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23.91% The Horrid Story of The Villain Named Izuku / Chapter 11: An incident

Capítulo 11: An incident

When we drove off my heart was heavy. I had never wanted to see that rapist bastard again. I know Touya was just trying to do something nice for me. But it had backfired dramatically. When we got to the mall Uraraka and Toga had fixed me up and I was feeling quite better. We walked and talked for a bit I had set us up with quite a lot of money. We shopped around in some clothing stores and I looked in the pet shops for things the puppies might like when they got older. I found a few things but would get those things when they got older. I was surprised when Toga and Uraraka pulled me into a lingerie store and started looking at things, my face was a light crimson. Kacchan put his hand on my shoulder and I turned to look at him. "You don't get embarrassed striping in barely any clothes, but you get embarrassed going into a store like this?" He said mockingly. I slapped him playfully and giggled. I walked over to the girls and giggled with them when they found one similar to my old uniform. The only thing different was it was meant for a woman. I smirked at them and grabbed one in my size they giggled evilly and I giggled with them. I went back into the changing room and put it on. I had just grabbed the chest piece in a smaller size. It was a pair of thigh-high stockings attached to a pair of underwear that's more common on women.

It also came with a lace corset kind of design. The one I chose was a smaller size that was suited for flatter chested women. I was barefoot while wearing it but the stockings covered me. I stuck my head out and Toga and Uraraka came over. I showed them posing playfully. We were laughing but when Kacchan came to check out what the joke was and saw me in it he was laughing harder than us. I crossed my arms and smirked. "I don't understand why I couldn't have this instead of that strappy thing!" I protested. They all laughed harder and I smirked more. I took it off and put my normal clothes on. I went back out to the store and saw a nightdress that's supposed to match this if you wanted to wear it as nightwear. I picked that up and brought both of the things to the register I stuck my tongue out at the three who were laughing. When the lady recognized me she asked for my autograph. I gave it to her with a smile and took my bag.

We moved to a normal nightwear shop and I bought a pair of white and gold sweatpants with a pair of red and black ones. I smiled at them as the two were exact opposites. I bought those and they bought some things to. When we were finished we went to a restaurant. "Do you have a car yet Kacchan?" I asked. He shook his head and I smiled at him. "Then I have a surprise!" He looked confused and I led them all out to the car. I drove them to the surprise destination of the car dealership. It was a very expensive one. Because of my reputation, I could get a car at a discount. Kacchan also had a good reputation so with both of us here we got a pretty good deal for a car Kacchan liked. Kacchan thanked me and I smiled at him. He was able to drive it home so he left early. "Do y'all want me to drop you off at your houses or do you want to stay at my house?" They chose the first option and I dropped off Uraraka then Toga. When I got back I saw the car that had been outside my house was gone so my dad was gone. I took a deep breath grabbed my bag and got out of the car.

When I got inside I was immediately embraced by Touya. He was sobbing and I pulled back and wiped his tears. I gave him a gentle kiss and pulled out of his arms. "Let me set my bags down and change," I told him softly. I set all the bags down except the lingerie bag. I brought that up with me and set it in a drawer in my closet. I changed into a pair of high waisted black with stripes of white silky shorts. I put on a dark green cropped tank top and ran a hand through my hair. I stepped downstairs to see Touya had moved my bags out of the way and was sitting on the couch waiting for me expectantly. I walked gracefully over to him and sat beside him. I hugged him and felt he was crying again I guessed what Kacchan had yelled at him about so I patted his back. "You didn't know you were just trying to do something for me," I soothed him and kissed him gently on his forehead. I pulled his head up and kissed him gently. That seemed to soothe him I pulled him up with me to our bedroom and laid on the bed cuddling with him. It was late when I had gotten back so we fell asleep. I woke up and saw Touya was watching my sleeping face. When I opened my eyes fully I blushed as did he. I giggled and got up to shower. I got undressed showered slid a pair of boxers on, did my makeup, and walked back out. Touya showered after me and I got dressed in my uniform.

I walked the dogs took care of them and fed them. They were getting a little bigger and I smiled. I took a picture of them when they cuddled into each other and looked like the ying-yang symbol. I posted it on my Instagram, Twitter, and every social media I owned. I got my things together and made some toast with eggs, I felt Touya wrap his arms around my waist and set his chin on the top of my head. I finished breakfast and ate quickly. I kissed Touya on the cheek. I got my bag, mobile and keys and drove to school. When I got there and people saw I was in a better mood then yesterday they seemed more relaxed. The class went on as per usual but during a free period my enhanced hearing kicked in and I heard someone from 2-C talking shit about me. 'Hey did you hear that Midoriya's mom was dead? And his dad left when he was five?' 'Really wow! His parents hated him that much!' a chuckle sounded 'I know right I bet he had to sell his body when she died' I snapped when I heard that I had been around the corner listening to the conversation. I turned the corner calmly but my eyes had a red hue to them which told people they had pissed me off. I walked up to the two boys and smiled at them. "And did you know Midoriya's Dad was a rapist?" I said in a serious tone. When the two boys whipped around to see me and looked at my eyes it was like they had angered Kami herself. They trembled and fell back. I smiled a grateful smile. "And did you know that you only have three seconds to run before I beat the shit out of you?" They scrambled to their legs and ran in the other direction. I chuckled and turned around to look straight at All might. I rolled my eyes. "How much did you hear?" He looked a little pale when he saw the look in my eyes that was like I would've to beat them to death if given the chance. "A-all of it" He stuttered I shook my head. "So you also heard they were talking shit about me right?" I replied to him with a bored expression. I shook my head. "If you didn't then I advise you don't reprimand me," I told him with a sigh and pushed past him. I walked into the classroom still pissed off. The classroom became deadly silent. You could've heard the buzz of a bee's wings from five steps away it was so quiet. I sat down in my chair with a sigh. everyone was holding their breaths so I decided when Mr.Aizawa joined into the silence to leave. "Can I get a drink and calm myself down?" I asked him he nodded and I left the room I could almost hear the whole class let the breath they'd been holding out.

I calmed myself down and returned to the classroom with a smile everyone let out another breath when they realized my mood was better. The class continued and when it was time for All might's class I almost punched him when he said something the class knew had angered the god of 1-A. "Detention, for threatening to beat two kids up Young Midoriya!" I whipped around and stormed toward him. I looked him in the eyes calmly. Which startled him. "Then I guess I should give you detention to if two upperclassmen were talking shit about your dead mother, you and your rapist father yes?" His eyes widened and I backed away flipped him off and told him something quite masochistic. I looked him in his eyes and told him, "I guess I'll go get my ass ripped open by another rapist again!" I said with a wave and exited the classroom. I heard a loud explosion from the classroom and went to the principal's office. I knocked and was let in. "Sir," I said quietly. "Yes, Mr.Midoriya?" I gulped and looked up timidly. "Can you look at the camera footage from the east hallway my class 2-C's door and then at the classroom footage for 1-A just a few minutes ago?" I asked timidly. He nodded and looked over it when he listened to it again with the audio he had a serious expression on his face. I looked away and he watched it over again. "Mr.Midoriya I believe that you were wrong by All might and I formally apologize." I nodded and he continued. "I believe he is just jealous that you could defeat villains in one punch that would take him hours to defeat. "He told me I nodded again and he again continued. "I will talk with him later please return to your homeroom in the meantime and I'll let you do as you will freely until lunch." I nodded yet again bowed to him and left. I pulled my phone out and texted Kacchan back as he had been blowing my phone up. I saw him asking if I was okay and where I was and pleading for me to answer. I answered all his questions when I was finished he called me. "Hey, Kacchan!" I cheered happily. 'You damn nerd! You had me worried!' I smirked and giggled. "Awe~ Kacchan was worried~?" He growled and I giggled again. "Princable Nezu told me to return to homeroom until lunch so if you need me that's where I'll be!" 'K nerd!' he retorted. My smirk widened and I hung up. I walked to the homeroom passing a few girls in 2-C who apologized for the two boy's actions I smiled at them and told them it was okay. I continued on my way and finally reached the classroom I went through my bag and found my snacks I ate some of those put them away and got my hero costume out. I changed into it and made some boxing dummies. I was checking the durability of my costume and the flexibility the costume as I found out was very flexible and was durable enough to be satisfactory.

I looked up from my phone during my water break to see the rest of the class I smiled at them capped my water back up and set it down and got rid of the dummies. They looked at me like I was god and smiled back at me I picked my regular clothes up and made my wings wrap around me so I could change. I opened my wings again and put my hero box back in its compartment. I put my things away and sat down. I was just in my short sleeve not bothering to put the tie on. I was lounging in my chair when Aizawa finally arrived. he looked at me as if I was a mighty dragon or god that could get angered at one wrong movement. I took some notes in my thin small neat handwriting. I saw that when some of the smaller framed boys from another class or year would pass the door and saw me they would blush a bright crimson and walk quicker. So people are starting to notice I'm more into guys eh? I smirked to myself and met the next small boy's eyes who was looking at me I smiled at him and looked back down at my notes. I felt my bangs hanging down over my face and remembered the red-eye I had. I thought about how Shoto had heterochromia and smiled I allowed the hair to stay in front of my face while my head was down and let it fall back when I looked up I heard a few small gasps as some people saw my eye I frowned looked back down and made the hair remain in front of my eye. I frowned a little saddened by the reactions of my classmates. I felt a few tears slip down my face but when the bell rang for lunch it was like nothing happened. I walked quickly out of the classroom to the bathroom instead of the lunch hall. I hid in a bathroom stall and cried quietly. I heard someone else enter than when they left I resumed my quiet sobbing. I fixed myself up when I couldn't cry anymore and my eyes were dry.

I washed my face and redid my makeup. I put my stone-cold face back to normal and walked to the lunch hall. I find;t grab anything to eat just sat in my seat spacing out when something came into my vision it was one of my classmates. I looked over to see all of my classmates. I sighed and looked at them. "What?" I snapped. They trembled slightly and the leader of the group Uraraka spoke in a shaky voice. "W-Why is y-your eye r-red?" she asked I shrugged. "I don't know why are you a girl? It turned red one day out of the dark, that was also the day I met my boyfriend," I stated. She looked horrified I don't know why though. "Is there something wrong with having red eyes? If so then your offending quite a lot of people in our class," I stated. The said people with red eyes looked offended indeed. I smirked at her stood up calmly and walked over to her. "I suggest you leave before I get pissed," I said calmly to the people who were still trying to find another reason I looked a boy straight in the eyes that had thoughts similar to 'He's a villain' and he trembled even more. I waved my hand in a go away manner and sat back down the people who actually accepted me the only people allowed at my table. I called Touya because I was close to crying again. "b-babe" I stuttered only letting my walls down in front of Kacchan, Shoto, Kirishima, Denki, and Shinso. 'Babe, what's wrong?' he asked in a worried manner. "I wanna see you, my day had been so shitty so far that I am almost breaking down for the second time today," I told him softly through the phone. 'Babe do you want me to go and meet you at the gate?' he asked me gently. "Very much," I replied. 'Alright I'm on my way meet me there,' "Okay, Love you," 'Love you too,' he replied to me and I hung up. "I'll be right back," they had all heard this conversation and nodded. I ran out of the lunch hall and to the gate when I saw Touya there I ran even faster and jumped into his arms sobbing. He hugged me close and whispered reassuring things to me. "ssh~ Hey don't you have karaoke tonight?" I shook my head and hugged him tighter I heard five sets of feet come rushing out of the building and saw it was Kacchan, Shoto, Kirishima, Denki, and Shinsou. "What happened?" Touya asked them softly I looked up to him my red-eye showing he caressed my cheek and gave me a gentle kiss as Denki explained. His eyes flared when he heard the last part. He had me close my red-eye and kissed it over the eyelid.

He rubbed my tears away and smiled. "Then we'll make our own fun!" he told us enthusiastically. I smiled when I heard the others agree. "We'll go out to Karaoke without those bitches!" I giggled and hugged him again. He was in his natural look his red hair showing and he had used concealer over all his scars. I sighed and kept hugging him. "I want you to stay!" I sighed. He rubbed my back and stepped back from me a bit. "You could always ask your teacher," My eyes widened and I smiled. The rest of them smiled and nodded and I grabbed his hand and dragged him with me to the classroom when I pulled him in Mr. Aizawa looked at me in surprise I looked to him with pure happiness in my eyes he nodded pulled out a chair and handed it to me I squealed and put the chair next to mine he sat down in it and I sat in my desk. All of us were there in a group as Mr. Aizawa had changed the seating when he heard what happened. He looked at the rest of the class with disgust and at our group with warmth. I talked quietly with Touya while still doing my work at some points he would help me and I felt this was the best I had focused in class even with a distraction. When I was called on for a question I answered immediately without even knowing it. Aizawa smiled.

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