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60.86% The Celestial Child (MLP Fanfic) / Chapter 14: A Real Friend

Capítulo 14: A Real Friend

Joy was lying on his bed thinking about the question he was asked. He felt some tears escaping his eyes because that question brought up a sad feeling of his past. It was almost three years ago.

<Celestia couldn't be happier that day. It was her favorite time of the year. It was the birthday of her beloved son Joy Star. He was celebrating his fourteenth birthday. He was so much happy. But after that day was the time he was also a little sad for some reason. Celestia noticed her son's sadness and tried to ask him. She went in his room and sat beside him on his bed.

"My joy, what's the matter? Did Blueblood say something mean again? I promise I'll put him to dungeon this time," Celestia said.

"That's not the problem mom. I'm just…" she noticed some tears in his eyes.

She wrapped his foreleg around him bringing him closer. He hugged his mother and made some sniffles. Celestia heart melted at this. She kissed his forehead and left his face towards her.

"Are you missing Bubble? I know you miss her but…" she was interrupted by headshake in 'no' by her son.

"No mom! I know Bubble is busy right now and she missed me a lot as well. She told me in her letter. But that's not the case either."

"So why my joy is so sad right now? Is there something I did…?"

At this he hugged his mother and broke to tears. He at last spoke out about his reason of sadness.

"Some colts said me that I'm not your real son. That I'm ah… ah… adopted. Mom tell me why they said so. Am I… I not… your… ss…"

At this Celestia broke to tears as well. She was wrapped her forelegs and wings around him as she wanted to hide him from any sorrow and trouble from the world outside. She just wanted to have him for herself so nopony could hurt him ever again. She made some sobs and then pressed her son to her chest.

"My colorful rainbow, my element of joy, my beloved son, you're not only my son but a reason that I'm still beaming. You know that I made *sobs* some mistakes in my past. After I realize my mistakes that was too late. *sobs* I didn't think I *sobs* even deserve to be a big sister after your aunt left. *sobs* idea of being a mother was far from my mind but then you came."

She looked at her son as she left his face "You gave me the tenderness I never felt before. You gave a meaning to my desperately lifeless shell. Seeing you smile and giggle and when you say me 'Mama' I felt like the happiest pony in all the world. As you grow up my happiness grow alongside. Sure there were some worries in my mind about your health and diet but those worries were sweeter than any pleasure in the world. I saw the mares around me with their foals. They worried about them more than themselves even when there was not much to worry about. Before having you I never felt how great it feels to worry about a son. But now I felt this and this was the one of the greatest feeling I ever had." She embraced her son once again while tears from her eyes were flowing down to her cheek. "I saw you making your own choices as you was growing up and I felt proud of you. Like I always will be. It doesn't matter to me whether you're a pony or not. You're my son and will always be a son to me. You're my joy, my pleasure, my happiness, my most beloved son." She then opened her eyes and looked towards her son as he was sobbing.

"I *sobs* love you *sobs* mama. I love you mama. I love you," he said as he wrapped his arms around her chest. She smiled as she heard word 'mama' once again from him.

"Mama loves you too mama's joy. Mama loves you too," she said as she shared some sobs with him and nuzzled him for their comfort.

He smiled as he remembered this event and let out some tears of happiness. He knew that his mother loves him so much. And he loved her so much as well.

"I love you so much mom," he said to himself.


[Dear mother

Hi! First I love you so much mom. Thank you for allowing me to come to this beautiful town. Ponies here were a little suspicious about me at first but soon they started to accept me happily around them. The fillies and colts are so much friendly towards me. This town is full of friendly ponies. Twilight's friends the elements are so wonderful ponies. I must say one of them is quite loud but she's cool as well. I like this town so much. A few days I spent here were a new experience for me. I saw the ponies who work on farm, and I saw some ponies who likes fishing as well. I think I'll be staying here for some more days. Don't worry mother I'm not planning to stay permanently. I love you so much and I also like Canterlort a lot so I'll be back soon.

Say my Hi to Cadence and Aunt Luna

Your beloved son

Joy Star]

"Looks like you're so much happy my joy," said Celestia as she read the latter.

She then put out her quill and started to write an answer to his letter. She was missing him a little. She knew that he'll be back soon and then she'll hug him as long as she want. She was feeling a little stressed out because of her boring royal routine. She let him go this far for the first time so it was obvious that she was missing her son.


[My dear Bubble

Hi my dear marefriend! I'm writing you a letter to inform you about something. I am in Ponyville right now. I came here five days ago when finally my mother's allowed me. This town is really beautiful. I hope you're doing great as well. I wish you would be here with me. I wish we could enjoy the beautiful sceneries together. Anyways I hope you come back as soon as you could. I miss you a lot. I can't tell you how much but I can tell you that I sometimes saw myself hugging a pillow after waking up. So you can guess how much. I knew you would be missing me as well. Take care and say my Hi to Miss Heart Sparkle.

Miss you a lot

Your very special friend

Joy Star]

Bubble felt a little guilty but couldn't hold her chuckle at the mention of his pillow hugging. She was not laughing at this because it was silly but she also saw herself doing the same many times. Her mother sometimes also saw her doing this and she just smiled at this. Bubble felt a little embarrassed when she realized that her mother saw her hugging a pillow in her sleep.

Heart came to her daughter's room to wake her up. When she opened the door she saw a very delightful and lovely view. She was in her sleeping gown. She was hugging a pillow with all her strength and nuzzling it pleasantly. Heart made sudden 'awe' when she saw daughter like this. That 'awe' was enough to wake her daughter up.

"Missing your friend a lot!" Heart said teasingly.

"I was just…" she smiled as her cheeks glow red "… I… yes…"

She tried to act as her mother saw nothing but she couldn't hide her blush at the moment. After all she was missing him too.

"I'll be back soon my sweetie and then we'll hugging each other and not the pillows. I'll be there now before you know," she giggled.

She then proceeded to write the reply for his letter. She was giggling so much. She knew that he must be missing her a lot as she was missing him as well.


Joy was just sitting in his bedroom and reading one of his favourite Daring Do novel. 'Daring Do and the Mystery of Haunted Town'. It was really full of suspense and interesting. He was reaching at the most interesting part.

"And when she went to open that door she saw…"

(Knock Knock)

He heard the door.

He reluctantly stood up and went to open the door. As he opened the door his eyes widened at what he saw. He suddenly saw a horrible face hanging in front of him. He yelped to saw the thing in front of him. He put his palm on his heart and breathed heavily to recover from fear.

"What in the name of…" he said as he heard the chuckles.

"Good one Pinkie! That was really funny!" said Rainbow between the chuckles.

Soon Joy touched the hanging head and realized that it was only a decorated mask. He looked towards the laughing friends. He laughed as well. It was kind of funny.

"Good one friends!" he said as he made some chuckles.

After this they both ran away to prank their other friends. He came inside his room again and started the comic where he left. He was almost scared at the prank they pulled. For a moment he actually thought that something from the novel had come to life. He chuckled at himself hilariously as he thought this.

At the time of evening Joy was smoothly enjoying the pleasant moments of sunset like always. Suddenly something came flying straight towards him and before he could notice a Pegasus mare with the mail bag bumped into him. He got up to see a Derpy who was wobbling her head because of crash landing.

"Derpy!" he said as he looked towards the giddy mare. "Hey, are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" she said as she shook her head "Here I have two mails for you!" said Derpy giving him his mails.

"Oh, thanks Derpy!" he said as he took the mails.

"Bye, bye!" she said as she hovered away.

Derpy flew away to deliver more mails to other ponies in town while Joy opened the first mail which had a royal seal on it. It was her mother's reply from Canterlot.

[My dear son Joy

Hi sweetheart! I love you too so much my joy. I'm happy that you liked the Ponyville. And I'm happy that you made some new friends as well. Please take care about your breakfast, and don't forget to take healthy and normal diet. Don't dare to take advantage of me not being around and not taking a daily bathe. As your mother it's my duty to remind you everything. And know that I am missing my 'stress relieving hugs' so much. Please take care of yourself. And again don't you dare to go any near to Everfree forest.

PS: Cadence and Luna were saying hello to you

Your beloved mother


Joy smiled to see how much his mother care about him. Even now she was worried about him to go near the Everfree forest. Because she knew his son's curious nature. She was just making sure about his safety.

Joy went inside his house and put the read letter into the drawer. And then he opened the other letter which was pink in colour adored with very pleasant scent. It was from Manehatten by nopony else than the Bubble.

[My dear Joy

Hi my dear coltfriend! Hope you're not thinking of me being mean because I'm taking a little longer time. I missed you so much as well. I see you in my dreams, wake up snuggling my pillows. Don't tell me this was funny. Because I felt really lonely without you all this time. Now there's no more wait my sweetie. Neither for you nor for me. I'll be in your embrace once again in a week. Hope you remembered what I said that day. I was also serious as you. See you soon.

PS: My mother were saying hello to you

Say my Hello to Twilight

Your very special friend

Bubble Heart]

Joy beamed happily as he read this. She was coming in a week. He couldn't be happier than that. And then he quickly remembered that Bubble said him that she will be expecting a wonderful date when she'll be with him next time. So now he has to do everything he could do to make their very first date wonderful. But now the sun had been set. He couldn't do anything at evening so he had to wait for upcoming day to start his preparations.

Next day he headed towards the Carousel Boutique. He was so confused about something but he was confident that the fashionista of Ponyville will certainly help him. After a while he was standing in front of boutique. He opened the door and entered in the boutique. Looking around he saw so mannequins many dresses worn upon the mannequins.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique. How may I can help you Prince?" said Rarity.

"Hi Rarity! I need a little help of yours," he was a little confused and then he asked. "Actually I need to ask you what… type of dress will be a best gift for a mare on first date." He mumbled the last four words.

"Say what?" she asked.

"I asked what type of dress will be a best gift for a… mare on first date," he said.

"Mine, mine! Are you and your marefriend hmm… Bubble are going on your first date. Oh! That sounds so romantic."

Joy blushed and nodded in response. He knew that was a little awkward but that shyness was the part of his personality.

"Alright! Let me think!" she put a hoof under her chin "IDEA!" she exclaimed.

"So…" he asked.

"She had been living in Canterlort and Manehatten, so I hope she'll love my design," she said "So anything you'll like to suggest!"

"Hmm… She likes pink and purple so much. Her favorite type of gem is ruby," replied Joy.

"Oh! That would be enough for me. I hope that will be done soon," said Rarity.

"And take as much time as you want," he said beamingly. "She's coming in one week. And thank you so much Rarity."

After this he came out of the boutique. Something told him a little strolling around the town would be a good idea to start his day. He was walking on the dirt path and was looking towards all the natural sceneries. After a while he saw himself a little far from the town. Suddenly he saw two very fast flying figures in the sky. He knew the one very well. She was the Rainbow dash. Along with her was flying another creature. It has body and a tail of a lion with wings of an eagle. He wowed at this.

"Is that… that really a griffin?" he said.

After he saw both of them sitting on the cloud and laughing. Then they did a hoof to talon bump. They seemed to be old friends. Joy seemed to be interested and walked near to them. Then suddenly Pinkie appeared from nowhere with trampoline. She placed the trampoline under the same cloud and started to jump on this.

"Now what is she up to?" said Joy.

He came closer to her and looked at him as he was trying to figure out what she wanted to do.

"Pinkie what are you doing?" he asked.

"Oh! Hi Joy! I was just reaching to that cloud!" she replied.

She continue to jump as her head was through the cloud where the Pegasus and griffin were standing. Pinkie tried to talk with Rainbow.

"Hey there!" she said before falling down "Its layer!" she said before falling down again "And I caught up!"

"Pinkie pie! You're so random," said Rainbow as she chuckled.

Joy saw the griffon said Rainbow something and they started to hover towards another cloud. Pinkie came down and brought suddenly so many flying balloons.

"What happened up there?" Joy asked Pinkie

"Gilda challenged Rainbow for a race," said Pinkie as she was flew up with the balloons to the cloud where they both went.

<Gilda, hmm… that seems to be that griffin's name> he thought. Soon he saw that Dash winning the race. But Gilda started to reason. Joy felt something not so fascinating about that griffin. Even he hadn't talk with her yet she seemed to be a bit… no a lot arrogant. Soon Pinkie went there and cleared that Dash had won the race.

"That Gilda kinda acting a little strange," Joy said as he saw her reasoning.

Rainbow flew up high leaving Gilda and Pinkie floating there. Then Joy saw that Gilda popped some of Pinkie's balloons. Soon she lost altitude and came on the ground while Gilda and Rainbow sat on another cloud.

"What happened now?" he asked.

"I think Gilda's trying to get away. But I'm not gonna leave her that easily!" she said as she pull out a gizmo with four pedals and a propeller from nowhere, and went towards the next cloud they were sitting on.

"You sure you should…" he said as he saw Pinkie going there. "I wonder how she does it."

Joy was having a bad feeling about Gilda. Her behavior with Pinkie was enough of a proof that she's really an arrogant or at least a mean kind of person. But he was interested in whatever was going on. If he had wings he could go there and tell Gilda that it's not nice way to treat a friend but unfortunately he didn't have any.

Soon Pinkie crash landed on the ground a little far from where Joy was standing. Her gizmo was completely broken. Joy came towards her and then looked towards the sky showing a little anger towards that Gilda. Joy couldn't understand that how someone may be so mean to another.

"Are you okay Pinkie?" he asked.

"Yeah! I'm fine. But that Gilda doesn't seems fine to me." she said.

"Yeah! I see that! So what you think we should do?" asked Joy.

"Hmm… I know what should I do?"

Saying this Pinkie walked away while Joy continue his path towards the lake. He was willing to spend some time in quite so he could think what he should do next. The thought of Bubble's arrival during next week was so much pleasant to him. He had yet to plan the important things about their first date and he was a little much excited to think about this clearly. He lied on the soft grass and relaxed himself to think clearly.

"I wonder what would be Bubble doing this time!"


Bubble was going to the boutique to buy something for her first date with her very special friend Joy. Her sweetie as she liked to call him. She was so much excited for this.

A model's life could be so hard sometimes. She was always stared by her admirers and sometimes she was also stopped by a group of too enthusiast ponies to give them autographs. Even being a model she never thought of ponies with less status being less valued. She was taught by her mother to treat everypony equally regardless of their status. While most of other ponies of Manehatten were more to themselves than anypony else. She even take part in some charity events to help the needy ponies. Her likeness for writing and singing songs was not lessened even a bit. She still sang the songs at some certain events.

After a while she look herself standing at the door of the market. She opened the door and entered in the market.

"Look she's Bubble Heart! That famous model!"

And that was it. Ponies started to gossip and giving her the amazement stares.

Bubble just rolled her eyes and went to see the dresses. While she was looking through the dresses thinking about a perfect dress which will suit her more especially which will be so much adorable in her sweetie's eyes.

"May I help you Miss Heart!" asked a grey earth stallion with brown mane to her.

"Not at all sir. Thanks for asking," she replied while still looking through the dresses.

"By the way I'm a very big fan of you," he said.

"Oh, nice to meet you then. But I'm at leave from my job. So will you please…?" she said with little bit coldness in her voice.

That stallion walked away and Bubble huffed in relief. She just not wanted to start this "I'm your biggest fan and I've seen many fashion shows… etc. etc." conversation so she could focus on what she was looking for. After all she was not just a model. She was daughter, a friend, and now soon to be a love of her special somepony. So during her free days she just wanted to spend most of her time for herself and with ponies she care most. While looking through gowns and dresses of random design and colored soon she found the perfect dress for their date.

"Yes, that's it," she exclaimed.

Then she went to counter to pay for that dress and get this packed. That was for a very special event of her life. She knew that he'll like this. She just knew.

"Thanks for giving us a chance to serve you," said the sails pony at the counter.

"Um, no problem," she said with an eyeroll.

She went back to her home with a beautiful dress she had bought for their first date. Only she knew how much happy she was that day.

"I wonder what would my sweetie been doing." She said


After sitting there for a while he saw that Fluttershy was coming there. He saw that there were some animals along her. One of them was her pet bunny Angel. She had a saddle bag over her.

"Oh… umm hi Joy! What are you doing here?" she said as she noticed him lying on the grass.

"Oh me… I was just relaxing here. If you want then I'll leave now."

"No… no, you don't need to leave. I was just on a picnic with my friends," said Fluttershy as she put the blanket on the ground and little critters started to gather on it.

"That looks so cute. Can you really talk to these creatures?" said Joy.

"Yes, I can understand the language almost every type of creatures," replied Fluttershy.

"Oh, that's so much amazing!" Joy said with amazement "I was thinking about what I should do to make my first date wonderful for both of us," said Joy as he lost in his thoughts once again.

"What!" Fluttershy said with a blush "Us?" she almost spilled the tea.

"No, not us! Me and Bubble. This what I was meant when I said both of us," Joy blushed with embarrassment.

"Oh, *giggle* sorry for misunderstanding!" Fluttershy replied.

"No problem Flutters!" he said "Mind if I ask something!"

"Yeah… I think umm… you… you can ask!" said Fluttershy.

"Did you go on a date ever before? I mean you and any other stallion!" he asked.

"Umm… not really… I never… asked out anypony!" she said.

"Why didn't you?" he asked.

"Actually umm… I think… I don't know… I just can't…" she replied.

"I think you're so much shy that's why! Isn't it?" he asked.

At this Fluttershy hid her face behind her long pink mane. Joy understood he said the things a little straight forward. He shouldn't have said this, he thought.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offense you. In fact I was as shy as you are so I also couldn't ask anypony out as well," he said.

"So how… you and… Bubble got…!" she asked.

"She made the first move. I never thought if any filly will ever like me that way when I'm that different from them. But still she liked me and she even… gave me her first… kiss and… I love to see her happy because she wanted to make me feel happy…" he said while he blushed "Then it was only a matter of time when we finally confessed our feelings for each other," said Joy.

"So you… think any colt… would ever… asked me… out…" said Fluttershy.

"Yes, I know that it will happen someday. And believe me it could happen when you don't even expect anything like this." said Joy.

"Oh, umm… thank you!" said Fluttershy.

They had a friendly talk there for a good while. After which a robin came to Fluttershy and told her something.

"What did this bird said?" he asked.

"He said a family needs my help," she said and stood up "So I'm going to help them."

So she went to help them. Joy also wanted to see her helping the animals so he went along with her. There was a duck and her ducklings who needed to cross the street of Ponyville. So Fluttershy was helping them while Joy was watching her doing so.

"This way mama duck. This way!" said Fluttershy.

When Joy was confirmed that they almost had crossed the street he waved to Fluttershy and headed towards his home. But when he was about to walk towards his home he heard somepony's yelling.

"Hey, I'm walking here!" came a loud voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry…" this sound was as somepony was mocking another.

Joy headed back to see what was going on. He saw Gilda who was standing in front of yellow Pegasus mare. Gilda looked towards her with anger while walking towards her scaring the duck and her ducklings away in this process. And then:-


She roared at Fluttershy. That made her so much scared that she galloped away crying. Joy couldn't get a chance to help her cause everything happened so quickly. Joy tried to stop to Fluttershy but she was too much scared at this. She didn't listen to him. Joy was so much angry. Fluttershy was the one of the most fragile mares he ever seen in his life including Derpy. She was smiling nastily at this. Joy came in front of her and looked towards him eye to eye.

"Look here lady, I'll try to be nice with you. You really need to improve your attitude," said Joy

"What the buck are you?" said Gilda.

Joy got furious as she said this. She talked in a manner which Joy couldn't handle but he tried to remain calm while crumpling his fist tightly. But his eyes started to glow with his light brown aura. And a strong gust of wind was felt before that was calm down instantly. All the ponies gasped at this. Clearly they were watching Gilda in a deep trouble.

"I never saw somepony as rude as you. You're such a grump," said Joy and walked away to calm himself down.

After he turned away as he heard the sound of a wing flap made by Gilda before she hovered away in the sky. Only reason he didn't burst out with anger was that she was the friend of Rainbow Dash. If only this thing wouldn't holding him back he would showed Gilda that how much aggressive he could be in his anger. But now he was sitting under a tree to calm himself.

"Oh, why Joy! You didn't told her that you're the Prince of Equestria..." said Joy to himself. "That's right! Cause your mother is proud of you for not boasting about you..."

"Hey Joy!" he heard a voice with tomboyish accent.

He looked up and saw Rainbow Dash in front of him. He was not much happy to see her. Much because of that Gilda.

"Hey! I heard that how Gilda treat you and others and I understand if you're upset," she said again.

"No! Am I upset! Not at all. She was just rude to me and scared away poor Fluttershy. I'm more than upset," he said with.

"I understand, but she was not always like that. She used to be a good griffon when we were young. I don't know what happened to her that made her that much mean and grump." She said and sat beside Joy.

Rainbow Dash lowered her head for the moment and then beam him a smile. "I got an idea."

"What?" said Joy.

"I've a plan to teach her a lesson. Pinkie Pie throwing a party for her at this afternoon. There you'll see," said Rainbow Dash.

"Well, Pinkie Pie Party is a thing I'll never miss. I'll sure to be there," he replied as he beamed her a smile.

"Great! Just remember to act normal when you meet her. Okay!" said Rainbow "I'll be going now. There're a few more clouds I've to clear before going to that party." She said and hovered away.

At afternoon Joy went to Sugar-Cube Corner as party was about to start. As he entered a few of ponies bowed their heads a little in respect. He chuckled and said them to don't be so formal because he was there just as another citizen. But still they like to honor the son of their beloved Princess. The decoration were like the party which was thrown to welcome him to Ponyville. Joy saw that many ponies were there except for Gilda and Rainbow Dash. He saw Fluttershy was there talking with Twilight. Joy also saw Rarity and Applejack talking to each other about that mean Griffin.

"Hi Rarity! Hi Applejack!" said Joy,

"Greetings Prince Joy!" said Rarity.

"Hi sugar-cube!" said Applejack,

"Well, Rarity! I just wanted to ask you about the task I asked you far," said Joy

"Don't worry about that, the design is ready. It'll be done very soon," said Rarity

"GILDA!" Exclaimed Pinkie getting all the ganders in the corner. "I'm so honor to draw you at my signature Pinkie Party. And I really truly sincerely hope to welcome you among us Pony folks." She said and extended her hoof for a hoofshake.

Joy came towards the gate to welcome Gilda along with Pinkie. Gilda extend her talon for a talon/hoof shake with her. As she touched her hoof she was literally shocked. After this Pinkie revealed the shocking secret that she had a hoof buzzer on her front hoof. She smiled as she was fainted to ground. Joy couldn't help but laugh as well on her.

"Oh, Pinkie Pie! Old hoofshake buzzer. You're an extreme!" exclaimed Rainbow as she entered the scene.

"Heheehe, yeah good one!" said Gilda.

"Gilda, he's Joy! He's my friend from Canterlot," said Rainbow as she introduce her to Joy.

"Hey Gilda! I know I acted a little rude at first but I'm honor to *giggle* welcome you as well."

'I didn't know that bipedal creature came from Canterlot. What's he exactly? Whatever who cares!' she thought as she looked towards him.

"Yeah, good! Whatever!"

"C'mon let me introduce you to some of my other friends," said Rainbow as she walked away.

"Right behind you Rainbow Dash!" Said Gilda as she looked towards Pinkie

'I'm having a funny feeling.' Thought Joy as he saw Rainbow chuckling. After this Gilda tried to threat Pinkie which she didn't took seriously. And then Pinkie introduce her to others.

"Everypony I want you to meet Gilda. Let's honour her and welcome her to Ponyville."

After this they cheered for Gilda and she smiled quite slyly. After this Gilda looked towards the Party feast. A tray of vanilla lemon drops caught her gander.

"Mmm… vanilla lemon drops! Don't mind if I do?" she said and took a bite of lemon drops.

Her face was worth watching when she took a bite. Her face became like she had eaten something super-duper spicy. She went to table to pick the glass of punch. The glass dribbled all the punch inside this leaving everypony and Joy burst in laughter.

"Well, what you know! Pepper in vanilla lemon drops and punch served in a dribbled glass."

"Priceless! Priceless!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

After quenching her burning throat she looked towards the crowd.

"Yeah! Hilarious!" Gilda said, annoyed.

"Hey G! Look, presents!" said Rainbow.

Gilda came to gift table and pick up a cylindrical gift pack. She opened it and suddenly many fake snakes popped out of it and fluffed the neck feathers of Gilda.

"Spitting Snakes!" said Applejack "Somepony did that prank on me last year!"

Joy was laughing like all others but was curious all the same. He knew something was fishy because nopony else was pranked during the party. Soon Pinkie brought the cake. Spike wanted to blow the Candles but Twilight said him to let Gilda do this as she was the guest of honour.

"Yeah, Spike let her do this," said Joy reassuringly.

Gilda came to blew up the candles and gave a sharp blow of breath to blow them up. But they were relit on their own. She tried again and again but the result was the same. Joy chuckled once again along with all other ponies.

"Relighting birthday candles, I love that prank. What a classic!" exclaimed Spike with happiness.

"Now I wonder who could have done that," said Pinkie.

"Yeah! I wonder!" Gilda said in a sarcastic manner.

"Who cares? This cake is amazing!" said Spike as he literally dug in the cake.

"Spike!" said Twilight being annoyed at Spike.

"Mmm… that's true! That cake IS amazing!" said Joy as he took a small bite off the cake.

"G! You're not upset about some silly candles are you?"

"No like I said, I'm down with the good pranks," she said.

"C'mon let's have some cake!" said Dash.

Joy walked towards the other bunch of ponies who were getting ready to play a classic party game. One of Joy's childhood favorite. "Pin the tail on the Pony!"

"Heyo! It's Pin the tail on the Pony!" said Applejack.

Soon everypony there gathered and now it was time to choose that who should get the first turn.

"Well, now who wanna go first?" said Joy.

"Oh, can I go first?" asked Rarity as she came towards the tail. "Can I have the purple tail?"

"Well, I'm the guest of honor!" Gilda said arrogantly. "And I shell have the purple tail!"

"Yeah! She should definitely go first!" said Pinkie.

"Yeah! She had a point here! So let's cover her eyes!" said Joy as he covered her eyes with a cloth.

Then he and Pinkie spin her around for a while.

"Hey!" she yelled "What the…"

"You're spinning round and round and then you can pin the tail on the pony!" said Pinkie.

"Now just walk straight ahead! And pin the tail!" said Pinkie as she guided her to the poster.

"Yeah! You're close Gilda!" said Joy.

As Gilda heard him and Pinkie she stopped. In a few minor seconds she figured out that was another prank in which she was going to fall. She smirked and turned around.

"Just walk straight ahead and pin the tail!" Gilda mocked them. "You think I'm that much of a fool. I'm going this way!"

To see her going in wrong direction Joy was surprised at her stupidity. She was being pranked seemingly out of bad luck but she was thinking that Pinkie and Joy could be responsible for this. Well, they could be because she had mocked both of them very rudely. That's why she was considering them the pranksters.

Pinkie tried to warn her but she was slipped on the frosty and slipped out of the corner literally. She then came inside with her newly gain tail moustache. She looked towards others angrily. She was so much furious. She roared in anger.

"This is your idea of the good time. I never met a lamer bunch of dweebs all my life. And you Pinkie Pie you and your friend Joy are both are the lamest with your weak little pranks. Do you really think you can make me lost my cool?" she said and walked towards the Dash.

"Well, Dash and I are ten times cooler than the rest of you put together. C'mon Dash we're leaving this pathetic scene," she said but Dash didn't moved.

"C'mon! I said we're leaving!" said Gilda with frustration.

"You know Gilda! Pinkie and Joy has nothing to do with this. I was the one who set up all those weak pranks at this party. So I guess I'm the lamest!" said Rainbow Dash with so much seriousness in her tune.

"Say what?" Joy asked confused.

"Oh, I should've known! That dribble glass has written Rainbow Dash on it all along!" Pinkie finally seemed to realize.

"No, you're joshing me Dash!" she smiled nervously. "Pinkie and her lame friend set all of those pranks to make a fool out of me."

"Me! I was just trying to improve your attitude. I thought maybe a party could turn that frown upside down," said Pinkie

"And you thought I pranked you?" Joy chuckled at that, and then sighed. "I wish... Even simplest pranks are way beyond my capabilities!"

"And you didn't need any help to make a fool out of you. Beside I see how awfully you behaved with my new friends. I didn't expected you to be like this Gilda. Is being cool all you care about?" said Dash, much in anger. "Maybe you should find some cool friends, someplace else."

At last she burst with anger and yelled.

"You, you're such a flip-flop! Cool one minute and lame the next. You decide to be cool again give me a call," Gilda said, as obnoxiously as she could and left.

"Not cool!" she said.

"Wow! Talk about a party pooper," said Spike.

The crowd started to gossip to each other about the situation. That was such an awkward moment. Rainbow Dash was still upset.

"I'm sorry everypony for bringing Gilda here. I didn't know how rude she was," said Rainbow Dash "And I know how bad you must feeling as she ruined that awesome party for her," she said and lowered her head.

"Hey, if you want to hang out with Party poopers that's your business," said Pinkie.

"I rather hang out with you Pinkie Pie. No hard feelings!" said Rainbow extending a hoof.

"No hard feeling!" Pinkie said as she extend her hoof as well for a hoofshake.

They both got shocked once again by hoofshake buzzers on their hooves. They laughed like nothing's happened and party was still on. After a while Rainbow came towards Joy who was somewhat in a deep thought.

"So you set all those pranks for her, huh!" said Joy.

"Yeah! Things didn't go the same way I planned but…" she replied.

"Well, don't worry about this. I'm sure she learned a pretty good lesson today."

"And what would that be?" asked Dash.

"That you should never mistrust your friends when playing 'Pin the tail on the Pony' otherwise the results could be hilariously harmful," said Joy and chuckled.

"You know *chuckles* that was almost a good joke," said Rainbow Dash.

"Well, I'm still learning to pull jokes dah! I'm not Rainbow Dash you know!" Joy said as they both burst into laughter making everypony around them laugh as well

Rainbow learned an important lesson today that a friend who can't treat our other friends nicely isn't a real friend. For Joy this was another day full of enjoyment. Of course there was little bit of problem but that wasn't so bad either. It was a fun time anyways. He was thinking about that he should call Bubble in Ponyville for their first date.


[My dear Bubble

Hi! I'm so excited that you'll be coming during next week. I can't wait. We'll see each other once again. But instead of Canterlort I want you to come here in Ponyville. This is a really wonderful town. There is so much to see and do. I am really eager to see you.

Your very special friend

Joy Star]

Bubble read the letter and clenched it to her chest. Only a few days and they'll see each other once again. She smiled brightly as she looked towards the roof of her room.

"Why not? I'll be there my sweetie!" she giggled.

next chapter
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