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63.47% The Chronicles of Vali Masters (Originals/Dimension Hopping SI) / Chapter 73: A Tale of Blood and Monsters Ch. 17

Capítulo 73: A Tale of Blood and Monsters Ch. 17

"I don't know what came over me, letting him leave like that. I've always been a bit too competitive for my own good. Father was nearly apoplectic with rage and has issued standing orders to arrest the 'Emperor' on sight, or failing that, kill him."

Elia bit her lower lip at the thought as Rhaegar paced back and forth in front of her. She rested on a pile of comfortable pillows, her hand resting on her very pregnant belly. Rhaegar might not be a match for her true Lord in any way, but there was no question the Prince was quite virile. Still, his words demanded a reaction. With a sigh, Elia got to work.

"Oh but you can't let him do that!"

There, just the proper amount of injected feminine concern had Rhaegar's thoughts derailed as he turned to look at her with a furrowed brow.

"Elia, love, he kidnapped you and Ashara, held the two of you ransom. I know you were treated well, you've told me that, but the insult to my family, to yours, it still remains. And his mere presence on Westeros is of grave concern. He is after all the self-proclaimed Emperor of Valyria. Where are his armies? Where are his people? An Emperor with no entourage? It's preposterous.

Privately, Elia thought that if Rhaegar and his father couldn't see the servants of her lord all around them, they deserved what was coming to them. Her master did not require an army to destroy them. She also caught what was unsaid in Rhaegar's little rant. What he really wanted to know was where Vali's dragon was at this time. After all, a dragon rider would not be caught dead without his steed, but there'd been no reports of such a thing in the area, no reports of dead or missing livestock either.

Of course, Elia said nothing of her true thoughts. Instead she rose from her resting place to step closer to Rhaegar, placing the palm of her hand against his cheek and turning his face so she could look into his eyes and compel him.

"Rhaegar, you must convince your father to rescind his orders concerning the Emperor. Tell him… tell him that the only way for your house to regain the honor Vali took is for you to beat him in the joust, in fair and honorable combat. Else, the other noble houses will begin to question his rule even further. Not to mention even if his armies aren't here, half of Essos will rise up and cross the Narrow Sea if we touch their ruler."

That last part was added in a deadpan tone of voice, but it did not matter. Rhaegar had already fallen under Elia's sway and he blinked before nodding along in agreement with her, causing the pregnant woman to smile wide.

"Yes, of course you're right… I have to beat him myself, publicly. Father has to see that."

"Exactly. Which means you must go to your father right now and tell him."

"Of course, you're right. Thank you Elia, as always your wisdom is only matched by your beauty and will."

Rhaegar kisses Elia on the forehead before kneeling down to kiss her pregnant belly as well, than he's gone. With a sigh and a roll of her eyes, she turns to come face to face with an amused Vali, no longer wearing his armor, but still wearing a sly grin and a raised eyebrow on his face. She can read that look easily, and Elia bows her head, slightly abashed.

"I apologize Master… he is more than a little taken with me, and I know your plan calls for him to go after Lyanna Stark."

Vali just chuckles as he steps closer to her, reaching up to run his fingers through her brunette curls. She closes her eyes, trying to nuzzle into his hand only for him to pull away instead. This gets a reaction as Elia looks up into his eyes with her own big brown soulful gaze, clearly pouting.

"It's your own fault you know! You gave me back my health, healed my frail and weak body. I am not the weak woman I grew up as. And I may have let Rhaegar see that one too many times in bed…"

Now he laughs openly, and Elia's eyes flick towards the door where she knows guards must be standing at attention. Vali catches her look and his smile widens into a grin.

"Not to worry love, I handled the guards. They won't disturb us. As for your… appetite, I am not surprised. We are very primal creatures at the end of the day, and there is a hunger to us beyond the need for blood. How was it, taking a ride on the dragon's cock?"

He's clearly teasing her, but Elia goes the demure route anyways, stepping closer to him and looking into his eyes.

"Nothing compared to you my lord. He is nothing more than a tool to advance your designs, I swear it. I only wish…"

Vali raises an eyebrow as she trails off and after a moment Elia runs her hand over her pregnant belly.

"I only wish this was yours my Master."

She looks up into his eyes, honestly disappointed that she could not be pregnant with his child instead of Rhaegar's. He smiles at her and it is surprisingly gentle the way he runs a hand along her face and then down to rest on her stomach, leaning in to touch his forehead to hers.

"She is mine Elia. So long as you still belong to my, mind, body, and soul, so will anything that comes from you."

Elia's breath hitches at the words, before she focuses on the first bit. "She?"

Vali looks at her with a knowing grin. "Well, I could be wrong, but I have a very strong feeling your first will be a daughter. And she will take after her mother in many ways."

Her face split into a wide smile and the dornish woman buried her face in his chest, clutching at him. Her Master held her to him for several long moments before pulling back. Elia looks to him, knowing he will tell her what to do and ready to soak up every last word.

"If Rhaegar's eyes refuse to stray on their own, you must make them stray. I will take care of Lyanna Stark, and together we will push them into each other's arms. The Mad King will take care of the rest when her father and brother come for her."

It doesn't even occur to Elia that she might refuse or disagree. She nods along, trusting completely in the man holding her. She knows his will is that of a God more powerful than any those on Westeros might worship. He is the Almighty One's Messenger, and it is her place to follow, not question. Still…

"Yes my lord… will you stay a while? I have missed your touch, missed showing you how deep my appreciation for your gift runs. It has been too long."

She looks into his eyes with as hopeful a look as she can muster. Elia knows from experience that men in her life can never refuse her when she gives them this look. But then, Vali is no man, and she can already see in his eyes that he will deny her, before he even says the words.

Smiling, the Valyrian Emperor plants a chaste kiss on her forehead and shakes his head. "You will have to wait longer still my beautiful pet. Your husband already begins his return, and I must… fix your guards and be gone before he arrives. And you have a task before you. But I'm sure your toy will be able to satisfy you once you're done manipulating his mind for me."

Elia nods slightly as her lord and master steps past her. She turns to watch him go, biting her lower lip even as inwardly, she can't help think that no one but he will ever be able to truly satisfy her, not after the wonders he showed her. Rhaegar, while certainly a man worthy of the House of the Dragon, was nothing compared to the Almighty One's Chosen.


Ashara's eyes were wide and filled with fright as the man above her held her down, a gloved hand covering her mouth to muffle her cries. She did not know him, did not want to be here with him. But as nothing more than a young beautiful woman, she had nothing to defend herself with against him. And her beauty was turned against her here, it was the reason she was being assaulted like this.

"Little fucking cunt, always smiling like that, teasing us men with eyes. Did ya think none of us would be willing to come and take a piece of ya? Thought yer noble blood made ya safe? I'll show ya just how much yer blood means to me. Gonna fuck ya whore, maybe fuck a baby into ya."

Her struggles redoubled at his words, but they were ineffectual as he drew his knife and placed it against her, causing her to stir. All she could do was breath heavily, helpless as her attacker ran the knife up and down her dress with a grin full of rotten teeth filling her gaze.

"Ooh, little girl is scared now, ain't she? Not going to fight me now, are y-"

Suddenly, the man was off her and the knife was away from her body. Ashara could only watch from where she lay prone as her attacker's own mouth was suddenly covered and a mouth full of fangs plunged deep into his throat, tearing it clean out while at the same time snapping the rapist's neck. The piece of trash that was now nothing more than a corpse was tossed to the side and Ashara came face to face with the monster who had rescued her.

She promptly opened her mouth to scream when he gave her a blood filled smile with far too many sharp teeth, but in the instant before she could get any sound out he was crouched in front of her, covering her mouth in a repeat of just a few moments ago. Ashara froze up in response. Had she traded a dirty peasant for a monster?

"Shhh, Ashara. Calm down, would you kindly?"

The trigger did its job and Ashara Dayne's memories came back in a rush, causing her to gasp and begin to cry tears of joy instead of terror. Her master certainly recognized the chance that came over her, because he eased up his grip on her. As soon as he had, Ashara turned and threw herself into Vali's arms, despite the blood still covering his front, nuzzling into his side.

"Master, you came back for me. I knew you would, I knew I just had to wait for you to awaken me again. Mistress does so once in a while and we have fun, but its nothing compared to you. I missed you so much."

Ashara could tell Vali missed her too, given the erection she could feel against her and the way his hands moved down her sides to cradle her ass. She looked up into her master's eyes and gave him an impish grin.

"You've saved me my lord. It only seems right that I repay you with the only thing I have."

He does not resist her, nor does he help her, as the noble lady in a very un-lady like move, begins to fumble with his belt and pants. She gets the belt undone and his pants pushed down slightly to fish out his hard cock, moaning as it fills her hands in a way she'd missed oh so much. Shifting her palms up and down she jerks him off as she looks into his eyes, looking for approval. Ashara finds it, and with another grin, she leans down and places her lips on the head of his prick, slowly sliding down its length to suck him off as he'd taught her.

The true Ashara, the one not hidden behind compulsions, was an expert cocksucker, and proud of it. Prissy noble Ashara, while a clever girl, wouldn't know what to do with a cock if one somehow found its way into her hands. Prissy Ashara would have been fucked in more ways than one without Vali having shown up, while True Ashara, if she could have broken free from the conditioning (not likely!) could have probably convinced her rapist to let her suck him off instead of filling her with his cum.

Still, the point was moot as her rapist was dead and instead she now had Vali's cock in her mouth. Ashara got to work showing her master just how grateful for the change she was, fucking her own face on his length and letting out a moan that vibrating his length as it pushed down her throat, his hands suddenly curling in her hair as he grunted. She knew that meant she was getting to him, wearing down his patience.

So of course, she stopped what she was doing and stayed where she was, looking up at him with her violet eyes as she ran her tongue teasingly up and down the underside of his length. His patient broke in the next moment and he growled before his grip on her hair shifted and he began to truly fuck her throat. She took every thrust with pleasure, gagging loudly but loving every moment of it. To be used and abused like this by her master, this was her purpose.

"Gaghk! Gaghk! Gaghk!"

Her eyes watered and tears flowed, but Ashara never took her eyes off Vali's face, staring up at him with complete and utter love and devotion as he used her mouth as he liked. When he came, without warning of course, Ashara was still more than ready to swallow down every drop, her neck convulsing as she swallowed continuously in order to get it all down without spilling even a bit.

When he finally pulled out of her sore throat, she blinked and smiled widely at the realization that he was still hard. Glancing between his thick pole and his face, she bit her lower lip, her gaze turning questioning. He grunted and finally spoke again.

"I was just with your Mistress and she has the rare ability you share to get me worked up. Unfortunately, her and I did not have the time to get properly reacquainted. So yes pet, have your fun."

Her cheeks turned rosy but her smile just widened in response as she hiked up her dress and climbed further into his lap. He reached under her dress and practically tore her undergarments off of her, before letting her do the rest as she grabbed his length and positioned it properly before slowly impaling herself on it, gasping heavily as she did so. He was as big as she remembered, and Ashara's mouth opened in a wide silent O as he filled every last bit of her passage with his cock.

Only once he was fully inside of her did she place her hands on his chest, curling them into his regal looking doublet and beginning to bounce herself up and down in his lap. His hands moved under her dress to rest on her hips, gripping her soft pliant flesh so hard she was sure there'd be marks the next morning. The true Ashara wondered how Prissy Ashara would explain the marks away, but she supposed her master had a plan for that. He always did.

It wasn't Ashara's place to worry about such things, so she focused on the task in front of her, panting and moaning cutely as she slid up and down Vali's length slowly, sensually. This allowed her to make each stroke unique, coming down on him in a new way each time so his cock hit different parts inside of her, letting the pleasure reach new heights.

She came before he did, climaxing with a loud moan and falling against his chest panting, exhausted. He used his firm grip on her hips at that point to fuck her to his own peak, her trembling fragile body taking his powerful thrusts until he came inside of her, filling her womb with his seed. She blinked and looked at him in surprise and with a bit of a questioning look on her face. Vali just smiled and brought a hand up to stroke her face.

"I'm glad I ran into you again my darling. It's time for you to join me and your mistress. Not physically, not quite yet… but it is time for you to take your place among the Blessed."

Biting into his wrist, he offers her his blood and Ashara does not hesitate, drinking deeply from her master, luxuriating in this gift happily. Then, he snaps her neck and she falls against his chest once more, bonelessly this time. He cradles her until she wakes up, and when she does, the first thing Ashara sees is her master's smiling face above her. Vali directs her to the still cooling corpse of her rapist nearby and Ashara drinks from the dead human at his instruction, the change completing.

Now they stand together, more than a little blood staining Ashara's dress and Vali's doublet. He rests his forehead against hers, his hands curling in her hair as she stares into his eyes with absolute trust.

"You must return home for now, to your family. There will come a time soon when you will join me at my side. Here is what you must do…"

Ashara listens as Vali outlines his plan. She'd known he would have one, and as she listens, she nods along in complete agreement. The noble woman would do whatever her master commanded of her. How could she do anything else?


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