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64.4% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 38: To Catch a Spy, The end of an Enemy

Capítulo 38: To Catch a Spy, The end of an Enemy

 Tigra stood in the training room where her clones were wrapping up her magical class when her tablet finally got through all of the security checks that needed to be done to connect to who she was trying to contact to get the information she needed.

 "You've reached Gorgen of the Settlers. I will need your name, rank, and soldier number."

 "Tigra Blureclaw. Force General. 02-05-21-20." She cited.

 02 for finishing 2nd in her year, 05 for being 5th generation, 21 for being part of the 21st squadron, and 20th for being registered as the 20th student of her class.

 After a few seconds, the male voice returned.

 "Your identity has been confirmed. One last test to ensure you are who you claim, answer your safety question that will appear on your device."

 Who is your mother? Vi'ra Blureclaw


 "Your identity is confirmed and verified. How may I assist you, Force General?"

 "I need the squadron of settlers that Lukan Lyle is a part of. Alongside that, I need the location of Lukan Lyle. I have a belief that he may be in danger involving a spy."

 "Understood. Give me a few seconds."

 Tigra looked up and saw someone shock a neighboring student.

 She muted herself on the call for a moment.

 "I saw that!" She announced. "Unqul, do not shock another student while in my class. To expand on it, do not harm another student, period."

 "U-Understood!" Unqul, a human with green eyes and brown hair, acknowledged.

 She stared at them before returning to her call and unmuting herself.

 "Lukan Lyle is assigned to Squadron Zeta. He has been sent to help settle Ghu-Lin, a new town taken while you were away."

 "Send me coordinates, if you could. Also, block any communication from Lukan Lyle and Lucy Waterscale. I believe that their messages are being watched."

 'By us, but not everyone knows about the spies.' She thought.

 "That will take about 5 minutes to set a block on each of them. As for coordinates, it is 200 miles southeast of Tyde."

 "Understood. That was all."

 Gorgen hung up with that.

 Tigra took that in and started to do mental math about the time.

 'That's about 2,700 miles with Skiffs. If I use a Skiff, that would take about 20 hours. So about 3 days if I include sleep and breaks.' She determined.

 'But if I'm alone, it would take me about 18 minutes if I dash.'

 She looked at her skills for a second before finding what she was thinking.

[Run LV 74 (5664/7400) - You push more energy into your legs to make them move faster and harder. Increases DEX by 25%+74%. Increases DEX by 99%.]

 'This would be a good time to try and prestige Run so I can actually gain the benefit of teaching students to run better. Not to mention, it would give me about 800,000 EXP for Run, which would drastically level it up.'

 She looked at the downside next.

 'That makes my max speed - including Lightning ArmorHaste, and Fire Charge - just under Mach 3. Which increases the time it will take to about…1.5 hours. Huh. Not as big of a difference as I thought.'

 "Time's up!" One of her clones announced.

 Some students groaned while others stood up.

 "For the next two weeks, we'll be focusing on some electricity spells to get you used to different types of spells. This can lead to increased understanding of magic and will provide you a variety of spells instead of only fire. If you ran into sorcerers from Salineas, you would have been easy to take down. Once you understand electricity better, you may eventually be able to turn their strengths into a weakness."

 The students who were only here for magic started to leave while her more physically based students entered the room.


Of your 91 magical students, 72 of them have mastered Flame and 5 have mastered Sparks.

Magic Control: 209% → 286%

 Tigra smirked at that. Just from each of these students mastering 1 spell increased her control by nearly 33% of her previous one. She would have needed to master 16 more spells to get the same result.



[Haste LV MAX - By focusing pure magic through a target's body, you can increase the speed they can move at. If your own body: [DEX*(1+(0.25*Magic_Control))]. Else: DEX*1.25

You: DEX*1.97]

 'Horde damn. Before, they could use Weight to cancel out Haste. Now? I need to have Weight cast three times on me to cancel out my own Haste.'

 She sent one message to Rogelio before putting her tablet back in the bag on her hip and stretching her legs.

 'Do not trust the soldier with the color of the ocean and not of energy. Kyle won't see the threat.'

 "May as well get this over with. Need to get it done before the information gets out." She muttered before she became surrounded in orange light and yellow lightning.

 Others stared at her with wide eyes before…

 Tigra vanished with a loud bang.


 She kept moving with Fire Charge activated as well.

 Her rocky surroundings blurred past her as she was quickly running across the ground.

 She moved out of the way of a few large rocks before spotting a chasm further ahead.

 "Alright, time to see Eagle in action I guess."

 She continued running until she reached the chasm.

 She took a step off of the edge…

 And ran on the air.

 Within a second, she was across the half mile wide chasm and was back on solid land.

 She let out a laugh as she zoomed onward.

Running has gained 300 [EXP/Mile] * 900 [Miles] = 270,000 EXP!

Running has reached LV 100!

Special Prestige available due to [Huntress] class.

Running gains a 2x effect per Prestige Level but EXP required will increase by 1.75 per Prestige Level.

Teaching [Run] has been unlocked. Teaching Run is now at 2x for those who have not Prestiged Run yet.

[Run LV (1)24 (2464/4200) - Increases DEX by 25%+24*2^1. Increases DEX by 73%]


CON Increased by 10 and DEX by 5.

CON: 349 → 361

DEX: 579 → 588

 'This is going to increase my CON drastically. So Run will focus on CON while Dash will focus on DEX. Now I can finally keep one of my Speed abilities high enough to not worry about combat.'

 She continued running, the orangey rocky ground slowly turned into the green of the plains.

 She ran alongside the Whispering Woods as the town is located near the end of the forest by the coast.

 Yet, as she was running, she felt something pulling her towards the Woods.

 Her body felt like it wanted to go towards the feeling, but her mind reminded what had happened the last time they went into that forest.

 So, she continued onwards, not noticing a small woman holding a broom.

 "Oh Rora, you're late. You need to keep fighting the Green." The woman muttered before returning to the Woods.



 Tigra came to a stop just outside the town and waited for the prompt to show up.


Run has earned 300 [EXP/Mile] * 1800 [Miles] = 540,000 EXP!

Run has leveled up! LV (1)24 → (1)82

[Run LV (1)82 (9589/14350) - Increases DEX by 25% + 82*2^1. DEX*2.89]


CON increased by 12 and DEX increased by 6.

CON: 361 → 376

DEX: 588 → 600


 "I should probably get Attribute Traits soon. I maxed out DEX and that increased my total DEX by 50%. If I did that with CON, it would shoot up to 600 as well, unlocking the next Milestone."

 She dismissed her Shadow Spies that were keeping track of her students while teaching, seeing as they should be wrapping up.


Shadow Spies have recorded 3 hours of information (5x)

Shadow Spies gained 600 [EXP per hour] * 4 [Genius and Spell Book] * 3 [Hrs] * 5 [Number] = 36,000 EXP

Shadow Spy leveled up! LV 48 → 51

[Shadow Spy LV 51 (2450/12750) - You can create up to 6 spies that can move and blend in with shadows. The time to review the memories is 10/51 minutes per hour. For 15 hours - 3 minutes.]


Of your 125 physical students, 85 leveled up H2H and 74 leveled up Dash.


H2H leveled up 17 times and Dash leveled up 15 times.

H2H reached LV 400!


[ Y /N]

Converting levels…

[H2H LV (4)13 (3190/20800) - Increases damage done through unarmed attacks by 13%*2 [You Are the Weapon] * 2^4 = 416%.]

STR + 3, DEX + 1, CON + 2


Dash reached LV 400!


[ Y /N]

Converting levels…

[Dash LV (4)02 (0/1876) - Increases DEX by 50% + (2 * 2^4). 82%]

You now gain 5 DEX every 10 levels

DEX + 8, CON + 6

STR: 152 → 155

DEX: 600 → 613

CON: 376 → 386

 'That will start to gain EXP quickly soon. Should probably just start having it active through the night, considering it can keep going for up to 48 hours.' She thought about it.

 'Either way, they have a better purpose.'

 She created 6 Shadow Spies and sent them into the town before she walked forward.

 Each of the Spies would be looking for someone saying 'Lukan', 'Lyle', 'Moonshifter', or 'Squadron Zeta.' Upon which, they would disperse themselves and send the memories back to her.

 She walked into the town before a few soldiers spotted her and nudged some soldiers near them, drawing more attention to her.

 While she could have stayed out of the town and drawn less attention to herself, this may have been the better option. While people would be drawn to her, it would allow very few people to acknowledge that some shadows are darker than they should be.

 It could also tip off Lukan and anyone here who may be helping him. This would cause them to start talking more and her Spies may hear it.

 Which would lead her straight to them.

 'I'll have to dash for a little bit. Get that back up to a good level. Luckily, every time I level that up now, it increases by DEX by an additional 16% now instead of 1.

 "F-Force General!" One of them exclaimed, gaining her attention.


 "W-Why are you here? We…we already settled Ghu-Lin." Their eyes widened. "There's not going to be a major attack to reclaim it, is there?!"

 "No." She cut that off quickly. "I am here because one of the soldiers of Squadron Zeta is in potential danger. I am to bring them back to the Fright Zone until we can be certain that they aren't going to be left behind intentionally."

 "R-Really?! Who?"

 "Lukan Lyle. We have the belief that a spy is going to try and get rid of him soon."

 "Lukan? Oh no."

 That caught her attention.


 "Lukan mentioned that he thought he saw someone being left behind near the coast. We couldn't stop him because we were already holding back the last of the previous military."

 "How long ago?"

 "About an hour ago."


 They pointed further Southeast.

 Her spies dispersed, giving it 200 EXP. (10/m*5[number]*4[Spellbook and Genius])

 Tigra was surrounded by lightning and vanished with a boom.


 Tigra was dashing for nearly 10 minutes before she stopped at a clearing.


Dash gained 300 [Per mile] * 300 [Miles] = 90,000 EXP!

Dash leveled up! LV (4)02 → (4)14

DEX + 5 and CON + 4

CON: 386 → 391

DEX: 613 → 623

 'Damn, the EXP requirement is getting high. 300 miles in the past could have gotten me 40 levels before the prestige effects.' She thought while looking at several figures ahead.

 One was definitely Lukan who was gesturing with his hands while three people were in front of him.

 Two of them wore blue armor that seemed very much like the Royal Guards back in Tyde.

 The last one, she recognized.

 She snapped her fingers before 11 Fire Clones appeared around her.

 "What a surprise," She spoke, causing all 4 of them to turn towards her and take a step back at seeing 12 of her. "Well actually, only kind of."

 "How'd you find out?" Lukan sighed.

 Tigra had to give it to him. He was smart enough to know that if she was here, he couldn't talk his way out of speaking to 2 Salinean Royal Guards and especially someone she had fought before.

 "You can actually blame Morgan." She admitted. "She speaks too freely. I found out through her about someone called Moonshifter who was my age, had been injured during the academy, and had interacted with me enough to warn them about Tyde."

 Fraea cursed lightly, her white cloak shifted with her movements.

 "From there, I looked through your records. Too many incidents where you got to a settlement and it fell to the Rebellion within a week."

 She was telling them this for a simple reason.

 The two guards shifted before she and her clones snapped.

 Each one of the 12 Tigras created 11 Fire Arrows.

 Before they could react, all 132 arrows shot forward.

 They slammed into the targets with a few crying out.

 A large dust cloud formed before being blown to the side in a few seconds.

 A heavily damaged column of ice blocked her view of Fraea, but the guards were dead with several holes in them.

Royal Guard eliminated (2x)

300 EXP gained

 Lukan though?

 Lukan was being surrounded in a spinning vortex of 60 Flame Arrows . Her clones were using her Mistress of Fire trait to control their movement to prevent him from escaping while not hurting him.

 "So, how's this for a real fight, Icicle?" Tigra placed a hand on her hip.

 The column broke apart to reveal Fraea with a slightly burned outfit.


Quest Discovered!

Melt the Ice

You encountered Fraea - the Ice Elementalist. You have a good chance of getting rid of an enemy.

Objective: Eliminate Fraea

Hidden Objective: ???

Reward: 5,000 EXP, REP decrease with Elementalists | ???

Failure: Moonshifter and Fraea escape


[Fraea Age:31]

Level: 64 HP: 6,700/8,000

 "Well, it's definitely different." She spoke. "I expected a fight, not you relying on your clones."

 Tigra raised an eyebrow at the blatant bait.

 "You know, any other time, I'd be willing to play along. Have an interesting fight, see you realize that it was all for nothing, and return home." She started.

 Fraea seemed to grow tense.

 Tigra looked at her before activating all of her Speed abilities.

 Lightning ArmorFire ChargeYASDashHasteCheetah, and Raiju. Along with Lightning Claws.

 She moved without a noise at Mach 84.

 Fraea tried to bring up a fortress of Ice, but it was much too slow.

 She reached Fraea in less than a millisecond.

3,608,787*0.2=721,757 damage dealt!


H2H gained 6,700 EXP!


Lightning Claws gained 26,800 EXP!

Lightning Claw leveled up! LV 11 → 20

 Tigra reappeared next to Lukan's prison and walked towards him, making the prison make him able to see her.

 A thud sound came from behind her and she reached him.

 "Do you want to know why you aren't dead?"

 She saw fear and anger go through his eyes.

 "Fuck you."

 He opened his mouth as if to bite down on something, confusing her.

 Until she heard something crack as he bit down.

 She could only watch as foam started coming out of his mouth.

 "The fuck did you just do!?" She exclaimed, taking a step back, dropping what she had been holding.

 "For…the Rebellion." He spat out with anger before collapsing.

 She bent down and started activating Heal and Regenerate on him to counteract whatever he did.

 But it wasn't working.

 Heal worked by taking her energy and using it to repair cells as they are being hurt or killed. She doesn't know enough about Regenerate, but it wasn't reversing whatever he did.

 It was as if the cells themselves were being suffocated.

 She couldn't heal what was still alive but not breathing.

 She moved away from him as spittle started coming out of the corners of his mouth.

 "The fuck did you do?" She muttered.

 She had to have stood there for a few seconds before her hand grabbed her tablet.


 "Entrapta? I've got a serious question for you."

 "Ooo, ask."

 "What could cause someone to start having foam come out of their mouth after breaking something in their mouths?"

 "That sounds like Cyanide. It's a fast acting poison that interferes with the cells' ability to use oxygen. It practically causes the cells to suffocate. Why?"

 Tigra stared down at Lukan.

 "Because I just saw someone do that."

 "...You alright? Several soldiers have stated that it messes with them from seeing that happening right in front of them."

 "Put it on the Trauma tab." She muttered.

 "So: Neglectful Guardian, Abusive Guardian, Hostile Environment, War, Taking multiple lives, and now Cyanide Poisoning. Anything else?"

 Tigra looks at the ground where she dropped something after trying to save Lukan.

 Tigra's fur started to turn green as she realized exactly what she was holding when she was focused on Lukan.

 "Add decapitation to the list."

 Tigra had to release her stomach contents.

 Luckily missing the decapitated head of a shocked Fraea.


Quest [Melt the Ice] Completed!

Objective: Eliminate Fraea

Hidden Objective: Eliminate Fraea without getting hit

Reward: 5,000 EXP, REP with Elementalists -40 | 10,000 EXP


Quest [Put Down] Completed!

Objective: Capture/Eliminate Lukan Lyle

Hidden Objective: Prevent the Rebellion from gaining his information (Completed)

Reward: 7,500 EXP, Removal of SPY [Moonshifter] | 5,000 EXP, REP with Hordak increased + 20


Leveled Up (2x): 63 → 65

30 Attribute points and 6 Skill Points awarded!

5 Skill points turned into 1 Trait point.

30 points given to CON

CON: 391 → 429

Trait Shop - Durable

Purchase Durable?

[ Y /N]

[Durable - Multiplies CON by 1.15]

CON: 429 → 493


 "Tigra…you really need to get a therapist."

 Tigra activated Lava Armor and burned away the leftover mess.

 "Later." She grumbled. "I'll call you back."

 She hung up on Entrapta and dialed Hordak.

 "What is it?"

 "Lukan Lyle is dead. Something about Cyanide poisoning. Bit down on something and started foaming from the mouth."

 Hordak hummed.

 "Understood. Anything else important before you continue?"

 "He was meeting with Salinean Guards and Fraea of the Elementalists."

 "Did you eliminate them before they could get the information back to the kingdoms?"

 "Yes." She looked at her work and winced. "The two guards are damaged enough that they likely won't be able to tell who they were. Fraea had been decapitated in one attack."

 "Good. We don't need our enemies to start thinking that you keep letting them go. How soon can you deal with Waterscale?"

 Tigra sighed as she created three clones who started to burn the bodies.

 She gained an idea and walked over to Fraea's body and unclasped her cloak.

 "2 days, including today." She told.


Spell Shop - Water Spells (2 points)

Water Blade, Water Arrow, Water Blast, Water Shield, Water Whip, Wave, Water-Walk

Wave chosen!

[Wave LV 1 (0/150) - Intermediate Water spell. With this, you are learning to turn a large amount of magic into water and controlling it. This allows you to create a medium sized wave about your height. MP: 50/m]

 "...Very well. After tomorrow, I expect you to start figuring out how to deal with Waterscale."

 Hordak hung up.

 Tigra cracked her neck as she put on the white cloak and received a notification.


Cloak of Ice found!

While wearing this white cloak, all Ice spells cost 50% less and deal 25% more damage.


 "Huh. Have to keep my eye out for more things like this. I know where I can find a few others though."

 With that, she dashed around the area for about 90 minutes while keeping a 5 foot wave following her on both sides.


Dash gained 300 [per mile] * 4765 [MPH] * 1.5 [HRS] =2,144,385 EXP!

Dash leveled up! LV (4)14 → (4)69

[Dash LV (4)69 (37120/64653) - Increases DEX by 50% + 69*2^4 = 1156%]

DEX + 25, CON + 22

DEX: 623 → 669

CON: 493 → 524


Milestone Reached!

[Diamond Body - Increases the 40% damage reduction to 60% damage reduction]


Wave gained 50 [MP] * 4 [Genius and Hydromaniac] * 90 [Minutes] = 18,000 EXP!

Wave leveled up! LV 1 → 16

 She came to a stop outside the town and walked back in.

 A few soldiers spotted her and some who had seen her earlier seemed confused on where the new cloak came from.

 "Force General!" The soldier from earlier announced, making their way over. "Were you able to retrieve Lukan?"

 "The traitor killed himself." She bluntly told, taking a few listening in back.

 "L-Lukan was a traitor?!"

 "Found him talking to 2 Royal Salinean Guards and Fraea of the Elementalists. Lord Hordak is already aware of the events. Lukan is currently being struck from the Codex and his previous assets are likely being seized."

 "But…I've known Lukan for 5 years. Never once…"

 "Lukan was full of hate towards the Horde due to a simple accident in the Academy. While there is likely more to it than that, it isn't our problem to think about. He was a traitor and was giving Horde intelligence to the Rebellion. He was also likely linked to several towns falling back into Rebellion hands." She informed as she continued to walk.

 "If you need me, I will be taking a room in the inn. I will be leaving in after tomorrow to pursue another lead."

 "Why then?" Someone asked.

 "I have run over 3,000 miles today." She announced, hiding the fact that she could easily run another 20 before she would have to even really think about stopping.

 The main reason she wanted tomorrow off is to try and focus more on water while seeing if she could transfer a few fire attacks over as lightning, see if she could learn more spells that way.

 "3,000…" Someone muttered.

 "Came straight from the Fright Zone." She confirmed before reaching the inn.

 "Return to your posts."

 She walked into the building and quickly got herself a room, as 6 shadows in her room darkened as a Lightning Clone stood in a corner.


 "Fraea, pick up." Morgan tried to reach her, but she hasn't been able to reach her in almost an hour.

 "Relax," Gaea tried to remind her. "Fraea is likely trying to find someone to fight or doing something with her magic again. We all know how invested she can get in her magic."

 "That's the problem though. She was scheduled to meet Brightmoon's spy today. They swore that it was important, as in life or death. They couldn't say it explicitly through the network, but mentioned some kind of machine. Something about how Hordak has been working on it for decades now."

 Gaea's smile lowered slightly.

 "So she should be calling about how bored she is."

 Aero walked into the room while holding his tablet.

 "Anyone been able to reach Fraea? I've been trying to schedule our next fight but she's not answering our texts. I don't think we've pissed her off recently."

 "We've been having trouble contacting her for a while." Bolt told, leaning onto the table. "At this point, I am starting to think something is wrong."

 Not long after, his tablet beeped.

 He picked it up before opening the message from Stillwater.

 Something - rather someone - interesting showed up in Ghu-Lin.

 Attached to the message was a video that made him inhale.

 A video of Tigra talking to a soldier before they pointed in a direction and Tigra vanished with a boom.

 'She's getting faster. Unlike when we've seen her fight recently, she was moving just as fast - if not faster - than when we fought before. And that's not including her weird trick around making her lightning stick to her. Somehow, that method makes her a lot faster and here she is, surpassing that speed without using that trick.'

 Not long after, he got another message from Stillwater with a picture this time.

 You have a problem.

 It confused him until the picture loaded.

 And he dropped the tablet, catching everyone's attention.

 He scrambled and picked up the tablet again and prayed to Rao that he had imagined it.

 He hadn't.

 "Call Aera, Rani, and Viridia." Bolt demanded, causing each of them to quickly coordinate who they were calling while Bolt called Nari.

 It took a minute before everyone was accounted for.

 "Why did you call all of us? Rani and I are in the old kingdom to search for anything that we missed that we don't want in Tigra's hands." Veridia mentioned.

 "As of 1 hour and 37 minutes ago, we lost total contact with Fraea. She had gone out as backup to secure the spy Moonshifter. She failed to check in half an hour later and has since been radio silent."

 Bolt pulled up the first image.

 "Stillwater sent this image 4 minutes ago, informing that Moonshifter is likely dead as they had sent Tigra to deal with this."

 "Not that big of a problem." Nari told. " We lose spies more often than we can retrieve them during war."

 "Yes, until the next image they sent."

 Tigra showed up again, but several people gasped.

 Tigra was wearing a white cloak that was slightly torn and looked lightly burned on the edges, leaving no chance that Tigra had not battled her.

 "As of now…we must assume that Fraea is dead. Fraea would never have let that cloak go willingly and she would have called and raised Hell with us over Tigra taking her cloak. If she has not made a comment within the next hour, she'll be declared dead."

 "But…why?" Gaea asked, sitting straighter. "Tigra, while not liking us and is always willing to throw down with us, has never really tried to kill us. Bolt was the closest and even then, that was taking his knee off."

 "Oh yeah. The temporary solution should be finished in a month." Veridia informed.

 "Good. Once it is done, Bolt needs to return home and go through the ritual if he wants to continue to fight and survive." Nari informed.

 "As of now…how are we handling this?" Aero asked.

 Bolt sighed before looking at the picture of Tigra wearing his dead friend's cloak.

 "Tigra is now considered an enemy of us. We do not have the capabilities to successfully capture Tigra. If you come into a fight with her, you have full permission to treat her as just a soldier of the Horde. The Elementalists can't help, Nari. She's moving Mach 30 without using her abilities. Only I could potentially put up a big enough challenge to potentially win after the ritual and I'm currently down a leg."


 The group hung up and most left the room.

 Bolt clenched his fist before blue lightning spazzed around his hand before concentrating onto his hand.

 As if it was trying to stick to his body.



Age: 18

Level 65 (955/16250)

HP: 10,488.....HPR: 4720

MP: 6000.....MPR: 4005

SP: 5244...SPR: 2360

STR: 155.....DEX: 669

CON: 524...INT: 300

WIS: 297...CHA: 108

Skill Points: 1

Trait Points: 1

Upgrade Trait Points: 0

Speed: 92.9 MPH

Magical Control: 286%

Carry Capacity: Normal - STR*1.5*1.25: 291 lbs. MAX - STR*2*1.25 but DEX*0.5: 388 lbs


[H2H LV (4)13], [Run LV (1)82], [Dash LV (4)69, [Blades LV 96], [Spear LV 40]

[Dodge LV 41], [Reading LV 75], [Writing LV 105], [Sneak LV 48]

[Light Res. LV 4], [Air Res. LV 2], [Water Res. LV 18]

[Magic Res LV 42], [Earth Res LV 4]

[Program. LV 35], [Security LV 18], [Hacking LV 27], [Strategy LV 61]

Spells [Tigra still uses]:

Fire Step, Fire Clothing, Fire Breath, Flame Dive, Flame/Lava Armor, Flame Charge,

Flame Fists, Fireball LV 23, Fire Dagger, Fire Arrow,

Fire Falchion, Fire Spear, Fire Clone, Fire Augment

Lightning Armor, Lightning Claws LV 20, Lightning Clone LV 112

Chill, Ice Armor

Darken, Shadow Mask, Shadow Ball LV 1, Shadow Spy LV 51, Shadow Armor, Dark Pulse LV 19


Bubble, Stream, Wave LV 16

Haste, Heal, Regeneration LV 1


[Night Vision], [Magical], [Obsidian Claws], [Huntress], [Primal Instincts]

[You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2]

[Lightning - Multiplies final DEX by 1.5]

[Durable - Multiplies final CON by 1.15]

[Smart - Multiplies final INT by 1.15]

[Wise - Multiplies final WIS by 1.15]

[You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3]

[Omni-Regeneration II- Multiplies all Regens by 3]

[Pyromaniac - EXP for Fire Spells is doubled]

[Hydromaniac - EXP for Water Spells is doubled]

[Unimaniac - EXP for Pure Spells is doubled]

[Electromaniac - EXP for Electric Spells is doubled[

[Unburnable - You can't be hurt by fire or heat through fire]

[Physical Proof - You can't be hurt by physical means with ill intent]

[Electric-proof - You can't be hurt by electricity through natural or unnatural means with ill intent]

[Ice Proof - You can't be hurt by ice through natural or unnatural means with ill intent]

[Shadow Proof - You can't be hurt by shadow/darkness through natural or unnatural means with ill intent]

[Phoenix - Once a month, if your HP is reduced to zero, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes]

[Raiju - Multiply your movement speed by 3x for 90 minutes within a 24 hour period. Lightning attacks do 100% more damage but water damage hurts you thrice as much as normal]

[Grimm - Decreases damage taken by 75%, regenerations increased by 200% but Light attacks deal 3x their regular damage. Works for 30 minutes a day]

[Yuki-Onna - Touching something with HP will do INT*100 ice damage per second. Can be used for 10 minutes a day]

[Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%]

[One with Fire - Fire spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[One with Lightning - Lightning spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[The Myth is Real - You have 7 spare lives and will restore you to 50% HP, MP, and SP upon resurrecting 4 minutes later]

[True Heir - Allows you the ability to connect with the Runestone of your home kingdom, or a Runestone should there not be one]

[Over Killer - Due to your ability of overkilling, your threats are more likely to succeed as warnings towards enemies]

[6th Sense [Catra] - You now will know when your fellow Chosen(s) are in trouble]

[Recovery - Your Regens are increased by 50%]

[Control - Allows the use of 4 continuous spells without causing pain]

[Princess of Fire - Multiplies MP by 2, MPR by 1.5, and Fire spells gain 4x EXP]

[Azure Flames - You can use 50% more MP to increase a fire spell's power by 100%. Doing so turns your flames into a brilliant blue]


[Genius - All EXP for spells is doubled]

[Brilliant - All spells do 25% more damage]

[Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%]

[Cheetah - For 30 seconds every 2 hours, your DEX is increased by 50%]

[Eagle - You can now run on air as long as you remain undisturbed]

[Diamond Body - Decreases damage taken by 60% after resistances]

[Meditated - MPR remains active at 15% while using spells continuously]

[Confident Aura - Those around you will think you know what you are doing]

[Strong - Increases non-magical attacks by 10% and carrying capacity by 25%]


Dark Flame - A Jian that can channel fire magic to increase its power ~ 4100 damage with no added MP

Shadow Piercer - Dual Daggers dark enough to be hidden in shadows ~ 4000 per dagger

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