"Hey, boss." Jacky interrupted her busy morning by popping her head on her office door. "You are being summoned upstairs." She said, with the absence of the usual spirit in her voice.
It was no surprise that she lacked the energy and enthusiasm this early morning. They did arrive late last night from their weekend getaway. Then, she woke up early for work.
She was about to head back out to her desk when Dani stopped her by calling her back. "Jacky, what is wrong?"
She sensed something was off with her friend. She might have an idea. But still, it was better to ask rather than make assumptions.
"Nothing. I am just still groggy from the trip and a bit sleepy." Jacky made her excuses. But she could see from her friend's eyes that she was not buying it.
She stood in the middle of the room, contemplating whether she should tell her friend or just deny anything was wrong with her. But was it even a problem that she should even discuss?
I wish to ask for a small help from my readers who had been supporting my stories.
I have a new book.
The Dark Prince and The Runaway Heiress
I hope you will add it to your library and take a look... Just check if it is good enough for me to continue it.
Thanks again...