be able to deal with a problem like that if she doesn't want someone to take advantage of the situation". The teacher completed, earning a nod from the older man.


Our walk back to Louise's room was mostly silent, for my part I found myself thinking about what I would do now, if I remembered correctly Saito had been left unconscious for a couple of days after his fight with Guiche, and then he went with Louise to get his talking sword, Derfflinger, this might be a good opportunity, after all, I remember that the sword seemed to know more about Gandalfr and the Void magic than he said, I might get some valuable information if I ask him.

Also, was a talking sword! Who would refuse to have a talking weapon, and even though I had Reid, it's not like I could draw it every time, it would be nice to have a weapon that I could use normally.

With that decided I looked at Louise. "Are you sure letting me be in the same room as you was the best?"

She was silent for a couple of seconds with a thoughtful expression and then replied. "Yes, seeing how things were I think it was for the best"

"Although I can´t change something at this point, I think that as a last resort I could have proposed staying in a room for the school staff, just remember that you do not need to take the short side of things just to show that you can carry everything, anyone who does that is bound to end up being stressed out and making bad decisions". I finished as I stopped and turned to go the other way.

"Where are you going?" The girl asked when she noticed that I was no longer walking beside her.

"Well, after asking, I found out that the bathrooms would be open after breakfast, so I decided to take a bath, after all, I even did some exercise because of the duel with Guiche, don't worry, after that I'll catch up you in your room"

"Okay". She answered with a sigh as she turned around and resumed her walk, apparently this was good for her too, after all, she seemed to have some things to think about.

It took me about 15 minutes to get to the restrooms for the students and that was only because after parting ways with Louise I realized I didn't know where they are, so after wandering for 10 minutes I gave up and asked a group of students that I ran into.

Once there I ran into a new problem, where should I leave Reid?

With the presence of a thief in the academy, leaving it out of my sight was not in my plans, so in the end, I decided to enter with it, I knew that it was a legendary sword, so a little steam and hot water would do nothing to her, but not being able to part with it at any point was a bit annoying.

I wonder how Reinhard dealt with this, I knew that he was enormously known not only in Lugunica, but also in places like Kararagi, Gusteko and Vollachia, so anyone who valued his life would surely not try to steal the sword from him, and even if there was someone there enough suicidal enough to try, the guy lived in a mansion that was surely guarded by many guards 24/7.

But I had neither of those benefits, so for the moment, I had no choice but to keep a close eye on Reid.


I had to admit that my shower probably lasted longer than it should have, and that was something if I said so myself, after all, when I was at home I really liked taking long hot baths, it felt relaxing, either with hot water pouring down on me or reclining in a tub filled, in silence or with music forgetting about any problems that I may have.

But there were very few times that I exceeded 60 minutes, just lying down and staring at the ceiling.

I decided it was time to go back to Louise's room, at this point director Osmond should have sent my bed already, so I might as well try to organize everything with Louise to avoid any problems.

When I came out of the bathroom I noticed that the sky had already turned orange, it seemed that there was not much left for this day to come to an end, a lot of things had happened today so I felt a little mentally fatigued.

I walked through the corridors that were next to the gardens in silence when a voice caught my attention, it was a male voice that I had heard before, trying not to make any sound, I approached the corner and when I looked out I saw something that I really did not expect.

The black and blonde hair were face to face, Guiche spoke while Siesta was only silent.

"That's why... that guy... Reese, he was right, and even if I still think he's a bit smug, I'm really sorry for what I did". He said the last part with a clear effort as he bowed very slightly.

Everything was silent for a few seconds until Siesta's voice rang out, and although she seemed calm on the surface, deep down in her tone I could tell that she was nervous.

"I understand it, it's like Reese-sama said, I think that admitting that one is in a mistake and wanting to remedy it already makes him a better person than he was before"

"Then..." Guiche said as he seemed happier.

"I accept your apologies, Gramont-sama". replied the maid, smiling sincerely.

"Thank you, and if you see that guy, please tell him I want to talk to him, it bothers me a bit, but somehow I feel like I owe him an apology too, and I also want to ask him something". Guiche finished as he turned around and walking away.

I didn't know when it started, but somehow I found myself smiling, after all, if even Guiche accepted that he was wrong and seemed to want to change for the better, then I had no excuse for not doing it too.

next chapter
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