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39.16% THE MULTIVERSE: GAMER PATH / Chapter 94: Chapter 94: Warlock of Sin Vs. King of Heroes

Capítulo 94: Chapter 94: Warlock of Sin Vs. King of Heroes

Chapter 94: Warlock of Sin Vs. King of Heroes

~Third POV~





The battle began with Archer shooting his treasures down on Mash's location. However, when he heard of his Authority, he vanished from sight seeing his barrage of projectiles dealt no damage missing his foe.

In those few precious seconds, Gilgamesh quickly analyzed what Authorities that mongrel possesses to his knowledge. Authority is a classification of special abilities possessed by Divine Spirits and the agents of the World like True Ancestors and Great Mother/Father class Fairies.

Authorities are an ability of category unique from Codecasts, Skills, and Noble Phantasms. They are on the level of creating a World, including event shifting, time-flow manipulation, and kingdom-building. While normal Skills 'achieve a certain result based on some logical process or principle,' Authorities 'realize a result simply because the user has the right to do so.'


Instantly Archer was suddenly hit in the face with Mash reappearing in front of his vision with his hands coated with [Unseen Hands] masking like gauntlets for him to attack. Delivering a vicious right strike straight to the face.

Archer was not expecting it to hurt him. And hurt it did as the force was such that Archer's form was launched flying out of the Tohsaka manor into the forest. Mash soon gave a chase as the battle was on.


[Tohsaka Manor]


The sounds of glass shattering could be heard from Tokiomi's room eyes in shock. The sound of him dropping his glass of wine returned him to reality.

Returning his mind, he processed what just occurred to his precious plan. His plan was a setup using Kirei Assassin to make a false impression Assassin was dead and anyone coming to his Villa would be dead in front of Archer's overwhelming strength.

That overwhelming strength that someone had struck Archer. Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes and the most powerful Servant of all, failed to draw first blood in battle seeing small drips of blood not from Mash but from his Servant.

It was simply impossible to comprehend, and yet it happened right in front of his eyes. He tried to rationalize when his memory fell into place clenching his fist and gritting his teeth that the years and preparation of his plans failed right at the start, "My years of planning are being jeopardized by the Master of Caster antics?! And not only that but him a Divine Spirit in mortal flesh?!!"


Slamming his foot on the ground regaining his composure as he cleaned himself viewing the battle south away from Fuyuki City only praying that Archer could eliminate the threat that presented itself.

And he wasn't the only one who was shocked by the sudden turn of events. But it provided valuable information revealing Tokiomi's Servant identity sending their familiars to observe the ongoing battle from a distance.

Unaware Medea grinned wickedly slowly approaching Tokiomi wielding her Noble Phantasm [Rule Breaker] and an item she crafted that allows one to absorb memories from a target in the form of a dagger easily bypassing his [Bounded Field].

Medea donned a robe that is undetectable as she claims her goal with all eyes on Mash and Gilgamesh fighting. After all… all's fair in love and war.


[Fuyuki City, South Forest]


The force of Mash's attack was akin to a missile strike to the face with the sound of the impact of Archer managing to stop his descent with his Noble Phantasm armor that made him fly in the air.

Archer soon rubbed his face noticing a flinch. Sporting a visible bruise on the right cheek and a trail of blood from his mouth he only grinned. He expected much of the Divine Spirit donned in flesh with his [Divinity] being B Rank managing to harm him with his Authority he hasn't seen before viewing his essence coating his arm.

Gilgamesh despite feeling excitement soon turned into anger. Despite the chance to fully find quality entertainment, he wouldn't let the fact he has been hit pass. He'll make sure to return the favor.

After all his pride as King wouldn't allow such a disrespect from his guest outside his domain. For the world, no the universe is his treasure. He wouldn't allow any disrespect to tarnish his treasures.


Returning immediately Gilgamesh eyes glinted in anger as he summoned a jewel to heal his bruise in righteous anger, "You strike the King's visage, Mongrel?! Perish at once!!"

True to his word he summoned portals activating his [Gates of Babylon] with both combatants landed in the deep forest south of Fuyuki City continuing to engage in battle showing their strengths.




Archer didn't waste time to manifest multiple portals easily surpassing 100 which he used to launch various weapons in automated fire against Mash. Witnessing the King of Heroes Might and feeling the sheer intensity of Mana his producing felt a shiver of fear and awe fighting Archer.

He grinned wider seeing Archer wasn't pulling any punches. Showing the same respect Mash spoke his next Authority catching Archer's attention eyes narrowing, "Authority of Greed, [Lion's Pride]."




Gilgamesh eyes narrowed as all his weapons attacked Mash seemingly in open arms witnessing the destruction of his power. But he wasn't a fool as he remained cautious knowing the Age of Gods they weren't opponents he couldn't handle with ease so he showed the same against Mash using powers from the Age of Gods.

Yet his eyes soon landed on Mash stopping his assault and remaining effectively unharmed by his attack with him swiping his arm down towards him. Then the unimaginable happen to Archer…



He gazed at where his arm was severed completely when he realized something was off and trusted his skill to swiftly avoid the incoming attack. Or rather saw the essence of his Authority react making him move.

Rather than be angry he summoned a vase of water pouring it on his arm that was severed as he grabbed the other placing himself together. He was soon fine but pondered out loud Mash's Authorities noticing he hadn't continued attacking out of curiosity's sake, "You have the power to end me yet don't use it after severing my arm… or is it perhaps you have a time limit unleashing these Authorities of Greed Mongrel?"

Seeing his expression was all Gilgamesh's question answered everything. He grinned viewing Mash as someone at the same level of destructive force as him.

Gilgamesh does not display power as an 'individual' soldier, but rather as a 'war' that even the strongest soldier could not overcome by himself. Only those who are a 'war' themselves will be able to compete against him.


Suddenly both smiled which somehow brought chills between the Masters using their familiars to see the event. Till Gilgamesh released his Magical Energy with Mash responding with narrowed eyes, "Authority of Pride, [Power of Darkness]!"

Hundreds of spatial circles appeared behind Gilgamesh and an equal number appeared from the shadows of Mash's Authority of Pride, [Power of Darkness]. The Darkness constructs began to take form into various weapons of condensed darkness catching Archer's expression with a raised brow seeing another Authority in play viewing his essence. One relating to darkness Archer thought to be amusedly facing such entertainment in front of him.







He responded summoning his portals unleashing a barrage of weapons. Mash responded in kind as hundreds of Noble Phantasms were colliding on the ground and air, each explosion made the air vibrate and the mana flicker, however, this didn't end as more and more weapons appeared and everything was razed to the ground around.

What soon was left was only the blanket of darkness clashing against Archer's radiant might of his [Gate of Babylon]. The Masters were sweating when looking at the fight against light and darkness.

These weapons were much deadlier than the ones Archer used prior against Mash as he retaliated unleashing his darkness from his Authority of Pride, [Power of Darkness] defending him from the barrage of projectiles Archer produced and returning the favor.

Clanking of metal could be heard as the darkness moved to defend Mash with Gilgamesh being put on the offensive. Mash frowned seeing the current dilemma he was facing against the King of Heroes casually being entertained with his struggles.

Now Mash saw the difference between himself and the strongest Servant Killer in this Holy Grail war. A reason why Archer was to be feared because of his overwhelming might with Mash sighing out loud.

His eyes saw the [Beyond Sin Mode] to counter Archer... but shook his head refusing glaring intently against Gilgamesh in a determined tone, 'No... I won't use that unless I have to... I would rather fight as a human than that form...'

Through gritted teeth and a glint of resolve in his eyes he soon unleashed his Authority of Sloth, [Unseen Hands] summoning ALL 2000 of them from his body. Each one was compared to the power of a missile bringing forth its full might.

*SWOOOSH*x 2000

Despite them being unseen Gilgamesh with [Divinity] can perceive the essence of his Authority to briefly summon THOUSANDS of portals to combat the numerous incoming [Unseen Hands] quite easily much to Mash shock.

However, he soon frowns voicing his next action catching Mash's attention, "So be it Mash Bastion."

When he heard his name being fully called a chill ran up his spine when Gilgamesh stopped playing around. Despite meeting him once he just knew when he mentioned his full name a sense of fear and despair washed over him.

In the brief confrontation, Archer assessing the situation noticed his A-Rank Noble Phantasm did not seem to faze Mash clearing seeing he defended well against them with his Authorities which led him to this thought in a casual tone, 'So no damage I do to him can harm him huh? Who decided that.'

To resolve this small issue Archer started using the big guns of his Parameter Skills Rank… EX-Rank Noble Phantasms. He produced one sword in his hand a sword unlike any other with the tip of the sword that spun in a spiral shape, are dull. It has the shape of a cylindrical, drill-shaped pillar made up of 3 independently rotating segments engraved with crimson cuneiform lettering that spin slowly in an alternating direction.

But to Mash, his eyes widen and paled realizing he may be out of his class voicing in a panicked tone seeing the intensity of the Mana being surrounded by Ea, "Oh shit… that's Ea the Enuma Elish isn't…"

Gilgamesh merely smiled seeing that despite Mash from another world from their prior talks pleased to see his tales of Legends surpassed time and space if he knew of him with a pleased tone, "Oh? You already know what my weapon does. It does come as a surprise, but I suppose I really shouldn't be after all my tales seem to surpass beyond my domain if a Mongrel like you is aware."

Gilgamesh merely grinned viewing that instead of running away Mash stood his ground against his fate Archer gave a final respect towards him, "An impressive but futile effort, Mash Bastion. You have provided me with a fine source of entertainment and pride that humans can become gods using their efforts. I'll be sure to remember you in memory of our encounter. If you don't entertain me with your all then die where you stand."

Mash for his part felt a connection linked to Medea grinning mentally as he thought, 'No… I'll be sure to remember this moment King of Heroes.'

Mash readied himself preparing to use [Lion's Pride] facing before Archer, Gilgamesh was somewhat pleased with what he was seeing readying his chant with Ea spinning, "It is Time. Awaken, Ea. Know the law of Heaven. Worship me and Die – you worthless mongrel, Tokiomi!!"

However, Archer stopped his actions mid-chant turning his attention away from Mash in the direction of the Tohsaka Manor cursing at his Master for ruining the moment. The Tohsaka head had just died by Medea as the planned work obtaining Archer's Command Seals.


[Earlier, Tohsaka Manor]


The corpse of Tokiomi could be seen as Medea smirked revealing her Command Seals of Archer with mild amusement, "To think my Master would dare take on the King of Heroes on his own. Even he knew he wouldn't win but would make for a great distraction that not even Gilgamesh would miss such a chance to see a mortal gain a Divine Core and Authorities."

Medea observed the Command Seals of Archer as she gave her command that forcibly made Archer fight Mash must follow in a cruel tone, "Let's see how the King of Heroes handles this humiliating defeat. King Gilgamesh, by the power of the Command Seals, I order you to end your life."


One of the Command Seals shined as Medea continued using all of them up one by one till there was none left with one direct order that Gilgamesh was forced to follow. To end his own life.

This effectively made plan turned the entire course of the Holy Grail War in an unexpected direction. One that heavily favored Mash's intended goal to win the war.


[Fuyuki City, South Forest]

Returning to the present time Gilgamesh yelled out loud cursing when his eyes widened with shock that turned into fury. Mash could only witness what was about to happen with a sigh of relief.


Archer resisted as he tried to not summon his portal but couldn't because of the Command Seals placed on him. He resisted to the end as he drew out a black dagger that made Mash shiver seeing that weapon.

The weapon radiated death if Mash were to compare it. Grabbing the black dagger from his treasure vault Gilgamesh eyed Mash as he spoke to the King's final moments, "You are simply too arrogant for your own good King Gilgamesh. You have forgotten it's not 1 v 1. It's 2 v 2. Master against Servant. Servant against Master."

Gilgamesh found himself stabbed by his weapon with his hands looking down on Mash his angry expression turned one of acceptance slowly grinning as he stabbed the black dagger into his heart.


He was not completely angry with how events turned out, as cunning and wit were also strengths he recognized in this battle. Despite being the first to lose in the Holy Grail War he had to admit when he was outplayed.

He was displeased at how he was defeated; he openly acknowledged his loss with a grin not giving the satisfaction of anger or discomfort radiating in a Kingly aura, "Very well, I shall retreat for now. You have earned the right so don't lose it."


Mash watched as the King of Heroes faded into gold particles revealing a wide smile on his face seeing the biggest cheat and threat in the Holy Grail War gone as he spoke confidently in a strained tone, "… am I worthy now King of Heroes. Heh… talk about being a King to the very end huh?"


Lying down completely exhausted feeling the strains of his Authority of Greed's [Lion's Pride] and [My World] with Medea coming to his side holding the dagger in a pleasant tone of her voice, "Master I have completed my objective. All the familiars of the other masters vanished once they saw Archer's demise and tampered them of what occurred seemingly look like you die."

Mash curtly nodded straining to stand up with Medea assisting him thanking her for the help in a pleased tone, "Thanks Medea you done a wonderful job. That fight took too much out of me can you please take us back to Ryuudou Temple please?"

She grinned using her Age of Gods spells of spatial teleportation to vanish ending the first night in a shocking turn of events drastically changing the course of this Holy Grail War ending with the first battle victor being Caster of Master winning over the [King of Heroes].

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