With all of their things slung over their shoulders or laid onto a makeshift sledge the adults pulled behind them the entourage of refugees made their way through the thick foliage of the forests at the foot of the Shiverpeak mountains, as silently as possible as nobody was eager to be targeted by an ogre or some other kind of monster that roamed these woods.
Alvar and Veli were both walking at the front with vigilance, at times throwing furtive glances at the surrounding vegetation, just like all the adults and some children were doing. If they had learned one thing in the weeks of their stay inside these woods than that some of the creatures living inside of it were stealthy buggers that knew only too well how to trick those not suspecting anything while traversing the thick trees and bushes.
His sword slung over his shoulder in its sheath Alvar carried a round shield on his left arm while the spear he had picked up in Hoelbrak that night was held easily in his right, able to thrust forward like a snake at its prey at only the slightest sign of trouble.
Veli meanwhile carried a shield as well on his left arm and held a mace made of wood and iron in his right hand, a weapon made to crush and grind to dust all that had the misfortune to be hit by it.
Of course, the mesmers of the group had thrown some spells into the air as well to hide the groups presence but it was harder to fool monsters and animals as they were more in tune with their instincts than humanoids.
Luckily the group did not encounter any monsters on their way out of the forest and thus soon pushed through the last line of trees that made up the border of the Shiverpeak mountains and its bordering forests.
Stepping out of the green jungle like forest Alvar took in the sight before him with wonder and fascination. Standing atop a small hill his eyes roamed over the landscape that laid below his feet and seemingly stretched into the far horizon without end.
Endless hills and valleys covered in lush green grass nearly bursting from its abundant vitality stretched as far as the eyes could see, now and then interrupted by some kind of road that meandered through the hills like a snake of made of sand and stone alike, inviting all those travelling on it with an unspoken promise to traverse its body to the ends of the known world.
Stepping forwards Alvar made his way over to the nearby road and threw a glance back at the emissaries with a question in his eyes to which they only responded by pointing towards the west, causing Alvar to turn back around and start marching onto the road.
Following him was the group of refugees who, just like Alvar observed their surroundings with awe as they had never before such lush and healthy fields that were just perfect to groom cattle on it or sow fields of wheat or other kinds of grain.
On they marched. Minutes soon turned into hours and the initial fascination of the landscape disappeared just like shadows under the suns glare, replaced by boredom and fatigue as the had been marching for hours already.
Thus, the adults decided it was enough for the day and called the group together to erect a small campsite near the road. With the usual bustling of children and adults alike the camp, or a more suitable version for their short stay, came to be, ending the day with a comfortable bed and a filled stomach for all those present until they would rise the come morning to keep on travelling until they would finally reach the first settlement of Humans.
Gerdi was decidedly not happy with her current situation. After she had felt elation for a short moment at the sight of her comrades bringing down the foolish Norn and their city Hoelbrak, her mood had only plummeted as she was carted of and smuggled out of the city.
Now she found herself joining a group of snot-nosed kids and adults, that should have perished in Hoelbrak, travelling south and thus away from her master… Something she really didn't like.
But, as she had thought one night, now that she was here and part of the last surviving Norn of Hoelbrak, she may as well make the best of her situation and gather as much intel on the fools as possible.
After she had made that decision she had found out one morning with glee that they were headed towards Divinity's Reach, the capital of the remaining Humans. Now she found herself a new goal. She would find out all of the Human's weaknesses and inform her master about them so that, when he came down to claim the rest of Tyria, the capital of the Humans would fall like a house of cards when exposed to a hurricane!
Only the security check in Divinity's Reach worried her but she had been taught well enough that she mused she may be able to fool the Human guards but if not she would simply have to cut her way out of the city so that she could finally join her master in the Shiverpeak mountains. But all in due time…
Hope you enjoyed it^^
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