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34% That Time I Got Reincarnated in a Fantasy Magic World! / Chapter 12: The Ogre Village Raid

Capítulo 12: The Ogre Village Raid

After sending a message to Demiurge and having him meet us here and wait in the shadows for the attack to begin, I go over my plan with Demiurge, Asuna, and Yuuki. I placed an isolation barrier around us so none of the Dryads who could be listening in would be able to hear us.

"Alright. Here is the plan. Demiurge, you will use your Unique Skill [Emenece] on the Orcs when they get in range to take over their minds. Once that's done, pull two or three dozen Orcs off to the side while having the remaining Orcs encircle the Ogres. Use the Orc General to goad the Ogre chieftain into a dual while burning down the village.

Use the [Puppeteer] ability of [Emenense] to take control of the Orc General's speech patterns and tell them that if he loses, then you'll take the women as playthings to satisfy the lust of his men and that they'll eat the men and children."

"What!?! Rimuru-sama! Please reconsider!" Asuna interrupts.

"No need to worry Asuna. When the Ogre Chieftan loses, we will show up to stop them, minus Demiurge of course. After we kill the orcs, we will invite the Ogres to live with us. They would obviously want to live with their strong heroes who will name them over their burned-down homes right?

Demiurge will have a secondary objective. There is likely to be a second Majin with the Orc General. I want you to capture him, alive if possible, to keep the information leak to a minimum. We will mind-break him with Albedo's skill and make him into our spy. After that use the Orcs you kept to the side to eat the corpses of Ogres I will provide for you.

I may not be able to create souls for their bodies just yet, but I can create dozens of Ogre bodies for the Orcs to eat. This will make the Orc army stronger and not alert Gelmud to the fact that his force had been wiped out, without giving them any useful skills."

Demiurge smiled evilly. "Sasuga Rimuru-sama. You've already planned out so much in such little time. Would you mind if I added something?"

"What is it?"

"Da Vinchi-san wanted to study the effects of [Starved] on the orcs. She thinks it may give us some clue on how to recreate Rings of Sustenance which we haven't been able to reproduce yet without your skill.

The orcs seem to be able to gorge themselves on food without an increase in weight or any other adverse effects. When she observed that an Orc squad took down a Black Spider in the forest, she said the orcs ate several times their own body weight without dying. This could lead to future breakthroughs in the field of health and fitness."

"Hmmm. Very well. After the operation is complete, Da Vinci can keep the Orcs we feed the Ogres to as her lab rats."

"I thank you for your generosity!" Demiurge said as he bowed deeply before disappeared.

I smirked to myself while turning my attention to the Ogre Village in the distance, which seemed to have been brought into a frenzy by my earlier stunt. 'Not long now...'




It was shortly after dark when the Orcs began their raid. They came from all sides, perfectly encircling the village while firing flaming arrows at the thatch-roofed houses. Nearly five thousand orcs rushed in from all sides, cutting down and injuring dozens of Ogre men and women, but strangely, none of them were killed.

It only took a minute before the Ogres, who now had time to prepare, began to fight back. With their superior strength and speed, it looked like, for the briefest of moments, the Ogres would win, but then it happened.

The Orcs suddenly became several times stronger, as though they gained the inherent racial strength of the Ogres themselves.

"Damn them! That Majin was right! The Orcs did attack!" Future Shion yelled as she smashed another face in with her Morningstar. She quickly jumped forward, grabbed a crying child in her arms, and jumped to the town square, where the Ogres were regrouping.

"Father! We should have at least listened to the offer of that Majin! He even warned us for free and he was strong enough to have dealt with all of them by now!" Future Benimaru yelled as he shot another {Ogre Flame} at a group of Orcs, turning them into bacon.

"Shut up! Stupid son! We are the Ogres, the greatest race in Jura! We will not be defeated by mere Orcs!" The chieftain yelled back.

"Damn!" The chief yelled as the remaining Ogres made their way to the center.

"We are lucky that we were warned. It looks like even though we have some injured, no one has been killed or eaten yet!" the chieftain's wife commented after shooting a bolt of blue flame that exploded, creating slightly over-done pork chops out of an Orc who nearly grabbed her youngest daughter.

"Princess!" Future Hakuro yelled as he saw future Shuna being grabbed by the Orc General he was fighting against.

'Damn it all! If I were younger, someone of this level would be nothing to me!' He cursed to himself.

Suddenly, the battlefield fell silent. All but one of the Ogres who were in the village were now squeezed into a tiny circle in the middle of the village. The Orc General seemed to stop the advance of his unit, creating a tense atmosphere as blood soaked the ground and wailes of pain could be heard by the injured. Fireilluminated the otherwise smoky and dark village.

"Heh! You have nowhere to run, Ogre filth! Surrender to us now, at least then you may live as slaves!" He stated with glowing red eyes.

"What!?! We shall never surrender! Unhand my daughter this instant and face the wrath of the Ogre Chief's blade!"

"No. This one is the only decent-looking one here. She will make a fine gift for the Orc Lord. The rest of your women shall serve my men! We need to replace all the precious Orc blood you've spilled here today, after all!"

"Insolence! I shall not stand for this any longer!" The Chieftain said as he prepared to charge.

"Ahahah!" the Orc General said, bringing his large broadsword to the neck of future Shuna.


"If you are so confident, perhaps we should make a wager?" The Orc General said, passing Shuna to one of his commanders.

"What is your demand, pig!?" the chief's wife asked, with a cracking voice.

"Fight me, oh arrogant chieftain! One-on-One! If you win, we shall leave and return your daughter."

"Lies! There isn't any reason one of your commanders wouldn't try to avenge you!"

"Ah, but you see. I am an Orc General and my life extends the presence of the Orc Lord's Unique Skill [Starved]. If I were to die, then the Orcs here would lose their additional strength and be out of range of the Orc Lord's area of effect and revert to their normal state. Surely the Orcs in this situation would be easy pickings for you no?"

'Damn him! He knows that with this many Orcs, we would still suffer significant casualties, though we would still survive!' Future Benimaru thought to himself. "And if you win?" Benimaru asks.

"When I win, we eat the men and children and keep the women as our relief. If our hunger cannot be sated then perhaps our lust can be..."

"Very well! I accept your challenge!" The arrogant chieftain yelled as he charged the Orc General before he even finished talking.


The Ogre chieftain and the Orc General began their dual. While this was happening, some of the Ogres noticed that more and more of the Orcs surrounding them had begun to collapse, while their wounds were mysteriously healing.

This commotion startled many and they began to look around, but before they could spot their invisible savior...




The Ogre Chieftains arm, which was holding its sword, was suddenly severed by the Orc General's strong swing.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" The red-haired man yelled as he fell to the floor, holding his arm.

"It seems I have won." the Orc said as he stepped closer.

Panic swept across the Ogre chief's face.

"W-WAIT! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU!" he yelled, waving his one good arm in front of him.

"Don't beg, its unsightly"

"I-I-I can be of service to your Orc Lord! Please just let my, no I myself am enough! Let me live, please! You can have my daughter and the others!" He screamed, ignoring the look of betrayal and shocked shouts from the crowd.

"F-father..." future Shuna spoke with broken words and tears streaming down her face.

'Old Man!' Benimaru thought in shock and rage.

"Hahaha! You would betray your kin and closes family just so that you may live?"

"Y-yes! I am the one who will evolve into a Kijin someday! I can't die in a place like-"

"Your even more pathetic than I thought," I said, interrupting this facade. I am standing next to the rescued Ogre Princess while all of the Orcs around me fall dead after I cut them down so quickly that only Hakuro could keep up.

'I know that Demiurge wasn't controlling the Chieftain, since I would have had him die an honorable death at least to keep from hurting my future waifu's feelings.' "Blackflash"

All the Orcs in a 20-meter radius around me with the exception of the Orc General all explode as dark red blood sprays out of their now severed heads and bodies.

"I was watching for a while now. I made sure none of you were too badly hurt, since I didn't want my future subordinates to be wiped out." I said as I held the Ogre Princess close to me.

I looked down at her and smiled. "Run along now to your mother, princess," I said as I gave her a push towards the group of much more relaxed Ogres.

"It seems you overestimated their leadership abilities, Rimuru-sama. I thought this would happen after their chieftain so foolishly threw you out before hearing all the details." Yuuki mentioned from the other side of the group of Ogres.

In her direction, all the Orcs had long since been decapitated or split cleanly in two. No Orc had more than a single cut on their body. That was all she needed after all. She had recently gotten the Unique Skill [Zekken] which instantly kills any opponent who doesn't dodge or block one of her strikes, and these Orcs were simply not fast enough for either.

"It's as you said. Look at the state of this village. If that coward could have swallowed his pride, not only would he have a name, but we would have taken care of this problem before it got to this point." Asuna said as she came from the other side. All the orcs in her corner had been pierced in vital areas by her rapier or were being torn to shreds by wind magic by her spirit summon Erika the Sylph.

"Y-your those majin from this afternoon!" The chieftain said, shocked by the sight he was beholding.

"Indeed. This whole scenario was too painful to let continue, so I shall be stepping in to take command." I say as I unsheath my Yggdrasil player blade I used when conquering the Waterfall Palace for the first time, Yoru (Night in Japanese).

"You! What have you lot done to my unit!?! The Orc Lord will have my head for this! I shall kill you, no, I shall eat your arms and legs, gouge out your eyes and rip out your tongue, then leave you to be eaten alive by wild dogs!" The Orc General Screamed as he used [Chaos Eater] and had its tendrils charge towards me.

*Whooosh! Thunk!*

I appeared behind the Orc General as his arm flew off his shoulder and the wound was cauterized with a toxic green flame with a purple core.

"You seem fixated on people losing their limbs. I thought you would like to try losing one yourself." I say cockily as the Orc General falls to his knees and sweats profusely.

"Impossible! For a mere human to-"


His head falls to the side before he can even finish his sentence. I raise my green and a purple flaming sword to the sky and say the name of my skill out loud to show the Ogres my might.

"[Nuclear Flame: Fallout]" as a beam of fire shoots into the sky and rains down on all the orcs in the area.

'This will serve a double purpose. In addition to looking cool, Gelmud will think the Ogres knew nuclear magic and blew up the Orc regiment as their last act of defiance I think to myself as all the orcs become ash instantly.

"A-amazing..." future Shuna says as the Ogres look in awe of my show of force.


It's been roughly a day since my plan went into action. The Ogres were more than happy to join my forces after they put the chieftain to trial. Benimaru, after being named, but before evolving to a Kijin, chopped off his father's head and presented it to the crowd, who all booed and some of the children threw rocks at it.

'Benimaru is pretty smart. He was the one to kill him, so the others will see him and his family in a good light and not ostracize them as the family of a coward and a traitor.' I thought while helping the Ogres find their lost possessions from around the village's burnout husks.

'* Rimuru-sama! My apologies for taking so long. I have successfully apprehended the Majin you predicted. He calls himself Footman.*' Demiurge contacted me.

'*Oh? Did he give you any trouble?*'

'*Yes sir, he was extremely skilled in evasion and had superior physical capabilities to my own, but it seems he was weak to magic since I was able to defeat him that way.*'

'*Well that's to be expected. You're handcrafted to be the perfect tactician and strategist, not a soldier, but you were just as capable as I thought you would be. Excellent work Demiurge.*'

'*Thank you Rimuru-sama! I shall take the prisoner back to Tempest and have Albedo mind-break him.*'

'*Make sure Merlin is there with you. If anything goes wrong, she can trap him in [Beautiful Prison]*'

'*As you command!*'

"Rimuru-sama!" Shuna said as she walked up to me.

"'Yes, Shuna?"

"Eh... Um... Thank you very much for saving my life!" She said as she bowed deeply.

"Ha. Don't worry about it," I say, rubbing her head. It was then that I noticed the biggest problem with Oni girls that I never expected.



After getting back to the city and having most of the Ogres settle in for their evolutionary slumber, I make my way back to the palace.

After teleporting to my throne and having all of my Stars and their Pillars bowing down before me, with the Overseers at my side, I take a seat on the throne I haven't seemed to use in the last few days.

"Raise your heads!" I say, and they comply.

"I would like to now reward the exceptional work a few of you have shown me over the last few days. Chifuyu, step forward."

"Yes, your excellency?" Chifuyu replies.

"Your negotiation skills were key to obtaining the various Dwarven artisans during my trip to Dwargon. As such, you deserve a reward. Name your sincerest wish. So long as it is within my power, I shall grant it to you."

"Yes, Your Majesty..." She thought for a moment before a deep blush popped up over her face. "I...I would like to have the honor to bear your child."

... Silence...

'How come [Calm Mind] only ever procs at times lie this?' I think to myself while I have a straight face.

"""EEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!""" Everyone yells at once.

Golden_Slime Golden_Slime

Cliffhanger-kun strikes again! I thought for a long time about how to portray Benimaru's father but ended up deciding on this.

The next chapter will be all about Shizu and World Building for this unique setting. The chapter after that will be the build-up to the final confrontation with the Orc Lord with the meeting of the Drow and Gabiru's Lizardmen.

The final act to the Jura Forest Emergence arc is beginning! Stay tuned!

next chapter
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