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17.77% The Chosens' Part One / Chapter 8: Chapter Eight

Capítulo 8: Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I have multiple men surrounding me. I laugh and talk to them while edging towards the other females. If I can distract them with estrogen, and discourage them with a sharp tongue, I might get away out of here; without having to kick someone who is not Alek.

After successfully pairing off every surrounding male, I notice that it’s nearly to the time limit Silas gave me. Maybe I should go find him. Then again, sneaking off is probably the best approach. I can already tell the royals refuse to take their eyes off of me. All I want to do is disappear. Why is having me return to my birthright so important?

“Long night?” Someone asks, making me wince and internally groan once I register it’s male. I hate mating season.

I turn around and give a warming smile. “Greifi, how nice to see you. Are you enjoying the party? I see you have many interested in being your partner.” I say, motioning to the glaring bunch of girls behind him.

He doesn’t even take a glance, bringing me a surprising amount of pleasure. His jade eyes are captivating, and I’m finding it hard to resist his charm. “They’re fun to talk to, but I’m not interested in being with any of them this season. Truthfully, I hate mating season. It’s insane to pick someone to mate with until the start of fall.”

I give a genuine laugh, causing him to smile. “I feel the exact same way. I’d rather spend my days doing what I love, than screwing around with someone.”

He grins. “In that case, do you mind if I take pleasure in your company tonight? To spare me from them,” He asks, nodding his head towards the pack of girls that haven’t even moved.

“Be my guest. It’ll shield me as well.” I say as I take a sip of my drink. It’s strong and tastes of strawberries. It’s surprisingly delightful, and a little stale. I hadn’t taken a sip of it all night.

“So you’re part of the Guardian Committee?” Greifi asks, trying to stir conversation.

“Do you really want to start off with that question?” I ask, making him grimace.

“Yeah, that was lame.” He chuckles, rubbing the back of his head.

“How about we talk about you? What do you do Greifi? Where are you from?”

“Lusole actually. I work on the border patrol of the Sunmoon pack. I’m their Gamma.”

Sunmoon? Well they do have a lot of packs in that territory. “Nice.”

He chuckles. “You’ve never heard of them, have you?”

“No I haven’t actually.” I say then take another sip, feeling awkward.

“I don’t blame you. We started building ourselves not too long ago. We were all once rogues and are petitioning for King Lavar to recognize us as an official pack.” He smirks. “You seem to know him. Any advice?”

“Honestly, honesty. Lavar can smell a lie the moment you think about it.” I say, giving him a smile. “I wouldn’t tell him you know me though. He tends to be more critical of those people.”

He barks a laugh. “And why is that?”

“By doing a lot of work for him, I have built a bit of a rapport.” I say, flashing a smile. Plus he’s changed my diapers.

“Alright, then lets discuss something other than wolfie stuff. Where are you from Senja?”

I roll my eyes. “Linru actually. It’s how I met the Supreme Head of the Guardian Committee.”

He chuckles, “That is a hard group to get into. Where are you primarily assigned?”

I flash him a grin. “Lusole usually, but I also work in Mori.”

Greifi gives me a daring look. “So that means I might see you out in the real world one of these days?”

I shrug, “It’s possible. I am working on a case right now, so it might be awhile.”

“What case?” he asks, flashing me an alluring smile.

Immediately my cheeks redden. I shake my head, mostly to clear it. “Nothing that lets me share that information.”

“Now that’s just mean.” He pouts then chuckles to himself. “I guess you’ll have to show me one day.”

“That I can agree too,” I say as I give him a smile. “In that case, what would you show me?”

“Oh, that was a bold one,” he says, flashing me a wink. “I guess I would take you to the beach and show you the most amazing set of tide pools. If you spend most of your time in Lusole, I suspect you miss the ocean.”

I think about it. “Impressive, but I’m not won over so far.”

He scoffs. “Damn, I thought that was smooth.”

“Not quite.” I say while he starts rubbing his chin.

“Hmmm…A picnic might be too cheesy, and a little too date-ish if we’re wanting to be friends. Maybe a hike to show you how a man bred for forest life handles the truly rough terrain.”

“I’m going to guess you’d handle it with a lot of swearing.” I say, poking fun of him.

“With these muscles?” He asks, slightly flexing.

I giggle a little, surprising myself. “I guess you’ll have to prove me wrong.” Did I just giggle?

He grins. “Maybe. How do you feel about me getting you a different drink? You don’t seem to be enjoying your current one.”

I shrug. “Okay, I guess.”

“I’ll be right back.” He says as he takes the drink.

Perfect. It gives me enough time to get out of-Seriously? I demand mentally as I see Serina heading my way with Sarian. Just leave me alone. Out of mercy, Alier walks over to them and starts pointing to Greifi and then me. I roll my eyes. Basically, they want me to find someone for the season, so if I stay with Greifi, they’ll leave me alone.

Before I can put more thought into it, Greifi is back, handing me a purple swirled drink known as Isa. “I thought something less strong would be your choice.”

I raise my eyebrow. “I take it you’ve been watching me.”

“Well, I did try to talk to you before you blew me off earlier.” He admits as I take the drink. “I thought I’d give it another shot, but you were surrounded like a lamb in a wolf pack.”

“That’s an appropriate analogy.” I admit. “I did manage to scare them off eventually.” I point out.

He chuckles. “And how did you do that?”

I shrug. “Men don’t like it when you’re a bitch. Trying to get into my pants brings it out of me.”

“Fair enough.” He says, taking a sip of his drink. “I still think those girls are glaring at you.”

I roll my eyes. “I barely noticed.”

“Well it’s giving me the creeps. Do you want to go outside? The moon is supposed to be full tonight. It’ll be a beautiful sight, next to you of course.”

“Now that was a bold line.” I say as I agree, following him to go outside. “I thought your interest was friendship.”

“It is, but if I can get more out of you, I might as well give it a shot.” Greifi says, flashing me a grin. “Do you mind?”

“Not really, but I’ll likely reject you.” I warn. “I do not have the time.” Nor the werekinds unfortunate requirement to mate or suffer extreme pain.

“We’ll see about that.” He says, leading me out to a massive porch.

I look up as we reach the railing that gives a full view of the massive garden. I look up at the sky, seeing an array of stars and planets. It’s absolutely breath taking. I listen to the sound of insects singing away as animals chatter along. This is something I absolutely love. It’s quiet enough outside that I can hear the tide.

“It’s beautiful tonight.” Greifi says, turning to look at me. “Almost as-“

“Much as you,” I say, finishing his line.

“Well thank you,” he says, cutting off the rest of my response.

Astonishingly I laugh. “Nice save. So Greifi, where are you going after this?”

“Back to protecting my pack.” He says, giving me a smirk. “Maybe you’ll have to visit after your top secret mission.”

“Maybe,” I allow.

“Cheers to maybe then,” he says, raising his drink.

“Cheers,” I say then clink my glass to his, taking a gulp after. The sweet boisonberry liquid makes me internally moan. This is my favorite flavor in the world, and I’m surprised he guessed it.

“So maybe you’re starting to like me?” He asks, as I take another sip.

“Maybe,” I say giving him a wink. Wait, am I flirting? My stomach is starting to feel warm. “You’ll still need to impress me some more.”

“Then how about a dance?” He asks, taking the glass from my hand, and offering me his hand as a replacement. Rolling my eyes I take his hand. He pulls me in and puts his hand on the small of my back. After carefully putting my other hand on his chest, he starts leading me into the dance.

“You do know that I do like you?” He says, his jade eyes glowing. “There is something about you that is so endearing.”

“And what would that be?” I ask him as he spins me.

“It’s hard to describe. I’ve noticed it since the moment I first saw you.”

“You could just be registering my indifferent air,” I say, feeling slightly dizzy. My cheeks are flushed, and my heart is beating faster. What is this?

“I don’t think that’s it.” He says, pulling me closer to him, closing all distance. “I think it’s your power. It’s very strong.”

“Well I am in the Head Rank of the Guardian Committee.” I say, trying to think past his full lips. He has a nick on his chin that I never noticed before.

“True,” he says while he leans in, resting his forehead on mine. “But it’s something else, and it’s hard to place. Your scent is also intoxicating. You smell so sweet Senja. Like the jungle after a rainstorm.”

I still stare at his lips. Is his skin getting lighter? “Well, I am from Linru,” I say, realizing that my mind is foggier than what I like. I think I need help. “Maybe we should go back in.” I suggest, mentally kicking myself.

“Just after one kiss,” he says, a millisecond before putting his lips on mine. My body immediately responds, growing warm as my center tingles. His taste is everything to me in this moment. It’s so sweet that I’m craving more. I open my mouth as he brushes my lips with his tongue, asking permission for access. He pulls me in tighter, making me very aware of the slight bulge in his pants. I put my hands to his chest, my entire body begging to be touched. I’m aware my body is screaming ‘danger’ to me, but I’m unclear as to why.

He pulls away, seeking a ragged breath. “Damn it Senja. You’re making things difficult.” He grabs the back of my head, twisting his fingers in my hair as he starts kissing me with such intensity a slight moan escapes from me. I feel his hand run down my bare back, pressing me closer into him. My hand goes to his neck and his hair, trying to trap him. My eyes widen once I realize he has a scar on his neck.

“You found that just a little too soon,” He murmurs, his voice low, breaking lip contact. He yanks my head back, exposing my neck, giving it a lust filled glance before flashing me a devious look. “I actually can’t find it in me to kill you anymore, so I guess I’m going to have to make you mine.” Before I can even process what is happening, he puts his hand on my mouth and bites my neck. I scream in pain as I try to push him off of me, realizing that he’s sucking my blood.

I try to scream out, but he presses his hand tighter, and his grip becomes constricting, not allowing me to move so much as a centimeter away from him. I reach up the slit of my dress to grab my dagger. Quickly, I stab it into the back of his shoulder blade. He roars in pain as he drops me. The second I hit the ground I kick up, my heel connecting with his solar plexus, launching him back while he’s still crying out in pain. I snap my fingers, my dagger reappearing in my hand.

“What is wrong with you?” I demand from him as I get to my feet.

“I promised you I’d bite that neck of yours.” He chuckles, getting to his feet.

“What the hell are you?” I demand from him.

“Someone that’s complicated.” He smirks. “I didn’t expect you; I can tell you that much.”

“Expect me? You stalked me.” I say as I feel blood coming down my neck.

“You did stab me.” He grins. “I guess I get another bite to make it up to me.”

“In your dreams.” I snap. Why do all men want to kill me? Wait, I know that one.

“If you’re there, I’ll follow you there.” He remarks, his response confusing me as he looks me over. “I really did not expect you Senja. I just wanted to kill you, but you had to screw that up for me.”

“What are you talking about?” I demand.

“You’ll have to wait to find out,” He responds, still posed for a fight.

“How about you just tell me why you’re draining blood from innocent girls necks?” I growl, a little unnerved by his answer.

“Simple, they’re not so innocent. Also, if I drink their blood; I temporarily get their power. The stronger the blood, the longer the effects.” He grins. “I wonder what I got from you.”

“So you fed off of a shapeshifter?” I demand. “Did you kill her too?”

He shakes his head. “My servants will bleed themselves for me, whenever I have need of their services. However, they’re weak, which is why you see me losing control of my shift earlier than I anticipated.”

“Then why kill them?” I demand.

“Because I can then store their power and use it whenever I have need of it.”

“That’s insane and impossible.”

“Not when you know the correct spells.” He smirks. “Would you like me to show you? You should faint here in a moment. It’s astonishing you haven’t yet. Usually those I bite are down before I remove my teeth.”

“Then lets see if I can kill you before that happems,” I say, realizing my words just slightly slurred. Well crap.

“Senja,” I hear someone that sounds an awful lot like Silas yell.

“Senja!” I hear Alier yell. “Guards!”

“Until the next bite,” Greyson says, starting his run.

“Go after him!” I yell, swaying just a little.

Alier reaches me, and I just realized Sarian is with him as well. “What happened?” he demands as I put pressure on my still bleeding wound.

“He kept his promise.” I say, my head beyond foggy. I’m going to have a horrible headache when I wake up. “He bit my supple neck.”

I sway a little bit and Sarian catches me. “That was Greyson? What were you doing with him?”

“He was shifted differently and said his name was Greifi.” I say quickly, defending myself. “The bastard used a shapeshifter’s blood and used his effect. I didn’t even know vampires could do that.”

Alier’s face pales. “We can’t. Not since we started evolving and became able to sustain ourselves on the vulutri plant and a regular raw diet.”

“So how come he can?” I demand, my body becoming light. “Oh don’t tell me his venom is a paralytic,” I groan, touching my very light head.

“Senja?” Sarian says as I fully fall into him, losing all feeling in my body. He picks me up effortlessly as my head rolls back, my neck unable to support it. Well, he did say I was going to faint.

“We need to get her to the infirmary. Now,” Alier says as he looks at me, my eyes unable to focus. I can’t even speak. My entire being is buzzing in fear and anxiety, reminding me a lot of my first couple days on my own. I truly hate mating season.

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