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1.88% The Adeptus Custodes(DC) / Chapter 1: Justinian Arcadius Valoris Valdor
The Adeptus Custodes(DC) The Adeptus Custodes(DC) original

The Adeptus Custodes(DC)

Autor: A_Real_Werewolf234

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Justinian Arcadius Valoris Valdor

Until his 20th birthday, Marcus had lived his life as any young man. He was trying to get a good-paying job, with enough free time to enjoy his hobbies. Like a growing majority of young men, he was uninterested in marriage because of the worry of being cheated on, divorced, or being baby trapped. 

These were just his paranoia which his family always tried to convince him otherwise. His Mother often tried to set him up with girls she thought he would like, but Marcus didn't care. They eventually gave up on the idea of grandchildren since Marcus had checked out of relationships because of the terrible experiences other men had gone through. 

Instead, he focused on his body to always be at his peak, and his studies to strive for the best job. Because of his efforts, he got into an Ivy League School, but on his 20th birthday, his life changed for the worse in the eyes of others. 

For the better in his own eyes as he had been the house he was renting. He had been sitting on the couch reading The Master of Mankind: War in the Webway. He had gotten into Warhammer only a year ago, but it quickly became one of his favorite verses. 

As he read the Novel, he heard a terrifying sound. He looked up from his book as he heard the sound of a plane coming down. 

'What the fuck?'

He ran to the window and looked up at the sky seeing a giant cargo plane with a face charging at him. 


Marcus' mouth went slack as he stared at the mechanical face glaring at him. 

'Emperor Protects my ass.'

That was all he knew as the plane crashed into his house and directly killing him. 


Marcus' thoughts blanked out, but they came back not long after his gorry death. When his eyes opened he was sitting down on a comfy couch across from a woman. He didn't stare long at her as he first touched his face. 

He reached down to check if his balls were still there and they were. 

"Ok, I am alive." 

The woman seemed to frown. 

"Excuse me?" 

Marcus needed more time to process things. 

"Can you give me a minute, I am having a mental break down right now." 

Never having been treated like this the women sputtered a little as Marcus breathed in and out. 

'A fucking Thomas Plane with a face killed me. Me of all people. Aren't they supposed to take the biggest losers? Why me when my life was set to greatness?'

He sighed as he looked back at the woman. 

"Let me guess, Isekai?" 

She nodded with a forced smile. 

"Yes. I can see you are not happy." 

His face fell into a very angry look. 

"Happy my ass. You could have picked any fat looser who thought he deserved the world. I liked my life. I worked out every day, I took care of my self, I had friends, I was in an Ivy League School, I had Family, I had a life. What made you gods think I was the best candidate?"

Never having faced this reaction the goddess sputtered. 

"But, this is a blessing. You are being reincarnated to live your life to the fullest." 

"I already was living my life to the fullest. What can you possibly offer ME that I didn't have?" 

The goddess now started to feel liken they did pick the wrong guy. 


He sighed. 

"I guess. Let me guess, I can't be sent back to Earth?" 

She shook her head which just made Marcus groan. 

"Fucking hell. What is done is done, how does this work? You spin a wheel or random?" 

Now feeling bad for taking him the goddess shook her head. 

"No, I can see that we picked the wrong candidate, but since we can't send you back you have three wishes. I can't tell you where you are going so pick well."

"Fuck it. I will pick the powers I want. I want the body of an Adeptus Custodes with Soul Bonded Shadow Keeper Armor and Gurdian Spear. That is one wish by the way. Now, this isn't a wish, but a request. Can you remove the ingrained loyalty to the Emperor?" 

The goddess nodded. 

"I can and I shall. Your next two wishes." 

"Simple. I want the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing. Integrate them into the Auramite Power Armor. Seamlessly make the Boosted Gear fuse into the left Gauntlet of the and make the Divine Dividing perfectly Bonded to the Armor."

Hearing his words the goddess realized why he chose what he did. The Adeptus Custodes each were works of art. Demigods everyone with the blood of the Emperor of Mankind himself flowing through them. 

Unlike Space Marines who had excess organs to the point where they seemed unsymmetrical. Each Custodes was perfect, with bodies that did not age, and instincts bordering on supernatural, resistance to the powers of the Warp and Blanks. 

"I see the logic. A body to endure the extreme stress of housing two Heavenly Dragons and their strengths. The ability to Double your already transcendent strength near endlessly and steel the strength from your foes that so much lay a hand on you? You picked well.

Now that you have picked I shall inform you of your destination. The DC universe." 

Justinian pondered on this because DC was no walk in the park. However, if Batman could create a suit of Armor that could let him face Darkseid for a time, why couldn't he with his unique abilities?

"That is fine with me. Whatever you do, do not send me to Gotham because I will not be playing nice with Batman. Instead, send me to Central City. Flash is far more understanding them broddy Bruce Wayne." 

The goddess accepted that simple request. 

"Sure, I can understand that. Is there anything else?" 

Marcus had just one request. 

"You know, if I am to be a Custodes, I need a new name. Will you rename me, goddess?" 

The goddess paused as she could sense that Marcus wanted to leave his old life behind. If he could not return, he wanted a new name to bind him. 

"I will. From this day, your name shall be Justinian Arcadis Valoris Valdor." 

He laughed as she just took a bunch of famous Custodes and gave him their names. 

"Custodes are supposed to get more names as they commit heroic deads. I guess facing down a sentient plane was heroic to deserve that many names. Farewell goddess." 

"Do you want to know my name?" 


She recoiled as Marcus was sent through a bright golden portal. As he flew, his human body was broke to the standards of the Adeptus Custodes. Marcus had been an above-average specimen as he was 6'4 and well-trained. 

However, how could a baseline human-like Marcus even come close to the perfect Warriors of the Custodes? His body was broken down to Primordial Ooze as his soul and body were rebuilt Cell by Cell and molecule. 

He felt none of this as every part of what made him human was improved upon. Perfect The power of Biomancy and Psychic manipulation at the atomic level. Worked upon at his core genetics. This process happened in moments and Marcus was no more. 

In his place, Justinian Arcadius Valoris Valdor emerged. 12 Feet tall, covered in the finest Shadow Keeper Suit of Auramite. The Boosted Gear Gauntlet built perfectly into the Left Gauntlet as if it always belonged. 

Bright Red with Purple Gems rather than Green. The Soul of the Heavenly Dragon Ddraig is placed within with none of the limitations placed by God. On his back, a pair of Purple Crystalline Wings perfectly bonded to the back of the Armor. 

Just like the perfected Boosted Gear, the soul of Albion was placed inside with its many limitations and seals removed. Justinian opened his golden eyes as his mind returned. As his memories and personality slotted back into his new brain and soul he lept through the Golden Portle. 

He did so high above Central City falling slightly limp. His new enhanced mind ran through every second he had been alive in a few moments. He felt his Soul Bonded Shadow Keeper Suit roar to life. 

The Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing were now his to command. 

"So this is how the 10,000 think." 

He stopped falling as he started to fly with the purple Divine Dividing. It matched his Shadow Keeper Power Armor and so did the giant spear in his hands. He spun it around with incredible instinctive skill. 

"I can get used to this." 

He understood how to fly with the Divine Dividing and he used it to land. He did so in the middle of the City Center where everyone could see him. He meant everyone as every man, woman, and child was staring at him. 

It was hard not to when a 12-foot Demigod in Power Armor with Purple Wings landed in the middle of the day. Justinian sent the Divine Dividing back to his soul seamlessly as they got in the way. 

For now, though he looked at a random woman next to him. 

"You, what is the current date?" 

She snapped out of her thoughts and answered. 

"October 22, 2001"

He hummed as when he died it had been 2024. 

"It appears I have been sent back 39,000 years." 

As he walked off he placed his massive Guardian Spear on his shoulder. He was purposely making a mess as he wanted to be spotted. It did not take long before a Golden Flash that was running through the City Center stopped right next to him. 

When The Flash did so, he was only half of his height. 

"Yo, big guy." 

Justinian looked down but did not stop walking. 

"Do you require something speedster?" 

"I was going to ask you that. You did jump out of a Golden Portal high in the sky and now here you are walking through the city." 

"I require nothing. I have asked what I needed to know from a helpful primitive female." 

Barry felt that was harsh. 


"Affirmative Speedster. Though I could use your name since there was an Ancient Remembrance of you in particular in the Imperial Museum in the 999th year of the 41st Millenium. I refer to you as Primitive since I see vehicles known as 'Cars'.

They still burn fossil fuels yes?"

Barry paused as his mind processed every word that Justinian said. 

"WAIT! Did you say 999th year of the 41st millennium? You are from that far in the future?" 

"Affirmative. However, you as a Speedster must know by now that the future is ever in flux. There is no set future and my future is just one of many possible ones. Mine is a very dark future Ba-" 

Before he finished Barry yelled out. 


Justinian wanted to laugh, but he kept his cool. He was still wearing his helmet as they walked. 

"My apologies Speedster. I almost forgot that you 'Heroes' keep your identities Sectet. I shall keep it and the rest of your League Members to myself." 

Barry now asked the question he wanted to know. 

"Ok, if that is the case how did you get here?" 

"I and forces of Ordo Chronus were attempting to stop the activation of an illegal Xenos Time Machine. A madman wanted to return to the beginning of creation and undo all that was to be. I slayed him and destroyed his machine, but it appears I was sent to the far primitive past. 

You would not have the ability to run me through time to get back to my time would you?" 

Barry shook his head. 

"No, I do not." 

Justinian nodded to himself. 

"In that case, I understand. While I am not supposed to intervene in the events of the past, I much rather my future not happen. It is quite bleak for humanity." 

Barry looked up at Justinian curious. 


"Sentient Men of Iron turning on mankind. Rouge Psykers, Daemon Incursions, Xenos picking at the scattered remains of Humanities Empire. Humans warring against themselves for the Golden Age of Technology Tech. An age of Superstition and Stagnation." 

Every word that Justinian just said came from 40k, but it would be his 'future'. His backstory and it worked perfectly. Barry was now looking up at Justinian in horror. 

"That bad huh? Are you even human?" 

"I was born on Holy Terra, Speedster to a Noble House. I was given over to the Imperial Palace when I turned 5 standard Terran Months. I underwent grueling genetic engineering to leave my feebleness behind. 

What you see now is the peak of humanity's Gene Crafting. A member of the 10,000 Legio Custodes, the Pretorians of Holy Terra." 

Barry didn't speak as they kept walking, but when he did so he asked one question. 

"Holy Terra? That Earth?" 

"Affirmative, it has not been called that since the Golden Age of Technology in the 20th Millenium. When Humanities' Intergalactic Empire Fell, Techno Barbarian Warlords waged war for control of Terra. 

They turned the birthplace of Humanity into an irradiated Shell. It's been many millennia since anyone uttered the name Earth."

Justinian let just a tiny bit of emotion slip which worked far better on Barry than it would Batman.

"I feel for you. Couldn't be easy living in that time, but you wish to prevent it?"

"Yes. If I can stop what broke humanity's Empire, I can ensure mankind does not devolve into the state it is in the 41st Millenium. Maybe I can even prevent the Xenoxides." 

"You have been saying Xeno this whole time. That mean alien?" 

"Affirmative. In the 41st Millenium, any Xenos are to be exterminated on sight except a few vassels of Mankind. Following the events of Old Night former allies enslaved humanity's scattered worlds and when we of the Imperium reunited them, we made sure to slaughter any and all Xenos that endangered mankind." 

"What about Superman? He is a 'Xeno'." 

"He was killed by a Kryptonite Fueld Nuclear Bomb at the turn of the 21st Century." 

"Ok, what the hell is wrong with the future you came from?" 

"I am from the worst future." 

Barry couldn't believe it. 

"Since you are here, will you come to the Justice League?" 

"No. My name is Justinian. I shall be seeing you in 12 weeks." 

The Divine Dividing appeared on his back and he flew off into the sky leaving Barry stuck looking up at him. Since his Armor was fully enclosed and Soul Bound he chose to fly away from Earth. 

Barry saw how Justinian's form kept getting smaller, smaller, and smaller until he could not see him. 

"41st Millenium tech is that advanced huh? I better let the League know about him, though he doesn't seem to be evil."

Barry ran off as he could not fly. As for Justinian, he kept flying higher into the atmosphere. Custodes could stay perfectly still without sleep, or food for a Century. Since he was encased in a Soul Bound Armor he was going to take a few weeks to get a feel for his new abilities on Mars. 

He could go all out there and he would have White Martians to test himself out with. He could barely restrain his new found Warrior Pride to test himself in the Crucible of War. 

next chapter
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