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40% The Dragon's Fall / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2


The sky was dark, the clouds were black and the wind lay gentle, cool kisses upon the cheeks of every man in the formation. The light rain made soft tings as it fell onto armor, cloaks were rippling ever so slightly in the wind. The men stood quiet, shields strapped to their left arms and spears clenched tight in their right hands. The soldiers were well trained and devoted, ready and waiting for their commanders call to action. The ground beneath their feet was hard and crusty, which made for terrible long marches.

Across the way, stood the keep, its Lord hidden inside behind its walls. Before the keeps entrance stood this cities final defenders in a defensive formation, weapons at the ready awaiting the attackers final charge. This city was the last that needed to fall in order for the attackers to complete their holy mission. It had been a long siege. Months have passed but finally they had broken through the outer walls and stormed the city.

Jayden stood before his men. He wore steel plate greaves strapped over his black leather boots. Chainmail hauberk over his black roughspun wool shirt and his white tunic with red sewn on cross down the front. His ragged white cloak was strewn over his shoulders and down his back, flapping in the breeze. On his left hip was strapped his hand and a half bastard sword, his visored barbute helmet snug on his head, visor flipped up. His thick red beard was a stark contrast from the bright silver helmet attached to his head.

He looked back over his shoulder, to the men standing behind him in formation at the ready to charge. These men, his men, had dedicated the last five years of their lives to this crusade. Jayden had put the entire country to the sword, marching from kingdom to kingdom for five long gruesome years. The last push was finally upon them. City after city had fallen, in the name of the Templar, the Holy Order. The Chaos had to be stopped before it even began, the taint had slowly been making its way throughout the country. The High Templar wanted to crush the uprising before it took hold.

Jayden's steel cladded gauntlet flipped down his visor, his bright blue eyes showing through the eye slots. He unsheathed his blade and raised it high above his head as he peered into the heavens above, his men followed suit. After a brief moment he swung his sword before him and let out a battle cry as loud as his lungs would allow. He was a man of few words, for he felt actions spoke louder than words.

The thunderous roar of charging shook the earth, the battle cries of the men felt as if it would shake the heart from a mans chest. The hard crusted ground beneath the boots crumbled, the plate armor clanged, chainmail clinked. The men before them stood their ground and gripped their weapons and awaited the impending crash. Jayden could feel the adrenaline course through his body like a raging fire, consuming all in its path. This was it.

The forces crashed into each other like a massive tidal wave with an explosion of steel on steel. Men screamed and died, blood sprayed in every direction, bodies dropped like flies. Jayden threw himself into a man's shield sending him flying onto his back and with a quick stroke downwards, ended his life. He had almost no time to deflect an oncoming swing, but managed to do so. A few quick swings back and forth, Jayden was able to push his sword through the mans chest.

Kill after kill he pressed onwards, his armor was now covered in blood. The smell of blood, rain and death filled the air. After parrying a sword away, Jayden slammed his sword down into the collarbone of his attacker, bringing him to his knees. With a quick rip down and back he sent a line of crimson across the ground. His men fought bravely, and fiercely, thrusting spear and sword through whatever enemy they could. Jayden caught an attackers sword with his own in the crook of the blade and guard. He pressed his armored hand into his blade to allow him better strength before swinging his sword to the left disarming the enemy. He threw his arm back as hard as he could, smashing the pommel of his sword into the man's face causing him to reel backwards. Jayden opened the soldiers throat with a smooth quick swing, then planted his foot into the soldiers chest sending him to the ground.

The battle was quickly coming to an end and the enemy force started to break, some surrendering and others started to abandon all together. The men shouted their victory cries as the cut down the remaining soldiers who opposed them. The keep entrance stood just before them, Jayden could see the final remaining guard at the ready in the narrow corridor. His men began moving forward but stopped immediately when Jayden raised his hand high. He pressed on alone, towards the keep.

He was now walking on the cobblestone road that lead through the city, the houses were barred, some buildings had been reduced to rubble from his trebuchets. The men inside the entrance to the keep steadied themselves, awaiting for him. The corridor was narrow, so only two or three enemies could attack without hurting their allies. As Jayden entered, they charged. With a flurry of swings, he managed to deflect their attacks before kicking an attackers knee backwards. The man fell to the ground screaming as his partner's chest opened up spilling blood onto the floor. The third took Jayden's sword up through his head, gurgled on his own blood and was thrown aside.

Jayden cut through them like a cake. Parried one, then dodged the other man before slashing through the man to his rights side open. He threw his blade back the way it came and through the firsts belly, then charged towards the other men. He let out a scream as he swung his blade, left, right then back again. He ducked a wild swing then drove his hand guard into his attackers leg before disemboweling another. His threw himself into the first attacker, sending them both into the wall. Spinning, Jayden caught a charging soldier across the face with his sword, then brought it back to stab the man against the wall.

Jayden was tackled to the floor from behind but was able to spin around and kick the feet out from under another man. With a quick thrust of his fist, he broke the man's nose that tackled him, then elbowed the felled man in the chin. He threw up his blade just in time to block an oncoming swing before rolling backwards and back onto his feet. Swinging with all his might, he severed a man's head that lay on the ground before him, before burying his blade into a charging mans side. A rogue swing deflected off Jaydens steel plate pauldron and bashed into his helmet sending him backwards. The sword his his visor just right causing it to sit crooked. That pissed him off. He ripped off his helmet and threw it into the soldiers face. His thick red hair had been pulled back and tied into a small ponytail. Swords swung back and forth, Jayden parried and blocked, then swung, severing a leg. Blood dripped down his forehead and began to sting his eye, the visor had cut him.

The final guard was before him, throwing his all at Jayden but to no avail. They traded blows before the soldier was disarmed, Jayden then performed a flurry of attacks opening his enemy in multiple locations. With one final slash his attacker fell before him, revealing the throne room from behind. The king sat upon his throne, eyes as wide as they could stretch.

The king got up from his throne and began to yell to Jayden, begging him to reconsider. The king fell to his knees as Jayden approached, blood dripping from his sword onto the grey carpet that lead to the throne. The room was very large and the king's voice echoed through the chamber, and the approaching knights armor softly clattered and clanged. "Listen to me! Don't do this, please!" Jayden paid him no mind, just stared him down as he marched forward, sword clutched in his hand. "I beg of you! No, wait!"

It was too late, Jayden gave him nothing but a sword through the belly. The king gasped and grabbed at Jayden, pulling at him. "You fool..." he coughed up blood, "do you realize what you have done?"

"With you gone." Jayden said, his voice low and raspy, "Chaos has no place in this country!"

The king let out a small laugh, blood spattering, "No..." he gripped Jayden even harder "you've doomed... us all...". The king fell backwards off the blade and collapsed on the floor, his blood pooling all around him. What did he mean? Jayden thought to himself.

"My lord!" one of his knights came bursting into the throne room, "it's over? We've won?" Jayden turned around, blood seeping down the left side of his face, his white tunic now covered in blood and ripped almost in half. He responded to his knight with only a nod. Then marched forward back outside.

He lifted his head up, his eyes shut, letting the rain fall onto his face and wash away the blood. His right ear had a chunk taken out of it from battles long past, a large scar crossed the left side of his head and stopped above his ear. The hair no longer growing there. A small scar carried over the right side of his lips diagonally. He had seen his share of battle. The scars on his face told of just three, the scars across the rest of his body told of a lifetime.

He walked down the cobblestone street looking at his surroundings, the ruined buildings, the blood stained dirt and grass. Bodies littered the ground, his men were rounding up any villagers they could find. The smell of death hung heavily in the air, he could see the look of terror on the people's faces as they were dragged from their homes. In the name of the Holy Order, he told himself. Looking at his armored hands, the blood stains on the silver battle worn gauntlets told another story. "You've doomed... us all..." the king's last words echoed through his head.

Jayden stood outside of his tent looking out across the land, the newly fallen city close by. He still wore his armor, save his steel pauldrons and helmet. The rain had stopped and the wind settled yet he still couldn't get the king's final words out of his head. He had dedicated his life to the Templar, to the Holy Order, he knew what he was doing was right for so long. Yet now that it was over, it felt different to him.

There was someone standing at the edge of a cliff in the distance staring at Jayden. The man was clad in what looked to be black cloth and leather, cloak over his head, face completely concealed safe the eyes. The mans hands rested on the hilts of what looked to be two very large curved knives. "My lord." A voice came from behind. Jayden looked over his shoulder, then quickly looked back to see the man was gone.

Turning around he saw his second in command, a young knight of the Templar, blonde of hair that hung just below his ears and freshly shaven. He had already gotten out of his armor and into his fancy attire, as Jayden always called them. White cloth breeches with brown leather boots, white long sleeve cloth tunic under a brown leather jerkin. His sword was still strapped around his waist, brown leather gloves over his hands.

"Val, to what do I owe this..." Jayden took pause, "pleasure?" as he turned back around to continue his distant stare off. Valrion got on his nerves more often than not, maybe it was the smug look that he always wore, or his pretty unscarred face.

"Would it kill you to smile?" Val asked stepping up beside him, "enjoying the view?" Jayden didn't respond. Val shifted, resting his left hand on the hilt of his sword. "We won, you have no reason to be so damned grim anymore."

Jayden grew annoyed, "have the men finished rounding up the citizens?"

Val just rolled his eyes and looked away, "yes, the people have been addressed and put to work." Before Jayden could speak again, "and yes, they have been informed no harm would come to anyone that doesn't take up arms against us. We have been doing this for five years remember?" Valrion looked at the armor still on Jayden, "what the Templar saw in you, I have no clue."

"Watch your tongue, Val." Jayden said, turning to face Valrion. "I am your commanding officer."

"That apparently doesn't own any clothing, besides that armor you're wearing. Yeah I get it, you're strong, you're a fierce warrior. You've crushed anyone who's ever dared oppose you, you're a big brute that's hollow inside." Val laughed at himself, "maybe that's just it. You're the perfect soldier, no will of your own, too stupid to do anything but follow orders, without question. And worst yet, you're a Broken."

Broken. Those words cut through Jayden. It's true. He is one of the Broken, unable to wield any sort of magic. The Templar have always been a magic order who only accept those who have proven adept in the use of magic. The High Templar took Jayden in when he was but a boy, abandoned in the streets.

Jayden turned away from Valrion and said nothing. "Figures." Val said, "and empty husk of a man, no wonder Sarah left you." Jayden lashed out his gauntleted hand and sized his second in command by the throat and squeezed. The man grasped at his throat trying to wriggle free.

Rage filled Jayden's eyes as he stared at Val choking and gasping for air. His pretty, unscarred face didn't look so smug now. "Don't you ever, say her name." He found himself squeezing even harder now.

"My lord!" a voice came from behind, his squire rushing out of the tent. Jayden released Valrion and watched the man stumble away gasping for air. "It's not my place to say, but you really shouldn't choke your second." Jayden only gave his squire a look, disdain in his eyes.

"You're right. It isn't." Jayden walked by his squire and entered his tent. Pulling off his gauntlets he threw them to the floor. "Water." He said to his squire that followed him in. Within moments a cup was handed to him and he drank down the cold liquid. Tymund was a boy of fifteen, and a good squire. Jayden has always appreciated his squire, yet he never really showed it. Tymund came into his service at the beginning of this crusade, too young to be a squire yet Jayden took him anyway. Somehow Tymund reminded him of himself when he was that age.

"So, what now, my lord?" Tymund asked as he pulled out Jayden's casuals. "The crusade is over, no? I can only assume we'd be headed back to the capital."

Jayden stood in front of a mirror attached to the side of the tent wall, studying his face, looking at his scars and reliving some old memories. "I hadn't really thought about what comes after." He said, touching the scar that ran across the right side of his mouth. It ran just above his upper lip and down diagonally, almost to the end of his jaw. "Maybe I can find something to smile about now." He let his hand drop down to his side.

"My lord?" His squire asked. "Is everything alright?" Tymund placed his lord's clothes down gently on the table next to him.

"I've made a lot of mistake in life, kid." Jayden looked away from the mirror at Tymund. A young boy, dark brown hair that's shaved on the sides and faded into short hair on top. His face was clean shaven as well, he had nice white teeth. His dark brown eyes stared back at Jayden with worry in them, Tymund cared about his lord, that much was obvious he knew. "Maybe Val was right? I'm a soldier, I always have been. Killing is what I've always been good at, maybe I am meant to be just some big brute with no will of my own?"

Tymund let out a little scoff, "Lord Valrion's an ass." Jayden laughed, then caught himself smiling in the mirror and quickly stopped. "You're allowed to laugh and smile my lord."

Jayden looked back over at Tymund, "not if you've done the things I have."

"You're too hard on yourself." Tymund bent over and picked up the gauntlets that were tossed onto the floor, "you don't need to have your armor on all the time. You're hurting inside, I know. You're the strongest man that I have ever met, my lord. You don't have to wear armor for people to see that." He tossed the gauntlets onto the table.

"Sometimes I feel that I'm the fifteen year old boy, and you're the forty year old man." Jayden allowed a smile to appear from behind his beard.

"We live in a world where little boys are forced to grow up sooner than they should have to." Tymund began walking over to his lord when the flaps to the tent flung open.

"Forgive me, my lord." One of the soldiers came into the tent and fell to one knee, "you are being summoned."

Jayden walked past his squire and stood before the soldier, beckoning to stand. "Summoned? By who?"

"The High Templar, my lord. The Scryer is in the keep." The soldier held the flap to the tent open and waited for Jayden. The commander looked back to his squire and motioned for him to stay there before leaving.

Jayden walked into the throne room where he felled the king, his white tattered cloak flowing behind him. The scryer stood before the throne channeling the spell. In the massive throne room, before the scryer stood the High Templar, at least in spirit. The spell always gave a bluish hue to those that are being cast before the scryers. "Ah, there is my commander." Said the High Templar, hands clasped together in front of his waist. His white and red robes covering his body. The High Templar was balding, yet his white hair fell down to his shoulders, his beard flowing down to his chest.

Jayden fell to one knee and lowered his head, "Your Majesty. The final city has fallen. This country is now under the Holy Orders rule."

"Yes, you have done just splendid! Oh get up. Stand up Jay!" The High Templar ordered. Jayden did as he was bid. "The Holy Order owes you a debt that can never truly be repaid, my boy."

"I require nothing, your majesty." Jayden said, as he stood still as stone, hands together at the small of his back. "I just followed your orders." There is was. Just followed orders. He was just a drone afterall, just doing what he was told with no will of his own.

"Yes. You've always been a good soldier, Jay. Ever since I took you in from the streets."

"I owed you my life, you took me in, when no one else would."

"And do you know why?" The High Templar asked, "why would the Holy Order take you in? The Broken have never had a place in the Holy Order, especially as a Templar."

"I don't know." Jayden said. "I always just assumed it was because of my strength."

"That was precisely why. Jay, you possess a strength that few men have. You came to our city gates, bloodied up, in ragged old clothes at the young age of ten, sword in hand." The High Templar let out a laugh, "you were ready to fight your way into the city! The Holy Order never turned away people in need of shelter and food, so we gave that to you and were gonna send you on your way, once you regained your strength. I knew you were of the Broken immediately. The other boys didn't like you, they didn't know, but they felt it, something was wrong about you. The day we sent you away, the day you were headed to the gates, when those boys attacked you. Do you remember that day, Jay?"

"Yes." Jayden shifted, he remembered how he was attacked, how he was beaten down in the street, while everyone just sat there and watched.

"You just wouldn't stay down. A little Broken boy held off five much bigger boys. I knew in that moment that there was something different about you. So I stopped them, and took you in. It took a great deal of convincing to the High Council but they agreed to allow you to join the Holy Order. As you grew, trained, grew some more and fought in battles you earned yourself a reputation. The older you got, the stronger you got, no matter what the odds, no matter what was thrown at you, somehow you always triumphed. The High Council was convinced that you were blessed by the gods. How had a little Broken boy earned the favor of the gods? You moved up the ranks quite fast, and word of you spread across the country. Eventually word got out across the Great Sea and you've earned yourself quite a bit of renown.

"That, Jay, is why you were chosen for this crusade. Only you, could conquer this country in the name of the Holy Order. I don't know what it is that drives you, maybe it's because you feel that you deserve to be punished, so you just push yourself. Until one day, someone finally stands up and strikes you down." Jayden's silence seemed to confirm the High Templar's theory, laughing to himself. "Where is Sarah these days Jay?"

Jayden shot the High Templar a cold look and clenched his jaw. He could feel the anger welling up inside him, twisting and turning in his gut. Why is it that people seemed to like bringing this up? "I don't know. Wed to another somewhere. Haven't seen her in quite some time."

"Jay. I mean no offense. It should bring you some comfort, knowing that she's happy." There was concern in his voice, the High Templar had always been like a father to Jayden. "You've achieved what no man has ever achieved before. Brought an entire country to its knees!"

"I did it in the name of the Holy Order, we couldn't allow the Chaos to take hold, to grow its roots again."

"Yes. Precisely." His voice grew deeper, "you have earned your rest, Jay, without you, none of this would have been possible. Phase one is complete. We can now move on to what's next. So, what now, my lord? Tymunds words came echoing back. Jayden gave an uneasy look. "Bring him in!" A guard at the door bowed, then left the room, shortly returning with Valrion.

"What's going on, your majesty?" Jayden asked. Valrion walking up beside him, giving him a twisted smile across his smug little face before bowing to the High Templar.

"Valrion, phase two may now begin." The High Templar then looked to Jay, "take him. Lock him in the cells." Two men appeared behind Jayden and grabbed him tightly.

Jayden struggled, trying to shake the two men off. "What is the meaning of this?"

"The Chaos can now arise to power, uncontested. Valrion, you know what to do. Jay, I'm sorry about this, truly I am, you were like a son to me." The High Templar faded away as the Scryer ended his spell.

Valrion looked to the other guard by the door, "send the order, phase two has been initiated. I has assumed command." The guard gave Valrion a salute and left. "Throw this one in the cell, I will deal with him later."

You've doomed... us all... the king's words came to mind again, "no!" Jayden said as his right arm escaped. He punched the guard to his left in the face then lunged forward. Valrion jumped backwards out of the way, the other guard grabbed Jayden in time. Seconds later Jayden was hit in head and his world went black.

He awoke some time later looking up at the ceiling of the cell he was thrown into, still wearing his battle worn armor. Pushing himself up, he scurried backwards into the wall and slid down to a sitting position, his head ringing with pain. What has he done? He doomed everyone; how could he be so stupid? From outside the bars of the cell he could see men running around, weapons drawn as they struck down the citizens. He could see that he was in the city now but couldn't tell exactly where. Buildings were now on fire, the screams of people carried across the cobblestone walkways. Some of the people took up arms against the attackers however futile it seemed to Jayden.

A man ran out from the shadows and grabbed ahold of the bars to his cell startling

Jayden. Tymund stood there looking at him and gave his cell a shake. His squire was still alive, that brought him some piece of mind. At least he was still alive, run kid, run as far from here as you can. He thought to himself. "My lord! I found you!" Tymund said as he drew a sword and stepped backwards before swinging at the lock. He took a few more swings before the lock finally broke. "Come on Jay, let's get you out of here!"

"No." Jayden slapped his hand away, "get out of here kid."

Tymund retaliated by grabbing Jay by his tunic and pulled him towards his face. "Get. Up." There was a look of fire in Tymund's eyes. A determination Jay hadn't ever seen before, this war really did make a man of him. "Please, my lord. People are being slaughtered. They are razing this city to the ground!"

"So what?" Jay grabbed Tymund by the wrists. "Just run kid, while you still breathe."

"So just give up?" His squire let Jay go and squatted before him, "the mighty Jayden, just giving up. Fine, be a coward."

This angered Jay, "Watch your tongue boy!"

"Or what? You'll cut it out? By the looks of it, I outrank you now, you're just a prisoner." Tymund let a crooked smile crack his face. Jay scoffed, then chuckled quietly to himself. "You've gotta do something!"

"Do what, exactly? Fight? One man against hundreds? What good will that do, kid?" Jay pushing a hand through his hair undid the small ponytail, his hair falling to his shoulders. "This is all my fault. I was too stupid to see what was happening." Jay scoffed again, "hell, maybe I knew, just didn't care."

"That's not true!" Tymund said. "There are still men loyal to you."

"I don't see anyone else taking a stand." Jay felt defeated, he stared out into the carnage beyond, listening to the screams of the people, the rang of steel on steel.

"Because their deaths would mean nothing. Anyone that stood up would just get killed and forgotten." Tymund placed a hand on Jay's leg. "My lord, if you take a stand, men would rally behind you. You're not just another soldier. You might die sure. But you're more than just another soldier, you're a legend, you're a symbol. Your death would never be forgotten. Tales of how you took a stand would ripple across the world and unite people."

Jay laughed aloud, who was this kid? What happened to the little boy he took as his squire five years ago? Jay sighed, lifted his hand so Tymund could pull him to his feet. He placed his hands onto the squire's shoulders, "Okay, maybe we can get some people and escape. Let's go." Together they ran out of the cell and into the street, Tymund gave Jay the sword he had. Before long, there were Templar coming after Jay and Tymund. They would clash swords for a moment before getting cut down.

"I heard some men talking about the church." Tymund said. "Some women and children were hold up in there, I think they were going to burn the church down." Without hesitation Jay took off toward the church. Templar were everywhere fighting with the citizens. Bodies littered the streets, Templar and people alike. The air smelled of blood, fire and shit. There were a group of citizens off in a corner with swords in hand, Jay ran over to them. The citizens readied themselves, swords thrust out before them.

"I'm not your enemy." Jay shouted, "come with me, we will take the fight to them!" He could see the weary looks in their eyes, disbelief. He looked down at what he was wearing, grabbed ahold of his white tunic with the red cross and gave it a hard pull. The cloth ripped free, exposing his chainmail hauberk over his block cloth shirt and breeches beneath. He held the tunic in his hand and stared at it for a moment. It flapped gently in the breeze, then tumbled across the street as he let it go. This was happening. With one tug, his life had been completely uprooted. This seemed to ease the citizens before him as they lowered their weapons. "They are gonna burn down the church! Let's go!"

The men nodded and followed him and Tymund. The church was up ahead, along the way he and his men cut down any Templar that stood in the way. More and more citizens rallied to join Jay's band as they ran towards the church. "There it is!" Jay shouted as they rounded the corner.

"Oh no." Tymund said seeing a large group of Templars standing before the church. Their group of men caught the attention of the Templar as they approached. Everyone readied their weapons and stood their ground. Jay stood before his men, sword in hand. The Templars formed up, facing these outlaws.

"Traitor!" One of them shouted before tossing a torch through the window of the church. The fire started to spread and before long the church was going up in flames. Jay charged; his group of citizens ran forward to meet the Templars. His men fought hard and bravely. When you must watch your entire city burn and have nothing left, you fight.

Jay plunged his sword through the throat of a Templar and kicked his body to the ground. Tymund, after stealing a dead man's sword, dismembered and disemboweled one of the Templars. Some of Jay's men had fallen but the Templars were beaten, and without hesitation Jay smashed through the church doors. Charging through the smoke and fire he led the women and children from the burning building. Together they ran down the streets, his men protecting the women and children the best they could.

They all came to a courtyard with a well in the center. The south gate to the city was at the other end of the courtyard. Stores lined both sides, this must have been some sort of marketplace courtyard. Wooden carts laid broken and burned, goods scattered across the ground. A group of Templars rounded the corner behind Jay and his men, the citizens with weapons quickly put themselves before the women and children. Jay didn't have a lot of men left and the Templars outnumbered them. He counted at least twenty. "So, it's true." The Templar in front said. "They were saying Jayden escaped and became traitor."

Jay gripped his sword tight and held it before him, preparing himself for the charge. Another Templar came forward and stood by the first and sheathed his sword, dropping to one knee. Jay furrowed his brow in confusion, was this some sort of trick? Shortly after, the rest of the Templars followed suit. The first Templar spoke up, "My lord. There are many who remain loyal to you. We followed you to war, you my lord. Allow us to continue fighting for you."

Jay gave Tymund a look, then said to the Templars, "Rise men. I cannot command you to follow me." Jay lowered his weapon. "If you choose to fight for me, you are forsaking everything. You will be labeled traitors. Everywhere we go, there will be a target painted on you." Jay reached up and broke free the clasps that held his cloak. His heavy white cloak fell to the ground.

"We fought to unite this country. To keep it from falling into the hands of Chaos but instead we only paved the way for the Chaos to rein unchallenged." The Templar walked forward and ripped his white tunic off and tossed it. Then Dropped his Cloak onto the ground as well. The rest of the men followed suit. He approached Jayden and reached out his hand, Jay took it and shook.

"We will need to come up with a new name." They shared a laugh.

"I think we already did my lord."

The rest of the men came forward to join Jay and just like that those men had forsaken everything. "The Forsaken." Jay said as he turned and lead his newly formed men out of the southern gate of the city. They ran out into the shadows of the woods and kept going. Slowly the burning city behind them was drowned away by the dark woods. This entire country would be hunting him now. Their only hope would be to unite as many small folks as they could before sailing west across the great sea.

You've doomed... us all... The words echoed in his head once more.

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