The Academy...
People—or perhaps Mortal—know this place as the most prestigious, extravagant, powerful and influential school in Armenia who educates Aisha, special Mortal, and demigods the secret, values and knowledge of Armenia. Not only do they teach students how to read, write and fight. They also teach them to the best of their ability and guide them to be full fledged graduates, giving them the most noble title in Armenia's Military History.
This title is not for aristocrats, it is a title that is given mostly to all graduates of Myrrh Academy. However, given the fact that chances go to them once in a while, if there are those who get to be accepted, there are also those who've bound to fail and won't be accepted as incoming and upcoming students.
I am having fun writing this story, also, I'll try to update bonus chapter as per the request of the reader but please keep it in minimal one chapter... I am not like any other authors, but your motivation made me want to work and create more chapters. In the future, I will update as many chapters as you want!