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90.24% Summoned (Hotd) highschool of the dead / Chapter 74: Get set

Capítulo 74: Get set

"So, we good?" I ask as I tap the Humvee's hood.

"Yes yes, fuel canisters, ammo, and food. The car did have these things inside initially, so I'll see what we can add. But you must understand that these resources from inside the car have been redistributed long ago, don't expect to get the same amount back." Masato the engineer nods .

"And, I am sorry for turning down your offer, but as you understand, I can not leave my family behind." He adds as he makes a small bow.

"It's fine." I nod back.

(After all, he does have a wife. So yea, let's hope Rika is as good as she says on the mechanic part, or we'll end up with a flintstone's car.)

"What's next?" Saya asks as she turns towards me.

"Rika should be done with the camp by now, no?" Saeko adds right after.

"Yea, let's go check the front of the main building, if she's not there, we'll wait outside the camp. With your dad there right now, I don't think your old 'friends' will have time to bother us." I motion with my head and start to walk towards the front of the building.

"...They're not my 'friends'. Not even for a joke..." Saya retorts as she frowns.

"Didn't you want to ask a gun mechanic too?" Saeko asks as she walks up next to me.

"Yea, I didn't see him in the tend though, so no idea where he's at." I answer with a slight shrug.

Without much more to say, we headed to the front of the building, and upon finding it Rika-less, we headed to the front of the camp.

"...You, won't have trouble going in?" I ask as I turn to Saya, who just returns my question with her signature frown.

"Quit thinking that I'm that weak. I will be fine." She responds as she puts her hands on her hip, leaning towards me. I just lift my hands and chuckle. The turn to enter the camp.

"...You are with me now..." She adds with a whisper.

"True, I'm one scary pomeranian. Sorry, meant penguin." I chuckle.

"W, what are you talking about?! I didn't say anything!" Saya blurts out as she glances away.

(Damn, back to good old Saya huh?)

"I do not mean to interrupt, but I think we won't actually have to enter." Saeko motions with her head towards the inside, at the purple-haired woman that was walking towards us, her hand raised and waving. And next to her, Asami, and Khota. The latter of which had his arm in a sling.

"Uhh. Hitomi turned into a chubby guy and a short cop girl." I add as I tilt my head.

And the moment Rika closed in.

"My liege, I have failed you." She speaks up with a dramatic tone. Khota and Asami silently stopping behind her.

"Miss Tuesday did not want to join." She adds as she shakes her head in an exaggerated manner.

"..." I just kept staring.

"But yea, a Hitomi that did know you is working at the camp's kitchen now." She continues as she stops acting like a total jester.

"Wait don't soldiers give rations? Why do they need the kitchen camp?" I ask as I frown.

"In the newcomer's sector, you get rations. The other sector has an actual bonafide kitchen, they had spaghetti and meatballs today. Apparently, the girl is a really good cook. She managed to mingle with the other cooks. Sadly for us, she said that she had enough excitement to last her more than one lifetime, so I guess she likes it there?" Rika adds with a shrug.

"I found these two though." She chuckles as she points her thumb behind her, Kohta and Asami finally turning to look at us, or well, Saya.

"Umm, are you, ok?" And Asami spoke up first. Saya just turned to stare at Rika.

"You told them?" She asks, Rika just nods.

"I shouldn't have?" She asks right after, Saya shakes her head.

"No, it's fine. And I'm fine, don't worry about it. Naier made sure that they paid for what they tried to do." Saya continues.

"Ahh, Asami is sorry she was not there to help as well. As a police officer, I have failed to do my duty when somebody needed me." Asami makes a deep bow towards Saya as she finishes speaking.

"Last time I heard about you, you were stuck on the other side of town. Yet in less than a day you're back beating the bad guys up. Nothing can keep you down huh? I, am sorry I didn't do anything. If I knew..." Khota then speaks up, lowering his head and dropping his shoulders.

"Don't sweat it. Besides, I don't think you could that much with one arm less." I respond as I point at his disabled arm. Khota just lets out a small chuckle, then sighs.

"Yeaa. Supposedly it will be fine, just needs rest. Shizuka told me not to move it and it should heal fine..." Khota responds as he glances at his arm.

"At least 'you' are taking your injury seriously..." I answer as I glance at Rika, causing the rest to also turn towards her.

"...What? I'm fine. It was just a headless arrow to the butt. I can walk just fine." Rika shrugs as she turns to look away.

"Though it was in the thigh..." I whisper as I tilt my head.

"...What?" Saya tilts her head questionably as she holds her arms.

"What what? Do you want to have a look?" Rika 'asks' as she starts unzipping her overalls.

"I, I don't care!" Saya then quickly blurts out as she grabs both of Rika's arms.

"But seriously, I know my limits. I won't do something I know I can't. Besides, they checked me at the harbor. You know, it's weird though, considering in the outpost they just let us pass, and they didn't even check you once..." Rika lifts her zipper back up as she sighs.

"God made them retarded." I answer flatly.

"What..." Saya asks back.

"God made them retarded." I answer again.

"That makes no s..."

"God made them retarded." I answer again.


And, silence...




"Uhh, so, question. Where is Shizuka, Rei and Takashi." I ask again.

"Miss Shizuka is with us. She is tending to Khota's wound. Rei is in the main building with her father, Takashi is with her." Asami responds.

(...Hmm, Rika knows how to deal with guns and. Well injury or not, she seems to be in better condition than Khota. Which might be a good shot, but with that arm. He can't do jack. The problem is, the chances of Shizuka coming are even thinner if we don't take anybody from the old group...)

"Well, it was good seeing you Khota, now if you don't mind, we need to get ready. We're leaving today." I nod slightly and turn to look behind me.

"Wait, you are leaving?" Khota asks as his eyes go wide.

"Yea, I just said that." I answer as I fold my arms.

"W, where are you going?" He asks again.

"Somewhere where we will be safer than here, but, we'll have to pull our own weight. The place is infested, if you understand what I mean." I answer again as I point at his arm.

"Ohh..." Khota lets out a disheartened sigh as he lowers his head.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but with your arm like that, it'll be like having a kid to tag along." I answer as I sigh.

"Speaking of it, where is the minion dog and Alice?" I ask right after.

"Ahh, they are with us, or well, with Shizuka." Asami answers.

"You think of taking them instead?" Saeko asks.

"Uhh, I'd rather have an actua, aa..." And my nose started itching.

"A FACHOO!" And I sneezed, bringing my hand to my face reflexively as I lowered my head.

"Hey! Watch it!" Saya shouts and leans away from me, her arms next to her chest.

"Uhh. Sorry, the hell was that..." I shake my head and tap my mask.

"As I said, I'd rather have an actual guard dog instead of a less shaky chiwawa." I clear my throat as finish speaking.

"And I'm not too keen on child labor. Because as I also said, no freebies." I add as I fold my arms.

"Now, let me guess. 'If' we bring you along, you want these two to come as well?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"Uhh, well. Rei and Takashi have been with Rei's dad since we arrived, I don't know if they..." Khota lowered his head slightly as he looked away.

"We're all Alice has left, we can't just leave her behind!" He adds as he lifts his head to look at me.

"So, let's all just die together?" I answer flatly. Causing Khota to stare at me as he took a deep breath, then he looked away again.

"You are out of commission, the dog obviously can't do jack, may even hinder us if it starts barking, Alice can't fight. Asami needs to stay by your side. And Shizuka can't fight either. This ain't a trip to pixy-land." I add as I narrow my eyes.

"What if we take them 'after' we clear the place?" Rika asks.

"Elaborate please." I ask back.

"You mentioned that place was big. Farming? Guarding? Maybe they can do that since they can't fight right now." Rika points at Asami and Khota as she speaks.

"We will take the danger of clearing the place and going on runs outside if need be, they can do the more, domesticated part of the work." She responds.

"Asami can do that!" Asami then quickly speaks up as she raises her hand.

" we're resorting to child labor after all huh." Saya scoffs as she turns to Rika.

"Everybody needs to pull their weight no? Besides, kids have a lot of energy, if she learns to do some basic farming to feed herself while making it a game for her, it will help her in the long run. Or you know, somebody can just fill in her part if they want to." Rika shrugs.

"That is not a bad idea actually." Saeko arcs an eyebrow as she glances at Rika.

"What about you?" I ask as I look at Khota.

"I'll, I'll do anything I can!" Khota responds, loudly, as he straightens his back, few civilians around us turn to look at the guy that was not standing attention.

"So, only Takashi and Rei left?..." Rika asks. I just let out a small groan.

"You really don't like these two, do you." Rika then adds.

"One essentially pointed a finger and tossed all the blame on me the moment pushed came to shove. The other just simped so hard that he probably forgot his dick inside her." The moment I finish speaking Rika brings her hand over her mouth and holds back a chuckle.

"Ghh, good one. I'll need to remember that one." She adds as she points at me with a smile.

"But yeah, I don't exactly have a lot of positive feelings for the ones that just agreed to turn me into a scapegoat." I continue.

"Plus, I don't want an unsteady cop in a car full of weapons." I add.

"A, Asami is not unstable! She's just..."

"I meant Rei's dad..." I cut Asami off, getting an embarrassed 'oh' as a response.

"True, I don't think Rei would agree to leave without her dad." Khota continues.

"Being unable to help on the first stage is one thing, being a danger overall is another. Bringing him is out of the question." I shake my head.

"The only reason I'm asking you, is because I'd like to believe you ain't gonna try to stab me in the back so you can sit on a bigger chair." I continue as I stare at Khota.

"I'd never do that!" Khota actually went wide-eyed as he stared at me.

(That's what I'm betting on.)

"Well, we should fo..."


I had not even managed to finish that sentence, when a loud gunshot echoed...

"That, was from the main part of the camp, you don't think your dad..." I turn to look at Saya as I speak...

"Papa!" And she almost instantly breaks off into a sprint, and into the camp.

I take a deep breath, and turn to follow after her.

Running towards the gunshot, it didn't take long before we found the perpetrator. And, the standoff...

Several of Souichiro's men were at gunpoint with a few guards. And In the middle, Souichiro, his hand raised forward and towards the sky, a smocking handgun in his hand. Ahead of him, mister grabby finger-less. Sitting on his ass with a look of surprise and horror on his face.

"H, have you gone senile?!" The almost rapist shouts at Saya's father.

"Why the hell are you shooting a gun here?!" He adds as he tries to get up. The word being tried, as he ended up with a boot to his face.

(Risky movement there, he does know that soldiers are aiming at him right?)

"Silence! You will speak when I tell you to speak!" Souichiro shouts. Then turns to look toward us.

"Good timing. Is that the man who tried to rape you?" He then asks as he turns his attention to Saya, who was a few feet away from him. I don't know if it was actual surprise, or the reaction that old women have when they watch a soap opera, but the crowd around did seem to become restless when they heard the word 'rape'.

"Yes." Saya answers flatly. Glaring at the man on the ground is an angry scowl.

"What the hell are you lazy asses waiting for! Shoot him! He attacked me!" The man shouts as he turns at the nearest guard. Who was speaking to his radio in his chest pocket.

From his whispering, I caught the words 'messed, important, crowd, angry.'

And, a few seconds later. He nods and lowers his gun.

"The general has given his full cooperation. And if one of his close associates is found guilty of such actions of barbarism, he'll cut ties with them immediately and see that they are punished accordingly." The soldier responds and backs off, the other soldiers also lowering their guns as well.

"What?!" The man on the ground shouts.

"That assh-UGHFF!" And he didn't manage to finish his sentence when the butt of a gun landed on his face, the butt of a gun that belonged to a soldier.

"Cut ties huh? Trying to save face?" I whisper as I fold my arms.

"Probably. Nobody did 'see' the general while this guy was doing his thing, or has hard proof that he had anything to do with that guy's actions, so, nobody can throw blame at him. And by admitting that the guy 'was' his associate, he essentially tells a half-truth, which will make it much harder for this guy to pin blame on him. Since he can now start adding bullshit between his truths." Rika answers.

"Don't you hate it when assholes are somewhat competent?" She adds as she chuckles.

"You tell me..." I respond as I sigh.

Just then, Saya turns around and walks up to me.

"Let's go, we are finished here." She says as she throws a quick glance at the guy on the floor.

"Aight, let's gather at the front of the main building." I nod and turn around.

"Actually." And I stop.

"Let's go get Shizuka too. And the two mascots." I add as I motion with my head for Khota to lead the way.

"Ah, yes." Khota nods.

"Mascots..." Rika chuckles through her nose as she shakes her head.

And so, we moved away, back. Towards the other side of the camps. To the place that I found Saya.

Well ok, not exactly that place. Shizuka's and Khota's tent was further away.

-A few minutes later-

Finding it didn't take too long though. Mostly because Khota knew where he was going.

And because Shizuka had certain, assents, that made her visible from much further away.

"Ah, there she is!" Asami speaks up as she lifts her arm. Waving toward a woman who was speaking with a guy I did not know.

"Oh, he's here again." Khota almost groans as he looks at the man who was next to Shizuka.

"...Should I chop off more fingers?" I ask as I glance at Khota.

"W, what? Aaah, no, no it's fine. While uhh, it's been obvious where he has been staring ever since the first day he came to us. He has actually been really helpful. And Shizuka seems to not mind..." Khota responds.

"Not mind, or she does not realize the guy is probably fucking her in his mind." I ask back.

"D, do you have to say it like that?" Saya asks back as she nudges me. I just shrug in response.

"Shizukaaa!" And Asami speaks up, causing Shizuka to turn towards us, her eyes going wide.

"Ahh! Rikaaaa! Serflufier!" She shouts back as she starts, uhh, running towards us. The guy behind her just turned to glance at us, before silently turning round to leave.

"She just screamed Serflufier." I groan.

"She just screamed Serflufier." Rika chuckles.

Much to my surprise, she didn't actually dive-bomb anybody, instead, stopping next to us.

"Where have you been! I have not seen either of you ever since we got moved here!" She asks with a pout as she leans forward.

"Oh you know, our team got wiped, me and Naier had to stay in a house surrounded by a horde, we bonded reaaaal good though." Rika respond, and smirks.

"Whaaaahh! Are you ok?! Are you hurt?!" Shizuka then starts tapping down Rika, while.

"You did, what?!" Saya darts her head at Rika with an angry frown. Then at me...

"...Why do we need her with us again?..." I ask.

"A nurse and a car?" Saeko responds.

"And ass." Rika continues as she lifts a finger, turning at me with a smirk.

Saya glare pouts at Rika as she makes an 'I'm watching you' sign...

"Hmm? Sure, you can watch. I don't mind. You could probably use the expirience~" Rick chuckle back.

"Gah! L, like I need your 'experience'." Saya folds her arms and turns to look away with a slight blush.

"Ohh, so you already have experience?" Rika asks back with a chuckle as she narrows her eyes at Saya.

"Q, quit asking stupid questions!" Saya stomps her foot as she turns to glare at Rika, her hands turning into fists as she brings them next to her hips.

"Uhhh, sooo, let's go?" I 'ask' as I point towards the direction of the camp's exit.

"Ahh, let me get Alice!" Khota raises his uninjured hand before heading towards the tent.

"Huuum? Where are we going?" Shizuka asks as she lets go of Rika.

"Space." I reply flatly. Shizuka just stared at me with a blank expression for a few seconds.

"Rikkaaa, Serplier is being mean to me." Shizuka then pouts as she turns towards her chuckling friend.

"...Serplier. That's a new one..." I sigh as I shake my head.

"Should I inform my father that we are ready then?" Saeko asks right after.

"I would say yes. But something tells me we should at least inform Takashi that we are leaving." I respond.

"You know that's like asking him to come along." Saya adds as she folds her arms.

"Well, somebody needs to clean the latrines..." I whisper, hearing a muffled chuckle coming from Rika.

"But jokes aside. If he wants to come, he will have to listen to what I say, and he'll have to leave Rei's father behind. The first, he'll probably agree to, the second, I doubt it." I answer as I also fold my arms.

"Alright, we're set!" And Khota, who just exited the nearby tent, speaks up as he lifts his arms, a couple of bags over his shoulder. Alice also exits behind him with Zeke in her arms. Yet, the moment she saw me, she hid behind Khota. Peeking from behind him with a worried expression.

"Uhh, It's ok Alice, he was not mad at you." Khota turns to pat Alice on the head as he spoke.

"..B, but..." Alice mumbles as she keeps peeking from behind Khota.

(...Right, the only time she saw me was when I went ballistic at Rei.)

"See, scary pomeranian." I respond as I turn to Saya

"I thought you said penguin." Saeko responds as she tilts her head. I just shrug in response, then turn around to head towards the exit of the camp.

"Are you not going to speak to Alice, she seems to be scared of you." Saya asks as she also turns to follow me.

"No time. Besides, we'll have plenty of time to spare after we get the mansion back..." I respond as I keep walking.

"You said Takashi was in the main building right?" I ask right after as I turn to look at Khota. Who just nodded.

"The main building here, or the one in the actual airport?" I ask again.

"Oh, the one here, the doors are heavier apparently, make for better cells." Khota responds. I just nod and turn to look ahead again.

"You want to go find him while I speak with my father?" Saeko asks right after.

"Yea, let's meet by the humvee once we are all set." I answer, Saeko nodding back at me.

And so, we split up.

Saeko went to her father, Saya and the rest waiting outside.

While I entered with Saeko, since otherwise, they would probably not let me in...

(...Where the fuck 'is' tha capitain though?...)

With that though, I entered the building, and walked up to the nearest guard that was on the stairs that went up.

"Sorry, do you by any chance know where the cells are here? There's supposed to be a cop there. Along with two kids that are watching after him." I ask.

"The cells are in the hallway to the left, then down the stairs you'll find there." The guard casually points at the hallway behind me as he speaks. I nod back and turn to follow his instructions.

And sure enough, after entering the hallway, I spotted a flight of stairs to my right that went down not soon after.

(Down huh, we are at ground level, so it's underground?)

My question, was quickly answered as the bright light of the sun got replaced by the dim yellow light coming off from the light bulbs on the walls.

And sure enough, reaching the floor under, I found a hallway, not a single window in sight. Thankfully it seemed to have good ventilation though, as the air didn't feel stale.

A few guards were standing guard in front of the doors in the said hallway, one of em turning to look at me the moment I headed down.

"Are you lost? Go back up." The soldier standing guard in front of a door that had the letters 'storage' motioned with his head as he tried to shoo me away.

"I'm looking for the cells. There should be two kids my age there right now, Takashi Komuro and Rei Miyamoto, the girl's dad is the one in the cell. I need to speak to them." I respond as I fold my arms.

The guard stares at me for a few seconds.

"...Down the hallway and to the right. First door." The guard groans slightly as he leans on the door behind him. I nod, and start walking again...

"...Become a fucking kindergarten here..." The soldier whispers to himself as I walk past him.

(...Angy much? Too long with no sun makes your inner Gollum pop up?)

I just take a deep breath and keep moving. Taking a turn to the right the moment I reached the end of the hallway. Coming face to face, with Takashi. Who was munching on a sandwich.

"Hm, figured I'd have to deal with another guard at the door." I speak up as I fold my arms. Takashi turning to look at me.

"Naier? What are you doing here?" Takashi asks as he tilts his head.

"Came to use my last shred of goodwill. Is Rei inside?" I answer with a shrug, Takashi looking even more confused with my answer, before nodding slowly.

"Did you know Saya almost got raped while I was away?" I ask flatly, Takashi's eyes going wide in response.

"W,what?!" He responds with, honest surprise in his voice as he leans away from the door, fully turning to face me.

"Yea, thankfully for 'them', they didn't manage to do any permanent damage." I respond.

"I, I didn't know." Takashi answers as he turns to look at his food.

"Uhh, normally, I'd grind you about how you should have known, what with you being the leader and all. But, I'm honestly not in the mood." I sigh as I shake my head.

"No, I'm just here to inform you that me, and the rest of the group, are leaving." I continue.

"Leaving the airport?" Takashi asks back.

"Yes, we are going to clear Busujima's mansion and stay there, the place is supposed to be like a fortress" I respond.

"I see. That, is probably for the better. I, I need to care of Rei. They should be safer with you" Takashi then speaks up as he lowers his head.

"They won't let Rei's father leave yet, and I am not going to leave Rei behind." He adds.

"Figured as much, just came to inform you so you don't find out that everybody is gone the hard way." I answer as I fold my arms.

"I, see..." Takashi just lowers his head slightly, then turns to look at Rei.

A few seconds passed in silence, before I finally turned to leave.

"Ah, Naier! Wait." Takashi takes a step away from the door, before stopping again. I stopped walking and turned to look at him without turning around.

"I, am sorry." He adds as he lowers his head.

"For nearly killing me because I should be responsible for my actions? For nearly letting Saya get raped because she is no longer part of your group? For still running after Saeko's ass after she already picked who she wants? For forgetting that you are the leader of the group and locking yourself down here?" I 'ask'. Takashi just, turned to away.

"Take care Takashi." I add flatly and start to walk.

(...I really wonder if you would have done better than me had I not done anything and just acted like a third wheel to your story. But, this is no longer your story...)

And with that, I headed back up, out of the underground 'prison'. Leaving Takashi and Rei behind.

Upon exiting the structure, I found my group standing idly by the corner of the building, next to a bench, chatting.

"Did I miss anything?" I ask as I walk up to them. Rika, who was sitting next to Shizuka on the bench turned to shake her head at me, next to Shizuka was Alice, who was still hiding from me.

"Rikaaa, pay attention. I need to see your wound to make sure it's not infected." Shizuka then continues as she tugs at Rika's shoulder.

"In the car ok? Don't feel like stripping here." Rika shakes her head as she glances at the pouty Shizuka.

"Hm, about time you stopped being a pervert." Saya, who was with her back to me scoffs.

"Now you're just tempting me pinky pie." Rika chuckles as she starts playing with her zipper.

"Don't call me that!" Saya quickly retorts as she glares at Rika.

"What? Only your little boyfriend can? I call that discrimination." Rika arks an eyebrow as she smirks.

"N,no!" Saya quickly blurts out.

"No as he is the only one that can or no as he can't?" Rika puts her finger on her lips as she tilts her head.

"Aaaagghhh! I'm surrounded by idiots!" Saya folds her arms as she turns to look away.

"Hah, you sure bounced back fast though, figured you would be cuddling up to Naier for much longer." Rika casually leans back in her seat as she speaks.

"S,shut up. I'm not some weak-willed idiot." Saya scoffs as she keeps looking away.

(But you were latched on to me for several hours...)

Seeing how our pinkete was about to blow up, I decided to not say that out loud, lest I ended up taking the brunt of it...

"Asami does not understand what's wrong with cuddling. She likes cuddling with Khota all day..." Asami then speaks up. Who was as a matter of fact, with her hand warped around Khota's free arm. Saya just responds with 'Hummf!'

"Uhh, I don't mean to ruin the moment, but have you decided 'how' we will move about?" I ask as I fold my arms.

"What do you mean?" Rika asks back.

"Exactly what I asked. How are we going to go to the mansion? First us three, then come back and pick the others? Will Shizuka drive along with a second car? We will all go in one go and they will wait in the car?" I ask again.

"Already planning ahead huh." Rika closes her eyes as she turns her head to 'look' at the sky.

"Actually, I think I can help during the initial clean-up." Khota speaks up.

"I can restock the empty magazines with bullets, Asami too." He continues.

"Hmm, that is as long as we stay in the car." I respond.

"Right..." Khota nods slightly and lowers his head, seemingly thinking.

(...He's honest to God thinking how to help huh? I'm impressed...)

"Shizuka could drive after we get off." Rika then speaks up, her eyes still closed.

"The doors are probably locked. And if they are not, they will have to be closed after we get in. Better than running back and forth to get the car." She continues.

"So we go as a single team huh?" I ask.

"Seems like the best idea for now." Rika opens her eyes and lets her head fall down, then, closes her eyes again.

"...Rika, are you going to fall asleep on that bench? Or as you dying on us?" I ask as keep looking at the sniper. Causing Shizuka to, slightly freak out.

By slightly I mean she grabbed Rika and started shaking her. While shouting her name...

"AaaAAaa! I'm fine stop shaking me! I just didn't sleep well! I'll sleep in the car!" Rika raises her hands in surrender as Shizuka keeps staring at her friend with a worried expression.

"Naier, please don't scare our doctor. Alright?" She adds as she takes a deep breath. I just raised my hands.

"Hmm, are you finished with Takashi?" And a new female voice speaks up from behind me. Turning to it, I find Saeko, standing right behind me with a casual smile. Her father right next to her.

(Oh f! How many times will you freaking sneak up on me?!)

"Uhh, yea..." I answer with a slight nod.

"Then you are ready to head off." Saeko's father adds and nods slightly.

"If they have stocked up the car then yea." I answer as I turn to the old man.

"Take me to it." He pretty much demands as folds his arms behind his back...

...And so, after a few minutes of walking, we were in front of the car.

Matsudo loading a few boxes that were set next to inside the trunk.

"When will the car be ready?" Saeko's father speaks up the moment we stop, Matsudo turning to look at the old man.

"Oh! Mister Busujima! These are the last boxes. We loaded the car with two crates of ammo, one of MRE. Along with some dynamite." Matsudo responds as he wipes his forehead.

(More dynamite? How many fucking tons of dynamite does Saya's dad have?)

"I'd like to request that we are also given some seeds with easy to grow, fast-growing vegetables." The old man responds.

"Uhh, of course." The chubby mechanic nods and turns to walk away from the car.

"Take this as the extra help I can give you. Seed of edible foods, especially ones that grow fast, are a very precious resource right now." Saeko's father then turns to me.

"I gave my daughter a map with how to get to my estate. Don't lose it. Or you are more likely to get lost the moment you have to go off-road." He adds.

"We have to go off-road?" I ask as I tilt my head.

"I told you, that house was not meant to be easily reachable. It is essentially surrounded by forest. If you stay cautious, such as not opening the windows with the lights open in the middle of the night. It sould be imposible to spot. Plus, the cables to it all run underground, so it's not like somebody can follow any pylons that lead to it." He adds as he strokes his chin.

(...This guy, must have had a lot of enemies...)

"The first thing I want you to do after you clear it is to go to the top floor, the room straight ahead after the stairs should have a radio room, use the coordinates I written on the back of the map to contact me." He then turns to look around.

"I need not mention. These coordinates are not the same as the ones that the military uses. They link with a radio I have, so use it sparingly after we make a connection." He adds.

"Then, I will tell you about our next step." He continues as he turns to leave.

"Do not fail at this, and you will be among the few that will be able to relax during this crisis." And with these last words, he left.

"...Relaxing does sound nice." I sight as I fold my arms.

"Second that." Rika adds.

(So this is it huh. Do this and you can supposedly sit on your ass all day eating samiches...)

next chapter
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