The world was silent and Cirrus felt the will and fire he'd had moments ago diminish and wither away. The goddess had robbed him of everything he was and still claimed it was all better. All his aspirations turned to dust by a command, "How is this better?"
"You've been misguided, Cirrus. You might want to use the rest of your life to rediscover what this world is all about. There is a lot you could learn. I'll make sure to give you a mate that suits you. Probably then you can look past mindless bloodshed," Celeste grumbled.
Straining against the goddess's orders, he wanted to deny everything she told him, but his struggles were all in vain. His body went limp and the words got stuck in his throat when he thought of defying her. The pressure would build within his mind, forcing him to abandon the treacherous train of thought.
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