"Oh, you naughty girl. Who are you? What did you do to my friend?" Jacky shrieked out when she heard the story of what happened during dinner. But her face sported an expression that she agreed a hundred percent to what just transpired.
She was sitting on the couch in their living room with her face buried in a throw pillow. Unable to comprehend what she just did.
"Stop it. I think I made a mistake. I did not know what I was thinking when I grabbed Alex and pretended that we were on a date in front of Tyra Richards." She removed the pillow from her face and looked at her friend, hoping that she had some answers to her predicament.
She could still remember the way Tyra's face dropped, shocked by what she just witnessed. Looking from Alex to Dani and then to their arms entwined. Her face was devoid of color as she waited for Alex to deny it.
I wish to ask for a small help from my readers who had been supporting my stories.
I have a new book.
The Dark Prince and The Runaway Heiress
I hope you will add it to your library and take a look... Just check if it is good enough for me to continue it.
Thanks again...