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37.8% Summoned (Hotd) highschool of the dead / Chapter 31: Just call the police

Capítulo 31: Just call the police

" do we go about this?..."Takashi asks as he stares at the Humvee that was parked in the garage.

"Well, there ain't a lot of ways we 'can' go about this, we take the car, drive close to the station, park it in a secluded spot and check the place out...police or not, i don't think it's a good idea to march over there with a military-grade vehicle...because i'm a hundred percent sure, that if there are people in that place, we'll lose the car and everything in it. I...don't need to tell you in what kind of a tight spot we'll be in if they do take our stuff...and then decide that our problems ain't worth dealing with..." I respond as i look at the Humvee...and take a bite out of the energy bar that i held in my hand...

(Uhh...I'd rather be eating a normal meal right time...I guess we could say that we...ate the fish...which we didn' they went bad before we could even bring them here...)

"Yea, you're right..." Takashi nods without saying anything else...and...just keeps staring that car.

A couple of seconds later, Kohta walked into the garage. A first aid kit and a coil of blue synthetic rope in his right hand. Three rolls of duct tape and two rock-climbing hooks in his left hand.

"I checked the boat's small front storage and found these. Makes me wonder if the people that used to live here were into extreme sports" He says as he tries to get a better grip on the items in his left hand.

"Rope and duct tape?...Hmm not bad, that's something we either won't need...or need really badly, throw them in." I point at the open trunk as i look at Kohta.

"You know it's a shame these hooks can't be shot from the crossbow we would look really cool if we could tie a rope around them and use them as grappling hooks..." Kohta chuckles as he moves to the back of the Humvee and starts placing the stuff inside...

"Crossbow?" I ask as i finish eating and lower my headgear...Kohta then pulls a Barnett Wildcat C5 out of the trunk...along with three arrows.

"You know, the one we found in Rika's house..." He answers as he looks at the weapon...

(Wait...we took the crossbow with us?...Holy shit, i totally forgot about it...)

"And...why are we not using it? It should be more silent than any can get the arrows back...right?" I ask as i stare at the weapon in Kohta's hands.

"Well..yea, but we only have three arrows...and to get more, we also need to find some hot glue to actually attach the arrow points and nocks...and this bow can only shoot twenty-inch carbon or aluminum arrows with half-moon nocks..." Kohta stops for a second and looks at the arrows.

"And...while this crossbow 'is' strong...i don't know if the arrow points we have can do the job...or if we need actual broadheads, as the points we have are 'target points' which are normally used for target practice, not hunting. Now if we do need broadheads...we'll probably need the expandable ones. And also need to know how to 'draw' the crossbow correctly, so it won't end up causing damage to the arrow or it self...also, you must never dry fire it" As Kohta kept talking...he...uhh...started going from 'why we're not using this crossbow''How to use this crossbow'...and...while i did read a little about crossbows...well.

"...You lost me on...'this is a crossbow'.." I respond with a deadpan voice...Kohta just turns to look at me...and blinks a couple of times...

"Well, take a seat then. " He says as he starts talking...again...

(Well...knowing a thing or two about it...could be helpful)

And so...while Kohta was filling my head with crossbows, arrowheads, arrow points, knocks and stuff can't even fucking pronounce...the rest of the group slowly gathered into the garage...

And...about forty minutes later...

"...You can also find information on how to pull the string in the manual. It was inside the locker next to the crossbow so i took it with me...oh...and the 'handle' is normally called stirrup." And then...he stops a breath.

"Do you want me to explain how..."

"Uhh Kohta, the group is waiting...we should get going." I cut him off as i point at the group...which...also had a visibly annoyed Rei inside...not that i blame her...she doesn't know her father isn't at the station...or...that he's still alive.

"Right...sorry everybody" Kohta gets up, puts the crossbow and arrows back into the trunk, then slams it shut.

"We're all set to go!" He says as he turns towards the group and makes a thumbs-up motion.

And so, after opening the front gate, we all enter the vehicle...and drive off.

(We aren't going to close the gate was a nice place...oh well)

I turn my head away from the door window that was to my left and look straight ahead, at the backside of the driver's seat...

"Learned how to use a crossbow?" Saeko, who was sitting next to me, leaned her body slightly forward before turning to look at me.

"If having a forty five minute long chat taught me how to use that thing efficiently...then i'd know how to use satellite cannons by now" I say in a joking manner as i also turn to look at her.

"Umm, that...would actually depend...mostly on the interface. If it's user friendly or, how does it navigate? Does it have a joystick? Or it only uses LAT and LONG commands that you need to type in via a keyboard?"...And Kohta, who was once again sitting on the 'leg section' of the car that was behind the front passenger seat and in front of Takashi and Rei, speaks up again.

"Wow...Kohta, how do you know so much!" Asami who was sitting on his legs turns around to look directly at him...

"Ehehe, well..." He then gets all flustered and starts scratching the back of his head. I chuckle, shake my head, and turn to look outside the window again.

(Mister killjoy...heh...)

I put my hand under my chin as i keep staring outside...

(Aright...So, now...We...have the police station, let's focus on that...

Though...the being said, there ain't a lot to think about...or anything that i want to 'change'...we go there...the place is empty, Rei almost has a nervous breakdown while being a total bitch...we get three new guns along with a couple of lower quality handguns and some ammo...we then find about the evacuation...and that Rei's dad is also there...and then...we leave...if...anything else happens...then i'll see to it then...i need to...get used on doing that anyway.)

The rest of the trip was...pretty much uneventful...and quiet, as apparently, nobody could think of a topic to chat know...for the others, we were close to finding Rei's father...or what remained of all kept quiet.


"Gunshots!" Rei shouts as several gunshots echoed in the distance...loud enough to be actually be heard even with the car's engine running...meaning...we were getting close.

(You know...i always wondered...who did fire off these shots?...Corpses with twitching fingers?...It wasn't just one shot though...more like five or six of them...maybe from a gun that was set to fully auto? In any case.)

"If we heard gunshots, then we definitely need to hide the car before we go in there" I turn to look at the group as i speak.

"Huh, why? My dad works as a police detective there, he w..."

"No i agree with Naier on this one, it's not just your dad that will be there...and if a higher ranking officer decides that the car should be taken from us, then we'll be left to go on on foot...and we're not done yet...we still need to find your mother...and my mother" Takashi cuts Rei off before she could finish...yet, she just turns to him and nods without much of a fuss.

"Well...if you're going to do something, then Asami thinks that you should probably do it quickly, the Police station is not very far from here" Asami speaks up right after.

"You were stationed here Asami? But you said that you didn't know my father" Rei asks as she turns to stare at the police girl.

( his face in the entry test or something?)

"Ahh, A..Asami was still a new member there...she didn't manage to meet all the people that worked in that station...before...this happened" Her voice trails off as she speaks.

"Well...should i park around here somewhere?" Shizuka asks while keeping her eyes on the road.

"Hmm...i can't see any place where we could hide the car though..." Takashi answers...and sadly...he was right.

(We're surrounded by houses and multistoried buildings...there's...nothing we can use around here to hide the car in...or...wait...)

"What about an alleyway?...If it's narrow enough it can block the doors, then the only entrance...and exit would be the hatch...which...uhh...locksss...form the mind we can't, no wait, we can open the trunk with the keys..."I put my hand under my chin as i speak...and...

"I hope you didn't burn too many brain cells while thinking of all of that..." Saya turns around to look at me from the front passenger seat. A slight smirk on her face.

(Ohh Laugh it up would ya...)

"Uhh...yea...i can't see any other way so...let's try that" Takashi responds.

And so, after Shizuka tried to squeeze the car into a couple of alleyways and ended up trading paint with the wall before realizing that they were way too narrow for the car to pass through...we finally found an alleyway between two multistory buildings that was just bearly wide enough to fit the car in.

"Ok, Like always Shizuka, engine off, let the car roll in until it stops." I say as i look at the wall to my left.

(Well...we're sandwiched between to very high'll probably be rather dark here even in the middle of the day...except for when then the sun is directly on top of the alleyway that is...still, much better than leaving the car in the middle of the street)

"Are we...really going to leave the car here like this?...I don't know, it seems...risky" Kohta asks. I turn my head to him...only to see that he was actually staring at me...

(Why you say we and then look at me dude, i ain't the frigging leader here)

...Yet...nobody said a thing...

(Oh for fuck's sake)

"Well for good measure, we will also cover it up with the urban net that we used to hide the things in the trunk...that's all we can do for now" I glance at the net behind me as i speak.

And...a couple of seconds later...the car came to a complete stop...

"Ok...we'll exit from the hatch right? Let's go" Takashi moves to exit through the hatch as he speaks...and one by one, we start leaving the car.

Right before getting up, i also grab the net along with Kohta, and once out, we close the hatch and somehow manage to cover the Humvee while half of the group was still standing on it...after making sure that Shizuka didn't forget the keys inside of that i think of it...that sounds more like 'my' field of expertise...

I then turn to look towards the direction we came from...i didn't see any corpses...but...

"We go from the way we entered?" I ask as i point at the entrance we used.

"Hmm...well, we can go on from that way...but...if we leave from the other side of this alleyway, the police station should be just around the corner" Asami turns around as she points in the opposite direction.

"As long as we can return the same way, then it works for me" Takashi responds as he jumps down from the car's hood and motions us to follow him.

I just shrugged and followed the rest. Saeko, waited for me to jump off the car, and then starting walking next to me...and... i also noticed something...

(You know, Saya...might have been right...about Saeko staring at me more...and no, that was not a complaint...)

Now, as for the path we took. We did have a couple of corpses that roamed the narrow path, but, they were too spread out. So Rei, who was at the front of the group, dispatched them without any real trouble, seeing that the way she fights consists mostly of forwarding stabbing...meaning the narrow path did not hinder her too much.

It then took us a couple of minutes until we finally exited the alleyway. Asami then pointed towards the right...and...i could actually see a tall building that looked like the police station from the manga not too far from here. It was on the road after the intersection that was to our right, on the opposite side of the street, if taking our current position into consideration...

I could also see cop cars parked there...and one of them...was toppled...or more like, whoever drove that car, ended up making it slide on its right side...before slamming its roof to a railing...I don't know if Rei didn't see the frigging wreck of a car, but...she just dashed ahead of us without saying a word...

"Rei!" Takashi shouts as he runs after her...

"No people on guard...and a police car left embedded to a railing...i don't think she's going to like what comes next..." I say as i also start running after the two.

" should not interfere...this is something that's between the two of them" I hear Saeko say as she also starts running beside me.

"I got no intention of interfering ...but we should keep the perimeter safe...i get the feeling things might get...loud...shouty type of loud..."...I turn to look at Saeko as i finish speaking...she blinks a couple of times...before nodding.

And...The moment we reached Rei and Takashi...

"W...what's going on! We heard gunshots earlier!" Rei shouts.

(OOOOkkk, here we go, Rei is about to go full bitch mode...Yea, i want nothing to do with this...)

As Takashi starts speaking, i walk past them and head straight towards the building's entrance, the whole field in front of the building was relatively huge and had like...three corpses?...That all roamed towards a shouting either case, they were nowhere near the entrance, so i just casually walked up to the half-open sliding glass doors...

(Like in the anime both the inside and the outside doors have been forced open. Enough for a person to squeeze through...still...the insides are clean...clean as in no blood on the floor, as i can still see a lot of papers scattered around...but that's about it, no bullet casings, no broken things...)

"The insides look clear" I nearly jumped in place as i heard a voice to my left. I dart my head to see Saeko right next to me. looking inside the building through the glass door.

(...Holy shit, when did she even...)

She then turns to look at me...and tilts her head with a questioning look.

"Is something the matter Naier?" She asks.

"Nothing, just didn't realize you got here...but yea, you're right, the insides...'do' look clear...i think...we better inform certain people of it...before they end up going berserk..." I motion towards Takashi and Rei with my head as i turn around, Saeko responds with a nod and starts walking behind me, and the moment we got near the group.

"So, i think they all left while we were still at the mall." I hear Saya talk.

"Plus, the insides look clear, no blood, no bullet casings...worse i saw...was papers on the floor" I add up right after her.

(Good thing Saya mentioned that the people here bailed while the group was still at the mall...had she said the island...ohh boy, i'd have one angry ass Rei on my face right now...)

"So everybody is gone?..." Alice asks.

"I don't know, guess there is only one way to find out" Takashi looks at the building's entrance as he speaks.

"let's go then. We got...unwanted guests coming our way" I look around at the oncoming corpses as i speak.

The group nods, and then we all head into the Police station. The moment we got in, Kohta closed the inside doors...though, i don't know if these glass doors can hold back a corpse...tempered or laminated glass maybe?...I then glance around the room.

(Well...looks the same as in the manga on the inside too...

Less than a meter ahead of me, two rows of cozy looking seats that extended towards the wall that was straight ahead, they were also positioned in such a way that made the rows be 'back to back'.

Further in and a slightly to my right...i could see the map...on the wall that faced the exit doors...the corridor that we'd probably end up taking was straight ahead and a bit to my left, that's also where the wall with the map ended...deeper in that corridor, i could also see a toilet sign...that's...where the corpse couple should be at...

Now...To my left...over a small counter-like wall, i could see desks...a lot of them...

To my right...a long counter, that ran all the way from where i'm standing, to the wall with the map that was straight ahead...the counter didn't go all the way from wall to wall through. There were also a couple of big cement pylons that extend from the counter all the way up to the ceiling...and behind the counter...a wall that stopped before actually reaching the 'map wall' in other words...there was also another corridor behind the counter, on the far end...i could also see two doors on the wall that was behind the counter...police stations have reception rooms? no idea.

And behind me...the doors...a vending machine...and some weird-ass, human-sized mascot.)

"There is actually a little blood on the floor here" Rei speaks up as she kneels down and looks at the floor next to the seats.

"The doors were half-open, meaning 'somebody' opened them after the E.M.P. blast...could be the police officers who left the building...but i'd expect the doors to be left wide open if that was the came in after they all left?" I look towards the map as i speak.

"Asami you know where they keep any of the ammo and guns here?" Kohta asks as he walks away from the door and stops next to the cop girl that was looking at the giant, pink, humanoid mouse mascot that stood next to the door.

"Umm...Asami only knows that they kept the confiscated items on the third floor..." She lowers her head as she speaks.

"Hmm...we should keep our eyes open then, while we have ammo in the Humvee, it won't hurt to have more, so let's look for any guns and ammo...then, we'll look for clues about Rei's Dad" Takashi then turns to Saya.

"Anything else we should keep in mind?" And while he was asking that, i went to look at the map.

(Hey, Derp-two, how do we hide something?...I don't know Derp-one...let's not putting a name on it...after we have first named everything else of course...

I mean...that's what i'm looking at here...the only room that's left the armory)

"Can't you think for your self?" Saya frowns as she folds her arms.

"Well, a leader usually has people to help him strategize...right?" He says with an awkward laugh...Saya frowns but doesn't speak up...

She then walks up to me...or well...comes to look at the map...while in the meantime, i turn around to leave.

"Hey, you're already here, don't be an idiot and make your self useful." She says as she turns to me and puts her hands on her hips, while also leaning her upper body slightly forward.

"Uhh...i'd really want to...but uhhh...burnt too many no can think" I respond with a deadpan voice...Saya narrows her eyes and glares at me...with...quite the mean-ass frown if i might add...

(That' angry hamster...she really doesn't like getting side jabbed ehh?...Ahh well, i 'should' help her, lest she starts thinking that i'm actually trying to avoid i get the feeling that giving her the cold shoulder treatment...won't end she'll probably end up being even more toxic to me.)

I turn to the map and point at it.

"There's one room in the back left side that has no information on it, if it's something that the Police don't want others to see, then it might be something worth looking at" I turn to Saya as i finish speaking.

"See, was not that hard now was it?" She says as she corrects her posture, folds her arms and smirks at me...I just...shake my head and turn to look at the group.

"Back room towards the left then?" Takashi asks, Both Saya and i nod.

"...Asami feels so useless...this was the building she was stationed, yet she can't even help" Asami drops her head as Kohta puts his hand on her shoulder.

"Asami...Hirano, Naier, can you keep an eye out while we look for the room?" Takashi then motions for Rei and Saeko to follow him...Saeko..gave me a quick glance before following the other two.

(Hey?! Where are you taking my samurai!?)

And...the moment they got near the toilets...Takashi and the two girls...found the 'corpsified' couple, as it crawled outside, attracted to the noise...i...don't need to mention how fast they got rid of them do i?...I almost felt bad for these two...

And shortly after that, they found the door. Then called for the rest of the group to come in the manga, the door was locked with a Numpad lock...Rei then asked if Asami knew the passcode...only for Kohta to mention that the lock didn't function anymore because of the about a nice save...and then, Saya pulled out that weird drill thing...and after giving it to Kohta, she then turned to me with her arms folded and a grin like she just saved the world...i think she wanted a head pat...

"What would we do without you?" I respond with a very silent chuckle as Saya kept basking in the glory.

(Well, the truth is...that she did save us, this one might be empty, but the room with the confiscated gear was also locked, and that one...did have ammo and guns inside...anyway the stairs are right behind

As Kohta keeps drilling, i walk up to Saeko.

"The second floor is near, if there are corpses near the stairs they will hear the drilling..." I stare at the stairs as i speak, Saeko glances at me and nods before turning to look at the stairs as well...

And so, while Kohta was trying to open the door...i just...stared...around...


"AHH...finally..." Kohta leans back and puts his hands on the floor behind his back, then he takes a few deep breaths...yet, before he could say anything else.

"Naier!" I hear Saeko shout, i turn around to see a corpse on the stairs.

"T..thats Officer Kato..." Rei freezes the moment she sees the corpse.

"Looks like he was trying to commit suicide after getting bit" Saeko runs up the steps as she speaks, and stabs the officer in the head. At the same moment, a second corpse became visible as it shambled down from the upper floor. I let go of the shotgun, pull the bokken, and run up the stairs.

(Guess it's about time i did something)

I stop on the last step and hit the hilt of the sword on the metal handrail, causing the corpse to focus on me...

I then 'stab' its leg while holding the bokken with my left hand and grab its shirt with my right. Crouching down, i then pull my right arm under the top part of the handrail. The corpse, while it did manage to grab my right arm, ended up landing with its neck against the railing. I then turn to look at Saeko...she...licked her lips with a slight smirk as she raised her sword over her head with both arms, only to bring it down a second later, chopping the corpse's head off like an executioner.

"Go look inside! Me and Naier can hold them off!" Saeko shouts as she glances at the group that was by the door.

And...the moment they disappeared into the room...she turns to look at the decapitated corpse, her chest visibly moving as she took deep breaths...and her face...visibly as flushed...

(Oh she?...)

"That was...way more exciting than i...expected it to be..." She closes her eyes and lifts her head to 'look' at the ceiling. Taking deeper, and slower breaths...until she finally calmed down.

"I am...sorry...but...could I hope won't mind helping me...fight like this some times...i..." She turns to stare at me as she speaks. I...just put my hand on her head and ruffle her hair without speaking...she in turn, closes her eyes and giggles with a smile as her head swayed lightly from side to side...

(...I'm seriously...getting cuteness overload right now...)

And just then.

"Arrghh! Of course! The police got deployed throughout the city! Of course, they would take their guns and ammo with them! Why didn't i realize this sooner!" I hear Saya shout from inside the room.

"We're done then! Saya! Where should we go to find information on where the police force went!" Takashi shouts right after.

"Ahh! Wait! Can we check the room Asami mentioned! The confiscated items are not owned by the Police, they should still be there!" Kohta shouts right after.

"Right! Third floor!" Takashi bolts out of the room and turns to look at us as he runs up the stairs.


"Third floor, confiscated equipment. You guys were shouting so loud i would probably hear you all the way from the frigging Humvee" I respond as i put my finger over my mouth in a 'silence' motion...Takashi's eyes then go wide.

"Oh, crap...right..." He shakes his head and turns to the group.

"Kohta, don't forget the drill. Naier, Saeko can you guard the rear? Me and Rei will go up front" He says as he turns to us, and we both nod.

And like that, we went up to the second floor and then to the third...Takashi then told us to wait at the stairs, while he looked at the hallway up ahead...and after a couple of seconds.

"Not too many here, let's go." Takashi motions us with his hand as he keeps looking at the hallway.

(The riot gear dude should be around here)

I kept my eyes to my right as the group started running down the hallway...until finally, i saw a corpse that was inside a room, a little further off from the doorframe, a silenced MP5 hanging on its side as it slowly moved towards us.

(Found ya)

I lightly tap Saeko on the shoulder, and the moment she turns to me, i point at the corpse...she looks at it...and nods.

"Takashi, what we need is weapons right?" She asks.

"Right." Takashi responds.

"Then, these...should do!" She slides in front of the armed corpse before turning her back to it, then passes the blade right through its head.

(...They', two, one )

"YAAHOOO!" Kohta pretty much leaps on the fallen corpse as he shouts, with Saeko bearly managing to slide aside.

I then also walk up to the corpse...kneel down and look at it...

( bigger than me...damn...different size...well...there was the part that the gear he had might have been infected...especially the helmet, gloves and vest...both the helmet and the gloves have been in contact with the dead body for god knows how long...and the smeared with blood that dripped from its mouth, so yea...that one is definitely not worth the risk...shame i can't take the helmet and vest...but even if i could...they're too big for me...the leg and arm guards 'should' be fine to take...but...uhh...too big)

As i look at the corpse, i notice the handgun and the leg holster.

( Beretta M92 Vertec...preety sleek gun...or well, i think it looks nice...that don't mean that the P220 i got looks bad but...uhh...i like this design more...still, both this and the MP5 use 9x19mm's...and thankfully we have plenty of one of the crates we took is full of either case... let's see if Saeko will turn me down again)

I grab the handgun and take the holster off the corpse's leg, then take the extra two magazines that Kohta had already taken off the corpse along with their holster. Then i get up, and go to Saeko...she glances at the gun...before turning to stare at me without saying anything.

"Not getting out of it this time i'm afraid, we have extra guns." I put the gun in the holster and toss it slightly into the air before grabbing it again...Saeko smiles...and closes her eyes before letting the air out of her lungs. She then opens her eyes and looks at me.

"You'll teach me how to use it?" She 'asks'...

Well, the answer is pretty obvious...yet...right before i could awnser...i notice...right from the corner of my eye...that Saya was staring at the ground with a frown...or more like...she was staring at the gun in her hand...before 'hiding' it behind her back and turning to look outside the window...I turn to look back at Saeko to see that she was also looking towards the direction i was looking at a second ago.

(Did i turn my head?)

"Of course, just come to me or Kohta whenever you need help." As i answer Saeko turns to me and nods with a smile. She takes the gun with the holster along with the magazines...and...looks at them.

"So...where do i...put these?" She asks as she tilts her head.

"Well, they are both leg holsters, so gun on one leg, magazine on the other...Now...the corpse 'is' wearing pants...and the holster doesn't have any blood on know...just to be safe...see if you can clean it up a bit first..." Saeko nods as she keeps looking at the gun.

"Ahh i found it! The door is right here!" Asami shouts as she waves at us from the end of the hallway...

"Great!" Kohta shouts as he, along with the rest of the group, start running towards Asami.

"Ohh for crab's they always have to shout?..." I groan as i turn to look at the group...and...i hear Saeko giggle...i turn to look at her and...

"I...just said that out loud didn't i..." ...she nods.

"Go on, i will wear these...and catch up to you." She says as she places the holster on her leg and turns to look at it. I nod and turn around.

(Helping her train on how to use a pressure...)

I then focus on Saya...

(And then we have her...she obviously 'can't' use her gun efficiently...hell i've never even seen her shoot it...other than that one time in the estate, when i was stuck on the car...and she didn't seem to fare very well then when Kohta tried to instruct her...she went ballistic...and...judging from the reaction she had when Saeko asked me to help her...she seems to understand that she doesn't know to how to use it...) i kept walking towards the group, the door to the confiscated items...opened wide.

(Holy shit, Kohta is fast with that drill...)

The group then went inside and disappeared into the relatively dark room. By the time i got in, Takashi was holding the Benelli M4 in his hands.

"Ohhh Naier, Naier, Naier! You will never believe what we found in here!" Kohta almost rips the gun out of Takashi's hands runs up to me.

"It's a..."

"Shotgun" I replied with a deadpan face...

"No! It's a frigging Benelli M4, and now it's yours!" He pretty much shoves the gun into my face as he keeps shouting...

"You know...i would normally say that we should stick to pump-action...less automated parts, less chance for something to get stuck, broken or jammed...but I've heard that this certain shotgun is pretty good, considering durability and shot count" As i speak Kohta puts his hand under his chin and grins.

"And you heard right, this baby has been tested to shoot up to twenty-five thousand rounds without having any major malfunction! And there's more! This one has a tube extension too! So it can hold up to seven rounds plus one in the chamber! That's more than the normal tube even after you ghost load it! And it also has a door breach choke that you can use to stab stuff with!" Yea...kohta was drolling...but...well...

"Black 'is' my favorite, want the Ithaca? Or you'll be going with that aluminum bat until you club everything to death? Also...Kohta...won't stabbing stuff with the gun's muzzle cause the blood and guts to run down into the gun's barrel? Especially if it's pointed upwards and there's a way for the excess air in the barrel to escape..." I undo the sling and give the pump-action shotgun to Kohta...then start fixing the new gun on me.

"Hmm, i guess, it 'can' happen...this gun does have a corrosion-resistant know your guns! So stab based on circumstance!" Kohta turns around as he speaks and runs towards Takashi.

"Uhh, I don't even know how to use it though..." Takashi responds as Kohta shoves the gun at him.

"Ohhh it's easy! Just aim ,shoot, pump and shoot again! I will show you the stance you need to have and the way to reload and pump correctly, so you don't end up causing damage to the shotgun, or your self" Takashi keeps looking at the gun as Kohta starts speaking.

(Yea, way to dodge the fact that you just told me to stab a bag full of liquid with a spiked hollow tube that can break down if it gets wet's...a bit heavier than the old one...but...) I close the retractable stock and let the gun hang on the side.

(Yep, with the stock closed this feels way better, better than the Ithaca at least, as the wooden stock was obviously not retractable.)

As i lift my head, is see Takashi nodding and lifting the shotgun, then pointing it straight...and straight was...

(OH HOLY FRIGGING SHIT !) I jump to the side and fall face flat on a couple of boxes, behind one of the storage shelves...right next to Saya.

"YIAAA!" ...I lift my see Saya with both hands slightly over her head, her eyes as wide as they could be as she stared at me...

"Ahh! Never point your gun at somebody you are not trying to kill! Not even for fun! Not even if it's empty!" Kohta shouts.

"Well, that gun is definitely NOT least the safety was still on when i gave you that thing..." I respond as i get up.

"Uhh, Sor..."

"What happened?!" Before Takashi could finish, Saeko bursts in the room with her sword drawn.

"Nothing, Takashi is just...learning how to use his new gun..." I respond as i dust my self off.

"If it was 'nothing' then why did you just jump like that you crazy stupid idiot?! " Saya, with her face completely red, leans her upper body forward and throws her arms back as she stomps her foot to the ground.

"'d rather see me getting blasted by a shotgun at point-blank?...Mean...i didn't know you hated me that much" I respond with a slight grin.

"T...that's not what i said you frigging idiot...ughh...i nearly had a heart attack because of you!" She then closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"...Sorry, didn't mean to scare you Saya...but...yea...Takashi, never point a gun at somebody you don't want dead." I take a step back and turn to look at Takashi. He nods as he looks at the now lowered gun.

" least nobody got hurt" Saeko responds.

"" Takashi lifts his head to look at Saeko and freezes...followed shortly after by Kohta...who seconds later...had a trail of blood running down his nose...

(Maybe i should try the Benelli...on them...)

Saeko looks at the guys...and tilts her head...then turns her whole body around to look at me, the gun strapped on one thigh and the magazines strapped on the other...

"Is...something wrong?...Did...i wear it wrong?" Saeko moves her leg slightly to the side and touches the ground with the tip of her boot as she turns to look at the gun on her thigh, revealing more of the holster and well...more of her leg...

Before i could speak...or much less get a good look...i found my self unable to ended up covering my eyes?

"Ahhh! S...Saeko what exactly do you think you're doing?!" I hear Saya shout right next to my ear.

(Did she...seriously just cover my eyes? Uhh...whatever...)

"Does it bother you when you move?" I ask as i fold my arms and then lift one arm to the high of my chin before pointing one finger to the ceiling.

"" I hear Saeko answer...her voice she was holding her self back from...laughing...

"Does it...move out of place when you move?" I ask as i point a second finger to the ceiling, my eyes still covered by Saya's hands...

"" I hear Saeko answer in a slightly lower tone...

"Can you reach it without completely stretching your arm?" I ask and point a third finger up.

"Y...Yes" She answers.

"'re all" I trail off as lower my arm.

"Saya...question...why do your hands smell like strawberries?" And the moment i asked that...

"Wha?!...What are you sniffing at you pervert?!" Saya pulls both hands from my mask.

"You kind of had one of your hands over my nose" I answer as i turn to look at her. She was leaning backward, both hands folded and over her chest as she glared at me with a frown...her face...still red...

"That doesn't mean that you can just go ahead and take a sniff you weirdo!" Saya then shoves one hand in her short's pocket before pulling it back up in order to throw a small plastic tube at me...

The items bounces off my mask. Yet, i managed to catch it before it could actually fall to the ground...then...i looked at it.

"Strawberry hand cream...holy crap, my sense of smell is actually better than i thought" I say as i nod to my self.


"Wow Saya! Your hands do smell amazing! Can i have some of that cream please!" Shizuka...was already next to Saya, sniffing her hands.

"Really?! I want some too!" Asami was the second one to creep up next to her...only to then be followed by a giggling Alice...who...i think she just wanted in on the hype, as she was just waving a flashlight around.

Rei...didn't join in...and i think she looked a bit...annoyed?...But...she didn't react, Takashi went to her and whispered something, she turned to him and reluctantly nodded...well...she is here to look for her dad...and the group is goofing i sort of understand...but it's moments like these to say it...take off the edge.

"Arghh! Fine, fine! Just stop sniffing my hands already you weirdos!" Saya shouts as she runs up to me...then goes behind me and starts pushing me...

"You started this! You fix it!" She shouts as she keeps pushing.

"'s the hand cream..." I say as toss the tube to Asami.

"Thanks!" She responds with a giggle.

"Asami! Don't use it all by your self! I want some too!" Shizuka whines as she leans on Asami while trying to reach for the tube...

"Whatever happens from here...ain't my fault...Still, if i knew that half the group would go nuts over hand cream, i wouldn't have mentioned it, i'll get you another one when i get the chance" I say as i turn around and look at Saya...she lifts her head and looks at me with a perplexed expression...

"...You...really are an idiot..." She folds her arms and turns to 'look' at the boxes next to her...i chuckle...and walk outside of the room...

The moment i got out, i noticed that Saeko was also outside, leaning her back against the wall that was to my right.

"Uhh...nothing popped up? It got a bit...noisy in there for a sec" I ask as i look around.

"No, the second floor seems to be empty..." Saeko replies as she shakes her head and turns to look at me.

"I see..." I nod as i walk past her and then lean my back on the wall, next to her.

"You sure you don't want any of that hand cream? The other seems to have gone crazy about it" I turn to look at her as i ask.

" the scent of strawberries?" She tilts her head slightly as she asks.

(Is she always going to return my questions with whether 'i' like it or not now?...heh)

"I'm indifferent..." I say with slight a shrug...Saeko just nodded without replying.

We...then spent the next couple of minutes in silence as the group inside made...'noise'...Until Takashi walked out the door and turned to look at the two of us.

"Ready to keep going?" I ask as i fold my arms.

"Yea, Kohta gathered all the ammo and extra handguns guns in his bag, we're heading to the top floor now, communications office, for any information we can find."

I kick my self off the wall and nod.

And shortly after, we were on the move again.

(...Find the computer...go to the neighborhood where Rei lived, find Rei's mother...and then...then...)

Then the real fight begins.

next chapter
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