/ Music & Bands / The House of Youth - BTS X SKZ

The House of Youth - BTS X SKZ Original

The House of Youth - BTS X SKZ

Music & Bands 10 Capítulos 31.3K Modos de exibição

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A group of Girl and Boys will live together in the same house.A group of girl with same age but different behavior and attitude show their age differently.Once the girls find out the group of boy are BTS and Stray Kids they will become enemies eventually,Always fight and tease each other.Will they get along or even love each other?

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General Audiences
  1. Daoisth5UNBV
    Daoisth5UNBV Contribuído 1
  2. Werayuth_Sornrat
    Werayuth_Sornrat Contribuído 1
  3. Avatar

Status de energia semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Pedra de Poder

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