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100% TDG: Reincarnated and transmigrated / Chapter 76: Future fathers-in-law

Capítulo 76: Future fathers-in-law

"Sit down Nie Li." Ye Zong said. "Tell us about yourself."

Ah, the oldest trick in recruiters' book.

"Not much to tell actually. I am from the Heavenly Marks family, as you know. After some, let's say, fortuitous encounters, I got access to new opportunities. My purpose in life is to protect my family, loved ones, and Glory City from demons and other enemies, and reach the highest level of cultivation."

"You want to become a Legend rank demon spiritualist?" asked Xiao Yunfeng good-naturedly. He actually believed that the kid could achieve his dreams.

"No, I want to surpass the Legend rank." Nie Li replied making Xiao Yunfeng confused. There was another level above the Legend rank?

Ye Zong, on the other hand, scrutinized Nie Li narrowing his eyes. The last information confirmed the extraordinary source of Nie Li's knowledge. For most people, the Legend was considered the peak of cultivation. He had learned about the power of law, and spiritual gods from his father, a peak Legend rank demon spiritualist. The fact Nie Li also knew about it meant his master could be no lower than legend rank. Maybe even demigod rank. He didn't want to believe that it could be a Spiritual God because it would be too much.

The fact Nie Li had avoided the topic of his master did not escape his notice. "Can you elaborate on the matter of your fortuitous encounter?" Ye Zong asked.

"I can only say that I had gotten access to the knowledge beyond my imagination at that time." Nie Li sighed. "Further elaboration may become dangerous." Even though Nie Li was exaggerating, the reveal of knowledge about his past really could be dangerous. The fewer people knew about it, the safer the secret was.

Ye Zong and Xiao Yunfeng wanted to ask more questions, but they didn't want to alienate Nie Li and his master. They heard the clear warning in Nie Li's words. So they changed the topic.

"Okay can you tell us about the throne artifact?" asked Ye Zong.

Nie Li told them about it not hiding much except for some sensitive things.

"So you can make them yourself. How much would you ask for a couple of such thrones?" Ye Zong asked.

"They will not be much use without proper cultivation technique. I think I can offer such an artifact and a suitable cultivation technique for 20 million." He could offer it for free, but they were patriarchs of the two large clans. It was already very cheap. He won't give them first-class technique though.

Ye Zong became interested. He had seen his daughter's cultivation technique and knew its real value. Twenty million for that was dirt cheap.

"I don't think I can afford it," said Xiao Yunfeng. He could cough up 10 million without digging into clan funds. But then he had to explain to the elders where he was spending so much money. He didn't want that.

Ye Zong wanted to pay for him but Nie Li beat him to it. "We can come to an alternative agreement. I can exchange it for another artifact. And I am mostly interested in mysterious artifacts with unknown purposes." Nie Li was very much interested in the family treasury of the Winged Dragon Family.

The Divine continent was filled with all kinds of treasures. Many cultivators for millions of years used this world as a safe place to hide their treasures. So every family treasure held many interesting artifacts and other valuables.

"I think we can get something arranged." Said Xiao Yunfeng after some thinking.

"What about necklace artifacts? Can you make them too?"

"No, Abstruse gemstones are extremely rare. I was lucky to find some in the Ancient Orchid City Ruins. Even if I made one I won't sell it for monetary value." Even Nie Li's world produced them very reluctantly.

"What about access to the City Lord's treasury? You can take any single artifact from it."

That was very tempting. The City Lord's treasury was much richer. So there should be many interesting artifacts. But Nie Li was mostly interested in acquiring Jin Dan earlier.

"Okay, we are in agreement." Nie Li said.

Ye Zong was also pleased. With a new technique and the artifact, reaching the Legend rank would be a matter of months if not a single month.

"I think I can give the techniques right now. You will get the artifacts later." Nie Li said.

Nie Li checked their soul realms and gave them suitable second-class techniques. Even if they compared them

Both of the lords tested them and were satisfied. The techniques were much faster than their current ones. It was especially noticeable for Xiao Yunfeng, as his current technique was of very low quality. That was one of the reasons why he was still only a 4-star Gold rank demon spiritualist despite being a head of a noble family.

High-quality techniques offered not only a high speed of cultivation but also fewer chances of bottlenecks.

Nie Li knew that it was dirt cheap for such techniques, but he wanted his future fathers-in-law to advance in their cultivation. Especially Ye Zong. Another Legend Rank demon spiritualist in the City will lessen Nie Li's worries about safety. It will broaden the field for some maneuvers.

Xiao Yunfeng's advancement will also strengthen his authority in the clan and make it safer for Xiao Ning'er.

"Nie Li, can you sell more techniques like these? I could buy some for other clan members." Ye Zong asked.

Nie Li stared at him. "I could. But they're going to be much more expensive"

"Oh. How so?" asked Xiao Yunfeng.

"You understand that I have sold those techniques to you with a big discount, don't you?" Nie Li asked.

"And what's the reason for that?" asked Ye Zong narrowing his eyes. He had a pretty good idea why the kid was doing it but he didn't like it one bit. If this kid thinks he can bribe him with a technique to get to his daughter he is clearly mistaken.

"Having another Legend and a Black Gold rank demon spiritualist in the city is a great plus." Nie Li said looking at his future fathers-in-law. "Additionally you are the first and the last line of defense for Xiao Ning'er and Ye Ziyun. At least until they surpass you in their cultivation."

Ye Zong and Xiao Yunfeng stared at him intently.

"Now we came to the main matter." Xiao Yunfeng decided to take the initiative. Ye Zong was trying to burrow holes in him with his stare. "What are your intentions towards our daughters?"

"I assure you they are completely benign." Nie Li said making Ye Zong and Xiao Yunfeng look at him skeptically. "I want to marry them." His words brought Ye Zong into a coughing fit.

Xiao Yunfeng smiled at that. Ye Zong's reaction after taking control of his coughing was much stronger. He didn't see anything benign about Nie Li's intentions.

Before they said anything Nie Li continued, "But I am not strong enough yet. I will send my family envoys to you when I will reach the Black Gold rank to get your permission to court them."

That made Ye Zong pause. It was actually not a bad idea. He himself reached the Black Gold rank in his late twenties. Even if Nie Li's cultivation was faster, it should take at least a couple of years for him to reach it. That should be enough time to consider options. He wasn't sold on the idea of a son-in-law yet, even if could admit that the kid was extremely talented. Especially considering his interest in another girl as well.

"We will see." Ye Zong responded non-committedly. "But there mustn't be any kind of ... improper actions before that." Ye Zong added looking at Nie Li strictly.

Nie Li nodded. This world was strict with such things. Even if harems were common here, any kind of hanky-panky before marriage was strongly frowned upon. And showing his affection towards girls openly may bring him to his grave early with his current abilities. He was practically stealing two brides from the Sacred Family's clutches.

"But don't wait too long," said Xiao Yunfeng. "There's a betrothal agreement between our family and the Sacred family for the hand of Ning'er. She will have to marry Shen Fei in two years otherwise."

"I won't." Nie Li responded. He wanted to tell them that it would take him half a year at most to reach the Black Gold rank but decided to keep it to himself. It may come off as bragging. But he added growling "She won't marry Shen Fei ever." He remembered Kaize's report about Shen Fei's latest stunt.

Seeing his reaction adults looked at each other. They must think it was because of jealousy. As usual, the Sacred family had done their best to bury the scandal before it got out. But Nie Li had a surprise for them.

"Okay, we will talk about it when the time comes," Ye Zong said. He decided to talk with Yunfeng alone later about the Sacred family situation. Even though the City Lord usually wouldn't interfere in the affairs of other clans, his interest in the Winged Dragon family wouldn't allow the Sacred family to act too overboard.

"Now let's talk about your other artifacts. Like your..." he looked at a paper on his desk and read. "Fones, scanners, armors, and that flying artifact of yours. The City Lord's Mansion is very interested in buying those."

"Star shuttle isn't finished yet. But I brought samples of other artifacts..." Nie Li started to demonstrate his artifacts and explained how they worked. Xiao Yunfeng was also interested in some artifacts. So he too joined the conversation.


Xiao Yunfeng liked his potential son-in-law. The kid was simply a priceless treasure. He again thanked the heavens that his daughter had chosen him. He would have acted like a protective father if he wasn't already burnt out. He had already been forced to accept that his daughter would marry Shen Hong's pervert spawn. So when another candidate appeared on the horizon he was really relieved.

Ye Zong, being not as receptive to the idea was actually an opportunity. It would mean less competition for his daughter. She could become Nie Li's main wife. Otherwise due to her position being higher Ye Zong's daughter would have had better odds for the position.

So he would not discourage his daughter if she decides to act a bit adventurous. Even if it rankled him he understood that Nie Li was her and their only chance to get out of the Sacred Family's clutches. And the kid also loved his Ning'er greatly. The jealousy he showed when he heard about her engagement to Shen Fei clearly indicated that.

Who knows what kind of heights their family can reach in the future? Maybe, if the heavens will, they will become one of the Great families of Glory City.

He must talk with Nie Li alone. He can do that when Nie Li visits the clan to choose an artifact from the family treasury. Xiao Yunfeng wasn't worried that Nie Li wouldn't find anything interesting in the vault. He had something that would interest him greatly. After all, according to his daughter, Mo Clan's mysterious treasure was in Nie Li's hands.


Ye Zong was also evaluating Nie Li while talking about artifacts. Even though his paternal instincts wanted to dislike the kid, the further conversation showed the kid's real nature. Nie Li wasn't the arrogant kid he expected him to be considering his abilities. He was confident in his abilities, frightfully competent at his job, and mature for his age. Even his nephew, who was older than Nie Li seemed immature compared to this kid.

Ye Zong could admit to himself that the kid was a decent party for his daughter. And considering the fact that he had more time to evaluate him further made the situation even better.

Whoever Nie Li's master was, he was an unparalleled expert. And by passing that knowledge to Nie Li he helped Glory City greatly. Advanced alchemy recipes, unimaginable artifacts, divine cultivation techniques! What else would this kid reveal in the future?

The fact that the kid wasn't averse to sharing his knowledge spoke well about his character. Gu Yan also sings praises about him every time they meet. And as a friend of Alchemy Association's president, Ye Zong already had an access to those exclusive pills.

Ziyun was also already showing great improvement. In the past, even if he tried not to show it, her talent in cultivation disappointed him. Despite all of her hard work, she couldn't reach the bronze rank for a long time. He himself started the school as a 1-star Bronze rank demon spiritualist. His father and even Ye Han were the same. But after starting to attend school in one and half months she had already reached the silver rank. That was much more impressive than anyone in the clan achieved in the last centuries.

He knew that most of those changes were due to Nie Li's help so he was rather forgiving towards the kid's affection. If everything goes well, she may inherit his position as a City Lord. Or maybe even Nie Li if he continues to show his unparalleled talent. In that case, his marriage to Ziyun would be very important for the Snow Wind Family.

Nie Li wasn't some commoner like his father had been. The Heavenly Marks family while small, had a very long and distinguished history. And surely with Nie Li's appearance, their star will shine brightly again. So he couldn't simply poach him into his family. He and his family may take offense to that.

Ye Zong sighed internally. How much it would have been easier to make decisions not taking into account their political ramifications. But it was impossible. He had tried to keep his daughter out of this cesspit called politics by trying to pass the position of the City Lord to his foster son, Ye Han. But with her current speed of cultivation Ziyun would surpass him quickly. That would mean she wouldn't be able to avoid the political games of the city.

So he would try to shield her as much as he can and try to prepare her for that inevitable future. He also has to talk to Xiao Yunfeng before he tried to play political games with their children's lives.


By the end of the discussion, they came to an agreement to buy artifacts for almost 200 million from Nie Li. Among them were a dozen cell phones, two artifact armors, a number of weapons, scanners, sensors, and many other mundane devices. Most of them were bought by Ye Zong. But Xiao Yunfeng also bought some artifacts. Artifacts were quite exotic products in Tiny World because of the absence of heavenly energy. All of the artifacts found here were brought here from other worlds and they were quite rare. But most of them are almost exclusively powerful artifacts like Nightmare Demon Pot and his Starlight Crafting Plate.

Nie Li also agreed to provide techniques for another two members of the Snow Wind Family for full access to the City Lord's treasury vault. One of the people getting a cultivation technique was elder Ye Xiu. From what Nie Li understood he was leaving the city for some business. Most likely to meet with lord Ye Mo.

After finishing the negotiations Nie Li left leaving the adults to discuss his person on their own. He had achieved what he came here to accomplish. He got a lucrative business deal and left a good first impression on his future fathers-in-law.

He also passed the artifacts he had on his person. The rest of the order he has to deliver by the end of the week.


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Guys, I apologize for my laziness. I had some trouble writing this chapter. I rewrote it a couple of times and then dropped it for some time. I have written something on Fallout and ASOIAF. Maybe I will publish them in the future if I decide to continue them. The truth is my interest in this fic is waning. I am continuing it because I said that I will try my best to finish it. But I cannot guarantee any schedule.

next chapter
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