Aláine's Point of View
Kristof and I wandered into the kitchen to see if Frederic needed help with lunch. We were too late because sandwiches were already being served. It amazed me how much food was on the table for only eight people. I was also amazed at how much each of them ate compared to Zara and me. There was not an ounce of fat on them, but they still packed away so much food.
"How do you manage to eat so much and not get fat?" I asked.
"Our wolves have fast metabolisms, so we need to eat more," replied Noah.
"Though some of us eat more than others," added Kieran as he put at least two dozen sandwich halves on his plate.
"Some of us are wolves, not pigs," answered Callie with a big grin on her face.
Kieran just grinned even more and shrugged his shoulders. Everyone laughed with him, and he didn't seem to mind. I guessed he was a hungry growing young man.
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