I woke up staring at a dark white ceiling. What happened. That's right, yesterday I was running something hit me on the back of my neck. I thought I died! I tried to get up, as soon as I did every single muscle in my body protested against me. I'll correct myself, I wish I were dead, what the fuck, why does it hurt so much It's probably the aftereffects of all the injuries that Chad and his crew had on me. Wait, won't the hospital find the injuries when they examined me, darn it and I thought that I would be able to hide it. They were seniors at high schools, so I only needed to hold out for two more months. Uggghhh, Well what's done is done. I wonder what time it is. I tried to look for anything that may show the time. Wait, what is this sensation? it feels like the air is different or something, not sure. Whatever, I'll leave tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's me. Well, then I guess it's time to take a nap.
I wake up again by the sound of nurses going up and down the corridor. When I open my eyes the first thing I see is a blonde girl with white skin, wait that's Tara. Oh crap, that means that uncle John and aunt Geimy are here, or know of this as well. Ugghhh yesterday sucked so much. It looks like she noticed that I was awake.
"You alive?"(Tara)
"For now."(Luis)
"All you did was go out for a jog, how do you end up in the hospital from that?!"(Tara)
"Well you know, I was running, and next thing you know, I wasn't running anymore."(Luis)
"How though, you didn't really look exhausted and there wasn't a single injury on you."(Tara)
"Well, I..... wait, not a single injury?"(Luis)
Then what the hell was that searing pain last night. I thought I was injured all over or some shit. Let me check my body. I take a peek at under my shirt by lifting at many places as well as my legs. What the hell there's nothing? Wait then what...
"Why, did you just check your body as if you were looking for something? (Tara)
As I was thinking about what to say some barged into the room.
"What are you doing here?"(???)
That person was my uncle Smith, He is 43 years old. Roughly 173 cm, Blonde hair and blue eyes. I guess you could say this is where Tara got her looks from. He's somewhat slim and, in personal opinion, is somewhat intimidating. But that's probably just my personal opinion. I didn't have an answer for him.
"Hello Dad."(Tara)
"Hi Tara, so what happened to him?"(Uncle Smith)
"Let me explain that"(???)
"Oh hello, Doctor, what is the problem?"(Uncle Smith)
"It seems to be overwork. His body was over stressed. So he passed out in the street." He then turned to look at me. "Is there anything stressing you lately?"
"Well even if you ask me, I'm not sure myself."(Luis)
"Is that so? Well then make sure to rest. Mr. Smith could you accompany me to fill out some paperwork so he can get discharged"(Doctor)
"Sure, come on Tara."(Uncle Smith)
She looked at me and after being sure of something, not sure what exactly, gave a nod and left with uncle Smith.
After a while, they both came to pick me up and we left the room. The car ride home was quiet, I guess the air was too tense for even Tara to make any comments. Anyways I know what will happen anyways.
We arrived home somewhat late. And my Uncle told me to go to his room and wait for him. So I want to his room. I entered his room which had one big bed, a T.V., and two closets. He has a photo of him and his family on a trip that they went over the spring break. He seems to have enjoyed himself with his wife and children. I guess you could say that he loved his family unless that certain family member happens to... The door opened and I see my uncle coming in and closing the door behind him looking extremely furious.
"Luis C. Rubio, do you have any idea how much the hospital bill going to be!?"
As soon as he finished that sentence I slapped across the face. The searing pain penetrates my cheek, however, I make sure not to waver and look back at him. Straight to the point huh, no sugarcoating as always. Well, let's see what he has to say.
"Both your aunt and I go to work every single day, just so someone like you can have the necessary things they need." He hits me again, however this time in the chest. All the air I had left my chest and I could barely breathe. I guess he realized he can't make it too noticeable, huh." Someone who was given was just given to us out of nowhere last year and we have no obligation to take care of." The chest again huh, you aren't too original, are you? However, I guess an attack doesn't have to be original to be effective. "Do you have any idea how worried you made us?! Do you have anything to say?!"
Worried huh, worried about what exactly.
"I know how worried you were, I mean what would happen to the insurance money that my mom and dad left if something happened to me? It might put you on a bit more of a tough---"(Luis) Before I could finish he punched my stomach again. I couldn't take the blows anymore so I bent over. At that point, I was hit on my back and I fell down.
After that I don't remember much of what happened, I only remember my uncle shouting things at me very angrily and hitting me every time he finished a sentence until time to go to work came. I just laid there for a while trying to get back my strength.
I stood up, after a while. I'm not sure how much time had passed since uncle left. But I was too tired to think. I walked into my bedroom/ living room. This air, it feels somewhat familiar. The thing I felt at the hospital. As I'm thinking this I arrive at the living room Which was basically where I slept, on the sofa. The apartment had two small living rooms. one when you entered the house and one in the back, hat's the one I sleep on. So I headed there when I noticed someone waiting there.
"You okay?"
I keep on walking, ignoring what she just said. I really didn't feel like answering.
"You okay?"
She probably thinks I didn't hear her the first time. I don't feel like answering but I'll probably not get out of this loop if I don't. So I answered.
"You don't have to repeat yourself, I was ignoring you the first time."
"Well if you can talk back like that, then you're probably okay."
As she said that I felt a small pain on my left leg and stumbled.
"Looks like okay may be used to describe only your metal state huh." she said as she got up and helped me to the sofa."You know it's okay to cry from time to time if something like this happens, you don't have to hold it in."
"...Would you know what to do if I broke down and cried?"
"...Probably not"
"Then, in that case, I won't, anyways I'm tired, so I will be sleeping."
"Well, in that case. Good night" she said as she stood up.
"Yeah, good night." I said, "*mumble* Thank you for worrying *mumble*"
"What was that?"
"I said you should "stop you prying'"
"Okay then," she said with a knowing face. She then went and closed the door as she left.
After that, I couldn't think of anything so I just fell asleep straight after.
I woke up the next day and started my daily morning routine. Surprised I still feel like jogging after yesterday, but I guess I like excising a bit. I got into the shower buy as I took off my clothes I noticed something. WTH?! Where did all the bruises go? I didn't see them yesterday, but it was a pretty good beating. What if maybe I have super healing powers!!! Maybe I should calm down for now. I've been watching too much anime. I get off the shower and started cooking breakfast. The familiar alarms sounded on the background. And as always the first one to get up is Trevor. He looked at me, however, he seems to understand something and just quietly got into the shower. Tara woke up after him. She walked over and sat behind me in silence. Oy oy oy oy, say something, where did the usual morning airhead go?
"Okay? By the way, the weather app said that it would rain today so make sure that you bring an umbrella just in case, okay?"
There was more silence before I tried to come up with a new topic to talk about Trevor came out of the shower. This is the first time I am happy to actually see you, Trevor.
"The bathroom is open, get in quick."(Trevor)
"Alright," said Tara as she stood up and left for the bathroom.
I finished cooking after a while and started eating. Trevor, of course, grabbed his meal without a care for me and started eating. Well, that's fine in its own way better than having someone worrying pointlessly over something happening over and over again. Not that I'm not thankful that she worries about me but she will never know. Wait, am I Tsundere? Hold up a... as I was thinking that Tara walked over to get her breakfast.
"Thanks for the food"
"No problem, anyway it's about time I left to catch the train," I said as I stood up.
"Why are you leaving so early?"(Tara)
"I wanted to go ask my teachers if I missed anything important early."(Luis)
"And I want to get out of here before we get another tense aura" of course I didn't say that but it's how I actually feel.
<I wonder if there's anything I can do to help Luis. Even if he jokes around he always feels so monotone and is always wearing a poker face. It almost feels like I'm not the older one>(Tara)
I left Tara and as always took the train to school. Well now I'm at school somewhat early, what do I do? Guess I'll head to the library and read some books until my school starts to kill some time. And like that school starts and goes and not a single interaction.
Well, I guess that's fine. Being transferred in during the beginning of 8th grade was already harsh. I'm not much of the outgoing type and by 8th grade, everybody already has their close group of friends sooo... Oh well. I leave school and take the train back home. I would stay at the library but It's gonna rain and I don't feel like it today.
I just want to go home, take a small jog and watch anime after a quick shower. As I'm thinking this I arrive at my station, I get off and start walking back home. I arrive home and change quickly into my some shorts and shirts and I head back out. I went out for a jog, well, I'll be avoiding yesterday's route for obvious reasons.
Which reminds me this morning, what was that all about. As I start thinking that a sudden downpour came about. Oh great, well I'll just head home now. I tried speeding up to get out of the rain quicker. But as soon as I did I slipped and fell. Shit, that hurt my hand and knees. Looks like yesterday and the day before yesterday's bad day carried over to today huh. Looks like I got some scabs and I'm bleeding, well great I'll just head home then.
After 5 minutes I arrived back home. First things, first let's get dry and let's disinfect this would. I dried myself off and wiped off the blood on my hands and feet. Wait, what? there is no injury. Maybe I wasn't going crazy. Wait if I am healing at an abnormal rate, is there a way to prove it. Mhhhhh, dammit have to hurt or cut me to know. And I can't be sure whether a bruise is actually healing or I'm just getting some sort of placebo so I have to cut myself. Let's look at the time 3:30, I got 20 minutes or so till anybody arrives, this will be quick anyway.
Oh well, I've got nothing to lose. I head to the kitchen and grab a knife, now the bigger question, where do I cut myself? Common sense demands the wrist but, what if I don't heal? But where else would I do it? Should I google it? I put the knife down and reached for my phone. Wait, I can't google that. Let's see if I don't want it to be noticeable, legs? But then running would be uncomfortable for a while if it doesn't work. Body? too risky, head?
That defeats the purpose since I want it to be less noticeable. I guess the wrist will have to do. Looks like the people who thought up cutting there wrist knew what they were doing. I hesitantly cut my self a bit in the wrist, and before my eyes, it healed a bit.
Wait it did, what if I cut a bit more? I cut myself again, however this time the cut was bigger, and sure enough it began to heal, However, it was slower than before. What happens if I focus on the injury and think of healing? It healed fates than before. Is there, a limit to this a make the biggest cut to my wrist yet, however as soon as I did I heard the door and Tara came in a hurry because of the rain. She looked at me, and then saw what I was doing. Wait, doesn't this look a lot like.
For those of you who wonder why I don't describe food thoroughly, there's a perfectly logical reason for that. I'm always hungry :(. Just by mentioning food makes me want to take a snack so if I overdo it. I might just end up taking one too many snacks and getting fat. Anyways that's why, If it bothers you the. It's not my problem this is my Light novel go to someone else for good food description not me. It also messes with the word count so I might end up making the chapters shorter