The following day, Esme was back at work, looking fresh from a shower, face full of natural-looking make up, and hair falling down in waves around her face from her half-up hairstyle. The claw mark was gone, and she was completely healed. She kept to a basic long-sleeved black dress and heels, though she could still feel eyes looking at her longer than necessary.
This time instead of heading straight to the VIP room, Esme greeted Leo and Rory behind the bar, making herself a quick coffee before leaving for the start of her shift. As her heels clicked against the floors, exiting the bar, Leo called out from behind her, reminding her to meet outside after work to go to the battle bar.
"You lucky git!" Rory whisper-shouted none the wiser that Esme could still hear him down the hallway. "You have a date with Es!?"
Esme halted, her hand near the golden door handle to Gabriel's VIP room. She wanted to hear Leo's response to determine how the evening might go and her attitude towards him. She wasn't as foolish as she was in the past, understanding that a handsome face and charismatic attitude didn't mean anything; he could still be a jerk underneath it all. Esme knew what men could be like.
"Calm down. It's not a date; we are just hanging out," Leo replied calmly. Esme suddenly felt bad for thinking the worst of Leo; she should have known from their conversation on the phone that he would not banter with Rory about how he would get laid or something.
Opening the door to the VIP room, Esme got straight to work, glancing in Gabriel's direction once as he spoke to a few vampires all wearing suits of the highest qualities before setting up glasses of ready to pour some blood into. Even now, she struggled to keep a straight face squeezing the blood from its pouch and into the tumblers. While she did so, Esme started to ponder over the term friend and what that meant with a vampire.
Esme knew she started to stare at Gabriel's side profile, but she couldn't help it. Last night was strange; she felt so close to him, even relaxing by his side, and now he felt so far away and untouchable. He was intimidating and imposing even at this distance; his emotions kept off his face as he listened to the other nobles (or so she guessed) about the imprisonment of a Duke. But even now, Esme wasn't paying attention to their conversation.
It was absurd for a vampire and a werewolf to be friends, but then she thought of Niko in the same light without any issue. Maybe it was more absurd because Gabriel wasn't just any vampire but the first vampire to ever exist. The Vampire King.
What ever did he see in her to become friends? All she seemed to do was give him attitude..
"Penny, for your thoughts?" Luther interrupted her deep thinking and leaned into the bar, his handsome face now obstructing her view.
"Make it 4K, and I'll tell you," Esme smirked but became dumbfounded when Luther pulled out a cheque book. Her response quietened the group of vampires; it wasn't the first time she had stopped conversations because of her commentary. She was, after all, a werewolf working in a vampire bar and in the King's VIP room, no less.
With a dazzling smile, he asked, "What's your last name?"
Esme's jaw went slack, and her lips parted at the vampire's ease to write her first name on the paper. His writing is neat and cursive from years of perfecting.
"You should have said 10K!" Isana whisper-shouted in her mind, almost drooling at the idea. Esme refrained from rolling her eyes at her wolf's comment.
"And if I told you my thoughts were as simple as doing my laundry this evening, would you still write me that cheque?" She questioned while throwing the blood bags into the bin before looking up to meet Luther's green eyes.
"I asked what you were thinking; if that was truly what you were so deep in thought about then, I have no issue with writing you a cheque. Money is of no concern to me," Luther replied, staring at her in amusement. Her gaze shifted from the blonde-haired vampire and to the men behind him, who did not bother to stop staring, almost purposefully trying to make her feel uncomfortable.
The thing was, she didn't care about their staring and more of their impression of her. She didn't want to leave any trace of herself behind where vampires might talk about an outspoken werewolf. It would attract unwanted attention. Esme returned Luther's stare and smiled, "Do not waste your wealth on such useless things. If you must know, I will be doing my laundry tonight, but I shan't take your money for it." Esme walked around the bar and grabbed the golden tray she left the glasses of blood on and turned to place them on the coffee table for the vampires.
After her comment, they did not bother themselves any further with the she-wolf working under Gabriel. She was of no importance, and Gabriel's lack of interest in her appearance made it clear she was not worthy of remembering. Which was precisely what she needed. Whether he did it on purpose or not, she was grateful either way, even if she still felt slightly detached from him after feeling a little closer to him from the previous night.
Returning to the bar, Luther was called over by Gabriel as they discussed the next successor for this dukedom. It was all bizarre listening to such things, especially after coming from a werewolf's world or pack and rogue culture. Tuning them out, Esme lowered herself down and reached in her bag for her phone. She didn't usually check it, but lately, she seemed to be more sociable and have friends.
Flipping the device open, there were two unread messages, one from Leo and the other was from an unknown number. Straightening up, she leaned onto the bar, the phone in her hands as she frowned and tapped the button to open the message.
[ 11pm Message from Unknown]
[ 11pm This is my new number – Gabriel ]
Esme slowly looked up from the screen and stared at Gabriel. Did Niko give him her number? This was the second time now! Her anger dissipated quickly though, Gabriel was Niko's boss and the King, so she would let it slide. At that moment, Gabriel looked up at her and showed the first sign of emotion since seeing her, his brow was furrowed, but he quickly relaxed his features and replied to Luther, still staring at her.
Esme held his gaze, wondering what the vampire was thinking, but his eyes snapped back to the company he was keeping, and she lowered her gaze before her heart rate would increase and all of the vampires would hear it. She saved the new number under Gabriel's name; it might be helpful in the future, then she opened the message from Leo, who sent it earlier, most likely on his break.
[ 2pm Message from Leo ]
[ 2pm I see we both finish at the same time :-) did you want to get some food first? They do some fantastic meals as well! x]
Esme could feel Leo's excitement over their evening even through his messages. She wouldn't lie; she was excited at the idea of all the games, especially the knife throwing.
[ 5:15pm Sounds good to me. See you soon.]
Esme flipped the phone shut and ignored Gabriel's gaze. It seemed to be burning two holes into her head; was her text messaging really loud? Her phone wasn't like a smartphone with a touch screen, so everyone could probably hear her pressing the buttons. She shrugged and put her phone away, busying herself for the next 45 minutes of her shift.
When it was almost 6pm, the meeting had wrapped up, and only Luther and Gabriel were left, sitting, arms resting on the back of the sofa, sharing a bottle of whiskey between them. Did they ever do anything other than drink? Though she couldn't really question it. After double-checking the bar and surrounding areas, she picked up her bag and started to set off towards the double doors.
"Are you returning to your apartment tonight?" Gabriel asked, halting her from leaving. He sounded a little disgruntled, but she could not understand why.
Esme swivelled her head in Gabriel's direction, whose back was still facing her as he looked at the tumbler in his hand. She glanced briefly at Luther, who seemed to be watching them in amusement. "I will be," Esme replied and watched as Gabriel tipped the glass at his mouth. She strode forwards again, believing that to be the end of their conversation.
"Did you not want to drink with us?" Luther asked. Esme stopped again and smiled in his direction, her hand now on the doorknob.
"I would, but I have plans with a friend. Another time maybe?" Luther nodded and looked back at Gabriel when the doors closed behind the little she-wolf.
The glass in Gabriel's hand shattered into pieces cutting his skin and wetting his hand with his blood. The vampire didn't so much as blink as the blue flames in his eyes were set ablaze at the idea of his little wolf having fun with another man.
Esme slipped out of her heels in the changing rooms, putting her fancy work attire in the locker and threw on more casual clothes. Walking out from the back entrance in a grey 'Guns N' Roses' crop top, skinny black jeans, leather jacket, fingerless leather gloves and ankle boots. Leo was leaning against the wall by the side of the door. His gaze on his phone as his thumbs moved across the screen, a serious look upon his face. He looked up, and his face beamed like a happy puppy at her approach.
Leo put his phone away in his coat pocket and pushed off the wall falling into step by her side, turning to walk backwards as his eyes swept across her body. "Damn girl, how many times do you work out?" He flirted with a crooked smile.
Esme looked down at her choice of clothes; her stomach was flat and toned. It was the first time she'd revealed any other part of her skin besides her hands and face in Chester. "Hmm, every day, but I don't do your regular workout either." Esme's lips curled upwards at the idea of going to the gym before a frown settled on her features as they stopped in front of a black BMW.
Esme looked back at Leo, her dark brow raised in question. "You didn't think we were walking, right?" He asked as he unlocked the car with a press of the button on his keys. Esme looked back at the car, and started to feel a small portion of anxiety crawl up her skin, but one look at Leo's toothy grin and it dissipated as she went to the passenger side door.
"I don't know where this place is, and most people don't have cars in the city," Esme replied as she slid into the fancy leather seat of the car, putting her backpack on the floor. She wasn't surprised that Leo could afford such a car; they got paid well at ONYX. Leo turned the key, and the engine roared to life.
"True, but I like to get out of Chester whenever I get the chance away from work," Leo replied with a grin, turning to look out the back window as he reversed out of the parking space.
"Where do you go?" Esme questioned; she wasn't asking to make simple conversation but to scratch whatever city or town he named off her map of places to move to next. Though Esme was quite sure, there weren't many more places left she could hide.
"Oh, I like pretty much any outdoor activity; we have the mountains nearby and the valleys. So, I head out hiking, climbing, kayaking, you name it." He smiled, looking ahead at the traffic but clearly was thinking about his previous trips. An emotion flashed across his face, but it went so quickly that Esme could not pinpoint it.
"Ah, I see. I'm not much of a city girl myself. I've always been in the countryside although I have yet to hike the mountains. So that's on my list of things to do while I'm here," Esme replied nonchalantly as she looked out of the window, not really thinking about what she just said.
"Es.." Isana's warning tone and her message were interrupted by Leo.
"What do you mean while you're here?" Esme looked back at her friend and bit her tongue at his puzzled expression.
She laughed it off and waved her hand. "Why so serious? I didn't mean anything by it, silly. Gosh, Leo." She smiled and shook her head, brushing it off like the good actress she was.
"It sounded more like the slip of your tongue. Are you leaving?" Leo eyed her before cursing under his breath at the car horn behind him, telling him to go at the green light from the traffic lights ahead. He sped away and tapped his fingers against the wheel, waiting for Esme's response. She had been watching him the entire time; he was much more perceptive than she initially believed and possibly bright. His good looks and affable nature covered up these facts well.
"Good actress, huh?" Isana started sarcastically but Esme ignored her.
"Like I said, I'm not much of a city girl," She said quietly, hoping he would drop it and not probe any further. It was no problem if he knew she was leaving, but someone like Leo couldn't help but want to stay in contact with her after. Her shoulders tightened at the idea of saying goodbye forever to the man sitting beside her and to the others she had befriended whilst in Chester.
This was why she never made friends, they were a reminder of a simpler life, and it was always hard to leave when there were attachments. Well, she was just useless this time around. Making friends and leaving traces of herself behind. Had she gone mad because she was in favour of the Vampire King?
Leo looked at her out of the corner of his eye, but he didn't say anything else on the matter. "If you want, we can always go for a hike sometime," He said, changing the conversation back to a lighter topic. Esme nodded and parted her lips to respond when her eyes fell on the building ahead with neon lights with the name 'BATTLE BAR' in an explosion of strobe lights. She could already hear the music from the car and the chatter and excitement of customers inside.
Esme's face lit up, thrilled to be doing something different. Leo parked the car on the sidewalk and led her through the entrance to the side away from the games area. She wanted to go straight to the games, but the sound of her belly growling in protest told her to eat first. Esme followed behind Leo into what looked like a 50's style diner and the waitresses moving around in roller skates across the black and white chequered floor.
He picked out a red booth in the corner next to the window; if she was by herself, that was exactly where she would pick so she could see every angle of this diner. Unfortunately, Leo was the one to sit in the corner and Esme facing away from everyone else. "Why are you pouting?" He asked, the side of his lips curving upwards. Was she?
"Oh," She actually felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Well, that was a first. "I wanted to sit there," Esme said quietly, avoiding eye contact as she did so.
Leo chuckled and leaned forwards, his hand placing atop her right one lightly, gaining her attention. She looked down at his hand on hers and back up to the man in front of her, "You know.. you don't HAVE to sit across from me. There's no rule about it.. Unless, of course, you just want to stare at my face.." He raked his fingers through his golden hair showing off the bulge in his biceps even under the long sleeve shirt, and winked.
"Are you posing right now?" Esme tilted her head to the side, unfazed by Leo's looks.
Leo dropped his hand and dramatically sighed. Esme rolled her eyes and removed her hand from his to pick up the plastic menu on the table. Scanning the contents of the food, her mind was now already preoccupied with what she wanted to eat, almost salivating at the idea of waffles, pancakes, burgers, chicken wings and more.
One of the waitresses skated over to their booth and looked at Esme in concern and envy when she ordered a burger, a pizza and waffles with ice cream for dessert and a large milkshake. Leo laughed as she skated away with their large order. "Seriously, I'm sharing the pizza with you; it's not that much.." She grumbled, though if it was appropriate, she would eat the whole damn pizza. She actually wanted two burgers..
"Stupid humans. Girl's gotta eat here!" Isana added in her frustrations.
"It's okay; we can get something on the way home, or we could hunt.." Esme replied, thinking about the deer she saw in the valley previously.
"So, after this, I've reserved table tennis first, then pool and knife throwing," Leo began, then the pair swivelled their heads to the side after hearing a loud crash and their waitress toppled on the floor with the milkshakes spilt on the ground.
"I'm so sorry!" She cried, checking over Esme where most of the contents spilt out near her, but she was clear of any spillage.
"Hey, no problem, here," Esme pulled out some napkins from the metal napkin holder on the table's side and handed them down to the waitress, who started wiping at the floor.
"Sally! Seriously! If you can't skate, just take the damn things off!" Esme looked up to see an older lady with short wispy blonde hair wearing the same dress but in a bright blue with images of poodles across the bottom of her skirt. "I'm sorry, milkshakes are on the house.." She smiled at Esme and Leo before returning a scowl at Sally on the floor, "That will go out of your paycheck!" She smacked the poor girl over the head with a tea towel.
Esme's brows rose, and she looked at Leo with a questioning gaze that meant, 'Where have you brought me?'
"Don't worry, that's my mum.." Sally spoke up after the older lady walked off. The only waitress not wearing the roller skates. "I'll return with your shakes.."
"That poor girl.." Esme said, watching her skate off, her head bowed down.
"You know you're a lot nicer than you make yourself out to be.."
Esme looked back at Leo, startled by his comment. "Nice?" She pointed at herself and looked behind her mockingly. "Me? Esme? Don't you regularly complain that I'm only nice to Niko?"
Leo leaned forward and smiled, glancing around like what he was about to say was a secret, "I was just jealous.. you give him more of your attention." Esme paused as she stared back into his hazel eyes.
Woop woop, my contract was made official this morning for THE FUGITIVE :D Anyway please do vote, powerstones, golden tickets .. the lot if you are enjoying!
The next chapter will be released later where you will read more about our friend Leo AND the fun games they will play.
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