The room was in complete chaos as people moved from left and right while instructions floated in the air. Computers, telephone lines, and machines beeped, clicked, and rang in the three sections of the room as everyone worked to make their case.
Papers, pictures, maps, and layouts had scattered on the large table as people discussed the possible plans.
"If he is involved, why can't we find dirt on him?" The man in charge of the case asked him. The older man started picking papers, only to throw them back on the desk.
On the other hand, he remained calm and silently sat on a chair on the other side of the desk. He did not want to say anything until his boss finished his ranting.
"All of this is fucking useless if we can't find anything that links him to all these crimes." The Captain added, looking frustrated as he ran his fingers through his thin hair.
Thanks for supporting my story. I truly appreciate it. However, I like to warn you not to buy my privilege unless you just wish to help me.
I think it will be unfair to all of you if you purchase something I can't deliver. I just can not promise a daily update for next month.
I am still taking care of my family. I think I will need another month for it. But things are looking positive, so hopefully, things will get better.
But I will try to get back to writing as often as possible. I guess that is all I can promise right now. I hope you will be patient and understand my situation.