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61.42% The Eternal Soldier Reincarnates / Chapter 40: Astaros The Destroyer

Capítulo 40: Astaros The Destroyer


POV: Astaros


Through pain, Through fire, I shall wander this land I have not named. For I have no home but the scorched earth. Upon the edge of this world is but a molten sea.

I have wandered this land for a thousand years. I can do it a little longer.

I am Astaros The Destroyer. I have not gained this title through kindness but through bloodshed. I have lived longer than man has waged it's petty wars. I would know as I was involved in nearly every single one of them. I wandered during the age of creation when the world was but a burning coal in the void. The boiling orange glow barely scathing the ash coated sky. My feet burned and melted to the stone and obsidian. It was my home for thousands of thousands of years and as the smoke and ash swirled in the sky I had no vision for the future.

Who was I? Where had I come from? Who was I who had regenerated a billion times on this incinerated world?

When did the embers cool and the seas of lava became water? I do not know. It was the first day I could truly see the ugliness of my burning world.

The seas were the only place I could stay without burning and turning to dust upon the cooled stone.

For I now had a new opponent.

A celestial entity that had watched over my world from the beginning and would likely live to see its end as well.

The sun.

It shone in the sky eradicating all life that was not prepared for the utter destruction it wrought.

However soon I would see I was not alone. Creatures of the sea would come into existence and I would face them as my enemy in the coming years.


When did the day come that the scorched air stopped burning my lungs? I do not know.

But I do remember how fast time passed after that. This burning ember I had wandered for billions of years had brought forth life.

And some of it looked like me.

Years and years of solitary existence and I had finally been granted brethren.









And they were horrid. They did nothing but kill each other. For fun, food and over disagreements.

I who had suffered through the ages should have never expected anything of value from these fools.

They all wear twisted versions of my face. Thus they were all twisted copies of me. But one.

The child who had given me my name. His innocence of the world was what had offered me the chance of a little light in this eternity.

"So that is my name? I see. I am Astaros. Astaros Systin. I who have lived longer than any."

And there is no other like me.

After we saved the caravan we began the return to the city.

The priestess wished to stop and converse but I simply wasn't in the mood. Instead we traveled along the path to Elden which was about another day away. How did we arrive so fast to the caravans aid but would now have to wait two days to return? We cut through the forest while the path takes a relatively clear but long route. To add onto that this was a caravan and because it was long and had people walking alongside it the trip was much longer than initially anticipated. Thus we were moving at a snail's pace. I had conversed with the guards about the assault and it had been a classic case of bold bandits. Or so it seemed. They had attacked the caravan in a staggered assault, with a vanguard and a main force that came afterwards to break through the busy defenders.

Suspicious. They had some skilled fighters and their numbers were impressive but they were just enough to crush the fifty strong escort regiment that was on the defense. It was as simple as that. It was as though the bandits were sent to fail to allow something else to happen.

As the sun set and night began to fall we set up camp in a reasonably sized clearing.

The guards set up campfires which people gathered near for safety, while some slept in their own accommodations, like the priestess. Holding some timber in my hands I watched as our own fire crackled and popped under the night sky, its orange glow offering me what little solace it could.

I watched over the resting Dryis and Filla, who seemed to be sleeping soundly. Val Systin however was gnawing on a rabbit bone he had received from a young boy who had come up to us earlier.

A gentle cool breeze blew swirled, and whistled around my armor's horns as I sat and watched the surroundings with a lazed vigilance. I glanced at Dryis who occasionally shifted in her sleep.

She had taken lives yesterday. She seemed to be handling it well but many others seemed to be as well. They snapped like twigs underfoot later.

The cackling flames laughed at my concern, waving and billowing as though they were a willow in the wind.

"You look worried." {???}

I turned to look at the person. A woman in a black night gown and coat came and sat down near our fire with Val stopping his chewing for a moment to see exactly what had arrived before him. His eye barely passed over her before he went back to his bone, gnawing away as though to say, 'I cannot chew on you thus you have no importance to me, unless you have brought me another bone'.

Her pale blue eyes shined in the dark as the orange glow on her pale fair skin softened her complexion. It was the priestess. Her beauty was not to be mistaken. Now then, why are you here?

After catching a glimpse of the guards nearby I realized this was something she had talked over with them.

This meant she had considered and acted on coming over here with a goal in mind as she was willing to alert her servants to her movements.

In under a second did I come to this conclusion. Did I jump to it? Certainly. Do I care? No.

"I am." {Astaros}

I looked over at the figure of Dryis sleeping soundlessly for the most part. Her chest rose and fell with even breathing as she rested. Killing the bandits hadn't affected her sleep it seems. But still…

"She truly killed someone for the first time today. I am worried about her mental stability." {Astaros}

As if to emphasize my point a twig in the fire cracked and snapped. I tossed in another to replace it, causing the flames to roar and grow for a moment. The priestess slowly nodded, understanding my concern as the glow of the flames caused shadows to be cast across her face.

"Would you like me to pray for her?" {Priestess Aurora}

Under my helm I raised one eyebrow. From what I had seen, prayer had been no different from the prayer of my world. Just with the goddesses that people served being far weaker than what the men and women of my world had worshipped. They lack omnipotence and thus they were able to be deceived and if one was powerful enough, defeated. But at the moment I didn't really have any concerns about them. Though Ira, her patron goddess, had challenged me once, I certainly wasn't her enemy. Nor did I hold a grudge against her. He didn't have enough of a connection to her to actually be mad at her for attempting to control his mind.

"Sure. It would be nice to have some reassurance. Her name is Dryis." {Astaros}

She smiled and she then clasped her hands together and knelt down to pray for Dryis. As she prayed I felt a slight buildup of divinity. Instantly I used my own to protect everyone. Never mind. Prayer was a no go.

Minutes later the priestess came out of prayer.

"I have prayed for her health to the goddess Ira. Though my goddess is one of love, she specializes as well in the health of the heart and the mind." {Priestess Aurora}

She then asked me a question with a curious twinkle in her eyes.

"Is Dryis a daughter of Theadris or Cleavery?" {Priestess Aurora}

I shrugged.

"I do not know." {Astaros}

It was true I had never asked which deity she served but I knew what she was really wondering about. My divinity had shielded her and now she was wondering who had interfered. Unlike mana it seemed divinity could be sensed by anyone who had it. I'll be careful from here on out and on top of that I had something else I needed to make now. Yes, that is a good idea.

Turning my attention back to the priestess I saw she was now deep in thought. Our conversation seemingly ended.

Then I felt it. It was a group of people. I closed my eyes and spread out my mana sense. It had been growing considerably since I had classed up. Now I can see around five hundred meters around me in total and in those five hundred meters they're were twenty five people gathering on the outskirts of camp.

I guess this is round two. I'll clean this one up.

I reopened my eyes to the sight of the priestess staring me down with an inquisitive look on her face.

"I have to go clean up something quickly. Watch over these three will you Val?" {Astaros}

And Val growled out a response as I stood up to my full towering height, the kama around my waist fluttering in the night breeze.

Let's make this quick.

"Is something the matter?" {Priestess Aurora}

I looked at the priestess who was seemingly concerned by my sudden wish to depart.

I shrugged.

"I'll come back and tell you if something was the matter after I finish checking it out." {Astaros}

I then walked off into the forest and out of sight.

The forest was dark as I crunched over leaves and twigs. Shadows covered my glinting armor as I delved into the arcing trunks of the forest. The opponents surrounded me, from above and in all directions. I've decided. They're hostile and I'm going to cut them down.

It began without warning.

A knife lunging out from the beneath a bush

A sword from within a hollow.

Arrows from the canopy.

Try to kill me will you?


I back stepped from the knife as it came up to my chest and then clapped the blade thrusting at me before snapping it in half.

Wind element whirled and blew away the arrows from above my head.

I will not be killed by some simpletons from the literal sticks.

I tossed the tip of the blade into the bushes and the knife wielder in the bush spurted blood as it cut through his Adam's apple.

My right hand then crashed through the cut down stump and dragged out the ambushing party as chips and splinters of wood cut and dug into his skin. I swung him around to block a thrusting spear as another man came dashing in.

I raised my left hand to the heavens and scorched them. The canopy above me filled with flames as the assassins tried to run from the pillar of purgatory judgment but they were too slow.


Their insolence in taking position above me had shown and now they were down seven men.

the spear man pulled out his spear and tried to retreat but I lobbed the corpse of the swordsman at him, knocking him over before I blasted over with wind element and crushed his skull in a single step.


Three men dual wielding shortswords came out of the bushes as another readied a lance to pierce my skull. My silver armored fingers turned red as I superheated them, stabbing through one their chest and using him to bat away the other two. As I smashed them out of the air I turned and fired a curling wave of flame, incinerating their unconscious bodies in a matter of seconds.

The back of my left hand swung around and smashed through the tough metal of the lances tip, shattering it completely. As a beam of light began charge in the palm of my hand the man pulled out a blade and charged me as three arrows all came at my head.

I dropped to my knee and fired the beam which cut through him like a knife through butter.


I blasted off towards the archer as several dagger wielding men flashed from the darkness in front of me and a flash of fire appeared off the side. Mage. I'll deal with the melee idiots later.

I jutted out my foot and crashed to a stop before pushing off in a different direction.

I crashed through the undergrowth as a fireball exploded and threw both flame and destruction towards me.

I threw a punch into it and blew a hole through the attack and passing through it as flame stuck to some of my armor.

I front rolled putting it all out before crashing headfirst into the mage and then stabbing a hole in his chest with my fingers.

Dark users.

I was blinded as the dagger wielders used the shadows to relieve me of my sight.

No matter.

I don't need my eyes to see.

A blade of wind curled around my fingers as I swung it in a circle and relieved their heads of their bodies.


This is too slow. The rest are going to reach camp before I can kill them.

I have no patience for hostage situations.

I place my palm to the ground as sparks gathered and a ball of flame gathered.

It was instant and devastating.

The forest floor was engulfed in flames flooded through burning everything to ash. Trees were scorched and the undergrowth turned to dust.

Their confidence in killing me had cost them their lives. Not that they had a chance in the first place

The escorts had rallied up in moments when the pillar of flame burst up and had rushed into the forest to find a new clearing had appeared. The grey ash swirled in the night breeze, as the moon now shined upon the bare forest floor.

I stood in the middle as I kicked a burnt skull in annoyance, turning it to black dust as I searched for more assassins. I was now sure. This had been pre-planned. However the goal of such a reckless assault was unclear. I have theories but they mean nothing. I should have taken one alive.

A glint in the ash grabbed my attention as I picked up a black dagger. Their weapons were high class and though I was powerful and outclassed them they could probably give Katia a run for her money.

These guys were likely mercs sent by someone. It's no use asking who because I incinerated them all. It wasn't really my problem so I didn't care but we'll think about that later.

I dropped the dagger back into the dust and stalked off back towards the camp as I told the guards the situation.

I then returned to the campfire and sat down. The priestess sat looked up at me as she cleaned her shokujo.

"There was nothing the matter" {Astaros}

The priestess covered her mouth as she laughed slightly. She finally stopped giggling and looked up to me her eyes softening

"You can say that with a straight face after all those explosions?" {Priestess Aurora}

I shrugged.

"It simply wasn't a concern." {Astaros}

We returned to the Elden a day later and after delivering the priestess to Kali who looked exhausted. While I wanted to investigate her I realized both Fillia and Dryis wanted to go home. Val had already begun the return trip to the island. I saw Christine for a moment she was practicing with Raven.

Instead of bothering her we simply returned home. The return trip felt unreasonably short after traveling at the pace of normal people.

"We are thankful for your safe return." {Oadry}

Fillia and Dryis smiled as we entered through the front door and were greeted by the productive and caring Oadry.

"And it feels good to return." {Dryis}

After this we separated and I went to the bath's to simply soak for a while.

The warm water softened my skin and loosened my muscles as I relaxed in the heat. I was tired and tense. Killing people wasn't something I enjoyed. It always felt as though I had missed out on something each time.

From time to time I would dwell on these circumstances. But it was not of concern.

The steam was beginning to get to me so I got out and grabbed a towel which was hanging on the rack. I then headed back to my room before getting dressed and going downstairs to the kitchen to make something to eat.

I put together a nice juicy smoke beef sandwich after ten minutes of work but before I could take a bite Nikky came peeking around the corner.

"We have guests." {Nikky}

'Haaaah' {Astaros}

I placed down the sandwich and left the kitchen heading to the door. I kinda figured out what Kali had been doing when I met Lupus on the way back.

She had been trying to find a suitable path from the city to the lake. There was a path that was a single road that brought you within two kilometers of the house. Thus they probably took it and then walked the rest of the way. I armored up fully and saw Oadry in the entrance hall leading a group comprised of Kali, Raven three men in gold and white armor and the priestess herself.

I'll eat the sandwich later.

Let's get ourselves into a respectable position.

I sat down at the round table as the massive doors to the core room split open revealing the group of intru- I mean guests who had arrived.

"Thank you for graciously welcoming us into your home." {Priestess Aurora}

She smiled and bowed as she came and took a seat. The three guards stood behind her while Kali took a seat as well.

"Your manners are lacking Kali. Not only do you show up unannounced, you bring a guest without warning. Do you have anything to say or are you going to let priestess Aurora speak for you like just now." {Astaros}

I was acting annoyed but really this was the only place where all the cards were in my hands. However, nothing I said was untrue. I just didn't care as much as it seemed.

She grimaced.

"I apologize for showing up unannounced. We simply wished to discuss the bandit assault with you and deliver compensation." {Kali}

I raised an eyebrow at this. She was truly sorry. I am both concerned and amused at this development.

"Well no matter your already here so lets talk about the bandits. I believe that was a targeted assault." {Astaros}

She nodded and Raven, who was standing behind her chair, placed the broken sword I took from that swordsman hiding in the tree trunk on the table.

"These are from the mercenary group black sun. Whoever hired these guys are in the high echelons of society." {Kali}

I laughed.

"And let me guess they're after the priestess for her power or the wealth she offers." {Astaros}

The priestess Aurora's eyes sparkled as I said this but Kali shook her head.

"So you can be completely wrong sometimes." {Kali}

I leaned forward with an eyebrow raised.

"It's my body." {Priestess Aurora}




Within a room of the Elden barons home a boy sat in the darkness his eyes darting across a page as he read the report.

He had used almost all his money and reserves he had for this stunt he had pulled. He had tried his best to be kind and offer his hand to the woman who had stolen his heart all those years ago.


As a young boy he had met the priestess in her younger years and had instantly fallen in love. Yet each time like many other suitors he was rejected.

She had pushed him to this. She hadn't taken his hand when he kindly offered it to her.

Now he had to do it by force.

Yet he had failed in this as well.

All because of him.


He smiled deliriously.


His fingers tore at his cheeks as his lips curled into a smile.


It's my move now you silver bitch.


A/N: How are you guys enjoying the story? Do any parts feel lazy? Please comment here or in the comment section and tell me.

Blue_Robin Blue_Robin

A little peek at the current state of Astaros.

And yes I realize this is the same as last times villian. Trust me this will have a comepletely different outcome

next chapter
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