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Capítulo 137: CHAPTER - CXXI

The blonde understands and clings to my neck I just start with a light jog to start with an explosive speed.

Yang: "You are faster than my bike."- She said it with emotion.

Nora: "I want more speed."- She said it in a cheerful tone.

Yang: "why are you always late when we meet."- She said it seeing that I take out my axe to split a nervermore's head.

Yang: "that's why you're always late isn't it."- She said it with an empty smile as she saw a horde of Grimm approaching.

Richard: "you have no idea that's why I hate playing gambling I always end up fighting Grimm because they are called by my luck."- I said it in a blank tone.

She just nodded.

Yang: "next one will be a double bet."

Richard: "do you want to kill me blondie or what."- I said it as I rip the head off an ursa with one blow.

Nora: "if it didn't fade it would be a new record."- She said it with emotion.

Richard: "thanks for the words nora."- I said it calmly

While my companions and I slaughtered every Grimm that crossed our path.

I see that the blonde and the sparkle only see the battle.

When I finish with the Grimm around me I start to advance towards the city.

Richard: "this happens every time I make a bet with you."

Yang: "I don't know why you're complaining, it was fun to watch you smash the nevermore's heads with stones."

Nora: "or you burst the heads of the beowolfs like watermelons."- She said it with emotion

Richard: "That's why I'm always late to sleep well seriously this time there were few of them and mostly there was an ancient ursa or the wretched legendary beowolf that always ends up running away when he sees he's losing I hate him."

Nora: "I have never heard of a legendary beowolf."

Richard: "because there's only one and that son of a bitch hates me for some reason always when he gathers enough Grimm's he attacks me he's probably studying me."

Yang: "You sound very paranoid."

Yang: "the Grimm can't think."- She said it calmly.

Richard: "Well, this one thinks and always attacks me once a week."- I said it annoyed.

It was only heard as he roared to mobilize the ursas and beowolf to surround me.

Black: ""- he said it between growls.

Yang: "he just spoke."- She said it while standing with her mouth open.

Richard: 'my intervention in this world is causing great changes.'- I thought seriously.

Richard: "you can talk you can think then why are you always attacking me."& I said it seriously.

Beowolf: "kill...herd."- He said it with rage.

Richard: "you attacked me first I just protected myself."- I said it without any doubt.

He just growled for me to see as his claws lengthened while his fur bristled.

Beowolf: "I...must...kill."- He said it between growls.

Richard: "yes you were born to kill humans, but by being able to talk you are already defying your creator's logic because it means you must have a soul."- I said it calmly.

When I said that, he looked at himself to see his fur.

Richard: "you must not notice yourself your fur is not the same as your followers."& I said it seriously.

Richard: "You are changing, you are not the same as the beowolf."- I said smiling.

Beowolf: "I...don'"- He said it with fury.

Richard: "Yes you are."- I said it calmly.

I was avoiding his attack while keeping the girls on my shoulders.

I just kicked him in the face pushing him away and looking at my companions finishing off most of the Grimm he immediately noticed to howl to announce the retreat.

Richard: 'they were always smart but they are learning too fast with the pace they are going they may ignore instinct and think for themselves or maybe that beowolf will be a special case.'- I thought seriously.

Yang: "does this always happens to you."- She asked seeing everyone running away.

Richard: "yeah whenever I play cards or do something that needs luck I end up spending my luck for the day so that the day goes to hell."- I said it calmly to start running towards the city.

I take off from the ground in one leap so they look up in wonder at the height and everything around them look up at the clouds that look like they can touch it to see how behemoth charges amarok and marble and he is flying by my side.

I push myself from the biggest and strongest trees to keep the altitude constant and enjoy the air passing by our faces I just see the sparkle screaming with excitement and the blonde is starting to get used to it and enjoy it.

Richard: "We are getting to vale."- I said it calmly, the sparkle looks at me sadly.

The blonde keeps a calm look, but she started to have fun like the spark.

We only get to the voucher center so that people start taking pictures of me.

I just look for the others to see them looking at me with surprise.

Ruby: 'That's how you get here, I thought you used your pets to get you here."- She said excitedly.

Richard: "I have the physical capabilities why depend on someone else it's better to see your physical limits and force them to improve."- I said it calmly.

Richard: "and when did you start wearing pants."- I said it looking at the short skirts of the albino and the dwarf.

Ruby: "they are not normal skirts they are battle skirts."- She said it proudly to high five each other.

Richard: 'they are always fighting, but when it's silly they understand each other.'- I thought about it denying.

Richard: "well let's go to the mulles so you can see your competition."- I said it calmly.

They nodded to start walking towards the docks.

I just look at the place to see some fishermen who see me and wave at me just return the greeting so that one comes to me to give me a tuna of about 30 kilos that Blake sees so that his eyes look at it with a gleam.

Ruby: "You know them."

Richard: "Well I helped them with some problems like the Grimm sharks and leviathan."- I said it serious looking at the ocean.

You see how they lower a box with effort so that from it comes out a faun with a monkey tail has blond hair a marked body an appearance of a friendly someone joker wears a loose shirt, has a height of one meter 83 centimeters with fair skin.

When he sees what's around him, he stops looking at me and approaches me in a friendly way.

? : "Can you sign this for me?": He said it to show a picture of me while I'm falling on the head of a King taijitus.

Richard: "Sure"- I said it in surprise.

Richard: "I don't understand how they take pictures of me fighting Grimms."- I said it with surprise.

Yang: "Wait, you haven't seen the group of people who follow you when there is a fight."- she asked in amazement.

Richard: "Wait, they follow me, how stupid do they have to be to follow me."

Ruby: "well you are recording the strongest living being in existence, you are a living legend."- She said it quietly.

Richard: "Dwarf, that doesn't help me."

"Thanks for signing it, it's going in the family album."- He said it smiling.

Fisherman: "Stop him, he is a thief."- He said pointing at the boy.

He just said goodbye and started to run and used his tail to move with more agility.

Richard: "And that's one of the extra benefits that fauns have, he can use his monkey tail to be more agile and use it as a third arm."- I said it quietly.

Weiss: "why did you hell him."

Richard: "because he hasn't done anything wrong."- I said it quietly.

Weiss: "he came out of a box you don't know what he's done and he's a freaking faun."- She said it angrily.

Yang: "Weiss."

Weiss: "they are all brainless beasts."- She said it with fury.

Ruby: "Weiss, Richard is a faun."- She said it annoyed.

Weiss: "and what's that got to do with it he can be different because he's not with those white fanged bastards they're just animals like most fauns."- She said it with disgust.

Blake: "don't you think that white fang was born for a reason."- She said it while hu gaze is hostile.

Weiss: "than killing people for fun."

Blake: "it's because they're tired of being treated like garbage by people like you."- She said it with fury.

Weiss: "they brought this on themselves they started this."

Blake: "we didn't start anything your father started it all murdering and enslaving our race like we were beasts."- She said it furious.

Everyone went blank when they heard Blake's words.

Ruby: "Blake what do you mean by that."

She just removed the bow on her head to show her cat ears, I just went over to pet them.

Richard: "Well I know why my tuna stew always disappears."- I said it quietly.

Weiss: "You're a faun, you're just like them, aren't you?"

I just hit her in the forehead stopping her before she continued.

Richard: "You're not thinking logically albino."- I said it calmly.

Blake just slapped Weiss in the face to run away.

When she passed near me I just breathed in her scent to remember her and also looked at Amarok who just wagged his tail happily and pointed my gaze at Blake so he just nodded to feel her scent.

Weiss: "why was that slap."

Yang: "you still ask why was that slap you were insulting her and her race all the time and accused her of being a terrorist."- She said it in annoyance.

Weiss: "And why didn't Richard feel insulted."- She said it pointing at me.

Richard: "well I don't care what people think albino, I only save the innocent people, I don't care what race they are, if I had a prejudice against humans right now I would be razing vale, atlas, mistral and vacuo because there are humans."- I said it calmly.

That just froze it.

Weiss: "if you had something against us you would kill everyone."

Richard: "Yes." I said it without a hint of hesitation.

Weiss: "why would you do that?"

Richard: "I just said if I had something to find out about humanity, something I don't have but my brothers do."- I said it quietly but Ruby hears it.

Ruby: "You have siblings."- She said it in surprise.

Richard: "Dwarf, you have a good ear, you'll be a great gossip."

Ruby: "why all the humans would like to kill us."

Richard: "Well I wouldn't say all humans but rather all life itself."- I said this to start walking towards the ice cream shop.

I am followed by the girls and Jaune's team.

Jaune: "why don't we know anything about your brothers"

Richard: "because it's a secret and I need to stop them."

Ruby: "what do they look like."

Richard: "they are similar to me and possibly the same capabilities as me." I said it quietly.

Yang: "wait they are just as strong as you because I haven't seen them."

Richard: "you've been hearing about some villages that have been completely wiped out and most of the population is half maimed and raped."- I said it quietly.

Ren: "yes many of them believe it is the work of bandits, but they must be very sick to leave the bodies of those people in that state."- She said it with rage.

Richard: "they were my brothers."- I said it seriously.

They stopped dead in their tracks.

Ruby: "what do you mean they are your brothers."

Richard: "they are the ones who are destroying the less fortified villages."

Jaune: "why would they do that."- He ask in fear.

Richard: "they hate humanity."- I said it with simplicity.

Weiss: "but why."

Richard: "they once treated you like an animal and only to turn you into a weapon, if it wasn't for my mother I would probably be like them."- I said it calmly.

Richard: "I have seen how cruel mankind can be, but I had someone to guide me but they are what you think of fauns brainless beasts that are guided by their desires which is to reproduce and kill the female if she doesn't meet their standards."- I said this to get to the ice cream man and ask for my bucket of ice cream.

pyrrha: "what point are you getting at."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "the point is that neither is right both sides are stupid since fauns respond with violence to a later violent human."- I said it calmly.

Richard: "What I want to emphasize is that they had to wait a moment and completely eliminate the one responsible for all this discussion along with their offspring."

Ruby: "don't you think that's a bit wrong."

Richard: "well where I come from we eliminate the dictators along with their family because then the sons want to follow in the father's footsteps and repeat the same thing."

Weiss: "you say eliminate my family completely."- She was furious.

Richard: "So you know what your father does."- I said it while showing a fierce smile that froze them.

Richard: "You know what he does and tell me why you are here as a hunter."

Weiss: "Yes, I know, I have always been aware of everything my father did, but I can't do anything, I may be the heir, but I can't do anything to stop him."- She said it with rage.

Richard: "you want to stop your father why don't you publish all the dirty things they have done if you collected evidence."- I said it calmly.

Weiss:" they will shut down the factories which is the main economy of the continent and that would cut off the flow of dust which is a death sentence for all mankind."- She said it sad.

Richard: "you have a point but why do you despise the fauns."

Weiss: "they killed all my relatives and close acquaintances they even delivered by mail the severed head of my grandfather they are just monsters."

Richard: "They really did it Weiss."- I said it in a serious tone.

Weiss: "Yes the report showed faunus hair on part of the box."

Richard: "if that points to the investigation well."- I said it calmly.

Weiss: "what are you getting at."

Richard: "your grandfather what was he for the company."

Weiss: "the leader of it my father was only by name but no one listened to his orders."- She said it to start opening her eyes in realization.

Richard: "ho you came to the answer."- I said it to see how a spoon floats in the air to grab a bite of ice cream.

[sir stop looking for women]

Richard: 'quiet helpi I don't look for them in a certain way.'- I thought about it quietly.

[sir because you can't behave like someone unpleasant for the female gender]

Richard: 'helpi there is no such thing as being nasty to the female gender the titles prevent it and I like these girls they are entertaining.'

[and why don't you sell the titles sir you could get some better ones]

Richard: 'I don't like them and I went out of my way to get them.'- I thought proudly.

Richard: 'and it helps me a lot that the girls don't fight when I take them to bed.'- I thought seriously.

[sir sometimes I'm afraid of what you might do].

Richard: 'relax helpi and enjoy the show.'- I thought it smiling.

Weiss: "my father couldn't have planned that, could he?"- She said it upset.

Richard: "I don't know."

Weiss: "I have to look into that I have to talk to my sister about this."

Richard: "well it's getting late so you can go ahead."- I said it quietly.

They just nodded but remembered about Blake.

Ruby: "we have to look for Blake."- She said it seriously.

Richard: "the last bullhead is going to beacon in an hour so look for her and if you don't find her go to the room."- I said it calmly and they just nodded.

They all split up to look for it, I just saw something strange, the sparkle is not so attached to the semi emo and went with pyrrha.

I only saw them running, I just looked at amarok and my companions.

Richard: "lead me to the closet pervert."- I said calmly and he just nodded.

We started walking for a while to get to a restaurant where I see Blake with the guy with the monkey tail.

Richard: "there's this closet pervert."- I said it quietly she looked at me surprised.

Blake: "how did you find me."- She said surprised.

Richard: "smell you smell like a cat."

Blake: "you already knew I was a faun didn't you."- She said it looking at me.

Richard: "from the first moment I saw you."- I said it looking at my phone.

Blake: "you came to stop me."- she asked with doubt.

Richard: "you'll run away again."

Blake: "until I solve it, yes."

Richard: "well I won't stop you accomplish your task and go back to talk to your team they are your family now and nothing is hidden from the family."- I said it calmly to pat his head.

The monkey boy just kept looking at me with excitement.

Richard: "it's okay monkey boy."

Blake: "yeah he's just a fan of yours."

Richard: "wait I have fans."- I asked in surprise.

She gave me a dead look.

Blake: "yang and Ruby are fans I can always find them watching a video of you fighting grimms, pyrrha and nora are fans of yours ren hates you and the others I don't know."

Richard: "why does ren hate me see he's being friendly with me."

Blake: "he's not friendly he's respectful."

Richard: "well I don't care."- I said it quietly.

I just pulled out some credits and handed it to Blake to look at me.

Richard: "I know you're not going back to school at the moment, it's for you to get an apartment."- I said it without further ado.

To go and fulfill what I want which is to spend some time with yang since I won't waste a bet.

So far.


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