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85.71% The Merchant Prince Viserys Targaryen SI (ASOIAF,GOT) / Chapter 12: Pirates of the Stepstones pt.2

Capítulo 12: Pirates of the Stepstones pt.2

Alliser Thorne

Sea of Myrth

They returned to the Eleana with the other five captains following them. Stepping on board the ship, Jack led them to the high platform at the ship's stern.

"I see that you have made some changes to the Eleana," Loras said, looking around.

"That I have. Now, come, gentlemen, how about a drink? Some rum? I even have some brandy from a ship we took last month," Jack said.

"Just tell us your grand plan, Jack. The one you've been planning... for a year?" Daeron asked in an almost mocking tone.

"Yes, Jack, please tell them your plans," Alliser said in the same tone and walked over to sit on the bench along the railings.

Jack remained silent, looking deep in thought. The seconds stretched on, and the atmosphere grew more strained.

Edric broke the silence. "Dammit, Longwaters, speak!"

Tom the Bold, never one to mince words, added, "You have no plan, have you?" His voice was accusatory.

Jack finally looked up, his face showing faux indignation. "I do have a plan."

"Then what is it?" Loras asked impatiently.

Jack raised his arms dramatically, as if about to reveal something monumental. Everyone unconsciously leaned in, except for Alliser, who looked at Jack with exasperation.

"Ruins," Jack finally said.

The word hung in the air for a moment before the captains repeated it back in unison, confusion etched on their faces. "Ruins?"

"Yes, Old Valyrian ruins," Jack repeated.

"I believe you all know who controls the Dragon's Maw," Jack continued.

Jaremy, who had walked over moments ago, interrupted Jack. "The Dragon's Maw is the harbor, yes?" he asked, seeking confirmation.

Edric answered, "Yes. One of the best defensible harbors in the Stepstones."

"It has a narrow entrance, which makes it easy to defend. Inside the harbor, the waters are deep and calm, providing safe anchorage for a large number of ships," Daeron chimed in.

"There are also numerous coves and inlets that could be used as secluded spots for hiding ships," Loras added.

"Aye, it's perfect," Tom agreed. "But that's not the problem, is it?"

"Aye, it's the man who holds it," Jack said, his expression darkening.

"Who?" Alliser asked.

Daeron answered grimly, "Vortig Marr."

Alliser recognized the name, remembering hearing of a pirate that all three daughters placed a large bounty on.

"Supposedly an escaped slave of unknown origins. He rose to power through sheer strength and ruthlessness. He carved out a territory in the Stepstones by defeating the pirate lords who controlled the seas around Lys," Daeron explained.

"Ha, 'defeated,' he says. Marr killed them and sent a ship filled with their heads to Lys," Tom said grimly.

"Well, Marr was eventually defeated and pushed back by an alliance of Lys and Tyrosh," Daeron continued. "For two years now, he's been holed up in Grey Gallows and has made it an almost impregnable fortress."

"What's your plan, Jack?" Loras asked again. Everyone turned their attention to Jack once more.

"Like I said, ruins," Jack repeated.

"What ruins?" Jaremy asked, exasperated.

"When I was just a wee bit sailor on my father's ship, he told me a tale of old Valyrian ruins on Grey Gallows. Ruins that are said to be haunted by old Valyrian spirits," Jack said.

"The ruins are close to the harbor. I say, gentlemen, we lead a small group of knights—yes, knights like Ser Alliser here, whom I single-handedly rescued from freezing their balls off at the Wall—into the ruins. From there, we make our way into the harbor, sabotage its defenses, and at night, you launch an attack. The Maw is as good as ours."

The captains exchanged skeptical glances. They were silent for a moment, the only sound the faint creaking of the ship and the distant calls of seabirds.

Daeron was the first to break the silence. "Valyrian ruins, you say?"

"Haunted ruins," Edric added, his voice dripping with skepticism.

"Indeed," Jack confirmed. "The pirates are a superstitious lot. They shun the ruins, believing them to be cursed."

"How do you know these ruins even exist? And that they're not just tales spun by sailors to pass the time?" Loras challenged.

"I have seen them," Jack insisted. "It's the perfect place for us to make our way into the island unseen. After we sabotage the defenses, you lead your ships through the now undefended path into the Maw, and then we do what we do best."

"This could work," Daeron said, nodding thoughtfully.

"Sounds like something I'd think of," Tom added, chuckling.

Edric also agreed. "Well, it's better than nothing."

Loras nodded, saying, "Aye, though we need to thoroughly plan this out."

Jack smiled. "Leave the planning to me. All you need to do is be prepared when the time comes."

Alliser saw the captains exchange looks of cautious optimism. He didn't know how Longwaters did it, but the madman had come up with a good plan. It was daring, but it just might work.




Alliser Thorne

Grey Gallows

It had been a month since they made the alliance with the captains to take the Wyrm's Maw, and now they were near the so-called haunted ruins that Jack had claimed they could use to infiltrate the island in stealth.

It was evening, and the sun would set in a few hours. He checked his sword again; it had been a few months since he had seen combat. He and Jaremy had decided to stay with Jack, while the others who had also been freed along with them left with the other captains so they could take part in the assault after they finished their sabotage.

He could see the ruins in the distance, and according to Jack, they could reach the harbor from there in a few hours. They already knew where the defenses were located, as they had captured one of Marr's ships and questioned the pirates. Everything was prepared, but then again, no plan ever goes without some trouble.

"Into the boats!" he heard Jack call out.

He took a deep breath and nodded to Jaremy, who returned the gesture. Together, they made their way to the rowboats. As they rowed towards the shore, the ruins loomed larger, casting eerie shadows in the fading light.

"You know, Alliser, maybe it is haunted," Jack said, glancing at the large arch they passed through.

He did not listen to him; his mind was focused on the task ahead. He tried to think of what to do once they reached the harbor. He and Jaremy were to make their way to the cliffs and sabotage the defenses there, killing any who stood in their way—stealthily, of course.

Reaching the shore, Jack led them into the ruins, which soon transitioned into a dense tropical forest. The canopy above was thick, blocking out much of the fading sunlight. The air was heavy with humidity, and the ground was soft with fallen leaves and soil. Tall trees with wide, spreading leaves and thick vines dominated the landscape, while colorful birds and insects flitted about, adding life to the otherwise silent forest.

They made their way further in, the sound of their footsteps muffled by the dense undergrowth. After an hour of trudging through the thick vegetation, they saw the first signs of life—a camp nestled in a clearing. The camp was crude, with makeshift tents and pirates who moved about lazily, clearly not expecting any trouble.

"Oh no," Jack whispered.

"What?" he whispered back.

Jack pointed to a large cage near the center of the camp. Inside, people were huddled together, their eyes hollow and expressions vacant.

"A slave pen," Alliser thought, anger coursing through him.

"Let's kill them quickly," Jack said, his voice low.

The group moved swiftly, fanning out to surround the camp. He led the charge, their swords drawn and eyes fixed on their targets. The pirates, caught off guard and unarmed, barely had time to react.

He lunged at the first pirate he encountered, his sword slicing through the man's midsection with ease. Jaremy followed suit, taking down another pirate with a swift, precise strike to the throat. The pirates, disoriented and unprepared, scrambled to defend themselves, but it was too late.

The battle was swift and brutal. The few pirates who managed to grab their weapons were quickly overwhelmed by their sheer force and speed. Within minutes, the camp was silent, the bodies of fallen pirates scattered across the ground. He wiped the sweat from his brow, his breath coming in heavy gasps.

He saw Jack rushing to the cage, fumbling with the lock before finally managing to open it. The captives, their eyes filled with a mix of fear and hope, began to cautiously step out.

"You're free now," Jack said gently. "Head in that direction until you find some ruins. You'll be safe there."

He did not think the men and women understood the Common Tongue, but they seemed to understand what Jack meant. They nodded, gratitude evident in their weary expressions, and quickly made their way towards the path leading back to the ruins, disappearing into the dense forest.

"Let's keep moving. It will be dark soon," he said. They had little time to lose.

After another hour of walking, they finally made it the harbor. The harbor was nestled in a natural inlet, with steep cliffs on either side providing a formidable barrier. The water was calm, reflecting the moonlight like a mirror. Numerous ships were anchored in the harbor, their dark silhouettes barely visible against the night sky. The most prominent among them was a large dromond, its size and imposing structure making it stand out among the other vessels.

Jack pointed to the dromond and whispered, "That's the one we have to destroy."

Jack turned to the rest of the group and addressed them in a hushed tone, "You all know what to do and where your targets are." The men nodded.

Jack then pointed to three of the men and said, "Meet me at Marr's ship after you're done."

"Alliser, Jaremy, you know what to do," he said before leaving with the others.

Alliser and Jaremy began making their way up the path towards the cliffs where the ballistae and other defenses were located. As they approached, they saw about six men stationed there, lazily keeping watch.

"Foolish of them to leave this place undefended," Jaremy muttered.

He shook his head slightly. "Marr and his men have grown complacent. They think they're untouchable here."

They moved stealthily as they approached the first ballista, where three pirates were lounging, unaware of the danger creeping up on them. He listened to their conversation, surprised to hear them speaking the Common Tongue.

"Sounds like they are from the Stormlands," Jaremy whispered.

"What's wrong with that cunt?" one pirate asked, pointing to another who was sitting on the edge of the cliff, looking despondent.

"Oh, his brother died," another pirate replied casually.

"Ehh, when?" the first pirate questioned.

"Remember that raid on the ship belongin' to the Prince of Dorne?" the second pirate asked.

"Near the Orange Shore?" the first pirate clarified.

"Aye, that's the one. His brother was in that attack. Well, as you know, none made it out alive. The fools went and attacked the ship of the Prince of Dorne and its escorts. What did they think would happen?" the second pirate explained.

'What is a prince of Dorne doing near Volantis?' Alliser thought.

"You get the one of the right," Jaremy said.

They silently moved behind them, their daggers drawn. In a swift, coordinated motion, they stabbed the pirates, killing them instantly. Jaremy then approached the pirate sitting on the cliff's edge, who was still lost in his grief. Without a word, he shoved the man off the cliff.

"You can join your brother in the Seven Hells," Jaremy said, looking down at the falling pirate.

With the pirates dealt with, they began sabotaging the ballista, ensuring it would be useless when the time came for their ships to attack.

After fully sabotaging all the defenses, they waited for Jack and the others to do their part.

An hour later, they signaled for their ships, which were waiting just out of sight. This was also the signal for Jack to make his move on setting fire to some of the ships, especially Marr's.

As their ships began to be visible on the horizon, the largest galley in the harbor caught fire, followed by four more ships scattered across different parts of the harbor. The flames quickly spread, casting an orange glow on the night sky and filling the air with the acrid scent of burning wood and tar.

"It's time," he said, gripping his sword.

The harbor erupted into chaos as the pirates scrambled to put out the flames. Shouts and screams filled the air, blending with the crackling of the fire. Their ships began inching closer, and finally, after a tense wait, they crossed into the harbor. Ballistae and other siege weapons mounted on the ships launched projectiles towards the shore, further adding to the chaos.

He watched as their men disembarked from the ships on boats. He turned to Jaremy, nodding firmly. "Let us join the battle."

As they descended, the knights and sailors began battling the pirates. Jaremy was already ahead of him, clashing with a pirate.

Alliser was about to join the fray when he saw Jack sprinting towards him, his face contorted in fear.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Jack screamed, running past him.

'What in the Seven Hells?' Alliser thought, turning in the direction Jack was running from. There he saw a giant of a man with dark, hairy skin and a menacing warhammer. The man had to be at least seven feet tall.

'Vortig Marr,' he thought, standing there frozen.

"Run, you fool!" Jack yelled.

Marr let out a terrifying scream and yelled something in a language he did not understand. Marr then charged towards him with surprising speed for a man of his size.

He finally snapped out of his stupor and started running in the same direction as Jack. He was astounded at how fast Marr was, his massive strides quickly closing the distance between them. His legs felt like they were going to give out at any moment. Jack was nowhere to be seen, having disappeared into the forest.

Just as his legs gave out, Marr reached him. He tried to fight back, but Marr easily overpowered him. It was like trying to fight a mountain. Every swing of his sword was either blocked or dodged effortlessly.

"Fuck!" he muttered in frustration as another swing went wide. Marr's warhammer smashed into the ground, narrowly missing his head. He tried to stab Marr, but the giant simply swatted his sword away like it was a toy.

"How can you be so fast and so big?!" he yelled, dodging another blow.

Marr roared, swinging his warhammer with deadly precision. Alliser could only scramble backward, each blow getting closer and closer. Finally, Marr had him pinned against a tree. With a triumphant scream, Marr raised his warhammer for a final strike.

Alliser knew his end was near. Just as the warhammer was about to crush him, a bolt from a ballista struck Marr, sending him flying into a nearby tree, where he was impaled. He stared at it in disbelief.

He then looked in the direction the bolt had come from and saw Jack standing by the ballista, laughing like a madman. "Glad we missed one, eh?" Jack yelled, still laughing.

Perhaps it was the relief from being saved so close to death, but Alliser couldn't help but laugh as well.

Jack walked over to him, a wide grin on his face as he extended a hand to help him up. "Come on," Jack said, pulling him to his feet. "We have a victory to celebrate."

They slowly made their way to the harbor. It was a scene of chaos, with bodies strewn about and the smell of smoke and blood thick in the air. The pirates were being mercilessly cut down by knights and sailors, their resistance crumbling rapidly.

As the chaos wound down and the last of the pirates were subdued or fled, their men started to celebrate. Cheers and laughter echoed across the harbor.

Jack climbed onto a pile of crates, raising his sword high. "THE MAW IS OURS!" he screamed, his voice carrying over the din.

The response was thunderous. "THE MAW IS OURS!" the men roared back, their voices filled with triumph.

'One step forward,' Alliser thought as he watched the celebration.



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