As he entered his home, Alden steeled himself.
He was prepared to accept the worst.
…That Ignia had not yet awoken.
However, no sooner had he placed a foot inside the door…
A black blur crashed into him.
Alden's eyes widened.
He instinctively wrapped his arms around it.
Sensing a familiar and comforting heat, Alden froze.
He snapped his neck down, gazing at his pet familiar.
"Ignia! You're awake!"
A boisterous laugh escaped Alden's throat.
Tears of relief welled in his eyes.
A wide smile split his face.
His precious baby was awake!
Alden spun, lifting the little bird through the air as he hugged her close. Ignia nuzzled his chest, crying through their bond.
A sweet warmth filled him.
He scrutinised his familiar more closely and discovered she had grown bigger.
Was the way to expedite her growth through depleting her reserves of fire essence?
TIO will go on a two week hiatus