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35.71% Super Saiyan White / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Capítulo 5: Chapter 5

"The next time you see me, I'll be the only Superman that ever existed! Better yet I'll wish for the annihilation of all life in the Multiverse! I'll be the only thing left!" Prime cackled maniacally before zooming through the portal at insane speeds.

Goku struggled to stay afloat in the air as his god-aura faded and Superman appeared with Diana and bother Lanterns in tow.

"What the hell is that?" Superman said referring to the portal.

"It's a doorway to my Universe," Goku straightened himself as best he could, "And Prime just went in there looking for the Dragonballs."

John and Hal shared a look before simply turning back to Goku in confusion, "I'll bite, what does this have to do with Dragon's balls?"

Diana floated towards Goku, wrapping his arm around her neck and supporting him as best she could, "Goku, we don't understand…"

Goku pushed her away quickly, "My son, I have to find my son…" The Saiyan cut his Ki flight and free fell to the ground until he was only a few hundred feet up, catching himself and stumbling onto the ground slowly tripping and falling into the massive crater that contained Goten and Trunks, lying unconscious in a pile of rubble and dirt.

The planet was in disarray, millions of people dead across the planet, heroes from all over the world dying to protect people who would die moments later from another catastrophe. They pleaded with some lower heroes, vigilantes, cops, and fireman, anyone who would listen… Where is the Justice League?

Superman, Wonder Woman, both Lanterns and Martian Manhunter approached crater that Goku had landed in, they found him, holding his son in his arms, tears in his eyes but, not yet shed. Trunks was close by, in just as bad of a condition as Goten but, he simply didn't have the fatherly love that Goten did, as close as the two Saiyan's were, it was Goku's paternal instinct that drove him to tears. He limped over to Trunks and placed his foot weakly on his bruised chest, applying no pressure but, placing two fingers to his forehead and instantly teleporting away.

Clark and Diana sighed, "We can't just keep following him around, the planet is in ruins, and people need us."

Hal grunted, "No, they need us, you guys need to follow and take down Prime before he causes trouble for another Earth as vulnerable as this one was."

John sighed, "We need some back up, I'll call Gardner and Kilowag for support but, the death toll keeps rising so we need to get to work." John flew off into the burning city, attempting to save as many as lives as possible.

"Diana, he needs us but, more importantly, he needs you," Superman blasted off into the atmosphere as Diana contemplated this for a moment or two.

"What the hell happened out there?" Batman growled as Goku carried both Trunks and Goten into the med-bay, blood dripping down his face and onto his Gi.

"Superboy Prime is gone, he traveled to my Universe to find the Dragonballs," Goku informed him as he placed the two teenage Saiyans on the silver tables side by side. Goku stroked his sons face slowly, smiling to himself, "My son did his best but, it wasn't good enough."

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Goku," Superman announced as he and Diana entered the room.

"You never told us you had a son, let alone two," Batman inquired as Goku sighed, reaching into Trunks' jacket pocket and pulling out a small brown pouch.

"In my Universe, it's been nearly a hundred years since I had seen my son, I assumed he passed but, apparently he wished for eternal youth to protect Earth alongside his friends," Goku pulled a small green bean from the pouch and munched on it quickly, crushing it with his teeth and tasting its powerful ingredients. The Saiyans muscles expanded quickly before retracting again, all wounds healed and the blood quickly vanished.

Batman stepped back, "What the hell did you take? You're completely healed!"

Superman used his X-ray vision to analyze Goku, "Better, his muscle density increased, he's stronger now."

"That's a Saiyan genetic trait, we get stronger every time we heal from a fatal wound," Goku explained, "As for my sons, the power they used was actually nowhere near as powerful as my God Form but, it had no control over area of effect of his Ki."

"Uh meaning?" Superman asked folding his arms across his chest.

"The power was weaker but uncontrolled; he would have destroyed the planet fighting Prime," Goku tightened his fist and stared at it, "Speaking of which, I owe him a rematch."

Diana immediately stepped towards him, "He nearly killed you!"

"But, now I know his fighting style, he can't use any of those moves on me again successfully. Plus I have a few techniques I didn't get to use," Goku smiled brightly at Diana who, blushed slightly, "We should go to my Universe, there we can use the Dragonballs to wish everything back to normal."

Batman sighed, "Goku, are you sure you can just wish millions of people back to life?"

Goku put a finger to his chin, "Sure, I can… I've done it before."

Batman grimaced, "Why does this not surprise me?"

"Well, we may need their help so why don't you give your son whatever medicine you took and lets go after Prime," Diana explained as she stood closer to Goku, he sighed and held the brown pouch upside down, revealing it to be empty.

"Looks like there was only one," Goku sighed, "He'll heal, don't worry but, we're gonna have to beat Prime on our own."

"Even if you have a boost in physical power, their still no way you can beat him! He's just too powerful," Clark rubbed the bridge of his nose, "Is there some sort of prison of some sort that could hold him in your Universe?"

"No, I don't think so… best thing would be the Room of Spirit and Time but, even then, he could rip a hole between dimensions and escape anyways," Goku grabbed a capsule from Trunks' jacket, he looked at it and smiled at the large C logo, "Capsule Corp created these, man they really know science and stuff."

Batman sighed disappointedly, "Science and stuff?"

Goku floated in the air outside of the Watchtower with Superman and Wonder Woman beside him, he looked at the capsule closely before pressing the button mechanism on its top and tossed it in the air before floating back slightly, allowing it to explode and open the gateway to his Universe. Diana was intimidated by visiting Goku's universe, filled with power houses like himself and even perhaps, Goten's mother?

"So, Goku, are you excited to see your family again?" Diana asked nonchalantly, trying to get answers about a possible wife or love interest. Clark raised a brow at this; he could hear her heart beating faster but, said nothing only smiling.

"Nah, they all died a while ago… Goten and Trunks just wished for eternal youth remember?" Goku didn't even face her when saying this, chuckling as he did so, "Dende and Piccolo might be alive though; they have really long life-spans."

"Is everyone ready?" Superman asked as he floated past Goku, "We need to make this as quick as possible; take down Prime, wish everyone back and come back."

Goku and Diana nodded as they quickly zoomed into the portal.

DB Universe

Prime floated above West City, with red glowing eyes and a triumphant smile, "Either give me the Dragonballs or I'll continue to slaughter these weak humans!" Beams of heat flashed through the sky as people scattered in the streets, buildings exploded and screaming echoed through the streets.

Prime floated down and grabbed a crying child by the neck, "Do you know where the Dragonballs are?" the child stared at him and continued crying loudly which Prime reacted to by activating his heat vision again only, before he could vaporize the child, a yellow orb of energy exploded on his back, barely tickling.

Two seven foot tall, green, muscly, alien looking men stood behind him only a short distance away, one was wearing a long white turban with a purple and red Gi underneath, a hat also covered his seemingly bald head. The other man sported similar clothes only different color variations.

"Who the hell are you two supposed to be? Aliens?" Prime scoffed loudly and laughed with his hands on his hips, dropping the child abruptly, "You won't like trying to fight me."

"Piccolo," the alien without the turban shuttered slightly, "I can feel his power, its immense!"

Piccolo tried to read the man's mind but, it had no effect, "Damn, he has some sort of mental defense, what should we do, Dende?"

Dende chuckled, "We have to fight… as bad of an idea as that sounds like."

Prime stepped forwards and lowered his hands by his side; He flashed a sinister grin before narrowing his eyes at the two Namekian's, "Go ahead, give it your best shot."

The portal opened, spitting Goku, Diana and Clark out one by one, as they noticed the world around them, the portal closed.

"Wow, it's been so long," Goku smiled as he looked over the horizon, he was hundreds of feet above the ground but, he could still feel every Ki presence on the planet at once.

Superman gazed around with his telescopic vision, "This planet is so advanced, flying cars, teleporters, hover boards, at least a century or two ahead of us."

Goku laughed, "That would be thanks to Capsule Corp, the owner of which was a personal friend of mine."

Diana smiled, "I see, where do you think Prime would have gone?"

"I can feel two power levels at their peak, way higher than any human could be, near West City," Goku felt for their Ki and immediately placed two fingers to his forehead, "Hold on," As they grabbed his shoulder, he teleported away instantly.

Piccolo quickly jumped behind the safety of a building, placing his back flat against the wall, he huffed loudly trying to catch his second wind. His weighted turban and head-cover had been long since removed and he was already missing an arm as well, "Damn it," he strained his shoulder muscles for a quick second as a new arm regenerated from his body spilling green juices from the wound. He stretched his new arm for a moment, peeking over the wall to see Prime spilling heat vision in the opposite direction, vaporizing buildings and attempting to hit Dende who maneuvered quick enough to dodge the blast.

Piccolo noticed his enemies distraction and came from behind the wall, cupping his hands together he charged an orb of Ki in his hands, "Light Grenade!" he growled loudly as the orb expanded into a wave, big enough to encompass a small island and powerful enough to destroy stars. Once the bright energy dissipated, he allowed the smoke to slowly drift from the palm of his hands, smiling as he did so.

"I still got it," Piccolo huffed as he looked around and saw not even a body to speak of. He was celebratory until a fist came pultruding from his right pectoral; it went straight through his body to where the Namekian could look down and see the bloody fist.

Piccolo ejected a splatter of blood from his mouth as Prime retracted his hand from his body, "It's too bad, that might've stung a bit if I didn't have this ring."

Piccolo fell to the ground, his body slowly bleeding out but, he had survived far worse than this. Prime sent his foot into Piccolo's abdomen, punting him across the burned asphalt and into a wall. Bones shattered and muscles were twisted and burnt but, Piccolo still lived.

"You're a tough one, tell me where the Dragonball's are and maybe I'll spare you," Prime stepped closer to Piccolo who was simply too injured to answer, he was going to finish the alien off when suddenly…

"Solar Flare!" Dende swooped in as a bright flash of blinding light engulfed the area, causing even Prime to cover his eyes in pain. The former guardian of Earth sped in and grabbed Piccolo, quickly finding cover for when the blinding affects wore off.

Prime staggered, finding a wall to lean on he slammed his fist into it in pain causing the sky scraper it belonged to come crumbling down effortlessly behind him. "Damn, that really hurt," Prime rubbed his eyes as his vision cleared up, "Where did he go?"

Across the city, Piccolo stood, Dende's healing ability never failed, all injuries were nullified, "I'm not sure where the Earth would be if you weren't gifted with that ability Dende, thank you."

Dende chuckled, "Don't mention it, we need a strategy."

Prime had no problem using his hearing to find the two warriors from miles away, easily pinpointing their location, he wooshed in next to them, "Here's an idea, tell me where the Dragonballs are and you won't die today."

"Fat chance," Dende spat as he put his hand up in a fighting stance.

Goku arrived above the city with the two heroes in tow, Goku looked out towards the city and immediately felt his jaw tightetn, "No, all the people… There's no one left…"

Superman's eyes turned a sinister crimson red, "Prime…"

Diana drew her sword from its sheath, "He will pay dearly for this; by Hera I swear it."

The three super fast heroes immediately made land fall, in the city as Piccolo came flying through a building and landed in Goku's arms, nearly unconscious and already broken but, he didn't look as bad as he had earlier, "Piccolo, are you alright?"

The Namekian lifted his broken neck, "Goku, it… it can't be… how?"

"You just rest now old friend, this is my fight now," Goku laid his friend down on the concrete gently, "I'll give him one for you," Goku stepped forwards, as explosions were heard from the battle scene, Goku's eyes widened, "There's someone else fighting!"

Dende rushed Prime, sending jab, cross and uppercuts in combination with Ki enhancements, his blows shook the city but did nothing to Prime as he stood and tanked every blow as they came. Superboy quickly grabbed Dende by his neck, lifting him off his feet, "It's time I put it to rest, nighty-night."

Superboy's eyes turned vicious as his heat-vision lit up, fortunately, as Dende struggled to break Prime's grip, a flash of speed came through the city, Goku's fist slammed into Prime's with the potency to shatter entire star systems it pushed Superboy off his feet and through multiple buildings, dropping Dende as he did so.

Goku caught Dende, "Are you alright, please tell me your alive, Dende."

"Goku? You're here, how incredible," Dende chuckled as he was lifted into the air and teleported back to where Superman and Diana waited.

"I'm going to give you two an important task," Goku started as he handed Dende to Superman, "Keep alive at all costs, even if it means your own lives. If he dies, the Dragonballs are useless and everyone who died in the last two days will stay dead."

Diana and Clark shared a look before nodding, "We should be helping you," Diana stated as she looked away.

"Diana, I'll be fine, I've fought people way worse than Prime before. I'll win this time, no doubt." Goku smiled and wrapped Diana in a warm, sincere hug. Goku released her but, kept his arms around her waist, "As clueless as I seem, trust me, we have a lot to talk about later, Diana."

Diana blushed redder than a tomato as Goku released her and floated up into the air; His Super Saiyan Blue aura charged up quickly engulfing and enhancing his entire being.

Diana stood flabbergasted, "Wow, we all thought he didn't know but,"

"Goku is just full of surprises lately, isn't he?" Piccolo muttered from the ground as choked on his own blood.

Clark sighed, "We have to get these two to safety. Goku is confident he can win and from what my X-ray vision can tell, he's way stronger than before anyways. We have to keep this guy alive at least or all of this is for nothing," Diana nodded in response and picked Piccolo up quickly flying off.

"Where should we take them?" Diana asked as they began flying higher in the air.

Piccolo coughed as he spoke, "I… know… a place…"

Goku clenched and unclenched his fist, he could feel his strength and how much more powerful he was than before, he could feel his ability to win but, it wouldn't be easy.

Superboy blasted up from a pile of rubble, blasting off into the sky and facing Goku as they floated above the city, "YOU!"

"Me," Goku stated calmly as he smiled, "Round 2?"

"WITH PLEASURE!" Prime's aura expanded as his anger grew with every passing moment. His veins began glowing with crimson red energy, his eyes turned red once again but, not from his inherent heat vision but, from the blazing anger that came with his Red Lantern Ring.

"This time I won't lose, I guarantee it," Goku allowed his muscles to expand as they both floated upwards into the upper atmosphere. Goku's bright blue aura expanded further as he charged his Ki to its absolute limit.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN WIN THIS? NO! I won't leave a TRACE of you left this time!" Prime shouted into the air as he charged his crimson lantern energy.

"You hurt my son and that's something I will never forgive you for," Goku's calm attitude turned into one of pure vengeance, "I won't let you leave alive, Superboy Prime!"

They floated towards each other slowly; as they gained proximity they exchanged light speed connections before separating again. Neither had landed a hit yet but both were eager to try.

"I refuse to fight you here, let's go somewhere people won't get hurt."

Prime raised an eyebrow as his anger skyrocketed, "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU WANT!" He flew in for an impressive haymaker but, instead of making contact, Goku moved to the side allowing Prime to pass him. He reached out and placed a hand on Superboy's back, teleporting the both of them to dead space.

The blackness was slightly overwhelming; the only things illuminating the area were the two fighter's individual auras and the small white specks that represented distant stars.

Prime looked around, staring at the darkness around him, "Damn you, well I can't say I didn't deserve that one. Fine, I'll kill you here but, I'm not taking your body back to Earth this time."

Goku gave a cocky smile, "Fine with me, but there won't be a body left for me to worry about when this is over."


Prime rushed his Saiyan opponent, throwing rapid fire machine gun jabs directly to the center of the face but, each strike was dodged by Goku floating backwards slowly and moving his head side-to-side at nearly a thousand times the speed of light. Goku's expression turned to a cocky grin, leaving Prime's fist to grow red with crimson energy as they picked up speed.

Goku threw his hands up in perfect timing, catching both of the Kryptonian's fists in his palms; their auras grew in power and size as they clashed and caused sparks to fly. As their power increased individually, Goku let out a loud roar and sent his forehead forwards head-butting Prime and releasing his grip sending him backwards. Goku dematerialized and appeared behind Superboy, kicking him upwards into space.

Goku smiled and blasted off after him leaving a streak of neon blue behind him, once he easily caught up with Prime he sent an orb of Ki into his chest blasting him towards a moon.

Prime stopped himself before he made contact with the lunar mass and instead used it to his advantage. "You've improved, I can tell but, YOU WONT BEAT ME!" Prime turned around and dug his fingers into the surface of the moon, smiling as he pulled the moon from its position in dead space and lifted it over his head.

Goku's jaw fell ajar as he witnessed the blinding darkness of the moon's shadow falling over him; He charged his godly aura and strengthened his muscles as Prime barely had to grunt to launch the massive asteroid at Goku. The Saiyan held his hands out in front of him and closed his eyes as the moon slammed into his palms and pushed him through space. Goku's aura grew massive, illuminating the area for miles and strengthening his muscles with a loud scream, he pushed on the moon until its momentum ceased.

Prime's smile faded as he witnessed the massive object stop in its tracks, "What?"

Goku tightened his jaw, "Ka… Me… Ha… Me… HA!" from his palms came a beam of blue light, immediately pushing through the moon and flying right out the other end even faster than Goku's own combat movement. The beam shattered the moon and slammed right into Prime's chest, which didn't even bother dodging but, the beam burned through his suit and nearly created a hole in its center. Prim forced his hands in-between the energy and his chest and pushed it upwards, defecting the beam into the void.

Prime was expecting his body to immediately heal from any pain but, while he was still healing, it was slow and prolonged. His body was still aching even though several minutes had already passed. He was becoming furious now, he was too far away from any stars to have an efficient healing factor but, the suit he wore made sure he wouldn't run out of stamina.

Goku materialized in front of Prime, seeing as how he was generally winning this fight so far, Goku wasn't worried at all. He crossed his arms and smiled, "If you give up, I'll make sure to end it quick."

"That's… THAT'S MY LINE!" Prime's power skyrocketed once again; his ring fed off his rage and hate and formed a shield of crimson around him as his raw power grew with every passing moment. "I WILL KILL YOU!"

Goku chuckled, "To death?"

Superboy lost it, he dropped his shield and, at speeds even Goku couldn't keep up with, he crossed the Saiyan in his jaw knocking him through space at high speeds. Prime followed suit as Goku reeled back and prepared for mid-flight combat as the Kryptonian's proximity lessened by the second.

The exchanged blows, this time even faster than either had moved before. Each time they collided they became a certain number times faster than before, each gaining advantages and disadvantages throughout the battles. Goku's main advantage was his refined skill and combat experience while Superboy was far superior in raw speed and strength; as they collided, reality around them began to rip and warp as they hit harder and harder. Goku deflected a roundhouse kick and managed to get a set of super-powerful japs into Superboy's ribcage before following up with a pointblank beam of blue Ki engulfing him.

Even from the eyes of someone like Superman, their movements were a blur, completely invisible but their shockwaves could be felt all across reality, if barely. Goku began launching a volley of powerful energy bullets ripping apart Prime's suit piece by piece.

Prime quickly wrapped himself in a crimson bubble to protect from the orbs, "DAMN IT ALL!" Prime's power skyrocketed again, this time exceeding Goku and pushing passed anything ever thought possible by the Saiyan.

"He's insane! He'll tear apart the Universe that way!" As Prime charged his energy into his body, reality warped around him, twisting and shifting, nearly tearing at the seams. "I have to end this now!"

Goku looked down as he charged his own energy, his blue aura was dimmed all around by a bright red hue all around him, red lightening zipped all across his body as he slowly charged the technique, his muscle mass increased, his speed increased, even his senses and reaction time increased, "Kaio-Ken!" The red hue around his neon blue aura expanded into a massive twenty foot crimson aura surrounding his already significant neon god-like blue aura. This power-up caught Prime's eyes as his power halted, "He has even more power?"

"Times… 2!" Goku disappeared in a literal instant, even faster than his teleportation, he zipped across space-and-time and appeared behind Prime sending a round-house kick into his energy shield, shattering it and, kicking Superboy right across the face. Prime flew faster than he could travel as he passed random planets through space, suddenly though, they approached a yellow star only a few light years away.

Prime absorbed that energy for only a moment before having enough strength to stop him mid-freefall. Prime straightened his back and took a deep breath of nothingness into his lungs, feeling restored and renewed he wasn't surprised to being unable to see Goku appear in front of him. As if he were teleporting, Goku appeared behind Prime again but, this time his advance didn't go unnoticed as Prime turned and collided fists with the Saiyan. Prime screamed and pushed more force into his fist, breaking Goku's composure and forcing him backwards where he received a barrage of super-fast blows that were only barely defended against.

"Kaio-Ken times… 3!" Goku's aura shot up once again as all of his power tripled and his senses did the same; his eyes began to adjust being able to see Prime's movements once again. His hands flew from the defensive to the offensive as he grabbed Prime's wrist and elbowed him in the nose pushing him back. Superboy held his face as Goku came in for the right cross-left jab combination that knocked the Kryptonian around easily enough.

"I'M ENDING THIS HERE AND NOW!" Goku shouted at the top of his lungs, "KAIO-KEN TIMES TEN!" His entire aura grew ten times as great and his physical stats did the same.

Prime shouted as his aura grew and his eyes turned a sinister red as if the ring was flooding his body with more power than before, Superboy began vibrating his fist at insane speeds, each passing moment the fist grew in mass and speed as it became more and more lethal.

Goku charged all of his remaining Ki into his left fist and a golden aura flooded the void around him, his entire spectrum of colors all folded into the center of his fist, charging his ultimate attack he flew forwards as Prime did the same with even greater speed.

Prime's infinite mass punch was finally prepared as he was only feet from Goku when he shouted, "DRAGON FIST!"

As their fists collided once again, all was silent; the reverberations from the connection came seconds later with a sound of space around them warping and tearing, the dimensional walls shattered like glass and the entire Galaxy around them folded into nothingness.

The Living Universe, Hell, Heaven, the Kaio-Realm and everything else in the macroverse shook violently, nearly tearing the walls that separate them apart as well.

In Hell, there was a certain section created specifically to hold the Universal threats that crossed through there. This section was known only as maximum security to anyone who even knew of its existence. There were very few people locked up here, most of them were quiet these days but, there was one who wouldn't ever shut up.

The pink gooey demon-child made of pure magical energy banged on his chest loudly as he screamed. Nearby there was another pink-demon although this one was quiet and calm. He was taller than his child counterpart and seemed more mature as well, "Do you ever shut up?" He asked calmly as the child stopped banging and gave him a curious look, the taller Buu simply looked back down at his long baggy pants and his gleaming 'M' belt buckle.

"I almost had it all, omnipotence! But then that pesky Goku and Vegeta had to change us into this immature demon-child!" The taller Majin Buu stood to his feet as he felt the violent shaking below him.

Rips and tears between the dimensions formed around him, slivers of light leading into the living world. He could feel Goku's power so clearly, so vividly despite the space between them I felt as though he was only a few feet away. Super Buu analyzed these holes and revealed a sinister smile, he recognized it. Just like when he was trapped in the Room of Spirit and Time; just like before he turned into a sliver of pink gum like goo and slid through the hole in the barrier leaving his child counterpart confused and annoyed.

Goku stood stern with his fist still connected to Prime's but, as the seconds passed, his technique completed itself. From Goku's fist came a massive golden dragon covered in a flaming aura that completely engulfed Superboy Prime, the energy surrounded his entire body and began destroying him on the cellular level. After only a few seconds, his entire body was turned to dust by the impressive attack. Superboy Prime was no more.

Goku barely managed to keep his god aura as he his stamina was practically completely exhausted; he made sure Prime was gone as the golden dragon dissipated into the void. Once he was sure that the threat ended, he placed two fingers to his forehead and dematerialized from sight.

On Earth, several miles into the atmosphere, there was a large fortress with a castle sitting atop it. On this fortress, Dende was fed a senzu bean and was restored to health. After he was healed he healed his mentor Piccolo who thanked him kindly; Superman and Wonder Woman felt more than out of place amongst them as it was completely out of their comfort zone.

"So you all know Goku then?" Clark finally asked to break the silence.

"I've known Goku since we were children," Piccolo responded as his turban and head-wear was materialized onto his body.

"He doesn't speak of you," Diana pointed out, "We never knew there were warriors like you on Earth."

"Goku doesn't talk much about his family; he's too depressed about it. Instead he throws himself into his training, growing an addiction to combat," Piccolo didn't look at them when he talked, he simply stared over the edge of the look-out.

"Why would he be depressed about his family? That seems like it would be the only thing someone like him would care about," Diana responded as she folded her arms, "I'm sure he cares for his wife, at least."

"You must've misheard me, I said he doesn't talk about them, I never said he didn't care. Goku was given a longer life-span as a side-effect in order to return to the living world and fight an enemy that threatened the Universe. His family did not gain this life-span… soon his son passed away as did his wife. His youngest son was chosen to be a guardian but, by the time that had happened Goku had fled the Earth in search of something greater," Piccolo sighed and smiled, "The man loved his family more than anything else in the world. More than fighting, more than eating and even more than defeating an enemy that was only feet away from him; family always came first."

"I see," Diana said pondering his decisions.

"And if you're wondering if he's looking for a relationship," Piccolo started as he looked at her for the first time, "Just remember that he's not as clueless as he acts. He's actually a pretty clever man."

Suddenly, Goku materialized onto the look-out, gasping for breath and returning to his base-form; he collapsed to his knees immediately as Clark and Diana surrounded him, helping up.

"What happened? Did you win? Or is he still coming for us?" Clark asked frantically as Goku looked up at him and grinned, throwing out a thumbs up.

Clark and Diana shared a look and smiled, "You did it!"

Diana threw herself into his arms just as he stood, she embraced him tightly but, he winced in pain, gasping as he let go.

"Are you injured?" She asked but Goku shook his head.

"The Kaio-Ken takes a toll on my body, I could use some healing," Goku eyed Dende with a smile as he grinned in return.

"Of course, Goku, anytime," Dende placed his hands over Goku's body as the rejuvenating Ki waved over his body and soothed his wounds, sealing and mending his bones and muscles. Goku felt good as new as he smiled brightly at everyone.

"Now we only have one thing left to do," Goku smiled and approached Dende, "Do you have them?"

Dende nodded gladly, as Mr. Popo stepped out of the castle with a pillow in hand. On the violet and gold trimmed velvet pillow, seven orange orbs were glowing brightly in synch.

"These are the Dragonballs," Goku announced as Diana and Clark analyzed them.

Clark took a loom with his microscopic and X-ray vision but, saw only crystals, "It's just crystal orb, nothing unusual about it."

"Ah, Ah, Ah… its imbued with magic, nothing is as it seems," Goku waved his hands over the pillow as Popo placed it on the ground of the look-out.

"Eternal Dragon! Come out and grant my wish!" Goku's sentence was drawn out but only silence followed. After about ten seconds the glowing became brighter, the clouds above them covered the sky darkening it across the globe, static-electricity zipped across the seven orbs as a massive bright yellow energy shot up from the balls and into the sky. It grew and grew until its entire form could not be seen in the sky, only parts of its body intertwining with the dark clouds and its massive green face. It had dark red eyes, long sharp fangs, an elongated snout, and long brown antlers sticking out from its head.

"I am the Eternal Dragon; state your wish, I will grant any two," The dragon's voice bellowed across the sky, booming through the air and almost giving Superman an ear ache.

Goku raised his hand to the sky, "Shenron, for my first wish I would like you to restore all the damage by the one known as Superboy Prime since he returned two days ago!"

"That is a simple task; your wish is granted."

On both Earths, buildings were restored, fires were revered, explosions were completely undone and all damage done to each and every inch of either planet was completely mended and healed including both the Moon and Mars of the Justice League Universe.

Goku smiled, he felt his Zenkai boost fade away as his power had gone back down to its level before his first fight with Prime, it was a small down-side but, more than worth the rewards. Goku raised his arms once again smiling as he did so, "My final wish is to restore life to all those killed either directly or indirectly by Superboy Prime or myself in the last two days!"

"Another simple wish; it is done!" Shenron's eyes glowed a bright crimson red as he politely excused himself, "Your wishes have been granted; until the next summoning, farewell."

Shenron turned back into pure energy and disappeared from sight, just as the Dragonballs floated up into the air and scattered themselves across the planet for the next person to stumble upon them.

"Good work Goku, you always manage to save the day," Piccolo congratulated as he placed a hand on Goku's shoulder, "I'm surprised you haven't gotten yourself killed over the last hundred years."

"It's a surprise to me too," Goku chuckled sincerely as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Clark smiled, "I'm glad everything worked out, but, it's time we head home," the Kryptonian cleared his throat and looked around, "Uh, Goku, were you going to stay here or…"

Goku looked around for a moment and rubbed his chin, "Nah, it's nice here and all but, it gets dreadfully boring. I think I'll chill with you guys if it's alright with you."

Diana stepped forwards and embraced the Saiyan, "It's definitely alright with us."

As Goku said his final goodbyes, he put a hand on Piccolo's shoulder smiling, "Whenever you pass on, say hi to Gohan, Vegeta and the others for me."

"Of course, old friend," Piccolo waved them off as they stepped through the portal. As it closed, it shrank smaller and smaller.

Piccolo turned around and blasted off into the sky, rocketing away at supersonic speeds. Just as the portal was about the size of a quarter, a pink string of gum-like substance flew in at impressive speeds and crossed through the portal just before it closed.

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