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85.22% THE EMBODIMENT OF WRATH / Chapter 70: CHP70: Welcome to Hell Bitch

Capítulo 70: CHP70: Welcome to Hell Bitch

Now we are getting towards the more pivotal stage of this arc, and a lot of stuff is going to go down.

Hope you all enjoy this.



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Vhaalku was sprawled out onto the golden floor of the platform, looking like a fish fresh out of water.

He was breathing extremely hard, and his eyes were closed shut as he tried to get his baring's together.


Vhaalku groaned in pain as he felt his muscles, flesh and even his soul feel like someone was twisting and crushing it in the palms of their hand.

It was an extreme pain that was beyond words that he could explain.

Remembering what happened a while ago, he flinched a little.

He nearly died during the process of extracting a small piece of his origin along with a part of his soul.

The coldness of death was upon him like a wolf's maw upon a rabbit's throat.

But he would be fine, he has always pulled through it before, and he can do it now. Gritting his teeth, Vhaalku shakily placed his left arm on the ground followed by his right.

Slowly he pushed himself up of the ground and onto his knees.

As he pushed himself up on the ground, the sound of humming entered his ears.

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw not that far off from him, the golden form of the One Above All twirling a greenish colored orb of light in his hands.

He seemed to be covering it in some type of golden ectoplasm.

Wondering what was going on, Vhaalku stepped up with his left foot and pulled himself up.

Standing at his full height, Vhaalku slowly circulated his own healing factor to heal his body.

It worked in healing the strain in his body, but his soul and origin still hurt like a bitch.

"Oh, yeah, your soul and origin will take a bit of time to heal, so I'd recommend taking a good amount of rest."

The One Above All's voice entered Vhaalku's mind as he felt his body somewhat relax from the strain in his muscles.

"Noted, Doctor."

Vhaalku joked a little, then he said, "What are you doing?"

The One Above All holding the golden shielded piece of soul and origin, turned around to him.

Vhaalku watched as the One Above All gaze seemed look through him, it was like he was looking at all of his secrets.

Vhaalku realized that his entire person was like a naked newborn in his sight.

And he felt an involuntary little shiver in his slowly recovering soul.

"What is it," He asked the One Above All.

The One Above was quiet for a moment, until he in a joking manner said, "Oh nothing really, just thinking of the future and what could be my new story to write."

Is what he said on the outside to Vhaalku but on the inside he said, 'I guess I was right, but I can do nothing, or the already done to him could be increased.'

'But I guess it is not all lost, it would seem his real elf had the foresight and some measure of control after all.' He thought as he gazed at the Orb in his hands and the plan to erase all of what happened here today from Vhaalku's mind.

Vhaalku was oblivious to the One Above All's thoughts, only he just really wanted to go back home and rest for a bit.

"So, I take it we are done now?" Vhaalku asked One.

The One Above just smiled and said, "Yeah we are done, but before I send you back there is something I have to give you."

Rasing an eyebrow at this, Vhaalku wondered what it could be.

I mean he knew that if the One Above All really wanted to do something bad to him, he didn't need to resort to underhanded tactics.

So, curious Vhaalku just walked over to him wondering what it was.

The One Above All moved at a speed beyond of what was normal for Vhaalku, then he extended his golden finger out to Vhaalku's head and tapped it in just a split second.


Unknown and invisible to Vhaalku, the One Above All just erased all of what happened here in his domain from his mind.

While he also helped recover Vhaalku's soul energy just enough to make it look like his origin was fine.

All Vhaalku would feel is some slight discomfort in his body, and he would blame it on himself from training.

The One Above All knew all of this, so his plan was good to go. 

Then the surroundings quietly changed, the platform and altar disappeared.

What replaced it was the small table and the red futon he made earlier, the whole process was extremely smooth, showing the One Above All's expert control of the entire situation.

Satisfied with his work, The One Above All quietly hid the golden orb holding the soul and piece of Origin from Hulk and Bruce Banner!!!

Vhaalku not knowing what just happened looked around the black area with a confused looked and said, "So, what now."

The One Above All then proceeded to spout some info about his upcoming fights with the Black Winter and the Help that Thor will need in facing the King Thanos and young Thanos in the future.

While also speaking of the real form of Dormammu coming for him and aiding the Black winter.

After speaking about this with Vhaalku, The One Above All sent him on his way back to his realm with a smile on his face.

As the One Above All watched him disappear from his domain, the smile on his face vanished.

"You really thought you could use our son as a way to invade my creation, you forget who I am."

Then he pulled back out the golden ectoplasm orb that housed the piece of soul and origin from both Hulk and Bruce Banner.

Gently caressing it, he said, " It would seem that the both of you are really fighting hard, and the brain of Bruce is really in genius."

"To give a piece of your flesh to your avatar all so it could secretly obtain and control the Neo-gamma, ha!"

"Also to send him far out of your own body's influence to grow in power!"

"Then you secretly influence your own self's natural fear of being a slave again and losing your family."

"All to form this genius plan of sending a piece of your soul and origin to another creation to gain even more power to fight against him."

Squinting his eyes as he thought about that being, he just shook his head.

"You really are a scary smart man, Bruce Banner." The One Above All spoke to the orb.

"You also most fooled me too, and if I hadn't done this entire process, I wouldn't even had known about any of this."

"But it is to be expected, and since this entire process has allowed me to know the truth, I also helped you just a bit, so that when the time comes, you can reclaim what you have lost."

The One Above All then proceeded to find the soul of that human reincarnating to that creation.

Once he found it, he shot the golden orb in his hands out into the Omegaverse and into that creation.

A hole opened up in front to him into a blank abyss of greyness as he casted it out.

He watched it travel for a while and once he saw that it had entered the reincarnation cycle of that creation he smiled, then he closed the hole.

The One Above All then walked back over to his desk and began drawing, all while he thought, 'I wonder what your face will be like when you find out you failed...Azathoth!'


"Break free my son!"

The One Above All then proceeded to laugh and continue to draw his next story.

This entire process just shows us all how powerful and scary the One Above All really is and how crazy smart Bruce Banner is as well.


[Pits of Mathos]

The smoldering heat of the red and orange fiery hole that was burning into reality stood in a cultivation of darkness beneath the very fabric of all of creation.

There were very red and black gates that stood at the center of the hole, it had a huge black skull on the very top of it.

Guarding it were two large silver undead knights stood one each side of the gate.

The one on the left was encapsulated in a blue flame, he wild a sword that shinned with the very same blue flame.

On the right side of the gate stood another undead knight, this one was covered in a sickly green flame, and it wielded a very large black axe.

Their eyes shinned with an intelligent light and the auras around them burned into the empty eye sockets of them both as they stood guard.

Far but not far from them and the gate, were none other than Wrath, Crixus and Visera in her true Form.

Wrath sensed their strength and could tell that they both had the power to destroy multiple galaxies with no effort.

"Man, this heat is really something master, even I can feel it." Crixus spoke fanning his face.

Wrath silently agreed with him, even he could feel it at his current level of power.

This just shows that the Hell Planes are no joke, and since he was entering the tenth circle and will eventually move up in the tier of circles beyond.

He knew he would be facing the possibility of death, but a smile graced his face.

Wrath was happy, he would face whatever this place threw at him and overcome all that stand in his way.

Then he thought of his people with him.

"Before we head in, keep your guard up."

"We don't know what will happen once we are inside of this place, so just be prepared."

Wrath spoke as he looked at the both of them seriously.

"Of course, my chosen." Visera responded.

"Aye, captain!" Crixus joyfully spoke.

Wrath just shook his head at Crixus' antics, then he looked at the huge fiery hole and moved forward.

As they moved forward, the heat became even more intense and the gravity weighing them down increased drastically.

Eventually they got closer to the gates and before even one of them could step near it, both of the huge skeleton Knights crossed their weapons together forming an X shape effectively blocking them from going inside.


The voices of the huge knights boomed into their ears, Wrath after hearing that name could tell that whoever this Mathos is, was an extremely powerful being.

When the two knights spoke the name a bit of pressure pressed down on his shoulders.

But Wrath got his baring's, then he turned to look at Crixus and Visera and said, "I will enter first, be very careful."

Then he turned to Visera and said, "Visera, I know you know that I got your egg from a hell plane a while ago, so be careful who you entertain."

"Even if you meet your own race of people, we don't know how they will feel about your return."

"So just be very careful of exposing yourself."

Visera nodded.

Then he looked at Crixus and said, " And you, don't be entirely yourself Crixus."

After he said that Wrath then turned back around to the gates and flew forward.

Leaving Crixus looking like he just swallowed a fly, but he nodded as Wrath flew forward.

The eyes of the skeleton knights followed him as he entered the pit.

Once he phased inside, they turned back to the other two people and said, "NEXT!"

Crixus looked over at Visera and said, "you go, I'll watch your back just encase they try anything funny."

Visera flew forward and right as she was about to enter, she looked back at Crixus and said, "Be careful and be safe, Crixus."

After that she quickly flew inside of the pit.

Leaving a dumbfounded Crixus standing there shocked she actually spoke to him.

Eventually he smiled and shook his head, then he also flew forwards the entrance of the pit.

Once he arrived, he turned and looked at both of the knights standing guard.

And Crixus being Crixus flipped them both off and he ran inside of the pit.

Leaving the two guards standing there confused as to what he just did.

They just shook their heads and went back to guarding the gate.


[HellPlane of Mathos]

As Wrath was passing through the hole to enter the HellPlane, he felt the space around him constrict and pulse.

And he realized just now that this place is going to separate them all.

"Damn it!"

Wrath cussed as he realized this.

But there was nothing he could do, and so he just went where the hole led him.

As the space shifted, Wrath was able to many places in this hellplane.

He saw a very large lake of people burning and many undead creatures whip weapons torturing them.

Then he saw a black moon hanging in the sky of one place.

And another place he saw was a huge mound of a pink blob of flesh just eating things, demons, rocks, humans. It didn't matter what it was, that thing just ate regardless.

Then the space shifted once again, and Wrath saw a very large black castle, red blood ran down the walls of it.

The large castle was surrounded in a thick red mist.

And Wrath felt an insanely powerful presence inside of that place, one that was stronger than him.

That was surprising to him, but not unexpected as he chose this hellplane in the first place.

As he felt that presence, the very same one also saw him, but he didn't know that.

The space shifted once again, and he saw an opening leading to a very rocky, lava filled, red thunderstorm and fiery place.

Seeing this as his exit, Wrath flew forward.

Once he left the hole, all of his senses were immediately bombarded with the smells and sounds of many things.

The smell of sulfur, sex, rotting flesh and burning filled his nose. While the sounds screaming, fighting, death, and all manner of stuff filled his ears as he floated in the air.

It was so overwhelming that he even had to land on the ground to center himself and gathering himself.




Breathing in and out slowly, Wrath eventually managed to gather his foothold.

Soon he felt alright, but then he felt the space in front of him warp. And when he looked up in front of him to see what the cause was, he was in for quite the shock and sight.

A very large half naked horned man on fire was standing directly in front of him.

But that wasn't what shocked him, what shocked was the feeling of the man's fist embedded in his stomach.

It was so fast that Wrath didn't even register the hit.

"Good, you're adjusting quite quickly, then this should be a great time!"


Was the last thing Wrath heard as he was launched away from the area.


The man watched the form of Wrath smash into a black mountain range thousand miles from him.

Grinning to himself, the man was about to fly after Wrath to continue the fight.

But feeling of pain assaulted him, he looked down and saw that the fist he hit Wrath with was contorted and his fingers were bent all out of shape.

A very feral grin appeared on the man's bearded face as he realized this was going to be even more fun than he realized.



Resetting his hand back in place, the man's finger healed by themselves.

Just in time as an explosion from the area Wrath was in blew away the entire mountain range.


His feral grin widened even more as he saw the red eyed Wrath rising up out of the rubble.

/With Wrath A few seconds ago /


As Wrath crashed into the mountain range, he found himself lying in the rubble of the mountain he was on his back looking up at the black and orange clouds.




And for the first time in his life, Wrath began to laugh like a madman.

He laughed so hard that forgot the pain that he was in.


Wrath stopped laughing as he felt the soreness of the wound on his chest heal and some messed up part of his being actually savored the feeling of pain.


He wanted more and like his name the Wrath inside him stirred and began making his body hot like it was the sun itself.

The ground beneath him began to smolder and melt.

And then from his area, and explosion of red light destroyed the entire mountain range he was in.

Then the figure of Wrath rose from the ground, he floated in the air as he locked onto the man responsible for this.


Wrath seeing the very large man flying to him erupted from his position like a missile.

He cocked his arm back and punched the man directly in his jaw, making a huge crater beneath him.


All while asking, "What is your name."

The man laughed as he felt the entire left side of his jaw shatter from Wrath's hit.


Once he crashed landed inside of a lava lake, the man exploded up from there, destroying in the process.

And then jumped back in the air as he said, "Names Draxen."

Then the both of them launched back into the fight.


A hard punch to the gut left Draxen happy as he saw stars, and he countered attacked by kicking the shit out Wrath mid-flight of him getting hit.


Wrath ignoring the fresh feeling of pain on his arm from blocking the kick didn't let up and pressed on the attack.

A sharp chop with is left hand made the space around him tremble.

Draxen sensing a dangerous attack headed his way chose the smart choice and effectively dodged Wrath's attack.

And not a millisecond later did an invisible current pass by him cutting the very atmosphere in half.


It was like a real sword whizzed passed him, Draxen looked back behind him at the aftermath of the attack.

"Well shit, Kid!"

He loudly said as he saw the long trench in ground. That attack from Wrath split the ground in half for miles, while parting the clouds in the sky.

Draxen turned around and met with a left hook to the face.


The force of which made another crater beneath the two fighters.

Draxen was launched back a good bit, but he stopped himself from flying away like a pussy.

"Ughphm!" Draxen groaned as he felt the sweet taste of his own blood in his mouth.

Ruddbing his mouth, He looked up and saw the form of Wrath rapidly approaching him.

And he smiled, he thought to himself, 'Good, I guess no need for me to hold back anymore.'

'He can maybe take my full power; besides I want to see how far he can go.'

His eyes began to glow a brighter and more intense fiery orange color, his horns burst into orange flames.

And his body began to glow very bright orange.

Wrath who was almost upon Draxen senses an unbelievable amount of power emanating from him.

He was about to attack, but an explosion of orange from Draxen sent him flying backward.



"Ugh!" Catching himself, Wrath was met with the sight of a transformed Draxen.

In his place standing surrounded in the very fires of hell, was now a demon of untold power.

Wrath saw that Draxen now had a bat face, and his eyes were completely glowing a dark orange color. 

And his body was much taller and muscular.

He had black chains floating around his body like it had a mind of its own.

Draxen now in his real form pointed at Wrath and in a bestial deep voice said, "I hope you can keep up."

Wrath now over the shock he felt, prepared himself for a much harder battle.

Getting in his stance Wrath body began to glow a bit red as he said, "You talk too much."

After that the both of them erupted from there spots.

The wind fades out of existence as they crossed the land, and the sky became much more turbulent from them both.

From afar we could see to people, one very large monster surrounded in a dark orange fire and a dark grey skinned tall man surrounded in a red light.

Both of them roaring out as they clashed with one another.






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