"A book?" Jedrek knitted his brows tightly, he couldn't understand why they have to come this far just to get a book.
And moreover, what this book got to do with their goal to take care of the rest of the three devils.
For the other two guardian angels, Hope and Raine, they must have discussed the details of their plan with their mates, but it was not the case for Jedrek, because one could say that he barely spoke with Lilac about anything, not even the sudden change in the weather could make them converse with each other.
Therefore, it could be understood if jedrek was a little bit lost and was not well informed about what was happening or what they have to do later.
"Yes," Lilac replied curtly, seemingly, she wanted to keep their interaction as minimum as possible, since they both were in an awkward situation, or... relationship.
Edited by: Anshu_Bangaram