The fight between the two clones was fierce, it looked like none of them would gain the upper hand anytime soon. Once a clone died, another one would take their spot, and continue fighting. At this rate it would take quite a while for the clones to finish their fight.
After several hours of fighting the George Army got the upper hand, they had much better Vitality and Defense compared to the Atlanta Army.
The Atlanta Army had quickly wasted all of their Mana within the first hour fighting leaving them defenseless to the onslaught of George's Army. Within an hour, more than half of Atlanta's army was dead, and the rest injured. While George's army faced minimal losses.
Within in another hour, Atlanta's army was only at 25% of its original size, with George's army still hadn't loss anyone yet. A this time Atlanta was looking quite worried, none of their attacks could do any serious damage to the George's, and at this rate they may lose within the next 2 hours.
However Tang Yao was now quite tired of the fight, and wished for it to end faster, so he could fight the winner. It didn't take long until, Atlanta's army fell along with their commander the Original Atlanta.
And Atlanta, quickly followed in the next match, 1 v 1 billion didn't make it very favorable for her. As of right now, the audience has voted that George has a 100% chance of victory against Tang Yao.
When Tang Yao saw that, he bet all of his gold on himself, as the return rate was over 100. So if he invested all of his gold, 10 million, he would get 1 billion gold in return. He would be an idiot if he wasn't going to invest in himself, and he would be more of an idiot if he actually loss.
"Some idiot, actually bet'ed 10 million gold on Dip Stick?!" shouted somebody out loud.
"I wonder what idiot would do that, maybe he didn't see the Loser's match." said someone else.
"Still only a retard would bet on somebody with a 0% chance to win" laughed the person who originally shouted.
Tang Yao didn't pay attention to those fools, "we'll see how your face looks when I win!' thought Tang Yao.
Noble's Room
"Emperor who do you think will win?" asked a fat and short man.
"Well Claus, considering all that kid has shown versus, that insane amount of people I would bet George would win. But, then again that kid called Dip Stick, is capable of summoning more magic circles then possible with our current Magic Theory, so who knows." replied a Tall man dressed in long purple robes, giving off a majestic aura.
"As always, your majesty is very observant." said the fat and short man called Claus.
Tang Yao wanted to try cloning himself, but when he thought about erasing himself, how was he going to unerase himself? If he erased himself, then his skills would be gone, and without his skills, how is he going to unerase himself?
So Tang Yao had to give up on duplicating himself, and instead learned Shadow Clone Jutsu, from Naruto.
Shadow Clone Jutsu - Rare
Creates a clone of yourself, or a shadow clone. 1,000 Qi/Clone. Shadow Clones, have 75% of the user's strength, and anything they kill, the main body will receive its drops, and XP. If a shadow clone gets stronger, the main body will also grow along with it. Shadow Clones will disappear if they receive more than 10% of the main body HP as damage. Shadow Clones, are capable of using all the skills the main body has, if a shadow clone learns a new skill, the main body will also learn it.
Cost 1000 Qi/Clone
Cool Down None
Level 0/10
XP 0/1000
It didn't take long until it was the final match, Tang Yao v. George.
It was the most anticipated match since the beginning of the Magic Competition.
When Tang Yao entered the VW, he immediately got squashed by the 1 billion George's.
"Look! Dip Stick, has almost been squashed to death by all of those clones." shouted a person in the audience.
The audience started laughing at the funny sight, Tang Yao couldn't move at all, since all of George's clones were taking up all of the space.
"Hey isn't there two of him now?" asked somebody in the audience.
"Huh? Looks there's 4 of them." said someone else.
1 billion.
It didn't take long before there were over 1 billion Tang Yao's, but the cloning didn't stop at 1 billion, it kept on increasing.
1 billlion
2 billion
4 billion
1 trillion.
2 trillion.
4 trillion.
1 Quadrillion...
There were a total of 1 quadrillion Tang Yao's in the arena. It was no longer Tang Yao, but it was the George's being squashed in Tang Yao's place. Tang Yao could of kept growing, but even he was beginning to feel Claustrophobic with the amount of clones he had.
"This is good enough, let's end this now." said Tang Yao. Before aiming his hand at George, and casting an Extinction Ray at max power. All of Tang Yao's clone surrounded the George, from every side, as well as the top, even the bottom as well. No where was safe for the Geroge's. They would be blasted from all sides.
"If only I had this skill when I went against Elizabeth, I could of easily destroyed her." said Tang Yao in regret. "Oh Well, I will take out my anger on this guy."
In the audience people were crying tears of regret. Many of the audience memebers put nearly all of their money into betting at George's Victory however now, George was more than outnumbered, all of his clones didn't even amount to 1% of Tang Yao's clones.
The person that was laughing at Tang Yao for betting 10 million gold, had now collapsed on the floor. If he could he would take all the money he bet out, and bet it on Tang Yao however, bet's were closed at the start of the match, he could only sorrowfully regret, not betting on Tang Yao.
Who had knew, that Tang Yao had such a strong cloning skill.
In the Noble's Room
The emperor's eye twitched, he too had bet a large amount of money of George's victory, but now, all that money was down the drain.
Many nobles, were upset, as they had bet large amounts of money of George's victory.
Claus, the person next to the emperor was kneeling on the floor and crying, he had bet his nobleship on George winning. Even if he wouldn't receive a lot of money for winning he would at least gain something, but now, he had loss everything.
While in the VW, Tang Yao had no idea what kind of faces the audience was making, but he could imagine it would not be a good one, since it was predicted that he would 100% loss this match, but now, he was more than 1000x clones of George.
George who was surrounded by Tang Yao's clones all charging Extinction Ray's at him, could not help but feel frightened. He would most likely be incinerated, at this rate, so he did the best he could by having all of his clones surround him in a spherical shape, like the way Tang yao's clones were positioned, and have his clones activated all of their defensive skills.
The Extinction Ray was fully charged, and all of the clones released it at once towards George's clones.
The screens showing the fight, blew up, they didn't black out or static out, they simply blew up.
All of the power in the city where the magic competition was being held, experienced a black out.
The technician responsible for maintaining the power, were now shocked, and surprised, they were in chaos, all of the magic generators that were responsible for producing power to the city had blown up, all of the magic arrays protecting the city was now gone.
The whole city was in a state of panic.
While unknown to Tang Yao, was still trying to withstand the huge explosion of 1 quadrillion Extinction Rays.
All he could see was white.
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