The moment Han Yizhou heard what she said, fear swept in his body. The feeling of worry was something he never felt for years.
'See? You are just a replacement.'
That damn voice in his head spoke, making matters worse for him.
"I love you more than him." He wanted to say those words but he couldn't. He knew the years she spent with Si Hongqi couldn't even compare to the months she spent with him.
"I don't want to love two men like my mother, Yizhou," she said with utmost honesty.
He watched her gradually push her body to sit up so he reached out to help her.
"If I have to choose between you and him…" She paused and was rather hesitant to continue.
He could feel the cold sweat roll down his temples. He didn't want to hear the next words. He already knew who was heavier in her heart, who mattered most to her.
The instant he wavered, Yong Liwei took control. He pulled his hand away from her hold, causing her to finally look at him.
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