Clearing his voice, Vault shook his head and motioned for Frey to follow.
Vault sighed with an honest expression. "I appreciate it. Without you ..."
Frey raised his hand, stopping the ratfolk's pleading words. "First things first. Answer me a few questions."
"As you like."
"First, did you know about the little harem?" he pointed to the pillows and the women resting on them. His tone was annoyed, but not angry.
"Only after I entered the room. I had no idea what he was doing with the captives. Although polygamy in our culture is not unusual, this disturbs me as well."
"What about the other captives? Did you leave the men alive too?"
"To the best of my knowledge, captive human males still living are kept in a separate, heavily guarded chamber."
"So why was my friend ...?"