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100% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 59: Delta Squadron Appears

Capítulo 59: Delta Squadron Appears

[1 Month Since Takeover]

[Due to Controlling a Kingdom, you have gained: 1000 EXP per day until you are no longer the ruler of: Fright Kingdom]

[Current EXP per day: 1400]

Strategy gained 30 [Base EXP] * 1.1 [Clones] * 6.26 [R&W] * 60 [Minutes] * 8 [Hours] * 28 [Days] = 2,776,435 EXP!

Strategy leveled up! LV 214 → 318!

INT +21, WIS +11

You can think up strategies much quicker than most people.


Programming gained 25 * 1.1 * 6.26 * 60 * 8 * 28 = 2,313,696 EXP!

Programming leveled up! LV 199 → 265!

INT +7

You can now make basic level A.I.s.


Security gained 50 * 1.1 * 6.26 * 60 * 8 * 28 = 4,627,392 EXP!

Security leveled up! LV 117 → 275!

INT +16

Your security is now strong enough to keep out most people who have a basic understanding of hacking.


Hacking gained 50 * 1.1 * 6.26 * 60 * 8 * 28 = 4,627,392 EXP!

Hacking leveled up! LV 130 → 280!

INT +15

You are now capable of leaving backdoors in lightly secured programs.


Ruling gained 50 * 60 * 16 * 28 = 1,344,000 EXP!

Ruling leveled up! LV 50 → 115!

CHA +13

Due to your level of Ruling, you are now capable of understanding the minimum needed to keep a kingdom running.


Quest [The Lorde's Shadow] completed!

Objective: Level up Strategy, Hacking, Programming, Security, Reading, Writing, and Ruling to Level 100

Reward: 1 trait point


Reading gained 50 * 1.1 * 60 * 8 * 28 =739,200 EXP!

Reading leveled up! LV 294 → 340!

You can now read up to 4585 words a minute.

INT +10


Writing gained 50 * 1.1 * 60 * 8 * 28 = 739,200 EXP!

Writing leveled up! LV 332 → 374!

You can now type/write up to 699 words per minute.

WIS +8, DEX +4


R&W increased! 6.26 → 7.14


Gust, Harden, and Shine have been mastered!

WIS + 6, M.C. +15%


2 Limit Break points used on Lightning Armor

[Lightning Armor LV 100 (0/20000) - Multiplies your DEX by a maximum of 10x at 4125 MP/m.]


2 Limit Break Points used on Ice Armor

[Ice Armor LV 75 (0/15000) - Blocks up to 85% of damage after resistances at a maximum of 4781 MP/m]


Total Rewards [so far]: INT +69, WIS +25, DEX +4, CHA +13, M.C. +15%

DEX: 2771 → 2788

INT: 1304 → 1455

WIS: 1319 → 1374

CHA: 490 → 518

New Milestone reached!

[500 CHA - Listen: Even those with [Hatred] towards you will stop and listen should you be saying something reasonable]


EXP Gainage: 1400 * 28 = 39,200 EXP

Leveled Up! LV 99 → 100!

A Special Event has been triggered!

Due to reaching LV 100, 3 race points and a RACE Upgrade have been provided.

RACE [Magicat] has been evolved to [Queen Magicat]

[Queen Magicat - You have shown the world your potential and it has not been disappointing. With this acknowledgement, you are recognized by Etheria as one of the few who have the potential to lead your race.


Ruling gains 5x more EXP from now on. [50 → 250 EXP/m]

REP with New Moon automatically set at 0 [Friend] if below

All timed [Traits] have been doubled in length

More Race Traits have been unlocked

Racial Trait Shop! [3]

Bastet - Evolved Form of Artemis. DEX and CON multiplier is increased from 1.75 → 2.25. Dash, Run, and Sneak EXP multiplier is increased from 9x → 27x.


Warrior - STR and CON will be multiplied by 1.25. H2H, Blade, Spear, ???, and ??? gain 3x EXP


Mage - INT and WIS will be multiplied by 1.25. Reading, Writing, Programming, Security, Hacking, ???, and ??? gain 3x EXP


Top Cat - This will increase all stats by 25% and increase REP gain with [New Moon] by 50%


Master of Hands - Your Hand To Hand will gain 3x EXP than normal and double its effect 


Master of Speed - With this, [Run] and [Dash] will gain 3x EXP


Magic Storage - Allows you to store 5x your maximum MP


Meditation - With this trait, your MPR will be multiplied by 2 passively or by 5 if actively meditating


Special Magic - Throughout history, additional branches of magic can be discovered through Pure magic. This will provide you 1 unique branch of magic that would take even you 5 years to learn the first spell without this. This could also upgrade 1 current branch to a much stronger branch.


The Strongest - Multiplies STR by 2 and doubles lift amount


The Fastest - Multiples DEX by 2 [Final Pure DEX upgrade] and multiplies movement speed by 1.5


The Sturdiest - Multiplies CON by 2 and increases [???] to 99.99%


The Smartest - Multiplies INT by 2 and doubles Spell EXP


The Wisest - Multiplies WIS by 2 and MP Cost is multiplied by 0.5


The Most Cunning - Multiplies CHA by 2 and prevents anyone above [Friend] from falling below without you being below [Friend] with them


Queen of the Cats - Multiplies all REP gains with Half Moon by 1.5 [ex. 100 → 150] and multiplies EXP for Ruling by 3x


Omniscient Instincts - Your instincts can't be gotten around. You know who is a threat, where the threat is, how much of a threat from 1 - 20, likely form of attack [Poison, Magic, etc]


True Clones - You can make clones that are exactly like you. EXP gainage is multiplied by 2 [0.1 → 0.2 per clone] for all non-combatant abilities and mastered Clone spells can create up to 15 clones instead of 11


Queen of Fire - Multiplies CURRENT  Fire Damage and EXP by 2, MP Cost is divided by 2 for Fire Spells


True Heir of Etheria - Blood doesn't matter when you have been chosen. Should you get the Runestones behind you, you can connect to any amount. Current Limit: 3

[True Clones], [Bastet], and [Top cat] have been selected!

Major Stat Gainage detected!

STR: 801 → 1001

DEX: 2788 → 4480

CON: 2114 → 3396

INT: 1455 → 1819

WIS: 1374 → 1717

CHA: 518 → 648

New Milestone reached!

[1000 STR - Titan: Once a day, if your opponent has higher STR than you, add their STR to yours for 2 minutes]

Due to reaching LV 100, EXP requirements have increased!

EXP required for level up has increased from 300*LEVEL to 350*LEVEL.

25 Attribute Points and 5 skill points will be added after every level past 100

20 Attribute points and 4 skill points added!

25 skill points turned into 5 TP

DEX +20

DEX: 4480 → 4602

Tigra, Horde Lorde | Age: 19

Level 100 (27955/35000) | 79.87%


HP: 67,920 | HPR: 40,752

MP: 72,748 | MPR: 61,819

SP: 33,960 | SPR: 20,376


STR: 1001 | DEX: 4602

CON: 3396 | INT: 1819

WIS: 1717 | CHA: 648


Skill Points: 17

Trait Points: 8

TUP: 4

Speed: 639.1 mph | Mach 0.8

Magic Control: 513% | 6.13

 'This has been a great month, especially with breaking into the triple digits.' Tigra thought while sitting on one of the two thrones in the room.

 While she and Catra were correct that they would be busy this entire month dealing with the transition, it wasn't as bad as they were expecting. There were no riots, extreme levels of MIA soldiers in mass, and there weren't many violent outbreaks.

 It especially helped that the two of them managed to get the Council up and running before the first week was finished. Seeing as Catra and her would likely not be able to interact with the soldiers the same way they used to, they set up a series of checks to keep track of how the soldiers feel, what issues they have, what issues the kingdom has, and more through several people.

 General Judai has been placed as the Army's Representative. She is to report to them any situations that they need to know, issues that need their clearance to begin to fix, and to set up the Army with the budget they need. While it could lead to issues, both Catra and Tigra agreed and told Judai that they would have to be insanely strict with her. They could forgive one light miscommunication but not much else. That if she messed up too many times or bad enough, they would be forced to find someone else. The position simply held too much power for someone to accidentally misuse.

 General Han was asked by Tigra to be the Representative of the Academy. She remembered once how he mentioned he liked training those who asked him for help and placed him somewhere he may enjoy. It definitely helps that everyone knows that he was one of her teachers and how she commented that she's yet to have a better teacher when it came to weapons. He would bring forth concerns about trainees, the Academy itself, and materials that they would need to improve and maintain their situation. Just like Judai, they gave him the same warning as he was in a position to influence their future soldiers.

 Specialist Antru was Kyle's main teacher in the Specialists and the most experienced one of the 18 member group. Catra suggested promoting him to Head Specialist, a position that deals with the Specialists themselves and reports back to them about concerns. He would have more wiggle room than the previous two, so they told him - after he accepted - that there would be some hard limits: There couldn't be more than 40 specialists and their apprentices; each one would need a student after 1 year of service but could have up to 3 at the maximum; and they would have to retire after 25 years of service but could stay around and help train future Specialists if they want.

 Surprisingly, Entrapta was not made Head Engineer in their discussions. They argued lightly about the pros and cons, but the main points came down to this: Entrapta's creativeness is too spontaneous and random to properly control over 400+ people who are also working on projects. Entrapta would do much better as a member of the Research and Development section of Engineering they have. They would also need to keep constant watch around her and Hordak as - despite what many spoke about - Tigra allowed her to keep Hordak as her lab partner. Though, she gave Entrapta the Ultimatum that, if Hordak were to try and hurt anyone of the Horde, he would be put down then and there.

 So, the position was given to someone recommended to them by General Han. A reptilian woman named Veron who has been working as an engineer for the last 15 years. There wasn't much issue there besides informing Head Engineer Veron to keep the information classified about what they are working on.

 There will be more, but they were the ones that they had managed to do background checks and more in the last month. In the meantime, many soldiers were enjoying their first look at a potential return back to their kingdom for a long period of time.

 Tigra's tablet rumbled before a message appeared.


 The Kingdom of Brightmoon accepts this meeting with the Fright Kingdom. As you have permitted, I, Queen Angella II of Brightmoon, will be attending the meeting with 4 people: Princess Glimmer of Brightmoon, Princess Adora of Brightmoon, Princess Netossa of Elberon, and Head Sorceress Castaspella of Mystacor. I hope that the meeting will bring blessings to both of our kingdoms.

-Queen Angella II, Queen of Brightmoon 


 Tigra hummed.

 '1 Queen, 3 Princesses, and the Head of Mystacor. Of all of them, the Head Sorceress is actually the one my Resistances may help with most.' She frowned lightly. 'Just means I need to work on my armor spells for the next two months. So…'

 'Power, buy the next 3 spells for Air, Light, and Earth.'


Spells: [Air Scooter], [Earth Gauntlets], and [Reflect] acquired! [14 remain]


[Air Scooter LV 1 (0/150) - Create a ball of wind under your feet and zoom across the ground! Increases Movement Speed by 25%. Cannot be used with other movement enhancements. MP: 80/m]


[Earth Gauntlets LV 1 (0/150) - Create hard rocks around your arms that increase your STR by 75% and reduce damage taken by 20%. MP: 80/m]


[Reflect LV 1 (0/150) - Manipulate the light around you to reflect light. With enough magic used, it could reflect other light-based attacks. MP: 80/m]

 'Shouldn't take too long to master these. My lowest Spell EXP multiplier is 24x now. I can also make it so much higher. Man, I'll look like a monster of a prodigy with spells in the future.'

 "Need to set aside about two hours of my time to work on them. But my new clone trait? That's going to help immensely. My skills are going to skyrocket with that, considering I'm almost tripling the EXP my clones will provide."

 After all, her clones - when all 11 were on a specific task - would provide a 1.1x multiplier increase to EXP. But with this? 15 clones would provide a total of 3x multiplier increase to EXP.

 'Need to also learn more Clone spells so I can have them learning spells in the background while I can focus on other things if needed.'

 She looked at her Daily EXP Bonus of 1400 per day.

 We gained 1000 just for conquering the Fright Kingdom. Once we conquer the Waste, that will be increased to 2000 per day. There are 8 known kingdoms on Etheria counting the Wastes. 

 'Brightmoon, Dryl, Salineas, Kingdom of Snow, Plumeria, Mystacor, Fright Kingdom, and Waste.' Tigra thought.

 If we gained 1000 EXP per day for ruling the Fright Kingdom and another 1000 for the Waste, imagine how much we could be making by conquering the others.

 'It would be 8000 EXP per day.' She acknowledged the mind-boggling thought.

 To put it in perspective, she could gain the amount of EXP she gained from taking down Hordak and becoming a Horde Lorde in two months.

 In 1 year, we'd gain 2.9 million EXP. We would gain 60+ levels just by conquering Etheria. That's not taking into consideration the potential for more EXP for conquering the planet .

 A smirk started rising on her face at the thought before an alarm started going off.

 She glanced at it before shaking her head, already moving on from that mental conversation.

 She stood up from her throne before she left the room, leaving a clone behind in case anyone needed her suddenly.



 Scarlet was talking with Billy before entering a training room and seeing Tigra waiting for them.

 "Lorde Tigra." Billy greeted.

 "Billy. Scarlet."

 "What are we meeting here for? You haven't started up your classes yet…if you still are." Scarlet asked.

 "I may in the future." Tigra shrugged lightly. "I liked teaching, but my attention is focused on several other things."

 A door slid open to reveal four other people walking into the room.

 "David? Kuza?"

 David's green eyes locked onto Scarlet before brushing his messy brown hair out of his face with his light tanned hand.

 "So you were also called, Scar?"

 David stood around 5'7" - an inch taller than Tigra. He seemed more lean than muscular, but that would be expected of Tigra's second fastest runner that she taught.

 "Has Lorde Tigra explained why we were asked to show up yet?" Kuza asked, tilting her head to the side, allowing her dark purple hair to fall over her pale skin and purple eyes.

 Kuza stood at 5'4", making her the shortest person in the room as Billy was 5'6". They were all wearing the standard Horde clothing.

 "Not yet. I guess we were waiting on you four. Surprised that Rotah and Nejak are being that quiet." Billy explained.

 Rotah rolled her golden eyes behind her blue hair. Her pale blue hand was moving across a tablet at a rather impressive speed.

 "I've got more important things to do than waste time having idle conversation." She informed.

 "I'm quiet because I figured that Lorde Tigra would be wanting to explain the situation to all of us." Nejak told, his brown hair sweeping across his light blue eyes.

 "We were just waiting on them," Tigra spoke, drawing attention. "However, there's not much I have planned on teaching them," She points at Rotah and Nejak. "Just yet. The 4 of you are much easier to train than Rotah and Nejak will be, but I still wanted them to show up and meet you four. I'll have a better training schedule within the next week for them."

 "I thought you said that you weren't able to train us yet?" Billy questioned.

 "I said I can't start up my classes yet. Don't have the time to personally train hundreds of people right now. But 6? I can set enough time aside for that."

 "6? Why would-" David started before Scarlet gasped.

 They looked at her and Scarlet looked as if Tigra had just promised her the position of Force General.

 "Squadron Delta?" She asked, sounding excited and started bouncing in place.

 "Delta?" Kuza muttered, looking at Tigra.

 "Scarlet here likely knows why you six are here. Seeing as you have just gotten out of the Academy, you may have noticed that you six weren't placed within a public Squadron."

 "Yeah." David confirmed. "I had to ask our instructor if I had somehow failed, but they simply told me that if I had failed, almost 99% of the graduating year would have failed."

 Tigra nodded.

 "That's because those who are here at the moment are going to be placed in Squadron Delta. A Squadron I had created and designed when I was still a Force General. In essence, you will be designated as an elite Squadron that will be given missions that are more difficult than most Squadrons are meant to be dealing with.

 To deal with this kind of difficulty, I will be training the six of you 3 times a week: Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. You are more than welcome to ask for more training and I will supply you with a Clone should I be in the middle of something. I have enough clones to give each of you 2 clones to help in your training." She started to explain.

 "What about us?" Rotah asked, looking more interested in the conversation now. "Nejak and I are focusing more on the technical path of combat. Engineering, Programming, Designing, and more. Most of that isn't going to need us to be as fit as these 4."

 Tigra nodded. "I know. You two will be spending at least 1 training session a week on physical improvements. Both of you can choose either together or separately. Just like with the Academy, you only need to show up. If I find out that you didn't show up once a week, I will increase it to 2 times a week and drag you here if I must. You refuse to train? You give up your spot on the Squadron."

 "Is it that easy to be kicked out?" David asked.

 "My time is precious, Cadet David." Tigra told, crossing her arms. "I'm not going to waste my small amount of free time training soldiers that don't want it. I have the ability to pick from hundreds of people. You six simply caught my eyes the most. As harsh as it may sound, you are replaceable in this Squadron.

 You have trained, studied, and bled for this position, even if you didn't know that it would lead to this. Your effort has been noticed, but this isn't the finish line. Just like the Academy, this is a Checkpoint. A place to look at how far you've come and how much closer you've gotten to your goals. But you are still far from your finish line."

 "I'm guessing you've already reached yours?" Nejak asked.

 Tigra and Scarlet scoffed at that, getting a raised eyebrow from Tigra. She gestured for Scarlet to continue.

 "No offense, but I can't see Tigra having a finish line." She shook her head. "If I had to describe it, I'd say that Tigra's checkpoints have checkpoints of themselves. To determine if she's made enough progress to go to the next. She seems to constantly be improving more and more with very little signs of stopping. She and Lorde Catra made history by becoming Force Captains within a month of graduation. They further made history again by becoming Force General and S.I.C. within a year."

 Scarlet looked at Tigra with slight amazement.

 "Now? Within 2 years of graduating, she's practically the Horde's version of She-Ra and is now co-leading the Horde itself. Not to mention, she's revolutionized this year's batch of soldiers by training them personally and we now have almost 50 people who are capable of running alongside the Skiffs. In military power, I highly doubt that the Horde has ever been stronger."

 Tigra watched as Scarlet gained a wider smile.

 "And it all started with Tigra entering the war."

 "A little bit winded," Tigra teased and saw Scarlet flush lightly. "But she's mostly right. My finish line is close enough to see, but it is still likely years away even now. So if you want my help, I'll drag you across your finish line kicking.

 But if you give up? I'm not going to pick you up and carry you. I'll give you the chance to get back up on your feet, but it will be your decision if you want to continue down this path. Understood?"

 "Yes, Lorde Tigra!" The 6 of them confirmed for her.

 "Alright. First business, new baselines."

 The 6 of them shivered lightly as they knew what that meant.

 "The six of you will be jogging until you can't stand. Well?" She asked after a moment before they started jogging around the half-mile room.

 'Power, what are my teaching bonuses again?'

[Tigra] | Teaching Bonuses (Based on those under LV 100 in skills)

Hand To Hand: 5x | Running: 3x |  Dashing: 8x

Programming: 3x  | Security: 3x  | Hacking: 3x

Strategy: 4x  | Blades: 3x  | Spear: 2x

Reading: 4x | Writing: 4x | Magic: 7x

 'Interesting. Dash's teaching ability will skyrocket once I have the time this month to simply go as fast as I want. Wonder how many times I can go around the planet in a minute?'

Current ability based on usual requisites would allow you to go around the planet 77 times in that amount of time. At which point, Cheetah will run out.

 'Right, Queen Magicat multiplied the amount of time I can use my skills by 2.'

 She watched them run for a minute before pulling Silva's Spellbook out of the Store spell.

Store gained 200 [base EXP] * 24 [Supercomputer & Omni-maniac] = 4800 EXP!

 'Hm. Going to need to just summon and store things inside it for a while. Despite that being ~5000 EXP, that's barely a third of the EXP needed to level up.'

 She opened the spellbook before the pages flipped to a page and stopped.


Lightning Wings is a unique spell. At least, for me it was. It was actually one of my first created spells. I got the idea when Rey once created wings of fire on her back and I couldn't stop marveling at how much like a phoenix they looked like.

Lightning Wings works by channeling electric magic to your back and allowing it to splinter out of your back but focusing on controlling it once it leaves your back. From there, you let the energy latch onto the energy in the air and adjust the output to move around. There's unfortunately no way for me to describe how to move around. No more than trying to teach someone to breathe and blink.

The best way is to practice and accomplish.

New Spell learned!

[Lightning Wings LV 1 (0/250) - By sending currents of electricity out of your back, you can create wings made out of electricity! While this is activated, you will be able to fly at your previous momentum. MP: 500/m]

 Tigra hummed before sending electricity out of her back and simply using Mistress of Lightning to help control it until she will be able to do it unconsciously.

 The wings were practically hundreds of currents arcing from her back before arcing back to her after about 4 feet away.

 She jumped lightly before the energy caught the ambient electricity before she floated in the air, just as she activated Lightning Form and Lightning Armor.

 'This shouldn't take too long. Considering I'm getting 48x EXP for lightning spells that use a spell book. Meanwhile, what about you, Energy Ball?'

 Over the time, she had dismissed the spell to work on it later, considering it was the first true control Pure Spell she learned. It made it interesting though that she could only learn it after mastering the first basic spell of every other type.

 She focused her magic on her hand and actually needed to focus on the spell.

 "I see why this took so long to learn." She muttered. "My magic is wanting to switch to an element. When I first started, my magic was Pure, but it now was transformed into various elements. It's as if I need to separate the magic once more."

 Above her right hand, a solid ball of pure energy started forming that took a golden hue to it. It took relatively little magic to use, but it took nearly 10x as much as Flame took when she first started down this path.

 She looked into it and could see a small orb almost made of a rainbow inside a golden coating.

 "The first 3 spells are usually pretenses of what I needed to learn in order to use their armor version." She mused. "I needed to be able to control my flame's temperature for Fire Armor , connect with my nervous system for Lightning Armor , create thick ice and control potential breakage before using it for Ice Armor , create and manipulate shadows for Shadow Armor , and be able to create water around me and at various levels of strength for Water Armor."

Lightning Wings gained 500 [base EXP] * 48 [Spellbook, Omni-Maniac, and Supercomputer] * 2 [Minutes] = 48,000 EXP!

Lightning Wings leveled up! LV 1 → 20!


Lightning Form gained 375 * 48 * 2 = 36,000 EXP!

Lightning Form leveled up! LV 75 → 76


Lightning Armor gained 4125 * 48 * 2 = 396,000 EXP!

Lightning Armor leveled up! LV 100 --> 118

Now takes 3855 MP to reach 10x multiplier.


Energy Ball gained 50 [base EXP] * 24 * 2 = 2400 EXP!

Energy Ball leveled up! LV 1 → 6

 "Should have them done within 40 minutes at most. Lightning Form is the only potential one that will take longer." She muttered.

 She stayed in the air as she watched her new Squadron run around.

 'I'll train Nejak and Rotah in H2H and Dash when they show up. I'll need to train them more in technical skills and potentially see if I can help train them in Reading and Writing to get their overlooked ability up high.'

 Her eyes trailed over to David and Kuza.

 'H2H , Blades , Spear , Run , and Dash will be the main things for them. Each of those should boost their stamina, dexterity, and strength; even if they don't gain 'stats' like I do. People have done that kind of training for centuries and the results are often along the same line.'

 Then there was Billy and Scarlet.

 'Those two will likely join in with David and Kuza. Scarlet will because she was technically the best student I have, period. She kept her word about not putting one over the other. Billy will do it because he won't want to be left behind by Scarlet even mre.

 But for teaching them? Scarlet's taken a liking to fire and ice magic. I'll provide a spell book of my fire spells up to Fire Form. As for ice, I need to learn more spells there to help her in the future. But that was already in the workshop.' She mentally shrugged.

 'Billy's taken a liking to electricity magic with a pinch of shadow magic. Probably the same idea for him on both fronts.'

 About 20 minutes passed before half of them started to slow down, seeing as they had managed a consistent high speed.

Lightning Wings gained 500 * 48 * 20 = 480,000 EXP!

Lightning Wings have been mastered!

[Lightning Wings LV MAX - Create wings made out of electricity! MP: 100/m]

Due to mastery, WIS +3, M.C. +5%

WIS: 1717 → 1725


Lightning Form gained 375 * 48 * 20 = 360,000 EXP!

Lightning Form leveled up! LV 76 → 80!

[Lightning Form LV 80 (71000/80000) - While using this form, lightning resistance is reduced to 99%, Earth damage is 2x, Water is 1.5x. Lightning damage is multiplied by 1 + (80/(100*0.75 [One with Lightning]): 207% or 2.07x. MP: 257/m]


Lightning Armor gained 3855 * 48 * 20 = 3,700,800 EXP!

Lightning Armor MASTERED!

Now takes 3375 MP to reach 10x multiplier.


Energy Ball gained 50 * 24 * 20 = 24,000 EXP!

Energy Ball leveled up! LV 6 → 19

 'Since they were basically running, they would have gained the benefits of running for 1 hour at the exhaustion of running for 20 minutes. After all, my STAMINA is one of the most broken things compared to everyone. I can dash for just under 8 hours right now and run for nearly 9.5. The average soldier can run up to 2 hours at the longest if it's not a true combat scenario.'

 "Alright!" She called out, catching their attention. "Each of you will be fighting me 1 on 1 to provide me a baseline of how much work I need to do. That includes you as well, Scarlet. My last data is from over a month ago now. First up: Kuza."

 A beep came from Tigra's bag, drawing her attention.

 She pulled the tablet out and read a message before smirking.

 "Belay that." She informed. "I've got a much better test for you 6."

 "What?" Scarlet asked, as the six of them gathered around.

 "I have just received word that a bandit group of 50 from somewhere in the Waste has just attacked the town of Hut-Ja. A small mining settlement that is about 40 miles out from the Waste. It is one of the many places that provides and refines various metals we need to make our bots and weaponry. While not majorly important, we would still prefer to have it under our control than bandits."

 Tigra looked around.

 "I can provide this to a more experienced team…or I can use this as a test for you six."

 "Our first mission so soon?" David whispered.

 9 clones were suddenly created around her.

 "Seeing as we'd like to get this done quickly, these 9 will be your transport. They will be able to get you there through the use of Fire Teleport, a Mastery Level Fire Spell. All but a few of them will be using all of their available magic to get you as close as possible while the last one will be there to prevent any accidents from happening."

 'And potentially net me a lot of EXP for that spell, even at 1/5th the original EXP.' She thought.

 "The last clones will be there for emergencies and advice. They will not be leading your mission."

 "Huh?" Several commented.

 "You have 10 minutes to discuss who you wish to lead you on this mission. However," She narrowed her eyes. "Once the decision is made, it is final . There will be no disobeying once you are out in the field. Is the plan bad? Provide evidence that it is bad and help suggest a new one. No petty hurt feelings are to get in the way of a mission. Understood?"

 Several nods.

 "Then get discussing."

 The 6 of them began talking.

Lightning Form gained 375 * 24 * 5 = 45,000 EXP!

Lightning Form leveled up! LV 80 → 81


Energy Ball gained 50 * 24 * 5 = 6,000 EXP!

Energy Ball leveled up! LV 19 → 21


Quest created!

Delta's First Mission

A group of bandits have taken over an outpost known as Hut-Ja, a material supplier for the R&D department. While not too important, a missing supplier is still a missing supplier.

Objective: Return Hut-Ja back under your control

Bonus Objective: Don't interfere with the mission for Delta

Reward: 3000 EXP, 3 skill points | [Ruling] increased by 5 levels, 3 skill points

 Tigra kept the frown off her face but didn't find it too unreasonable.

 'I'm ruling a kingdom now. I can't always run off and fix problems myself. That would cause the Horde to become too reliant on me. I need to have the kingdom safe but also capable of solving problems without me in the long run.'

 After about 5 minutes, Scarlet walked over.

 "For the mission of returning Hut-Ja back under Horde control, I, Scarlet Rizon, have been selected as the leader and the one responsible for the completion of said mission." She informed, standing straight.

 Tigra nodded, pleased that Scarlet seemed to at least grasped that being leader wasn't just a title.

 'You handle the good of having such a position with the bad of knowing that any and all mistakes for the mission fall on your shoulder.'


 She waved a hand over to the clones where one opened a flaming portal.

 'That should take them 1043 miles out of the Fright Zone. Hut-Ja is about 10,000 away. While insanely far away from the Horde, that vein of mineral was by far the biggest we found in the last 20 years.' She thought as her Squadron went through.

Fire Teleport gained 36,374 [MP_USED] * 0.2 [Clone] * 96 [POF, Omni-maniac, Supercomputer] * 2 [Spellbook] = 1,396,762 EXP!

Fire Teleport leveled up! LV 14 → 63!

Fire Teleport can go 1416 at 36,374 MP.

 Tigra watched as the clones followed them before sighing and looking back at the message.


 Vulra's Venue sent a chunk of people to take over Hut-Ja, one of your towns neighboring the Wastes. I've got a few messages from Cheet's Coalition, asking for a meeting to come to an agreement. They've given us a place you can go to in 16 days at 1600.

 As a sign of good faith, they've given us the location of all of the Venue's bases: 11 of them. Well done on taking care of Buuka's Band. The Cheet's fear you more than they do the Hunters and Venue.

 Speaking of that, the Hunters are still laying low. I would think that you made a large impression upon your first meeting with Huntara. I'd give it 1.5 months before we would hear something from them or we will be hearing of another gang rising to take her territory.

 I'd suggest you take care of the Venue before seeing the Coalition, have a little bit more of a threat behind you. Either remove them or absorb them. Once could be seen as Buuka being weak. But getting rid of half of your competition in the Waste within 2 months? That speaks volumes



 She pinched the bridge of her nose before creating 6 more clones.

 "5 of you focus on Programming , Hacking , Security , Reading , and Writing. The last one will be my eyes and ears as the Ruler here. Something major happens, dispel and send the memory over. At my speed, I can return here in under a second now."

 The clones nodded before they walked away, preserving their Magic.

Lightning Form gained 375 * 24 * 12 = 108,000 EXP!

Lightning Form leveled up! LV 81 → 82


Energy Ball gained 50 * 24 * 12 = 12,000 EXP!

Energy Ball mastered!

[Energy Ball LV MAX - Create a small ball made out of Pure Magic. With this, you have shown mastery of the basics of manipulating Pure Magic. MP: 20]

Due to mastery, WIS +5, M.C. +5%

WIS: 1725 → 1739


New Spell Discovered!

[Due to mastering 1 -2nd Level- Control Spell from each element [Sense] has been obtained!]


[Sense LV 1 (0/250) - Through this spell, you are able to sense those around you with magic easily. The more magic someone has, the bigger the aura they have. MP: 120/m]


Fire Teleport gained 36,374 [MP_USED] * 1 [5 Clones] * 192 [POF, Omni-maniac, Supercomputer, Spellbook] = 6,983,808 EXP!

Fire Teleport leveled up! LV 63 → 150!

Fire Teleport mastered!

[Fire Teleport LV MAX - Create a bridge in space through fire! Travel distance is MP_USE/(12.5 * 0.75 [One with Fire]). MP_USE in minutes. Max Distance: 7760 miles]

Due to mastery, WIS +15, M.C. +5%

WIS: 1739 → 1780

 She cracked her neck as lightning came off of her.

 "Looks like I've got my own sudden mission."

Quest Created!

No Scraps for the Venue [Gangs of the Desert]

Cheet's Coalition has given Double information that would lead you to all of their known bases as a sign of good will for a meeting happening in [16] days.

Whether you absorb their group or simply eliminate them as another showing of force, it does not matter.

Objective: Eliminate the Venue | Absorb the Venue

Hidden Objective: ???

Reward: 20 EXP per member eliminate/absorbed into the Pride, [Queen of the Desert] Updated, 1 TUP point | ???, ???



Tigra, Horde Lorde | 19

Race: [Queen Magicat]*

*Multiplies Timed-limit traits by 2, already done


Level 100 (27,955/35,000) | 79.87%


HP: 67,920 | HPR: 40,752

MP: 72,748 | MPR: 64,083

SP: 33,960 | SPR: 20,376


STR: 1001 | DEX: 4602

CON: 3396 | INT: 1819

WIS: 1780 | CHA: 648

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