Celeste watched as Alden and the terrifying Dark Elf clashed, her heart restless and chest heavy.
She hated how her precious love always put himself in danger.
Did he have no self-regard for his own life?
'That big dummy.'
Celeste thought worriedly. Ignia sat on her shoulder, as restless as she was.
The little phoenix radiated an alarming amount of anxiety.
…Just like her.
Celeste shook her head and focused on the ongoing duel. She gazed at the result of Alden's first confrontation with his corrupted opponent and immediately winced.
A small gasp instinctively escaped her lips.
The young lady watched the love of her life tank a devastating punch to the gut. She saw his back arch, and shortly after, Alden flew through the air, landing in an uncontrolled heap. Celeste's heart hurt for him. It was as if she was also experiencing his pain.
TIO will go on a two week hiatus