Oh how she wanted to slap off that smirk from his lips but she couldn't, he was too enticing. She sighed heavily and said, "I know that you've been deprived of me for months but seriously, Han Yizhou. Do you have to set up your alarm just so we could do it in the morning?"
He chuckled in astonishment upon hearing the words that she had said to him. "It was not to wake me up but to wake you," he finally confessed.
The frown on her face went deeper. "I'm seriously going to kill you for disturbing me from my sleep!"
"You saying 'seriously' it means that you won't really be doing it ," he retorted. He released her wrists and was about to lean forward for a kiss on her lips but it was blocked off when she suddenly covered his mouth with her hand.
"Not so fast, mister…"
She felt his lips curled up against her palm and together with it were his beautiful dark eyes that were like two black holes, pulling her to him.
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