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1.53% The Alternate Universe/Star Trek Voyager / Chapter 1: Caretaker: Part One.
The Alternate Universe/Star Trek Voyager The Alternate Universe/Star Trek Voyager original

The Alternate Universe/Star Trek Voyager

Autor: UnknownFilters

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Caretaker: Part One.

Alternate Reality/Star Trek Voyager

Chapter 1: Caretaker: Part 1.

Bini Filters POV


I ran through New Zealand, Federation Penal Colony's yard. Narrowly missing the inmates as I reached the edge of the area. The soft grass did nothing to comfort me as I used my arm to shield my eyes against the sun, beaming it's summer heat down at me.

I went from an all-out sprint to a jog as I struggled to control my breathing as Thomas Eugene Paris, or Tom Paris for short, sat under a shaded area covered in trees, meddling with a replicator that had broken the night before.

Tom and I had been stuck in this penal colony, actually known as Jail for three months. The problem was that about a year ago Tom Paris joined. Chakotay - The Maquis Captain in charge of our small maquis group out of hundreds, didn't like, or trust Tom. So, four months ago he sent Tom and me to get supplies for the ship. He entrusted me to "keep Tom in check." Whatever that means. Sometimes I think he forgets I am a 14-year-old girl.

Unfortunately, we had to enter Federation space. Long story short: We were attacked by a galaxy-class Starship, put on trial and sent here all in one month. Since he is the only person here I know, I hang around him a lot.

"Tom! Tom!" I called out as I picked up speed towards him. Tom glanced at me with his bright blue eyes before going back to work,

"I am busy, Shadow." He insisted as he connected the EPS relays and repaired a microfracture. Tom gave me the nickname 'Shadow' on the first day he came aboard because I "lurked" in the shadows as he claims, then knocked him out with an EPS spanner. He got a pretty bad concussion but somehow thought it was funny. I still think I should have hit him harder. I am positive B'Elanna would agree.

"I just came from the administration building. We are going to have a visitor tomorrow!" I barked out and stood a meter away from him as he connected the plasma flow regulators.

He ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair, then got up from the ground and spun towards me. His expression in complete shock.

"A visitor? That's impossible."

"How?" I asked. He dropped his tools, rubbed his hands clean on his pants and motioned me to follow him. After about 10 minute walk in complete silence. We stopped just in front of the visitors building and looked through a large window. Showing inmates behind force fields talking with high ranking Starfleet officers.

"It is impossible because the only visitors allowed here are high ranking Starfleet officers that want info from us. We already denied giving them any answers at our trial. I don't see why they would waste the effort and time to try again." Tom explained.

"I don't understand. Is this a jail or maximum security?" I asked. He smirked and patted my head. He knows how much I hate it when people do that!!

"Seems like I have finally taught you something. My 20th-century knowledge is finally paying off." He chuckled and headed back towards the area we were once again to continue his work on the replicator.

"Hey! Don't expect it to EVER happen again!" I yelled back and ran after him.


Unhappy with a new treaty, Federation Colonists along the Cardassian border have banded together.

Calling themselves 'The Maquis', they continue to fight the Cardassians.

Some consider them heroes, but to the governments of the Federation and Cardassia, they are outlaws.


Seska's POV

"Damage report!" Captain Chakotay, a native American with a tribal tattoo on his left upper eye barked as the ship shuttered from weapons fire coming from the Cardassian Warship.

If I wasn't so concerned about my pathetic attempts to stay alive as I gripped my console for dear life, I wouldn't be angry at my own people's attempt to blow me into space. My finger's danced across the console, frantically as reports for sensor data came in.

"Sheilds at sixty percent!" I yelled as another shot hit us. Chakotay swore under his breathe as a support beam came crashing down. Narrowly missing B'Elanna Torres, the ship's "chief" engineer as she let out a few of her Klingon insults and punched her console. She was half-human/half Klingon. It doesn't surprise me she was so savage with everything and everyone around her.

"A fuel line has ruptured. Attempting to compensate. Damn it! We're barely maintaining impulse. I can't get any more out of it!" B'Elanna reported as we took another hit.

"Be creative!" Chakotay shouted back as we were hit again. Spark's flew across the bridge. B'Elanna shot him a quick glare.

"Creative?! How am I supposed to be creative with a thirty-nine-year-old rebuilt engine in a broken box of bolts in space? Explain that to me!" B'Elanna demanded as a transmission appeared on the screen of Chakotay's console.

The scowling face of Gul Evek appeared on the small screen. I felt a flutter in my heart. Silently muttering a Cardassian prayer that the Gul would take me off the ship and fast. I don't know how much longer I can take posing as a Bajoran maquis, playing house for Chakotay. At least his version of it.

"Maquis ship, this is Gul Evek of the Cardassian Fourth Order. Cut your engines and prepare to surrender or we will destr-" Chakotay slammed his fist against the console, cutting off the transmission. That's it. It seems that my wonderful existence will be cut short because a maquis criminal can't think like a rational person. Heh, I knew humans were stupid. I just didn't expect this level of it.

As expected, the weapons fire increased from the warship.

"Initiating evasive pattern omega. Mark." Chakotay said as the ship snapped in motion. Attempting to avoid more damage. I looked back at my station.

"Shields at fifty percent."

"I need more power if we're going to make it to the badlands!" Chakotay shouted. B'Elanna mumbled under her breathe about how useful the runt Bini Filters could have been at that moment. It brought back happy memories of "convincing" Chakotay to let Bini keep Tom in check during their mission to gather supplies for the ship, only to be informed a month later (By one of the obsidian order agents spying on Starfleet HQ) that poor little Bini and foolish Tom were locked away in a top grade penal colony on Earth. Exact;y were they deserved to be...other than a Cardassian prison camp of course.

I snapped back to reality when I noticed Tuvok, the annoying Vulcan glancing towards me with a raised eyebrow. I suppose he is the only one who suspects that I am not Bajoran. I don't exactly act like one. Besides, I already know he is a Starfleet spy.

"Take the weapons offline. We'll transfer all power to the engines." B'Elanna suggested. Tuvok turned his attention to B'Elanna with his raised eyebrow.

"Considering the circumstances, I question that proposal at this time." Tuvok said with his usual dull tone. The ship shook and from weapons fire.

"What does it matter? We're not making a dent in their shields anyway! You wanted creative!" She spat at Chakotay. I rolled my eyes as the ship took another hit. Ugh. This was getting on my nerves.

"Tuvok shut down all the phaser banks. If you can give me another thirty seconds at full impulse, I'll get us into the Badlands." Chakotay ordered with that smooth vo- Get it together! Not the time.

"Phasers offline."

"Throw the last photons at them and then give me the power from the torpedo system."

"Acknowledged. Firing photons."

I watched on sensors as the photons hit the warship. No damage.

"No damage," I reported. We started to enter the badlands, going deeper and deeper in as we dodged plasma streamers. I scanned the "enemy" warship again as they continued to follow us into the badland.

"The Cardassian ship is not reducing power. They're following us in."

"Gul Evek must be feeling daring today." Chakotay muttered under his breathe. Daring? Ha! I wouldn't use the word daring to describe what he is thinking of pulling off but alright. I resisted the urge to tell this to Chakotay, which would have blown my cover, I watched as my sensors drastically changed as the warship hit one of the plasma streamers.

"They've taken a hit on their port blade. They're sending out a distress signal on all Cardassian frequencies." I said.

"Can you plot a course through these plasma fields, Mister Tuvok?" Chakotay asked. Great, Chakotay was just handing the Vulcan my job.

"The storm's activity is typically widespread in this vicinity. I can plot a course, but I'm afraid it will require an indirect route." Tuvok replied. Chakotay leaned back into his chair with a sigh of relief.

"We can use this time to make repairs." Suddenly, a bright flash went off. Everyone snapped to attention.

"What!? What was that?!" B'Elanna demanded. I spun towards the readings on my console.

"We've just passed through some kind of coherent tetryon beam...a scanner."

"Source?" Chakotay asked.

"Unknown. Now there appears to be a massive displacement wave moving toward us, does not appear to be any plasma storm we have seen before. At current speeds, it will intercept us in thirty seconds." I said as the ship started to shake violently.

"Maximum speed!" Chakotay ordered as I felt the vibrations of the engines underneath my feet increase.

"Wave is continuing to accelerate. It will intercept us in eight seconds. Five...four...three...two...on-"

(Everything goes white.)


Bini Filters POV

(Next Day. Time: 1200)

I couldn't help but pace our usual spot in the penal colony cafeteria. It was a small two-person table in the corner of the huge room, far away from the other inmates. Who didn't seem to like us anyway. I suppose I can thank Tom for that. Just about everyone here blames him for the deaths of those 3 officers he killed in an accident. Even the former Maquis wouldn't come near us. They just keep casting us dirty looks.

Tom came over to our spot and placed two trays of food down. One at my spot, one at his own. He sat down and began munching on the...ugh...replicated food. I miss real food. I sat down. My mind kept on thinking back to the visitor we were supposed to see today. I still wonder who it is supposed to be. I am curious. Yet, also freaked out. Once again, another thing to blame Tom for.

I shoved a spoon full of mashed potatoes into my mouth. Ugh. As always they were disgusting. I spat it out and pushed the tray away. I wasn't hungry anyway. I crossed my arms and slumped in my chair as I glared at the tray. Tom rolled his eyes and pushed the tray back towards me before taking another bite.

"You need to eat it, Bini. The cafeteria lady insists that you do."

"I don't NEED to eat it. Besides. It replicated. Disgusting. The food tasted much better on the Maquis ship anyway. Tell the cafeteria lady that when she starts making real food or at least gets a better replicator, then I will eat it." I argued, then pushed it back towards Tom.

"Don't be that way, Shadow. She got you a present since I expressed your concerns to her. Also, she stills feels bad about you being so young and forced to be locked away in jail." He pointed towards the mug. Which is always filled with water. I hate water just as much as I hate replicated food here. I sighed and picked up the mug. Which was strangely hot. I took a sip.

Hot chocolate! Real Hot Chocolate! Not replicated!!!

Hot chocolate is only the best drink that was ever created. Tom gave me a big smile as I chugged the rest of the mug! Oh! I missed this so much.

"I promised her you would eat the food." Tom insisted. I started shoving the food into my mouth. Dispute my urge to gag it out with every bite. I finished half the plate before I couldn't take anymore. I pushed the cup towards Tom and smirked.

"Tell our dear friend, the cafeteria lady, that if she keeps giving me real hot chocolate. She won't have to worry about my eating habits. I think that's fair. You?"

Tom nodded. Knowing fully well that he couldn't argue with me on that. I nodded back and got up to start pacing again. Millions...OK, maybe not millions....hundreds? No. I am not that smart....a lot of ideas began running through my mind about what this visitor wants. I started to mutter to myself as the world around me faded and it was only me and my thoughts-


I snapped my attention back to Tom, who pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What!?" I demanded. A little annoyed to be disturbed in my thought process.

"You do know how much it annoys me when you start pacing and muttering to yourself right? I mean it is obvious at this point. Seska has told you enough times-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me stop you right there. Let's not use Seska as the voice of reason in any situation here. She is a self-absorbed, rude, arrogant person who likes to talk about her stupid intercourse with a certain member of the crew all the time." I ranted. Tom raised an eyebrow towards me.

"Are you talking about Chakotay."

"Who else, sherlock!?" He clicked his tongue and pointed towards me with a self-satisfied grin.

"There we go! Another 20th-century reference!" I swore under my breath and continued to pace.

"You do know that this is your felt. I am pacing and muttering to myself because you freaked me out about the visitor!" I raged as Tom placed his feet on the table and finished his lunch.

"I didn't confirm that there even was a visitor coming." He insisted. I pointed towards myself.

"I confirmed it at the administration building and told you! I did! Where have you been!?" I demanded.

"Tom Paris? Bini Filters?" A female voice called out from behind me. Tom's eyes widened as he scrambled to stand up. OK, that was strange. I spun around as a female Irish Captain approached us. A slight look of pity crossed her features but was quickly masked by what people referred to as the Captain's mask. She finally stood in front of us. As straight as a statue.

"That's us." Tom stumbled out.

"I am Captain Kathryn Janeway. I wonder if I could talk to you both." She said. We both nodded but held our ground. Not moving an inch.

"About what?" I asked.

"About a job we would like you to do for us." She replied. Tom pointed down towards two engineering kits under the table. We were going to use them to repair the replicator from outside today.

"We are already doing a job for the federation." Tom snapped out.

" I've been told the Rehab Commission is very pleased with your work. They've given me their approval to discuss this matter with you both." She said. Tom and I looked at each other. Both curious about what we did to earn that but OK.

"Well, then I guess we are yours." He said and leaned against the nearest wall. I don't trust this Captain. Why are we blindly accepting this? I have a bad feeling about whatever she is suggesting. My bad feelings are normally correct.

"I'm leaving on a mission to find a Maquis ship that disappeared in the Badlands a week ago. My Chief of Security was on board, undercover. He was supposed to report in twice during the last six days. He didn't. We would like your help to track them down."

Tom let out a small chuckle.

"You'd like me to lead you to my former colleagues. I was only with the Maquis a few weeks before I was captured, Captain. I don't know where most of their hiding places are." Tom replied. She looked at me. Who at this point I was scowling at her.

"I know them. I just won't give them up without something very good in return." I answered. She nodded.

"Besides. I've never seen a Federation starship that could manoeuvre through the plasma storms." Tom added.

"You've never seen Voyager." She said.

Tom walked away from the wall and towards the Captain.

"Maybe it's just your Chief of Security who's disappeared." He suggested.

"Maybe. That ship was under the command of another former Starfleet officer, named Chakotay. I understand you knew him."

"That's right."

"The two of you didn't get along too well, I'm told." She pointed out. Boy, that was the understatement of the year. Every time Tom stepped into the room, Chakotay looks like he wanted to murder him. Everyone else hated his guts. I was the only one that hanged around him because I was unbelievably bored with listening to Seska all the time and other crew stories. Tom and I spent most of our days just making fun of everyone in the crew and arguing about whatever else that happened to pop up. It was fun in a strange way.

"Chakotay will tell you he left Starfleet on principle, to defend his home colony from the Cardassians. I, on the other hand, was forced to resign. He considered me a mercenary, willing to fight for anyone who'd pay my bar bill. Trouble is, he was right. I have no problem helping you track down my friends in the Maquis, Captain. All I need to know from you is what's in it for me." Tom replied.

"You help us find that ship, we help you at your next outmeet review." She replied.

"Ah-ha." He replied. Not satisfied but we both knew they wouldn't do any more for us no matter what we said.

"Officially, you'd be a Starfleet observer during the mission."

"Observer? Oh hell, I'm the best pilot you could have!" He argued.

"You'll be an observer. When it's over, you're cut loose." She snapped back. No room for an argument. Tom slumped into the nearest chair and stared at the floor in disappointment.

"Story of my life." He muttered. Janeway looked towards me. Since Tom has now completely disengaged from the conversation.

"There will be a shuttle leaving for DS9 tomorrow. I will ask the security to escort you two there. It will take a week for you to reach DS9. See you then." She finished, then walked away. I suppose I had no choice. I had to go.


Captain Kathryn Janeway's POV

(Next Day.)

I stood at Starfleet HQ docking bay with my nine-year-old son, Micheal Janeway and my five-year-old daughter, Sarah Janeway, with my dog, Mollie. Who the kids insisted on bring.

"Mommy! You promised you wouldn't go on another long mission!" My son exclaimed as my daughter latched onto my leg in an attempt to make me stay. They did have a point. I promised them that.

A year ago the Cardassians destroyed a starbase near the Cardassian border that they claimed was in their space. About 500 loyal Starfleet officers were killed, including my husband. Unforntantly, I was on a deep space mission at the time. My kids made me promise to not go on another deep-space mission, in hopes that I wouldn't end up like their father or worse, they would.

Mollie barked and started to tug on the leash. I tightened my grip as I watched Admiral Owen approach us. I felt embarrassment reach my cheeks. I must have looked like a mess.

"Sir." I straighten my posture as Sarah let go of me and ran towards the Admiral. He gave her a big hug as he ran his ran through her long red locks with brown highlights.

"Hi, Uncle Owen!" She squeaked.

"Sarah! He is on duty!" I called.

"Sorry, Admiral." She corrected before giving him another hug and held his hand as he got closer to us.

"It's alright. This isn't an official meeting."

"Mommy is leaving us again!" Micheal cried out. Tears started to roll down his cheeks as he grabbed my arm.

"Micheal, believe me. I don't want to leave, but this is an important mission. It is my job. You know that." I said as Micheal hugged me with a death grip.


I looked up at Admiral Paris. Sarah let go of his hand and ran over to join her brother, as Mollie sat at my feet. Tilted her head and let out a small whine.

"I am sorry about this, Owen. I-"

"It is all right. I understand. Is Tom here yet?" I shook my head.

"Sorry, no. They should be here in under 10 minutes." I replied.

"Hey! Let go!" A voice cried out in frustration behind me. I looked behind me to see, Bini Filters and Tom Paris wearing Starfleet uniforms (Bini: Yellow. Tom: Red.)being escorted by a security guard who held onto Bini's arm while pointing a phaser at Tom.

"Ms. Filters. A pleasure to see you again." Admiral Paris said. Unable to look at Tom.

"Oh, yeah. I am sure, Admiral. You were the reason I was shipped jail." She snapped back.

"It is a penal colony, Filters. Not jail. We aren't barbarians." He corrected.

"Ha! I have a hard time believing that. Especially coming from you." Tom snapped.

"Do you have something to say to me, Thomas?" Admiral Paris snapped back. I can see this going downhill fast. I stepped between them.

"Admiral," I warned and gestured towards the shuttle pilot who stood at the doorway of the transport. Awaiting us. He nodded and headed in that direction. I let out a breathe and followed him. The problem had been defused. For now.


Bini Filter's POV

I shifted on my feet as the cold metal of the handcuffs shifted against my wrists. Two kids approached us. One was a little girl with red curly hair with brown highlights, emerald eyes, and pale skin wearing civilian clothes while the boy has brown straight short straight hair with red highlight, blue eyes, and pale skin, also wearing civilian clothes holding a dog leash with a big red Irish settler attached to it approached us.

"Why are you tired up?" The young girl asked. I sighed.

"Reasons." Tom snapped. The boy elbowed the girl in the arm, causing her to jump back and glare at him. He leaned over to her.

"Those are the criminals that Uncle Owen told us about! Don't you remember!?" Micheal snapped.

"We can hear you, kid." I said. They both looked at us curiously.

"What are your names?" The boy asked.

"You first."

"Micheal Janeway. This is my sister, Sarah Janeway. The dog is named Mollie." He replied. *sigh.* Just my luck. We are with the Captain's kids.

"Bini Filters. This is Thomas Paris." I introduced. Tilting my head towards Tom.

"Tom Paris for short." He added. The security guard led Tom away into the shuttle as (by the looks of it) Captain Janeway, the Admiral and the shuttle pilot were deep into an argument.

"Why are you so young?" Micheal asked. I blinked a couple of times. What-What?

"Um...reasons," I replied. The girl moved forward and hugged my torso.

"Are you going to keep my Mommy safe?"

"Are you not going? It isn't my job." I insisted.

"Why would we be going? Mommy said it was dangerous." Micheal insisted.

"Sure. But since when have kids ever turned down a chance of adventure?" I suggested. Maybe I was just asking to get thrown back into jail by even suggesting that the kids try an join the mission. Maybe I was trying to get revenge by being dragged out here to get my former crew...

I honestly don't know what I was trying to pull off.

Micheal's eyes lit up and he quickly grabbed his sisters arm, his fist turned white as his grip tightened on Mollie's leash as he dashed towards the arguing group which had now evolved Tom. Good job Tom.

I shrugged it off. There was no way they would be able to convince anyone they could get on that shuttle to DS9 then to Voyager.


Tom Paris POV

(One Week Later)

A week ago, Bini told me that she tried to convince Captain Janeway's children to go along for the trip. Somehow...Somehow, the kids were able to get on this ridiculous mission and I am about sixty percent sure that the Captain is punishing Bini by allowing her kids around her. They seem to enjoy her company, despite Bini trying to get them away from her.

Once in a while, I see Captain Janeway watching her children interact with her and she starts grinning as Bini desperately tries to come up with an excuse which, as always backfires because those two little kids are innocent.

I sat in my seat next to two security guards as Bini argued with the kids about warp cores across from me as the Captain was with the pilot in the front discussing docking procedures as we approached DS9.

"OK, I will explain this to you ONE last time. Going warp is faster than light speed." Bini argued to Micheal and Sarah played with Mollie on the floor.

"Light speed is cooler!" Micheal fought back.

They somehow started to discuss the 20th-century movies, which lead to the movie franchise Star Wars, which lead to them discussing their speed in the movie and comparing it to now. These kids were smart, probably thanks to the fact that their mother was a Starfleet Captain.

"In graphics Micheal! This should not be very hard to understand! There is a reason everything looks cool on screen."

Honestly, very surprised the kid knows about those movies.

"Still better."

"If this is your state of mind for relationships when you grow up. Boy, you in trouble."

The two guards and I couldn't help but start giggling as Micheal gave her a confused look before rolling his eyes and heading to the back of the shuttle where small living spaces were for the temporary passengers/crew.

Bini glared at us.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Laugh it up." She complained.

It took me a couple more moments to calm down before I could form a proper sentence.

"Bini, in case you forgot, you are a fourteen-year-old girl, who has had no relationship at all with anyone, also has no interest in it what so ever. Just tried to give advice to a nine-year-old kid about that very subject." I explained.

"Geez," Bini muttered as she slumped against the wall and Mollie hopped onto the seat and rested on Bini's lap as Sarah followed by laying her head on Bini's shoulder.

"Having fun over there?" I joked.

"Another word out of you and I will swipe one of those phasers from the guards and stun you to next week." She threatened. The guards looked at each other then back at Bini as they both rested one of their hands on their phasers in case she tried anything.

Captain Janeway entered the area. We all almost shot to attention.

"We will be docking at DS9 in five minutes." She announced then left to further back of the shuttle to find Micheal.

---(Twenty Minutes Later)---

"Why do I feel like I am being interrogated?"

Bini and I currently sat in the chief of Security office in DS9. He was explaining the usual "Don't break any rules." Blah, blah, blah. Honestly, I stopped listening about 10 seconds in that was until Bini asked why she felt interrogated. Now I am fully engaged. What was the context of that comment?

Odo, the chief. Who had the basic shape of a human but not the details that really define a human looked at Bini in a confused/irritated glance. I know he is a That creeps me out.

"E-Excuse me?" He said.

"Why do I feel like I am being interrogated?" She repeated in a deep, more serious tone as she leaned against his desk. The security guards shifted uneasily behind Odo as he leaned back in his chair.

"Is there a problem, Miss. Filters?"

Is there a problem? Oh boy. You just got her started.

She gave him an evil smirk as she adjusted her posture than looked at Odo dead in the eyes.

"Let me give you a list of my problems here."

I screamed internally and rested my head against his desk. She is triggered. Great.

"I have been thrown into a metal box on a large piece of dirt for the past few weeks-" She continued to rant. Odo looked at me with panic on his face as he waved me away. He already informed me of all the security on the station. I don't need a guard.

I nodded and almost ran out of the office onto the habitat ring.

I noticed a local bar, Quark's. A place I used to visit a lot before I joined the Maquis. I quickly entered the bar.

Just as I remembered it. It was a large space, filled with aliens from all over the Alpha Quadrant. The light situation wasn't the best as some part of the bar where dark. Probably were most people conducted dark business.

I sat at the front counter as I noticed Quark, the Ferengi arguing with a young Ensign while holding a box out to him. I moved my seat closer towards the pair. I will admit I was curious what scheme Quark was trying to pull.

"Or Cufflinks for your father?"

"Cufflinks? Great idea!" The young ensign beamed back as he reached for the box again.

"They're not for sale. Now, inform your commanding officer that the Federation Council can expect an official query-"

"How much for the entire tray?" The ensign blurted out. Quark grabbed one of his padds and leaned towards him.

"Cash or credit?"

I got up from my chair and walked over to the pair. I swiped a rock from the box as I grabbed their attention.

"Dazzling aren't they? As bright as a Koladan diamond." I said as I held up the rock and carefully inspected it.

"Brighter." Quark snapped.

"Hard to believe you can find them on any planet in the system," I replied.

"That's an exaggeration."

I rolled my eyes and tugged on the ensign's uniform. Leading him away from Quark, who slammed the box shut and muttered to himself about lost profit.

"Come on. Didn't they warn you about Ferengi at the academy?" I joked and we exited the bar. We started to chuckle.

He held out his hand towards me with a friendly smile.

"I am Harry. Harry Kim."

"Tom Paris." I gave his hand a firm shake as we walked into the crowds of people littering the habitat ring.

-----End of Chapter One.-----

UnknownFilters UnknownFilters

AN: Hi. I am having some concerns about writing Micheal and Sarah's characters. I don't really know how Nine-year-olds and five-year-olds act and think so if anyone has any ideas on how to improve them, then please let me know. Thanks and I hope you enjoy the story as it comes out.

Also, it took me like a month to write this chapter (I wrote it on paper first. A lot of editing has happened since then.) and I am suffering through writer's block. Sorry if this isn't updated in a while. I am a very slow typer.

Again, I hope you enjoy the story and feedback would be great!

-UsernameFilters. (Bini Filters.)

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