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70.24% THE MULTIVERSE: GAMER PATH / Chapter 170: Chapter 170: Sudden Death Run-Off Election (4)

Capítulo 170: Chapter 170: Sudden Death Run-Off Election (4)

Chapter 170: Sudden Death Run-Off Election (4)

~Third POV~

[Honnouji Courtyard, Sudden Death Runoff Arena]

With the battle of the third round beginning, Mash shivered lightly as if he was being seen naked as he spoke in an unnerved tone, "Despite being tamed compared to the rest… I feel naked getting scanned don't ya think?"

Inumuta for his part began typing on all the keyboards around his body, scanning Mash as he spoke in a neutral tone, "You would be correct. Hmm… you appear to be in normal condition, yet I feel a high intensity of heat signature abnormal about our body how strange."

Mash immediately knew he meant his [Dragon Reactor Core] skill being able to scan his heat temperature and shrugged turning Add into its Hammer Mode in a casual tone, "Oh? Quite impressive for your uniform to notice. But enough games let's see you dance mongrel."


Dashing forward using [Sprint] he charged at Inumuta swinging his hammer in motion. Inumuta however calculated the trajectory of the attack and dodged the swing jumping on top of the hammer in a fascinated tone, "On another subject what exactly is this weapon of yours made from? I've tried searching all forms of elements, but nothing seems to match any known type of metal alloys on Earth?"

At this, Mash scoffed as he honestly replied in a sarcastic tone, "It's fucking magic what do you think?"

Quickly Add changing form instead of a hammer into a bow with Inumuta falling losing his footing with shooting at him. They were non-lethal of course considering he was stalling for time against the nerd.



Shooting at point-blank range Inumuta calculated the trajectory and avoided them all in the nick of time flipping around to gain distance as he muttered in an analyzing tone, "Hmm… each shot was less than 2-3 seconds per shot. Analyzing the unknown energy has some kind of heat abilities what a fascinating and scary weapon."


Inumuta began to type faster the data he gained as he did weird Jojo poses at times causing Mash to be annoyed as he rushed forward changing Add into Scythe Mode, "Hey! Stop doing the Jojo memes and fight!"


Swinging the scythe at him Inumuta quickly dodged as the gash on the ground was shown he frowned. But soon enough he vanished from sight as he spoke in a confident tone, "If it comes to unknown attacks the best strategy is to dodge them. Then, when on counterattacks, one can inflict greater psychological damage."


Inumuta using his [Optical Camouflage] thanks to his Probe Regalia can generate a camouflage cloak, allowing Inumuta to become invisible for an unspecified period. It allows him the ability to attack his intended target with impunity, granted the camouflage is not disrupted, which can be done by dealing massive damage to the uniform.


However, he was unaware of the fact that Mash's [Instinct] was stronger and easily able to detect and counterattack using Add in its Halberd form. Each time his [Instinct] was made aware he would swing his halberd around much to Inumuta's frustration.

Avoiding another swing of his halberd Inumuta gazed up at him, his eyes widened in clear shock and alarm tone, "H-How do you always know where I'm located!"

Mash responded to his question as he pointed to his ears with a proud tone followed by a smug grin to match, "Easy. I can hear and sense you through the movement of your body followed by my instincts. It's quite amazing what one can do when they heightened their senses listening to the faintest beats of the human heart."

Inumuta's eyes widened as he silently curses himself in an annoyed tone muttering, "Fuck, he has a skill that's like Sanageyama's. That's utterly annoying."

Distancing himself away turning invisible using his [Optical Camouflage] trying to make the barest sounds possible. But soon Mash blitzed towards his location using [Sprint] changing Add back into Hammer Mode knowing that his invisibility was useless against brawn strength he calculated his odds in a disappointed tone, 'Damn it… this is impossible! Chances of dodging are 0%!'


Mash slammed Inumuta decently hard, sending them downwards and burying him headfirst into the ground forming a spiderweb crater. Twirling his Hammer from behind waiting for the tech specialist to get out.

He waited for the Four Eyes till Inumuta to stand up and de-transformed with his hands laid up in surrender with a confident grin spoke in a happy tone, "I'm more than pleased with the outcome of this battle and the data. If I continue fighting, the data I've gathered so far will be destroyed. So, I hereby forfeit this battle!"

With Inumuta surrendering the third battle outcome winner easily became Mash's win changing Add into its cross-state with a curt nod, "Very well then. The only bad thing is I didn't kick your ass some more."

Inumuta rolled his eyes as he snarked and replied in a sarcastic tone to Mash turning to leave the arena, "Sure that way I can get more data and get a paid free ticket to the hospital. Nonsense, but either way what I want is data, not victory."

He walked off the arena. Mash then looked at Ryuko who looked impressed as she came down the stairs and stood by his side and said in an impressed tone, "Gotta admit, you kicked ass back there."

Laughing lightly at the appreciated compliment he replied with a grin on his face in a cheeky tone, "Of course, it's being awesome without getting naked. But you make it look good too even if you had to be naked for it."

Ryuko blushed at his words before yelling back at him in an embarrassed tone snarling at him, "Getting real tired of your shit man, but thanks for the compliment."

However, another person soon interrupted their talk in an annoyed tone making the two freeze on the spot as a stack of cash smacked over Mash's head, "Jeez, get a room you two, and fuck already. Everyone can feel the tension in the air so go fuck off. Here just take the cash and go fuck in a love hotel."

Ruining the moment both the teens blushed at Nonon's blunt words but he still took the money. Seeing the pink-haired snake making her way to the center stage had a marching band behind her, playing classical music with Senketsu commenting in a stoic tone, "Well she knows how to make an entrance."

Soon she stood in front of the two as Mash asked in a genuinely confused tone the loli child tilted his head, "Oh look… sorry but who are you again half-pint?"

This genuinely made Nonon angry at his lack of knowledge of her in an angry tone introduced herself, "It's Nonon Jakuzure, to you transfer student! How could you forget it?! I even handed you the blasted club paper!!"

Mash squinted his eyes seeing her as he made a realizing expression and soon said, "Oh…! I still have no clue who you are lost child."

Ryuko burst out laughing while Nonon fumed. Mash was genuinely confused because he hardly knew she even existed and was about to speak more but both he and Ryuko looked down to see Mako cheering for herself as Senketsu commented, "Your friends finally started to cheer for herself."

Ignoring to hear what Senketsu said Mash's eyes soon saw that Inumuta and Gamagori were at each side of her. Gamagori was half naked and a little bit too close to Mako as he muttered to himself in a neutral tone, "For his sake, he better watch what he does in this ecchi world otherwise my mercy will turn into a bloody psychopath."


However, the horn blares across the school signaling the next fight with Satsuki responding in a neutral tone, "Forth Fight, begin!"


Taking into effect Nonon immediately transformed her Goku Uniform in a happy tone along with all the instruments fusing along, "I'm going to fucking enjoy this transfer students! Three-Star Goku Uniform Symphony Regalia Grave!"

Jakuzure's three-star goku uniform, Symphony Regalia takes the form of a bluish-white one-piece dress with silver highlights and a white collar and tie that has three black stars emblazoned on it. It comes with a large bandleader hat with a skull on the front, and three smaller stars on its left side.

The dress also has white frills, three white bone-like decorations on the midriff, white wristbands, and matching knee-length heeled boots with white wings sprouting from the ankles.

Like the other members of the Elite Four, Nonon's Goku Uniform is unique and exceptionally powerful. The Symphony Regalia Grave takes the form of a titanic, heart-shaped LRAD equipped with massive woofers that fire waves of reverberating bass and bladed musical notes. Unlike the other Elite Four, Nonon's transformation also incorporates the instruments of her marching band, which appear to help her form her tank.


Both Ryuko and Mash were expecting her uniform to be some kind of over-dramatic music uniform that would be easy to beat. What they didn't expect was a fucking tank coming out of the tiny uniform with Ryuko's mouth agape and asking in a stunned tone, "On what planet or fucking school is that uniform?!!"

Mash nods his head agreeing to be confused asking a curious question to Nonon about the cost of her tank, "Okay but why though? It's fucking big and how much do you guys have a budget on her transforming instruments into modern warfare weapons which I think is illegal to own."

Nonon only had a smug grin on her face as she replied to them preparing her attack in the process, "That's a secret high clearance level transfer student. I can get better acoustics this way, time for my first song, Light Cavalry Overture!"

She then began blasting them with loud music. Ryuko transformed and charged only to get blown back by the sound waves. Mash had to cover his ears due to his [Enhanced SEN] can hear them even louder as he thought to himself in an annoyed tone, 'Okay… note to self-make some defenses against fucking music that's enough to bypass my skills. It's very annoying the fact I'm somehow learning all of this in school rather than on the field.'

Soon enough Nonon spoke in a confident tone seeing her attacks are genuinely affecting the two for a change of pace, "Now this is more like it. You can't touch music, but my music can touch you dumbasses. Next up is a sharp performance!"


She then fired literal sharpened musical notes at them. They took evasive maneuvers and jumped around with Ryuko and Mash started to yell at each other for strategies as she said in a cautious tone, "Any ideas?"

Mash hummed at the situation at hand before pulling up Add changing modes in a curious tone, "Hmm… I have one. But does your Kamui change into something with a bit more… firepower? Like say…"

Changing forms immediately at the instant Add transformed into a cannon charging magical energy inside with a feral grin on his face, "… a bazooka. As a certain vampire once said… bitches love cannons."



A beam of magical energy soon shot out through the bazooka towards the tank. Nonon eyes widened as she panicked a little bit seeing a beam of energy coming her way Ryuko mouth agape in an impressed tone said, "What the hell… that looks kinda cool and why does he get to use it!"

Mash only smirked but that only lasted a few seconds before a whistle was blown. Both blinked seeing Nonon suddenly blow a whistle, and then many heart-shaped lasers headed toward the magical beam of energy.

The clash between the two managed to slow down Mash's shot, but not enough, and slammed into the tank with a noticeable dent in it from the impact. Mash soon targeted her tank again as Nonon quickly changed strategies, "Oh no you don't transfer student! I'm going to make you sing by screaming when I'm done with you! Now then, I'm going to ring a better performance for you!"

*Transformer sounds*

She then transformed her tank, replacing the caterpillars with speakers and growing wings on the back. Soon the tank was no longer there with the speakers blasted the tank into the air making an airshop as Nonon spoke proudly, "Symphony Regalia Presto!"


Mash had a blank expression on his face slapping his face and groaning in an annoyed tone at another transformation, "Of course. It can fucking fly what else can I expect. She has the fucking high ground."

But soon enough Ryuko grabbed Mash dragging him as she spoke in a confident tone getting his attention, "Not for fucking long. Just hang on tight to me I have a plan."

Grabbing on he couldn't help but comment in a nervous tone seeing Ryuko rushing towards the outside ring, "Okay but I don't know which is worse you have one or don't head straight first to ring knock out."

She smacked her free hand over his head in an annoyed tone rolling her eyes, "Geez have a little faith asshole. Here goes nothing! Senketsu!"

Senketsu soon agreed as he spoke with them both flying out of the arena, "On it! Hang on tight!"


A black and red, blue was soon seen next flying into the sky. It was Ryuko holding Mash as he settled onto her back, who had transformed Senketsu in a way that the lower part seemed like a jet engine. Mash nodded his head in approval in an impressed tone, "Okay now this is kinda cool… and why do you get to use it."

She laughed at his comment announcing her new move with a wide grin as she said in a confident tone shifting her head to Nonon's annoyed expression, "Ha! Tough luck pretty boy. And thanks, Senketsu! He can do anything if he tries! How'd you like them apples? [Senketsu Shippu]!"


Nonon is visibly annoyed gritting her teeth seeing her high ground was occupying space in an angry tone, "The sky is my world… the kid gloves are coming off, you bitch!!"

Nonon used her airship to launch more musical notes at the duo, but Ryuko now able to fly, uses her maneuverability to avoid Nonon's incoming wrath. Mash who was dangling from Ryuko's back spoke in a serious tone, "Hey Ryuko I got an idea, but I need you to fly above that bitch's airship to do it. You got that?"

She nodded as she flew above as Nonon fired a barrage of flute rockets he soon spoke in an annoyed tone, "I still have no idea how she can summon that with her tiny ass uniform but whatever. This is the spot now comes my brilliant but crazy plan."

Mash grinned at Ryuko who didn't like it. He suddenly jumped from her back and towards the barrage probably shocking all with his moves as he landed on one of the missiles and started running on top of it Naruto style.

He soon jumped towards the other, then the other shocking the crowd with his daring stunts in the process holding out Add. He soon reached the last one and did a great leap rocketing towards the airship much to Nonon's horror as he muttered to himself in a proud tone, "I always wanted to do this just once…"


Ryuko and Senketsu both had to blink as the clothing was the first to respond in a confused tone, "I'm sorry but did he turn that cube into – "


Changing into its newest form of a road roller Mash yelled out loud crashing through Nonon's airship hearing the yells of in an excited tone, "ROAD DA ROLLER!!!!"



A crash landing with a literal road roller down on the airship caused it to explode thanks to the gravity and weight behind the fall. It certainly didn't help that it went a lot faster with Mash beating down the road roller as he descended to the arena.

Upon impact piercing through the airship soon exploded in a shower of instruments forcing Nonon to be jumped out of the airship freefalling in an annoyed tone, "What the literal hell is wrong – shit."

She couldn't finish her words with Ryuko grinning innocently waving her Scissor Blade already in decapitation mode spoke in a smug tone, "Oh, hi welcome to I don't give a fuck space where I have the high ground. Sayonara dipshit! [Fiber Lost]!"


Easily cutting her Goku Uniform Nonon began to freefall to the ground only to be caught by Mash with a smug grin on his face as he said catching her in a smug tone, "Hi how's the weather illegal loli?"

Nonon cursed at him as she left the arena covering herself with her face a blushing mess that made him laugh lightly running off naked. Satsuki gazed at his smiling expression as she questioned her current opinion of him in a calm tone, "I would be lying if I said that I wasn't attracted to him. The only man that I have taken an interest in is by far the craziest of them all…"

Ryuko was hovering with much difficulty considering she's new to her Senketsu Shippu as she gazed at his smiling expression in a defeated tone, "Sigh… why is he so over the top? Of all the bastards I could've fallen in love with… why did I pick the craziest?"

With that, the fourth battle has been left to their conclusion only leading to the remaining two left…


A/N: Hey guys how did you like this long chapter for this fight? Good or too many Jojo memes? Either way, I just finished reading the last chapter of MHA Manga and felt moved to do a GAMER PATH: MHA but wasn't sure what Quirk to give to the MC.

I was thinking of having my MC for that one be a Life Fiber Hybrid with a String Manipulation Quirk playing hardcore mode in MHA World with the movies or do you guys have a better suggestion?

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