/ Urban / The Ancient Shield Warrior
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Attention: It is preferable to read from your phone in portrait mode. Remember to change your favorite background for better visualization. ~Author.
System *Forced
Level: 10=24
+HP: ====
anaM: *Broken
*Broken: *Broken
*Broken: =====
>>Permation Inforsonal
*Examining the flawed system. The system horribly crashed.
System: "*Bzzzzzzzzzzzt." *Lost signal.
*I lifting Myra's body. positioned in front of a vast sea while perched on the cliff's edge. observing the enormous strange beast with its five heads and lengthy neck.
"We tried everything..." *All of the warriors have died. afloat on the ocean. on the water. near the cliff. Anywhere. a collapsed building. Street.
*Eerhrhrhh... *HÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ!!!!!! *Beast roaring in the fog.
... *Place Myra's body on the ground gradually.
*Picking up a sword. raising it. grabbing a big shield that was on the ground and crushed. raising it.
"I'm sorry..."
"I broke my promise."
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