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54.23% The Cat of Speed / Chapter 32: An Icy Situation

Capítulo 32: An Icy Situation

 Tigra woke up before shivering slightly and applying heat to herself, letting out a sigh of comfort.

 She leaned forward and stretched before a notification appeared.


Lightning Clone released!

Lightning Clone gained 1500 [¼ MP] * 60 [minutes] * 6 [hours] * 2 [Genius] = 1,080,000 EXP!

Lightning Clone leveled up! LV 35 → 86

Due to reaching LV 75, you can now create up to 6 clones


Quest created!

The Northern Reach

Entrapta stated that she found a strong signal that could easily be useful for their First One projects.

Objective: Retrieve the First One relic

Hidden Objective: ???

Hidden Objective: ???

Reward: 5,000 EXP, 2 skill points | ??? | [???] title, ??? trait, ???

Failure: Hordak's ire, potential Death


 Tigra pushed off her thick blankets before standing up, revealing she had been wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt.

 "Guess this is the difference between Ice-Proof and whatever the upgraded version is. If I get that upgrade, would I be at an equilibrium of temperature? Unable to be affected by hot or cold temperatures?" She wondered aloud, putting on her outfit.

 She had just pulled on her white snow jacket when her door opened up to reveal Catra, who must have been up for a bit if how she looked presentable went.

 "Mornin'. Just on my way to see Entrapta about her progress in getting whatever First One tech we're here for. We've already been here for about 2 nights and it has only been getting slightly colder."

 "Yeah. Woke up and immediately used heat to warm myself back up. How long have you been up?"

 "About an hour. Just got done with checking up on various reports and writing up my own report about the mission so far."


 "Next to a heater since she's apparently slightly cold blooded."

 "Is it bad enough to be like Rogelio or is it more like us during the hot periods?"

 "Seems more like us than Rogelio, considering that she can still work and is still her energetic self instead of hiding inside three thick blankets like a cocoon."

 Tigra laughed at remembering that image.

 It had been a particularly cold season in the Horde where several generators had suddenly gone dark due to a random blackout across half the dormitories for several nights.

 Nearly everyone could deal with the cold by simply turning on a portable heater that had been handed out by Hordak's order to every squadron still in the Horde while he and several engineers were working on fixing the problem.

 Catra and Tigra simply grabbed a spare blanket and stayed close to each other and Adora, practically sharing their new warmth. They weren't worried about Adora or Tigra randomly spazzing out during the night due to some kind of dream/nightmare as the blankets had been wrapped tight enough that it genuinely took quite a bit of effort to get out of.

 Rogelio had it rough by being cold blooded, despite his size. It was the main reason that Rogelio had been on the team that needed to secure a ship during the Princess Prom event.

 He always stayed out of his bed because he would make a bed out of several thick blankets and wrap himself in them. He could always be found at night and early mornings in front of that heater and under a mountain of blankets.

 As for his work in the Academy, his work experienced a slight decline until the heaters and generators were back on since the cold made him sluggish.

 "Remember when we were all in class one day and Rogelio just crashed? Everything was fine and then bam, Lizardfolk on the ground."

 "I remember Kyle going absolutely crazy over believing something must have happened and nearly 3 seconds away from running to get someone if Rogelio hadn't groaned and simply curled in on himself."

 "Did they ever find out what caused the blackout?"

 "Not officially, but practically everyone General and above figured that it came from Hordak's Sanctum, seeing as it was the first place to lose power before the area around it started going down soon after." Tigra told her the rumor.

 "Now then, let's see what Entrapta says about the artifact."

 The two of them walked into the room before Entrapta spun around in her chair, wearing her own snow jacket.

 "Oh hello, Catra and Tigra. How were your naps?"

 "Alright. Bit cold upon waking though." Tigra shrugged.

 "So what gives? I figured that we would have simply come here, retrieved the artifact, and then be on our way. Yet, we've been here for several days and our weather device is saying that a blizzard may be hitting us within the next few hours." Catra reminded.

 "We should be done before that hits us. Anyways, the piece of First One tech is beneath the ice, which is why this is causing some time delay. It's powerful as well! I believe it may have even been part of a supercomputer with the amount of energy this is giving off."

 "Well, let's try to stay ahead of that storm, alright?" Tigra asked. "I know you have 3 projects running through your head nearly at all times, but Catra and I prefer not to be stuck by that blizzard and Scorpia may be affected by the cold more than any of the four of us."

 Entrapta hummed.

 Tigra focused for a moment before a lightning clone appeared next to her while the shadow Entrapta gave off darkened until a small black cat appeared next to her.

 "If you need to tell me something and I'm not around, that cat will relay memories to me when it is dispelled. Which it will do if you tell it to." She instructed the shadow.

 "That looks like Weaver's spell." Catra muttered.

 "Same spell, different teacher."

 "You had a teacher?" Entrapta asked.

 "Experience and time."


 "Now then, let's go check on Scorpia, shall we?"

 "Tell Scorpia to maintain her body heat at an adequate temperature!" Entrapta announced as they left the room.

 Tigra held up her right hand before bubbles started floating out of her hand.

 "Expanding into water spells? How many different elements do you know now?"

 "Yep. Want to get an understanding of all of the elements that I can. Fire helped me out in the beginning and it's only helping me out more as time goes. Lightning helped me improve my speed to get fast enough to outpace anyone. Ice has helped me when it is best for me to actually take a hit instead of avoiding it. Shadow will help me out in the future. Water though? It will help me understand how Mermista uses her magic and be able to work around it. At which point, I only need to worry about Shimmer, Flower Power, Spinnerella, and She-Ra."

 "Why no nickname for Spinnerella?"

 Tigra shrugged. "Haven't thought of one and didn't feel the need to."


 Catra was rummaging through some boxes, looking for some kind of heater as she wanted to practice more spells than just heat. Not to mention that using almost all of her magic over time would eventually wear her out mentally.

 Tigra was sending Bubble and Breeze out from each hand individually until she stopped about half an hour later.


Bubble gained 2750 EXP!

Bubble has been mastered!

[Bubble MAX - You can create small bubbles out of your body. MP: 3/m]

For mastering Bubble, WIS increased by 3 and Magic Control by 5%


Breeze gained 2750 EXP!

Breeze has been mastered!

[Breeze MAX - You can create a breeze of up to 5 mph. MP: 3/m]

For mastering Breeze, WIS increased by 3 and Magic Control by 5%


For reaching 200% Control, you can now use 5 spells freely.


 Tigra frowned lightly at realizing that she shouldn't have converted so many of her skill points already.

 'Due to that, I can only reach Armor level with one of them for now.'

 She shrugged lightly, already knowing which of the two elements she should learn before the other.

 'Trait Shop - Maniac'


[Hydromaniac - All Water spells gain 2x EXP]

[Cryomaniac - All Ice Spells gain 2x EXP]

[Electromaniac - All Electric Spells gain 2x EXP]

[Umbramaniac - All Shadow Spells gain 2x EXP]

[Unimaniac - All Non-Elemental Spells gain 2x EXP]

[Aeromaniac - All Wind Spells gain 2x EXP]

 'So Aeromaniac and Hydromaniac unlocked either once I learned their types or mastered one of their types. Which would explain why I don't see any for Earth or Light spells.'

[Hydromaniac] and [Unimaniac] have been selected.

Would you like to use 2 trait points? (3 remain)


[Hydromaniac] and [Unimaniac] have been purchased.

 Tigra could feel how she felt her connection with Water and Pure magic somehow became stronger.

 'Skill Shop - Water Spells'

Stream, Water Blade, Water Arrow, Water Blast

Stream purchased for 1 skill point!

2 skill points remain.

[Stream LV 1 (0/100) - The next step in Hydromancy. You send magic to your hands and a stream of water can come out. This helps one transform magic into water and start the control over pressurization. MP: 25/min]

 'This shouldn't take too long now. I would have gained 25 EXP every minute, but thanks to Genius and now Hydromaniac , I can now gain 100 EXP for this spell every minute. Using the formula from other spells, Stream will need 100 EXP multiplied by its current level in order to reach the next.

 'So using that information, it reaches a total need of about 19,000 EXP. Which means it would take me roughly 3 hours to master Stream should I keep it going. But, I can channel it through my other hand as well, reducing it to about 1.5 hours.'

 She focused before creating two additional lightning clones.

 Both of them went over to help Catra look for a heater before she pulled out her Familial Book.

 She flipped to a random page.


"Crimson Slash is an attack I created after practicing with fire magic while training with my katana. The essence of the technique is spreading a good amount of fire magic into the edge of the sword and releasing the magic while the blade is in motion. If done correctly, a slash of fire should come out of the blade and continue on towards a target. The only downside is that, as of right now, I can not adjust the trajectory after it has left the blade."


[Crimson Slash LV 1 (0/250) - By coating the edge of a blade, you can send out a fire slash using the momentum of the attack to continue. Damage is Weapon + (MP_USE * 3 * Fire_Multiplier + INT * 5 * [1 + LV/100]).

Damage: Weapon + 4890]


"Fire Shield is pretty self explanatory of what the spell is meant to do. By sending out fire magic in a circular motion in a space near you, you can create a circle of fire that can reduce the impact of an attack. It seems to work for spells and most types of physical attacks."


[Fire Shield LV 1 (0/250) - By creating a magical shield of fire near you, you can reduce or even prevent damage inflicted to you.

Block: INT * 5 * (1+LV/100). 1515 damage reduction

MP: 50/m]


 'Well, I got more combat spells to try out. Especially to see if Mistress of Fire will let me control Crimson Slash after releasing it. At least I'm assuming that is the main benefit of obtaining that trait.'

 She looked at her quests and couldn't help the thought.

 'Power, why don't I have Quests for Mistress of Ice or any other thing besides Darkness?'


To prevent clutter. They are essentially the same missions but for different elements.


 'Couldn't you combine them into one Quest then? Like what you did with my resistances?'


It could be done. Is that what you are asking for?


Quest Created/Merged!

Mistress of Various Elements

Due to your want of knowing when you would receive certain rewards, this quest has been created. You will receive a [Mistress of -] trait once you learn 15 spells for each of the types.

Objective: Master 15 spells of each type of spell.

Fire: 15/15 | Electricity: 4/15 | Ice: 4/15 | Shadow: 2/15 | Water: 1/15 | Wind: 1/15 | Earth: 0/15 | Light: 0/15 | Pure: 2/15

Reward: [Mistress of -] trait


 'So if I were to master all of those, I would be able to control my magic after using any spell. Neat.'

 Something fell near her with a clink before looking over.

 It was a small, red device with three spikes coming out of the center. Two of the spikes had two pink circles while the third had a small triangle on it.

 She reached down and picked it up.

 "What are you?"

 She heard a cry and looked over and saw Entrapta quickly coming her way, apparently having joined them in looking for a heater.

 "Careful with that! It's a rare First One artifact! I've been fixing it up to study it more and haven't gotten the chance yet."

 Tigra about handed it over.

 "The last time I activated it, it ended up infecting all the technology around me with some kind of…murder virus." Her voice came out slightly meek at the end.

 Tigra held up above her to keep it out of the technomaniac in front of her.

 "You brought a murder virus and not a heater!?" Catra exclaimed, jumping down next to Tigra.

 "Well, it does other things as well. It managed to infect She-Ra where she ended up losing her powers. She also became very floppy."

 Tigra brought her hand back down and looked at it before Catra took it into her hand.

 "Why didn't you say we had a She-Ra off button?"

 "Well, it only worked when her sword made contact with an infected robot."

 A loud alarm suddenly started blaring, making Catra and Tigra's ears dart backwards.

Lightning Clone released!

Lightning Clone gained 1500 [MP] * 45 [Minutes] * 2 [Genius] = 135,000 EXP

Lightning Clone leveled up! LV 86 → 90

[Lightning Clone LV 90 (23750/31500) - You can create up to 7 Clones made of electric magic. These share your lightning spells and resistance. They hold 1/4 HP and 1/3 your MP]


 "Entrapta, what does that alarm mean?" Tigra asked as Entrapta made her way to a large monitor.

 "It's a small bump in our timetable. I'm sure it will end up being fine but…huh. All of our drilling bots have just gone offline; at once. Come on! Let's check this out! Who knows what kind of data is waiting for us!"

 Entrapta hurried off with Catra sighing lightly.

 "Come on. Without us, Entrapta would likely let herself be frozen in place if it would give her new data." Tigra told, adjusting her jacket.

 "Yeah yeah. Give me a second to message Scorpia that we're going out to check on this disturbance and see if she can find another heater while we're out."

 "If you're that cold, I could seriously create several fires around here. You know that, right?"

 "And would you be wasting your magic?" Catra asked, typing up a message while they walked.

 "Not really. Thanks to my training and that connection with the Ember, my magic regenerates at a crazy rate that I could keep several spells going at once."


 A few minutes passed before the three of them found themselves on a bridge over a massive chasm.

 Tigra looked down at the hole.

 "Well, the drilling bots are gone." Entrapta stated.

 Gone, gone, gone echoed from the hole.

 "Any ideas on why? Did they simply fall?"

 "No. These bots tether themselves into three separate places and two of them would have to fail simultaneously in order for the third one to fail as well. That also wouldn't explain why they all failed at the same time.

 "Maybe there's a bit of scientific truth regarding the strange happenings in this region."

 "Like what." Catra asked with annoyance from the cold.

 "Misplaced voices, strange large beasts that can only be seen in the blizzards, machines breaking down for no good reason, and a few people have reportedly been missing."

 Tigra stared at Entrapta before closing her eyes and breathing.

 "Voices can be explained as someone lost in the blizzards that frequent this area. Large beasts could simply be a trick of the light during said blizzards. Machines can often break in extreme temperatures, such as blizzards."

 "And people?" Catra asked.

 Tigra glanced at her with a hint of annoyance.

 "And people can easily go missing in bad enough blizzards."

 "So you're suggesting that blizzards may be the main cause in these rumors."

 "Yes. Now, let's figure out a way to get down there and retrieve the-"


 The three of them looked over to the other side of the bridge before seeing several people on the other end.

 'She-Ra, Shimmer, Archer - who's arm seems to be healed, that Inspector, and a magicat with short, brown hair.'

 She-Ra stepped in front of the group with the brown furred magicat next to her.

 "So I was right." Tigra muttered, staring at the magicat.

 "About?" Catra inquired.

 "Our race."

 "You two are pretty far from the front lines. Did you anger Hordak that badly recently?" She-Ra asked.

 "Princess She-Ra," The magicat interrupted them from answering. "Let us do our jobs. I will focus on the Princess while the rest of you deal with the others."

 "Wait, wha-" She-Ra sounded confused before something interesting happened.

 The magicat suddenly became enveloped in orange lightning.

 "Interesting. But if I beat Bolt, I'm not afraid of-"

 Tigra dashed to the side quickly, avoiding a beam of light that went through the bridge. It wasn't anywhere near light's natural speed, but if she hadn't dashed, she doesn't think she could have avoided the attack.

 "Bolt already informed us that Lightning wouldn't work on you. Assuming that it also applies to Fire and potentially Ice through your spells, that eliminates quite the arsenal I can use on you effectively." She told.


[Rani | Age: 38]

[Level: 92 | Relationship: -10 [Neutral]

[HP: 21,780]


 "Alright, I spoke a bit too soon." Tigra admitted before lightning surrounded her and an orange light appeared around her briefly.

 She drew Dark Flame in her right hand.

 "That blade." Rani muttered before bringing out her own daggers.

 Tigra rolled her shoulders.

 "I'll take care of the magicat, you focus on the others."

 "The entire sparkle squad?" Catra raised an eyebrow.

 Tigra snapped her fingers before 4 clones appeared near Catra.

 "There. One for each and one for back up."

 Tigra then stared at Rani before dashing at her.

 She appeared in front of her and slashed.

 Only to be blocked with two daggers clanging against her blade with a loud screech.

 "You're fast."

 Rani smirked before her muscles bulged slightly before Tigra skipped backwards.

 A lightning kick went in front of her face before a dagger was almost at her face.

 Tigra channeled fire magic into her left arm before suddenly her dagger collided with a flaming shield.

 It wasn't enough to completely stop the attack, but was enough to slow it down for her attack to barely miss.


Fire Shield blocked 1515 damage!

Fire Shield gained 1515 * 32 [Genius, POF, Spellbook, Pyro] = 48,480 EXP!

Fire Shield leveled up! LV 1 → 20

[Fire Shield LV 20 (980/5000) - Can block 1800 damage. MP: 45]


 "Fire Shield huh? Reports haven't mentioned that you knew that."

 "What can I say, it's almost like fire spells are in my blood." Tigra gave a light smirk.

 She glanced to the side.


In Battle MPR: 15% [748]

Current Usage: 2250 [Lightning Armor] + 10 [Haste]

170 seconds until out of Magic

 She frowned internally.

 'Really need to see if there are any good ways to increase my Regens, specifically my battle MPR for the most part.' 

 Tigra watched as Rani breathed in before the lightning around her…

 Stuck to her.

 Tigra breathed in shock before feeling something slam through her shield and into her shoulder.

(15219 * 0.222) - 1800 = 1579 damage taken!


Physical Resistance gained 15219 EXP!

Physical Resistance leveled up! LV 63 → 65


Fire Shield gained 1800 * 32 = 57,600 EXP!

Fire Shield leveled up! LV 20 → 29

[Fire Shield-


 'Hide the descriptions of Fire Shield !' Tigra thought, activating Raiju.

 She could now keep up with the suddenness of Rani.

 They now were moving fast enough that both of them no longer left behind sonic booms.

 They simply clashed with the snow erupting, vanished, clashed again before the snow had barely reach halfway up to its peak, before vanishing again.

 Tigra ducked under a slash before swinging Dark Flames.

 Rani jumped backwards to avoid it before her eyes widened as a slash of fire followed after her.

 She crossed her arms before the flame collided with her, sending her sliding across the ground.

Crimson Slash inflicted 8265 * 0.4=3,306 fire damage!

Crimson Slash gained 3306 * 32 = 105,792 EXP!

Crimson Slash leveled up! LV 1 → 29


 Tigra didn't relent as she activated Fire Charge to boost her DEX by another 25%, boosting DEX to 63235 and her movement speed to Mach 34.

 She appeared behind Rani and landed a strong slash against her back and pumped another 600 MP into the attack, sending a slash of flame out, right after contact.


(24978 + 8685) * 0.4= 13,465 damage inflicted!

Blades gained 9991 EXP

Blades leveled up! LV 95 --> 96


Crimson Slash gained 3474 * 32=111,168 EXP!

Crimson Slash Leveled up! LV 29 → 42


 Tigra watched as a deep cut appeared through Rani's clothing and a seared shut slash appeared on her back.

 Rani fell on the ground with a sharp cry.

 "Adora! Stop!"

 Tigra's head swung to the side upon hearing Catra.

 Her body moved towards the direction until she felt something tripped her up.

 Her eyes glanced down to see a tripwire made out of light that connected to several trees.

 Tigra barely had time to acknowledge that Rani must have been trying to set up traps in case she tried to escape.

 Her body shot forward at Mach 34 and reached the destination.

 In between an attacking She-Ra with red eyes and a Catra holding her bloody shoulder.


 Catra admitted to herself that she had made quite a few mistakes in her life.

 Believing that Shadow Weaver was teaching Tigra when she was in fact torturing her? A pretty big mistake.

 Believing that Adora would have stayed with her and Tigra and would have simply tried to take over the Horde with them and then worry about the war? Turns out that Adora valued her morals over the two of them.

 Slamming a piece of tech that Entrapta had mentioned turned her robots into a murderous rage onto She-Ra's sword? Turns out Entrapta forgot to mention that She-Ra would go into a murderous rage.

 Catra tried to get out of the way of the murderous She-Ra but was not that lucky.

 She-Ra grabbed her leg, with Catra letting out a cry, before slamming her onto her back with snow exploding underneath her.

 Catra breathed out harshly and scrambled backwards, just avoiding a swung sword that created a slight crater in the ground.

 She-Ra brought her sword up again.

 "Adora! Stop!"

 Catra tried to scramble again, but she couldn't get any traction and watched with pinprick eyes as the sword descended.

 Before something slammed into her side.

 She rolled for a few seconds before stopping.

 Her teeth chattered until she activated heat and steam started coming off of her body.

 The area lit up red before a screech sounded through the area.

 A screech she heard before, many months ago.

 A screech similar to an avian.

 Her head swung towards the location of the sound and swallowed.

 Tigra was surrounded in her lava armor, yet her hair had turned pure white, enough that it could easily blend in with the snow.


Phoenix activated! All stats increased by 25% for the next 10 minutes!


Physical Resistance gained 250,000 EXP!

Physical Resistance leveled up! LV 65 → 96



HPR: 11.3 [Heavily Suppressed - 99% suppressed]


MP will run out in 80 seconds


 Tigra groaned as her leg ached.

 When she had collided with Catra, she instinctively switched over to Lava Armor and she still ended up using Phoenix.

 That one attack made Tigra come to a few conclusions.

 1. She-Ra still can negate her regens if she is struck hard enough. And She-Ra hits hard enough that she could still one shot her. The deep cut that was only healed through Phoenix on her right leg was proof enough.


 2. Something was wrong with Adora. That had been a strike that could have killed anyone in the Horde or the Rebellion. Adora doesn't like killing, let alone bringing herself to killing Catra.


 3. Tigra found her newest battle that will replace the previous most dangerous fight, which was Bolt in Terra.


 She glanced over She-Ra.


[She-Ra (Infected) Age: N/A]

[Level: 620* | Relationship: -250 [Nemesis] ]

[HP: 8,109,600]

 *Unrestrained - The Avatar of She-Ra is no longer in control

 *WARNING: The Being of Power will not hesitate to put you in the ground, regardless of past relationship and can't be talked down. Prepare yourself to either fight or run.*

 She truly doesn't know if she can win this fight.

 'Infected? Does that mean…it does.' Her eyes landed on the red disk that was slightly spreading around the sword's guard.

 'Maybe I don't need to defeat her. Maybe I need to remove the infection from her. One way or the other.'

 Tigra wielded Dark Flames with a slight grimace.

 She-Ra sprung forward, Tigra activated YAS -DEX*3 and Cheetah -DEX*1.5, boosting her speed back above Mach 38, now that YAS and Cheetah were active, she could blaze past her previous record.

 And yet, she still barely blocked the attack.

 A deafening clang of metal sounded out, making anyone with enhanced hearing flinch.

 Tigra backstepped and used She-Ra's massive strength to get in close and slammed a backfist into her head.

595,102 [H2H] + 46875 [Yuki-Onna] = 641,997 * 0.01 = 6449 damage inflicted!

 'Heavily resistant to physical attacks.' She noted, switching from Lava Armor to Lightning Armor to boost her speed to the extreme.


 While she wouldn't be able to tell easily herself, her orange fur quickly changed to a light gray while her yellow sclera turned blood red.

 With all of her skills going, Physical Resistance could now block 99.4% of damage, her max speed is now Mach 193, her DEX is at ~350,000.

 The downside is that she is now a glass cannon comparatively in this fight against the Being of Power.

 'One single hit, I can finally say I lost one of my nine lives.' She grimaced before appearing on the other side of She-Ra.

 She tried yanking the blade out of her hand.

 No good. She should have expected the Being of Power to have a strong grip on their weapon.

 She ducked under a punch before throwing her own at her.


3,020,878 * 0.01 = 30,209 damage dealt!

 'Good amount of damage, but not enough to take her down. It would take-'

 She spun to the side, avoiding a slash, before striking her again.


30,209 damage dealt!


 'It would take 260+ more hits like this to do so. However, with my time limit of 30 seconds, I can throw maybe another 140, possibly 160. While it will-'

 Tigra slid between two legs before striking her three more times.

90,627 damage dealt!


 'While it will damage her, I will lose a lot of speed when Cheetah goes. Lightning Armor will be right behind it soon after. I can maybe hold it for another 45 seconds.'

 Tigra vaulted herself over She-Ra, kneeing her harshly in the face.

 'Right, if I can't get the sword away from her while she is still this strong, then I'll weaken her.'

 Tigra moved around She-Ra so fast, she was leaving several afterimages around her that anyone watching couldn't tell which was which.

 More terrifying to some though, is that Tigra's afterimages were often accompanied by an afterimage of a blade.

 The area around them became devoid of snow, the ground cracked harshly, harsh impacts kept being rung out.

 Left jab into a shoulder. Kick to the back of the leg. Dodge the blade from the Being of Power that could kill her. Right punch into the gut. Left elbow to the back of the head.

 On and on.

 It kept going while Tigra attacked something that seemed like an unmovable object while she was the unstoppable force.

 The Being of Power, even with their insane power, couldn't touch her at this speed, but that doesn't mean that they weren't smart.

 Every 10 or so hits Tigra landed against her, she almost landed an attack against Tigra, forcing her to abandon an attack.


 "GAH!" Tigra choked out.

3,957,379 total damage inflicted.


Hand To Hand gained 4,024,246 EXP

H2H massively leveled up! LV (2)93 --> 300!

Massive amount of excess EXP remaining! Prestige auto accepted!


[H2H LV (3)96 (31690/76800) - Increases damage done without a weapon by 1536%]

STR + 21, DEX + 7, CON + 10


 She clawed at the hand around her throat before switching from Lightning Armor to Lava Armor, her speed having run out.

 It was time to survive and with Lava Armor's massive HP increase, it beat out Ice Armor.

She-Ra (Infected) HP: 4,085,354

Tigra HP: 73,556

 'Shit, my magic's too low!'

 She felt herself slam against a tree and heard something crack before her body went numb from pain.


3000 damage taken.



 Something happened.

 She doesn't know why, but she felt lighter.

 "ADORA! STOP!" Catra's screamed.

 The Being of Power moved her other arm back before air escaped Tigra's lungs.

 But not through her mouth.

 59,000 damage taken!


Warning! Extreme damage has been taken!

Tigra Status:


Several broken ribs, intense bruising around neck, severe damage to left leg, large stab wound in chest, sliced open left lung, sliced open right lung, severed spine


HPR: -500 HP/s

Death in 22 seconds


 Tigra heard several screams at that moment as she looked down.

 To see She-Ra's massive blade in her chest sideways.

 'Oh, that's why…I can't breathe.'

 Using the last of her strength she reached down and grabbed the artifact that was slowly growing along the blade. She used her claws before tearing it off of the blade, snapping one of the three spikes. Every time she targeted it during their fight, the Being of Power defended it.

Now? It was stuck through her and likely the tree behind her.

 The redness on the blade started to retreat at the same time Tigra's white hair started turning black again.

 It was almost gone when her fur turned back to orange.

 She met She-.

 No, that's not right as She-Ra had shrunk.

 Tigra's slowly closing yellow eyes met Adora's confused blue eyes before they widened in horror.

 "Welcome…back…Dora." Tigra breathed out.

 Before darkness met her once more, a scream of despair being the last thing she heard.



Age: 18

Level 62 (905/15500)

HP: 6980.....HPR: 3141

MP: 6000.....MPR: 3735

SP: 3490...SPR: 1571

STR: 152.....DEX: 579

CON: 349...INT: 300

WIS: 277...CHA: 108

Skill Points: 2

Trait Points: 1

Upgrade Trait Points: 0

Speed: 80.4 MPH

Magical Control: 204%


[H2H LV (3)96], [Run LV 74], [Dash LV (3)87, [Blades LV 96], [Spear LV 40]

[Dodge LV 41], [Reading LV 75], [Writing LV 105], [Sneak LV 48]

[Phys. Res LV 99], [Light Res. LV 4], [Air Res. LV 2], [Water Res. LV 18]

[Magic Res LV 42], [Earth Res LV 4]

[Program. LV 35], [Security LV 18], [Hacking LV 27], [Strategy LV 61]

Spells [Tigra still uses]:

Fire Step, Fire Clothing, Fire Breath, Flame Dive, Flame/Lava Armor, Flame Charge,

Flame Fists, Fireball LV 23, Fire Dagger, Fire Arrow,

Fire Falchion, Fire Spear, Fire Clone, Fire Augment

Lightning Armor, Lightning Claws LV 11, Lightning Clone Lv 90

Chill, Ice Armor

Darken, Shadow Mask, Shadow Ball LV 1, Shadow Spy LV 45, Shadow Armor, Dark Pulse LV 19


Bubble, Stream Lv 1

Haste, Heal


[Night Vision], [Magical], [Obsidian Claws], [Huntress], [Primal Instincts]

[You are the Weapon - Multiplies H2H bonus by 2]

[Lightning - Multiplies final DEX by 1.5]

[Smart - Multiplies final INT by 1.15]

[Wise - Multiplies final WIS by 1.15]

[You are Speed - For two minutes a day, your DEX is multiplied by 3]

[Omni-Regeneration II- Multiplies all Regens by 3]

[Pyromaniac - EXP for Fire Spells is doubled]

[Hydromaniac - EXP for Water Spells is doubled]

[Unimaniac - EXP for Pure Spells is doubled]

[Unburnable - You can't be hurt by fire or heat through fire]

[Electric-proof - You can't be hurt by electricity through natural or unnatural means with ill intent]

[Ice Proof - You can't be hurt by ice through natural or unnatural means with ill intent]

[Shadow Proof - You can't be hurt by shadow/darkness through natural or unnatural means with ill intent]

[Phoenix - Once a month, if your HP is reduced to zero, you return to 75% HP once with a 25% increase in stats for the next 10 minutes]

[Raiju - Multiply your movement speed by 3x for 90 minutes within a 24 hour period. Lightning attacks do 100% more damage but water damage hurts you thrice as much as normal]

[Grimm - Decreases damage taken by 75%, regenerations increased by 200% but Light attacks deal 3x their regular damage. Works for 30 minutes a day]

[Yuki-Onna - Touching something with HP will do INT*100 ice damage per second. Can be used for 10 minutes a day]

[Fueling the Fire - Increases Damage for Fire attacks by 50%]

[One with Fire - Fire spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[One with Lightning - Lightning spells take 25% less MP than normal]

[The Myth is Real - You have 8 spare lives and will restore you to 50% HP, MP, and SP upon resurrecting 5 minutes later]

[True Heir - Allows you the ability to connect with the Runestone of your home kingdom, or a Runestone should there not be one]

[Over Killer - Due to your ability of overkilling, your threats are more likely to succeed as warnings towards enemies]

[6th Sense [Catra] - You now will know when your fellow Chosen(s) are in trouble]

[Recovery - Your Regens are increased by 50%]

[Control - Allows the use of 4 continuous spells without causing pain]

[Princess of Fire - Multiplies MP by 2, MPR by 1.5, and Fire spells gain 4x EXP]

[Azure Flames - You can use 50% more MP to increase a fire spell's power by 100%. Doing so turns your flames into a brilliant blue]


[Genius - All EXP for spells is doubled]

[Brilliant - All spells do 25% more damage]

[Hare - Increases movement speed by 25%]

[Cheetah - For 30 seconds every 2 hours, your DEX is increased by 50%]

[Eagle - You can now run on air as long as you remain undisturbed]

[Steel Body - Decreases damage taken by 40% after resistances]

[Meditated - MPR remains active at 15% while using spells continuously]

[Confident Aura - Those around you will think you know what you are doing]

[Strong - Increases non-magical attacks by 10% and carrying capacity by 25%]


Dark Flame - A Jian that can channel fire magic to increase its power ~ 4800 damage

Shadow Piercer - Dual Daggers dark enough to be hidden in shadows ~ 2186 per dagger

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