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Capítulo 29: Carne Village

A/N: So as everyone knows, Overlord is a fantastically dark, Dark Fantasy, so I'm going all-in on that 'Dark' aspect. A lot of the things in this chapter aren't for the faint of heart. This entire Volume is going to go over very dark and evil topics, so if you want to drop it now then go ahead.

Reader disgression is advised.


"Master? Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you?" Hamsuke asked as we watched the village in the distance from the forest's treeline.

"No, I am sure. Just Shizue is enough for now" I reply, turning my back on the Grand Seasonal Hamster.

I walk over to Shizue's side and stare off into the distance. As Ultimate Existances, both Shizue and I have far better eyesight than any other race We can see clearly even at several miles away. Shizue looks impatient and grumpy.

When I told her that the Slane Theocracy was raiding innocent border villages trying to spark a war between the Baharut Empire and the Re-Estize Kingdom, she became irrationally angry and refused to let me leave unless I took her with me.

Apparently, she never liked coming to this region because she was being constantly harassed by the Theocracy to become the 'wife' of one of their god-kin. Normally this minor harassment wouldn't even be that bad to Shizue since female adventurers are often harassed, but what bothered her the most was the fact that they called her a 'Demon' for having Ifrit inside of her at the time and told her that 'it was a privilege to become the wife of a scripture leader for a demon, like you', and other hurtful comments.

By the way, according to Akasha, a 'wife' is simply breeding livestock. Since the Theocracy is trying to keep the bloodlines of their god-kin strong, they search for powerful females to impregnate. Not all of the offspring of god-kin will awaken their inherited powers, so using this method increases the chance of powerful children being born even if they aren't god-kin.

While I was never a fan of eugenics, the Theocracy takes it way too far. Whenever their god-kin aren't training or on missions, they are constantly raping their 'wives'. It is so bad that they will even cripple them by cutting off the women's arms and legs if they try to kill themselves or escape. Only the wombs are needed after all.

This entire region is f*cked up. I am destroying the Theocracy after I finish the 'canon' of the Kingdom and Empire.

They won't get the niceties that the others get. I am going to torture them all to death then revive them and torture them again until I am satisfied. Death is too good for such... there isn't even a word for how disgusting they are. If I compare them to shit, I'd feel bad for the shit to be compared to them.

Shizue had to constantly dodge kidnapping attempts and coercions whenever she was in the region. There was also the fact that even though she was an A+ Ranked adventurer in the northern adventurer guild, they tried to have her start off as a copper plate in the southern adventurer guild and relinquish her A+ Rank in the northern guild.

I was kicked out of my angry contemplation by the Knight's first attack on the village. I had already placed an invisible barrier over the village to keep the villager's souls from reincarnating while not alerting the Theocracy. I watched as they cut down several civilians without a care in the world and some were even taking pleasure in it.

So much for human supremacy.

After I saw Enri and Nezu being chased into the forest, Shizue and I moved. The only reason Shizue kept silent and didn't move until now was that she knew I would revive everyone, so she might not be happy about it, but she stayed put until I moved.

I used the same tactic as Ainz and used {Gate} to teleport in front of Enri who was just slashed on her back.

"What is that!?!" The soldier yelped and stepped back.

"It's my {Gate} spell," I said as I stepped through and immediately wrapped the two in [Steel Thread].

I wanted to kill them exceptionally brutally since one of them was looking at Enri with lustful eyes after he cut her and I was sure this scum wanted to r*pe her either in front of her child sister or after killing the sister in front of her. Either way, he wasn't going to receive a quick death, but I'll judge the other one later. If he was just following orders, then I'd let him off easy with memory wiping magic of his time in the military and let him go back to his family.

I swallowed them with [Beelzebuth] to store for later and turn to the two sisters.

"You're injured. Here, drink this" I say, giving her a full potion.

Enri hesitantly takes the potion and pauses before drinking it. She can't see my face, since I'm wearing a copy of Shizue's mask to disguise my aura, but I definitely look human, so she is more than willing to trust in her savior. After drinking it and being healed, she turns to look at me stunned.

"I-I... Thank you very much, Lord Majin!" She says as she bows. Nezu bows with her after a second and says thanks as well.

"It isn't an issue. Follow me. It will be easier for me to protect you when you are close." I say as I walk back towards the village.

"A-Ah! Lord Majin! Don't go there yet! The village is being attacked by the knights of the Empire!"

"Don't worry" Shizue says while moving her mask to the side. She shows the two sisters a beautiful smile and they blush at seeing such a pretty girl. "Lord Momon is quite strong. Those knights won't stand a chance."

Yup, I'm stealing Ainz's adventurer name. Not like he's here to sue me or something, so I just use it. Its definitely not because I couldn't come up with something original. Definitely not.

Enri nods and holds Nezu close while following behind us. It only takes us a minute to arrive at the burning village. All of the villagers have been rounded up and the knights are standing guard around them. Some of them are discussing what they'll do to the women in loud voices to terrify them. Yup, those ones get to die.

One of the knights notices us from the corner of his vision and walks up to us, taking off his helmet and looking at Shizue with lustful eyes. "Hey hey hey! What a babe! Coming to turn yourself in for a good time? Don't worry. I'll have the Captain spare you so you can be my personal bi-"

I immediately cut his head off with [Steel Thread].

"Disgusting," I say instinctively. I may be a sadist, but even I wouldn't stoop so low as this trash. Enri immediately covers Nezu's eyes and tells her to close her ears too. I didn't kill the other two knights since I wanted to not traumatize the little girl any more than she already will be, but this guy decided to push my buttons.

Some of the knights who were watching from the background jumped in shock and I raised a single hand into the air with an open palm.

"{Threads of Fate}" I say as I let tens of thousands of strings fall around the knights who are then quickly tied up. I tighten the thread enough to cut their skin and cause them to be covered in shallow cut marks.

"[Threads of Gluttony]" I say as I pass thin strips of [Beelzebuth] through the thread and consume them. In my stomach, I have thrown them into pits of lemon juice I created with [Azura Mazda] and I'll let them suffer for now until I decide their punishments later.

The villagers all then gasp in awe and Shizue looks at Enri with a smug grin and nods to her, which Enri only gulps in response.

"Y-you are?" The village chief asks, still sitting on his knees.

"I am Momon. I came from the central region and was passing by when I noticed this village being attacked. My master and I despise this kind of behavior, knights attacking innocents is intolerable, so I came to save you."


"You are all safe for now, however, there is something you all must-do for me."


"Bring me the corpses of the dead villagers. It hasn't been long since they died, so I can still resurrect them." I say as I turn to some of the burning wreckage and begin using water magic to put it out.

Some of the villagers begin to weep and hug each other while some of the men help me put out the fires and layout the corpses. Shizue helps move rubble and save civilians trapped in it and distributes potions to those who are wounded.

After 45 minutes or so, I am led to the center of the village by the old chief and I look at the 30 corpses. I begin to use the {Secret Art of Spirit Resurection} on them. After a few moments, all the corpses are healed and revived. Enri and Nezu run up to and hug their parents while crying and many others do the same. The village chief's wife even hugs me while crying and the chief himself simply holds his infant son in his arms while saying 'Thank you. Thank you,' over and over again while bowing his head to me.

I allow the reunions to continue while Shizue looks over the scene with wet eyes. Nowadays, she tends to wear her mask on the side of her head rather than the top since she doesn't have to suppress Ifrit, so her face is fully exposed to me.


It is later into the afternoon when the evening is beginning. The villagers began cooking up a load of food for a 'feast'. I emphasize the word because they only have loads of low-quality vegetables and cereal crops to eat with since the Governor of E-Rantel takes 90% of their best crops as tax. I decided to treat everyone to some fish that I 'just so happen to have on me' and they begin praising me even more.

It is halfway through the festivities that one of the villagers who was on look-out duty runs back to the plaza.

"Lord Momon! Chief! There are knights coming this way!" He screams causing a commotion.

Many in the crowd become anxious and begin looking at me with hopeful gazes. I stand up and raise my hand to calm them.

"Fear not. If they are hostile, then I shall take care of them, but if they are from this country, then we should welcome them. They may have been too late, but they at least showed up." I can see various complicated gazes directed at me.

I know they are thinking something like 'yeah they tried but what's the point if they are so late' or 'if those knights just did their jobs, we wouldn't have to have gone through that awful experience'. I smile to myself behind my mask. They are thinking the exact thing I want them to. I want them to have as little trust as possible in the Kingdom while praising me, the servant of "Lord Rimuru".

I'm planning on sending traders to this village soon. Those traders will spread the news throughout the kingdom very quickly while lowering the already lowered morale of the kingdom. When I spark the Civil War and invasion, they will welcome me with open arms rather than being afraid and rallying behind the King or other Nobles.

I turned to Shizue and, in a voice everyone can hear, I say "Let's go meet them. I don't want them to disturb everyone's dinner."


Shizue, the Village Chief, and I arrive at the entrance to the village and greet the knights who have come.

I see Gazef notice our presence and ups his guard before arriving before us. He is definitely B+ Ranked, but he could probably pass for A- with his combat experience which means he is slightly stronger than the average Tempest civilian. He arrives in front of us trying to seem bigger while he stips atop his horse, which is the biggest of the bunch.

"I am the Chief Royal Warrior of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff. I have received orders to hunt down the knights of the Empire who have been attacking the villages near the borders" He introduces himself to us.

"I am a Majin in the service of Lord Rimuru Tempest of the Jura Tempest Kingdom, Momon," I say, which instantly causes Gazef to flinch. I notice all of the other knights slowly and inconspicuously reach for their weapons.

"I am Shizue Izawa, A+ Ranked Adventurer from the Freedom Guild." Gazef is even more shocked by this.

"What are you two doing in this village?" He askes while lowering his head and getting more serious. He must be so confused as to why a very famous Human Champion is with a Majin of the new 'Demon Lord' that took over Tempest in Veldoras absence and subjugated the other two Demon Lords nearby.

"Fear not, we were simply passing through and decided to save the villagers here. Lord Rimuru wished to know the state of the Kingdom of Re-Estize and the Empire of Baharut. One needs to keep a close eye on their neighbors no?"

Gazef is shocked again and dismounts his horse. He walks over to me and slightly bows his head. "Thank you for protecting the village here! Mere words cannot express my gratitude!"

"It is no problem. Lord Rimuru despises those who attack the innocent. He is the Demon Lord of Justice after all." I say, giving myself a new title. "But I have something for you that is even more important"

"I'm sorry?" He asks.

I opened [Beelzebuth] and drop four of the lesser scum knights in front of Gazef. These assholes weren't planning on r*ping anyone but still signed up for the mission to kill the innocents because they were disgusting people who viewed those outside the Theocracy as 'lesser humans'. They don't deserve torture from me, but they can suffer in medieval prison for their crimes.

"These four are the only remaining survivors of the assault. They can give you the answers you may wish to know." I say as I look at them.

Suffering from the non-lethal cuts and lemon juice punishment for hours has broken their spirit, so they will speak truthfully now.

"P-please sir! I was just following orders!" One of them yells.

"Y-yeah! The Theocrasy said we'd be putting these people out of their misery from living under the tyrannical rule of the Nobles!" Mob B follows up.

"..." Mob C simply nods with hollow eyes. He seems to have broken due to the constant pain.

"What were your orders?" Gazef asks while looking at them without a hint of pity.

"We were to draw you out so the Sunlight Scripture could kill you off and take your corpse." Mob D says with no enthusiasm in his voice.

"Why?" One of Gazef's soldiers asks.

"If you were killed here and your corpse was taken away, then the Empire could deploy Fluder Paradyne to the battlefield without worrying that you'd kill him in melee. Having a magic caster of the sixth tier on the battlefield would make sure the Empire takes over the Kingdom since they'd destroy any army easily." I add.

Gazef simply nods his head and grabs his sword handle. In one swift motion, he cuts off all four men's heads in one swing.

"Why did you do that? They'd be useful for information if you brought them to prison?" Shizue asks.

"Prison is too good for them," Gazef says, sheathing his blade.

I know he is lying. He can't just say that the 8-Fingers would be hired to pay off the guards and let them escape or murder them before they got any information by the Theocracy. He especially can't reveal the depth of corruption in the Kingdom to an envoy(?) of a Demon Lord who seemingly hates the harm to innocents. If he found out the state of the kingdom, then their kingdom may be subjugated next like what happened with the Demon Lords Carrion and Frey.

On a side note, I had Milim, Ramiris, Frey, and Carrion all contact the other demon lords to block the calling of another Walpurgis for another five months. Their excuse was that a few big things were going to happen in a few months and it would be a shame to have to call the Walpurgis four or five times instead of just once.

Dino immediately agreed with that logic, not wanting to be bothered so often within the same decade, so with a majority vote for pushing it back, I saved myself from that issue.

After exposing to myself for a moment, one of the soldiers under Gazef called him. He told them about unknown figures who were spotted surrounding the area. I sensed them stalking Gazef ever since he came, but it seems that now was the time for Gazef's assassination.

Gazef's mood soured and he turned to look and me before turning again to Shizue. "Shizue-dono. I'd like to hire you if you wood. Consider it a personal request."

"I must decline. I won't accept payment to fight another countries battles" Shizue said while putting her mask over her face. Gazef and the other soldiers looked distraught for a moment.

"However, since they will likely kill everyone here to leave no witnesses, I'll just have to kill them first in self-defense," She said with a smug voice.

[She just wants to look cool...] Akasha said to with I nodded to myself, but to them, it looked like I was agreeing too.

'This should be fun. I'll limit myself to Shizue's previous level and run through them all.' I thought, also grinning evilly to myself.


A/N2: Hey guys! I decided to update you all now since I don't know when else to do so. I got hired full time in a permanent position at my new-ish job

While this might sound like it's a bad thing, it's actually good, since I can quit my other job and finally have my weekends off again. For you guys, that means more chapters. For me, that means I can finally watch anime and read manga again.

I wanted to re-watch DxD since I want to write a DxD fanfic in the future, but then I'd need to re-watch Bleech, Testament of a Sister New Devil, Fate/Stay Night UBW, Hitman Reborn, and the Devil is a Part-Timer since I would definitely include characters and plots from those works, but that won't be for a month or two.

In the meantime, though, I'll be writing a One Piece fanfic. It won't have consistent updates at all because this one takes priority, but for those who are interested, please stay tuned. If you have any characters you'd suggest who fit the world and its power structure, then please leave a comment.

Golden_Slime Golden_Slime

Hey guys! Here's another chapter. I'll do the 'Ruler of Death' stuff next time since there are going to be MASSIVE changes.

See you then.

next chapter
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