Lisa rushed in and embraced Treasure.
Christiana had to move away, because of the way Lisa brushed in front of her.
"Yes Treasure.
I'm back!!", she said and giggled.
" Back?
I...i don't get", Treasure asked, lifting her up from his body.
I mean I'm back in Golden castle.
I couldn't help but miss everyone and the castle so much.
So I decided to come back", Lisa said.
Treasure and Christiana became surprised.
" She's back?", Christiana said in her mind.
Treasure couldn't believe his ears.
Lisa wondered why he was silent when she announced her return.
Then she takes a peep at Christiana.
Pretending not to notice her face expression.
Lisa smirked cunningly and looked at Treasure.
"Ain't you happy that your friend is back?
Seems like you are unhappy", Lisa said, pretending to be upset with Treasure.
" No..not really.
I' just surprised that's all", he said.