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Capítulo 6: Newest Members

Before me stood five exceptionally beautiful women. My Seats of Heaven, their Pillars, and Overseer.

During the summoning, I made sure to inscribe a few different changes into their characters. For the first change, I made it so that Mordred and Artoria do not have any animosity towards each other by 'customizing' the summoning of them so that they were pulled from a universe where Mordred didn't betray Artoria and Artoria acknowledged Mordred. I also made sure that that particular universe had a female Merlin so that they would all know each other.

Da Vinci was another matter though. I pulled her from a universe where the events of Fate Grand Order occur but the heroes failed, so the world ended. Da Vinci won't have any attachment to that world, though she will still have regrets about it. I could remove these regrets, but if I left them, she would become obsessed with protecting what she has now, Tempest. She would also be great for improving the magic spells and would probably be a fantastic teacher of magic in the future alongside Merlin. After all, those two will probably be ecstatic to learn and tweak Tier Magic and the Skills system.

Scáthach is probably one of, if not the best teachers for pole-arms in fiction and will be essential for training my future armies. Additionally, she has extremely powerful skills and Runic Magecraft from the Age of Gods, so she will be able to teach it to Shuna and the others who will work in the production side of my future kingdom. Now I don't have to worry about those dwarves in the Azalezian Mountains to get Runecraft, though I should probably go there once, just to compare notes.

I smile to myself before looking at my new subordinates. Despite their magic Resistance skills, my summoning ability is above rank EX, since it was given to me by Rob, so they are already loyal to me, which is good since I know for a fact that Scáthach and Artoria wouldn't normally work under someone like me as rulers themselves.

"Welcome, my servants! I am sorry for the unaccommodating summoning, you must be confused as to what you're doing here, but I have need of all of your abilities and expertise. I plan on conquering this world over the next few years, and to do so, you are essential to my plans." I try to speak in a more grandiose manner.

As I spoke, I saw Albedo, Demiurge, and Shiro twitch when I said I wanted to conquer the world in a few years. I know that they probably see me as a god-like being like they saw Ainz, but the fat that I already seem to have a plan shocks them a bit more.

It's true that I definitely have a plan on conquering most of this world. I can subjugate Carrion, Frey, and all of the other countries from the original continent of 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime', but I am unsure if I can defeat Guy or Milim just yet. I'm close enough in terms of power to be able to pull it off, but they both have been around and fighting much more skilled opponents than I for thousands of years now.

Guy specifically, has been seeking the 'Ultimate Skill', which I'm pretty sure is the Origin Skill [Akashic Records] since it is literally a collection of every single skill that has ever, or will ever exist.

Too bad for him though. Unless he has a skill like [Rule Breaker] which allows him to bypass the Voice of the World like me, he isn't able to acquire it since [Athena]'s [Akashic Library of Heaven] is the prerequisite skill to gaining it and two perfect copies of Ultimate Skills cannot exist. He couldn't even perfectly copy [Magicule Breeder Reactor], so I doubt he can copy my skills.

"I understand, master," Artoria says as she drops to one knee with Excaibre placed on the floor next to her.

"Father, our master is strong. If you shall follow him, then so shall I!" Mordred mutters before falling to one knee like her father.

"Fufufu. It seems I've wound up somewhere interesting. This omnipotent one shall lend you her strength for as long as it is needed." Da Vinci states as she bows.

"It seems that our master this time is a handsome one then. Perhaps we can... get to know more about him." Merlin says suggestively as she smirks with a lustful look in her eyes.

Scáthach doesn't say anything but stares at me for a moment, seeming to judge my character, before bowing as well.

'It seems my summoning and customizations slightly changed their personalities, but its their skills that I'm after, not just their bodies.' I think before nodding to them.

I close my eyes and scan through my Ultimate Skills in my head. I know, even without being told, that there is an ability I've recently acquired that will allow me to manifest their loyalty into power.

After a moment I find it. [Vassalization]. Its one of the new abilities in my Ultimate Skill [Hestia]. It grants me the ability to create a crest that can bestow upon others. This crest, similar to giving a name, will empower all those given to it, but it will also grant a number of skills to them as well as force them to be wholly loyal to myself. They won't even question their loyalty, it will be as natural as breathing for them to lay down their lives for me, though I will also be forced to love them in return. They are vassals, not puppets, and Hestia is canonically a goddess dedicated to the hearth and family after all.

'That reminds me. Why are [Athena] and [Hestia] referred to as 'Kings' rather than 'Queens'?' I wonder.

[Answer. Master's common knowledge and subconscious mind associate Kings with being higher than Queens due to previous experiences and knowledge. Therefore, the name of the skill took a higher title. If Master thought that the rank 'Queen' was higher, the skill's name would have taken it, along with [Hephestus: Queen of Creation]].

'Well, that's nice to know,' I thought. This thought occurred in one one-thousandth of a second. Though Acceleration is really broken, allowing me to take as much time to think as I want. I open my eyes and begin rapidly creating a new crest for myself and my subordinates. The crest would give a few intrinsic skills which would be useful to others, but not strong enough to cause problems in daily life or make it so easy that all my subordinates become lazy.

(A/N: See the Skills Aux chapter. I've updated it to include the Ultimate Skills and the Celestial Crest).

I open my hand and a silver light appears on my hand. After a second goes by, the light receeds and leaves a crest, similar to command seals, on the back of my hand. It's in the shape of an eight-pointed star inside two concentric rings. The seal itself is black, but that's only to contrast my skin, it would actually be white on any other surface.

I place my hand forward and white threads of energy slowly extend outwards from my palm, circling and encompassing the bowing servants for a moment in a blinding veil of white light before receding. Briefly, above the hearts of each of the women, there can be seen a copy of the crest before it disappears.

"Now that we have our new members, I will leave it to Demiurge and Albedo to catch you up to speed. Greyfia, see to it that the spare rooms are prepared. Rem, Ram, Rum, please prepare a feast of celebration for our newest comrades. There is something I must attend to, I shall be in my quarters if something comes up that requires my immediate attention." I say before teleporting out of the room.


It has been roughly three days since arriving in the new world. Everyone seems to have gotten used to their newfound skills now. What is most interesting is that the new servants from the fate verse have all acquired new skills and Artoria, Scáthach, and Da Vinci have even acquired Ultimate Skills.

Artoria has [Avalon: King of Utopia], which in addition to granting her protection on par with my [Aegis], grants the lands she owns increased residential happiness, satisfaction, productivity, reduced corruption, and protection from natural disasters. Its the perfect skill for a ruler to have, and now it's mine. Additionally, she has the Unique Skills [Excalibre] and [Rhongomyniad]. [Excalibre grants her the ability to materialize the sword as well as unlimited usage of its unleashed Noble Phantasm state. It also grants her the ability to slightly change causality in her favor to guarantee a path to victory, effectively changing fate so that every battle is winnable with enough effort, even hopeless struggles. [Rhongomyniad] is similar to Excalibur, but instead of granting causality changes to allow for victory, it allows her to ignore all defense and always strike its target with its full power. It can even extend its length at will, so dodging is nearly impossible. I'm pretty sure that that wasn't how Rhongomyniad worked in the fate verse, but I'm not complaining.

Scáthach has a weird one. Her Ultimate Skill is named after her [Scáthach: King of Heroes]. It's an ultimate skill that grants her the ability to plant Heroes Eggs into humans and Demi-Humans but not into monsters. Then, she can train those Heroes, and after they have eclipsed a certain level of power, her Ultimate Skill can hatch the egg, effectively granting her the ability to create and train heroes. She also has a Unique Skill [Gáe Bolg], which is similar to [Excalibre] in that it summons the weapon, but it also has an ability to damage the spiritual body similar to Dead End Rainbow's ability to kill any target in 7-hits, but Scáthach's Gáe Bolg can have this power turned off.

Da Vinci just straight up awakened the Ultimate Skill [Hecate: King of Magic]. She essentially has a better version of [Athena]'s [Grimoire] and can cast any magic that she has seen at least once without a chant or cool-down. Thankfully, she still requires the charge-up time for super tier magic, so she can't just spam the equivalent of Ultimate Skills in an instant, though I heard that she is trying to edit her skill to remove that one too. Rob help me.

Of course, Merlin and Mordred also have Unique Skills as well, but they aren't as important, since Mordred's [Clarent] is just a worse [Excaliber], though it does gain power if wielded alongside Excaliber, putting it in the same class of weapon. Merlin's is [Beautiful Prison], which is just trapping an opponent inside a sub-space similar to how the male Merlin is trapped in a tower in Avalon in canon. I guess it's just a better version of [Unlimited Imprisonment], but if [Athena] is correct, and I know she is, then it can be broken out of given enough time. It also makes flowers bloom everywhere she walks.


According to the reports that I received from Sebas and the Pleadies, the goblin village is not far away and the entrance to Veldora's Sealing Cave is below us. Similar to in Yggdrassil, the Waterfall Palace is situated along a cliffside sitting about a hundred meters or so above the Sealing Cave. The magically created waterfalls are obscuring the entrance, so it took two days for Seabs to find it.

I even had to go down and dig a massive kilometers wide area near the base of the waterfall to keep the region and the cave from flooding. I used the excess material from the billions of tons of rocks, dirt, trees, and other things to create massive stone structures, obelisks, and gardens surrounding the Lake and Palace. I'm going to build my capital here, so I want the place to look nice. I am saving the supermajority of the raw materials for making houses after unifying the different races in the region later on, but I have something I have to do first. I think its time to go say hi to Veldora and get the plot kicked off.

I walk down the hallway to the main library where I can find Shiroe, probably reading up on our large selection of books again. The first day here I summoned thousands of books about every subject from magic, biology, physics, business management, etc. It's the favorite place for the more intellectual types and it's where I find Shiroe sitting reading a book about magecraft from fate while Akatsuki hides in his shadow. I almost missed her, and with my detection skills, that's nearly impossible. She's really good at her job.

"Shiroe, I'm going to be heading out for a bit. I'm taking Shalltear, Aura, and Artoria. I'm going to check out the sealed cave beneath us." I say as I walk up to him and hand him a document with my instructions for emergencies.

In the last few days, Shiroe has learned to live up to his 'Villain in glasses' title, being able to compete even with Demiurge and Albedo in terms of planning skills and being almost able to compete with Da Vinci in terms of Magical ability. Now that he isn't restricted with his class and subclass like in Elder Tale, he has taken up learning all the other magic systems he can.

Normally, I wouldn't interrupt him while he was relaxing, but Albedo is busy reforming the working schedule for the other servants. Unlike Ainz, I up my foot down and ordered all of my servants to have proper days off for rest and relaxation as well as entertainment, since I want them to have a life outside of work. How can they ever have time for their hobbies if they don't, plus I want them to mingle more, to allow for better cohesion and teamwork without having to force it.

Demiurge is working with Da Vinci in creating hundreds of wards and barriers around the castle and the planned town in strategic locations. They have Scáthach with them because she can add a layer of runic magic wards to the mix and offer protection in case Milim or someone like that randomly appears, at least they will have a chance to escape.

"Rimuru-sama! I must advise against such rash action! I know that you are the strongest among us, but the thought of you being hurt..." Shiroe tried saying but I cut him off.

"I'll be fine Shiroe. I can't stay curled up inside the palace forever, plus, I'm strong enough to defeat any of the monsters in that place. Trust me, please." I say as I place my hand upon his shoulder.

Shiroe's eyes widen a bit and I think he wants to try once more to convince me, but one look at my eyes and he shuts up. He nods solemnly before turning briefly to Akatsuki and handing her the document. He turns to me once more and bows.

"They all of Tempest will await for your return."

"Well if that's the case, then I guess I have to make this quick." I say as I make my way towards the exit.

(A/N: '* *' will be for using [Thought Communication EX])

'*Shalltear. Aura. Artoria. Can you hear me?*'

'*Yes, Lord Rimuru! It is always a splendid day to hear your voice! What can this lowly servant of yours do to pleasure you today?*' Shalltear responds immediately.

'*Shalltear! You mustn't bother Rimuru-sama with your clinginess. I can hear it even while using [Though Communication]!*' Aura responds. She seems more interested in reprimanding Shalltear than answering my call, which I find slightly odd, but simply push to the side.

'*Yes master I can hear you*' Artoria says as she completely ignores the other two.

'*Hey squirt! How can your voice be so annoying when your not even in the room!?*' Shalltear continues the argument among her and Aura.

'*I was planning on taking you three with me to explore the dungeon beneith the Palace, but it seems Aura and Shalltear are too busy to spend a few hours with me. Did you want to come Artoria. It'll be just you and me?*' I say slightly teasingly.

"*AHHHH!!!!*" Aura and Shalltear respond immediately. 'Oh sure, now they can hear me!' I think to myself.

'*I would love to accompany you, master!*' Artoria says a little excited. I can almost hear her face flushing a bit.

'*Rimuru-sama! I'm free as well and it would be my honor to accompany you!*' Shalltear interjects.

'*Rimuru-sama! Me too! I-I mean, I would be honored.*' Aura says.

'*Well alright then. We leave in five minutes. Meet me in the courtyard as soon as you've prepared your gear.*' I say, disconnecting the call. This is going to be fun. I wonder what Veldora is going to be like?

Golden_Slime Golden_Slime

Sorry for the short break. I had an interview yesterday and couldn't upload. Fingers crossed I get the job!

The next chapter will be all about Veldora and meeting the Goblins.

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