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98.86% Strange Love / Chapter 435: Drag Thee to Hell

Capítulo 435: Drag Thee to Hell

Tears streaked Jaden's ghostly pale face as more threatened to spill from her red-rimmed eyes. She clasped Ry's wrist tightly in both hands as she dug her bare feet into the sandy soil of the front yard. "No! You can't go back there! Stay with us! Leave with us!"

Ry blew out a frustrated sigh as he shot his irritated gaze to Russ who stood in a motionless slump by the SUV, the keys still dangling from his trembling hand. "Please get her and get out of here while the two of you still can. I have to help them. You want me to help Jos, don't you?"

Russ nodded, tears streaming down his own cheeks; but he was unwilling to look up from the keys in his hands.

Ry growled out in frustration as he scooped Jaden up in one arm and stomped back toward Russ. Jaden clung to his neck, her tears soaking his collar. Ry roughly caught Russ's jaw and turned his face up to meet his angry glare. "If you still care anything for Jos and the others still back there… and for Jaden and yourself for that matter then take the damn keys and the vehicle and get the fuck out of here NOW!"

Russ shook his head against Ry's tight grip as more tears streamed down his face.

Ry furrowed his brows. "What is this? Suddenly you care what happens to me? This is bullshit! Get the fuck in the vehicle now before I beat your ass!"

Russ shook his head again as more tears streamed down his face. He stepped closer clasping the sides of Ry's dress shirt as Jaden tightened her hold around his neck. "Please, don't go back… They're strong… they're all so strong… they don't need you… we… we just…"

Ry's hand fell away with all the remaining resistance he had. The two wolves officially had him wrapped around their little fingers… both of them… He pulled Russ tighter against him and rested his head against Jaden's as he drew in a long breath then let it out slowly. "Fuuuuuck…." He whispered with a sigh. "I can't leave my brother in there… I didn't stand with him against Zeus before when he needed me to… and I've regretted it each time… I can't do it again. I'll not ask you to leave, but you have to stay somewhere safer. At least get inside the vehicle and start it or go inside the house. I'll try to send Raven and Isha inside with you."

Russ nodded, but Jaden was the one to interject on his plan. "Wouldn't it be wiser if you went in with us as well? The upstairs bedroom overlooks the backyard perfectly. You'd have a better vantage point there."

Ry's brows lifted in surprise. "You're right…" He didn't bother setting her down as he clasped Russ's hand and raced toward the house. "If anything goes wrong, shift and run as fast as you can away from here. Don't try to fight any of the creatures down below. You'll never win against them."

"How do you plan to?" Jaden interjected.

"My brothers and I share a connection. Our tattoos do more than you think."

Russ nodded as they ran up the inside staircase. "I've seen it myself. It's pretty amazing."

"That was no more than a kid's magic show compared to what we're truly capable of when we are together with Poseidon present." Ry set Jaden on her feet and released his hold on Russ as they entered the bedroom. "You guys stay back for now. I'm going to go out and see what it looks like below." As he slowly made his way out onto the balcony, nothing could have prepared him for what was happening down below. Russ had been right… His presence was not missed and would not be needed…


Gnarled, clawed finger-like restraints encircled both Zeus and Hera's necks, wrists, and ankles. Their skin puckered over the tight restraints causing the veins at each pressure point to swell and pulse, growing redder as the minutes ticked by. Menacing laughter sounded all around, echoing in the dark shrouds of fog and mist as hands reached out to push and poke at the bound god and goddess.

"Not so fun now, is it?" Hypnos licked his lips as he motioned for one of his sisters to bring Hera over to kneel beside Zeus. She fought; her head still held proudly in the air as she was forced to her knees in front of Hypnos. He brushed his hand over her smooth face before tracing her lips and forcing his thumb into her mouth, all the while laughing at Zeus's angry attempts at attacking him against the restraints. Hypnos forced her mouth wider open and massaged her tongue with his thumb seductively, purposely egging on Zeus's anger. "Oh, how I've missed this mouth… Did you ever tell your husband how well you used it to seduce me? Oh, how well this golden tongue of yours can utter the sweetest of lies…" He bent and licked the swell of her bottom lip as he continued to taunt Zeus.

Arei tugged Jos closer to him. "How much of this are you privy to?"

"His actual plan, or his reasons?" She whispered back.

"Both… either…" Arei continued backing them away from the stage, Peg and Andy staying directly behind him.

"Yeah, not going to lie, we're kinda wondering the same…" Andy whispered. Her trembling hand clasped Jos's as they made it to the outside of the seating area.

"I only know that he holds a grudge against Hera and plans on trapping both of them in Tartarus for as long as possible…" Jos whispered.

"That would have been useful information before coming here today…" Poseidon whispered from beside them.

Jos's eyes widened. "When did you…"

"As soon as I saw the four of you break away. Now, shall I zap you out of here, or does your partner in crime need you to stick around? Because from my vantage point in the back, it seems like he and his family have everything pretty well in hand." Poseidon said sarcastically as he began to take a drink from the now empty glass, realized it was empty, and tossed it to the side before drinking straight from the decanter.

Jos shrugged. "I'm not sure what his plan is for me… My only order was to get them here together… I suppose I could ask…"

Poseidon's eyes widened. "Ask?! Are you insane, child?!"

Jos shrugged as she pushed away from the small group gathered around her. "I've been in very close contact with most of them for the majority of the past year… They really aren't that bad…"

Poseidon arched a brow as he glanced over to the seating area at the Oneroi and Phobeter gathered. "Yeah… not that bad…" He lifted the decanter and took another long drink as his eyes moved to Keres who now held his brother's chains. "Not that bad at all."

Joslyn stepped out in front of the wedding stand and gave a light wave as she clutched the front of her dress nervously. "Um… Hypnos… Don't mean to be a bother… but um… Do you still need me and the rest of my guests? It's just, well it seems like you have everything under control here."

A wide smile spread across Hypnos's lips as he stood and walked down to take Jos's hand. "My dear. I'm sorry. I forgot. This was supposed to be your day, and here I've stolen the light from you."

Jos shrugged. "It's fine. I got what I wanted out of it…"

He took her left hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing a kiss to her ring. "Not quite. For all that you've done for us, my siblings and I have a wedding gift of our own for you… so please bear with us just a little longer, my dear. And in the meantime, perhaps you would like to express your… feelings as well?"

Jos read the sincerity in his eyes before nodding. "I would…"

Hypnos's lips turned up into the most delighted, charming smile as he led her onto the platform to stand in front of Hera and Zeus. "Say what you will, my dear." He bowed over her hand before releasing it and stepped back.

Zeus's angry red face paled when he saw the respect the children of Nyx seemed to hold for Joslyn. Any angry words he'd been about to say to her were instantly silenced. He would take whatever she had to say to him in silence.

Jos's cold expression moved between the two gods slowly before she began to speak. "Hera… I have nothing against you, personally… but the things I know that you have done to others and that you have stood idly by and allowed to happen… I cannot forgive… If you would have had a tighter leash on your husband and perhaps taken some of your rage out on him instead of his helpless victims then perhaps your fate in all this would have been different…" Her cold eyes moved to Zeus and narrowed. "As for you Great Grandfather…" She snorted out a cold laugh of indifference. "The very thought of your blood tainting mine makes me sick. You know the best part of not being able to birth my own flesh and blood child? It's knowing I'll never carry your DNA to another generation. It's having the satisfaction of looking at Shiori and knowing she has nothing of you in her. Yes, I blame you for ruining my life, not because of Mother, but because of what you did to me and Arei. Because of all the shit you did to Arei after the misunderstanding, for all the bullshit you put his family through, my family now. You destroyed your own nephews' lives! And for what? You are the biggest piece of shit that has ever walked this Earth, a blemish on existence. An insignificant, mommies tit sucking, daddy complex having, inferiority complex, power trip on steroids, waste of space, waste of sympathy from so many, piece of cosmic shit!"

Hypnos began clapping from beside her. "I don't think anyone could have said it better." He rested his head on Jos's shoulder as he wrapped his arms loosely around her waist. "What do you think, my dear, should we give his family a chance to save his useless ass?" A wide and sardonic smile spread across Hypnos's lips as he turned toward the remaining guests. "What do you say, family?"

The shadows began moving the occupied seats toward the front, and those who were standing were pushed into seats and slid toward the front as well.

Hypnos's manic eyes moved around the gathered crowd. "Well, I suppose not all of you are family… but you may still participate if you like…"

Raven swallowed as she clutched Isha's hand tightly and stood. "You're wrong there… I'm dark fae… Technically, you and I are family…" She lowered her head, forcing herself to concentrate as hard as she could. She let her wings extend and ten black ravens flew out as the wide thick wings opened. She lifted her head. "See…"

Hypnos chuckled as he shot a glance at Jos. "You never cease to amaze me…" He blew out a sigh as he shook his head, his gaze moving to Arei with an unsettling smirk. "If only…" He clapped his hands together loudly. "Where were we? Oh Yes! Who will speak on your behalf?" His finger moved around the crowd before landing on Hades. "You, dear oldest brother of Zeus?"

Hades stood and bowed his head slightly. "Concerning the treaty I signed with your mother and Hecate, I will not be interfering in this matter. If punishment is what you seek, and it has proven to be just… which I'm sure we are all in agreement that it is… Then I have no place to stand against you." He sat back down beside his wife and squeezed her hand.

Hypnos's eyes fell to their hands and his lips turned up into a wicked smile. "And Persephone, your opinion on the matter?"

Hades squeezed her hand. "Kore, darling, you need not answer."

"But I shall." She growled mutedly back as she stood. She glared at Zeus, hate radiating from her eyes, as she spoke through gritted teeth. "I shall never forgive him for the son he forced upon me then took away! Zagreus should be with us! He should have been raised by me! By my husband, not you, you piece of shit!" Tears burned her eyes as she turned her hate on Hera. "And you… you did nothing… you…"

Hades stood and wrapped his arms around his wife, pulling her tighter against him. "Sh… It's in the past. They are getting their due punishment now." His eyes moved up to Hypnos. "If we may, we would like to return home now. You may send a report by way of your brother whenever this matter is finished. I'll sign off on whatever needs done. You have my word."

Hypnos nodded and waved them away before turning to Poseidon. "And you? Will you stand with your brother after all he has done to your children?"

Poseidon shook his head. "You already know that answer I'm sure. You're standing beside my daughter-in-law… I'm sure you've seen the way he has taken interest in my grandchildren… I can't risk it... will not risk their safety. Take them both where you must. The world shall be better for it… should have happened during the first uprising…" His eyes moved to the hooded figure standing in the back. "Wouldn't you agree, Themis? Or are you still hoping to save him here today? Maybe wait until Hera is out of the way first so you can get your ex-husband back?"

Themis lowered her hood as she stepped forward. "I have no plan on helping either of them… Ask Joslyn… I am simply here to see that the task is completed as it should have been, and my selfish actions from long ago are now righted…"

Everyone's attention turned to Jos. She lowered her head and nodded. "It's true. She came to me before the wedding… and threatened me if I backed out. Funny, huh…"

Hypnos slapped his hands together again. "Alright, well… anyone?" His eyes moved around to Arei, Peg, and Andy who all shook their heads, before moving to Artemis and Apollo. Artemis hesitated briefly but, feeling the pressure from the others, shook her head as well. His smile widened as his eyes moved to the balcony. "And you?" He called out loudly to Ry.

Ry swallowed hard. He didn't expect to be hidden but still hated that he was being called out so easily. "No objections here." He called back.

Hypnos laughed menacingly as he walked behind Zeus and placed his foot against his back. He kicked him forward onto his bound hands. "Come on. Go beg them oh great God of Gods. Tell them how great you are and how they shall not fair well without you, how they shall need you so!" He taunted. He walked around, clasped Hera's chained hands, and pulled her roughly to her feet before lifting her onto tiptoes. "Come queen of gods, promise me the pleasures of your bed, promise me riches, promise me all the women to sate my lust… promise to return all that you've taken from me…" He bit out the last in gruff, bitter, rage. He snarled his upper lip as he tossed her to the ground beside Zeus and held his hand out waiting for one of his siblings to bring him something. "Promise to return the time Joslyn and I have both lost with loved ones due to your foolish games."

Nemesis materialized from the fog with a finely painted jar. Instantly, Hera moved closer to Zeus; Hypnos began to chuckle. "I see that my gift is quickly recognized." He tilted his head as he crouched down in front of them. "Ironic isn't it? Trapped forever in the thing you tried to seal my siblings away in with the wife you were constantly trying to avoid and fool around on… Perfect irony…" He took the jug and pulled out the plug, turning it in his hands as he studied it. "Though I must say, it did take a while to make a perfect replication of Pandora's box…"

Jacquia_comics Jacquia_comics

What can I say... I really like Hypnos... I kinda wanna do a spin-off of him someone... like 100% obsessive, stalker, dark romance kinda thing... (¬‿¬)

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