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67.56% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 175: What If: Aiden Returns

Capítulo 175: What If: Aiden Returns

I don't own star wars.

My father paced absently before us in my main hall, blatantly ignoring the dead bodies as his bloody shoes traced his steps on the floor. Soon enough however it was a long streak of red from his constant pacing. He turned towards me, I was sitting in my new hover chair with the two very deadly, and very beautiful alien women standing on both sides of me. We immediately informed him of my attack, and he arrived within ten minutes with his personal honor guard. Now they were securing my residence as we spoke.

"You are an assassin?" he asked coolly, looking at Lala or as I learned recently, Lacroix Lacine.

"Yep." She replied bluntly, she was wearing a very form fitting purple suit now that showed off her curves and her bust, it was her 'real' work clothes. Her maid uniform was in the wash, I told her however to send it out for cleaning as bloodstains are notorious… I'm getting off track.

"And you decided not to kill my son?" Sabiel noted sourly as she shrugged.

"…He's fun." She replied not looking at my dangerously annoyed father. Whose attention immediately turned to Kaath-Tyi the sith.

"And you. You are here because…?" he let the word trail off, trying to get her to answer his question. However, she tried very hard not to, remaining silent for a long time. But my father would not be ignored, and she knew it.

"…I was watching over Aiden." She said very slowly, as if it pained her to say it. I, however, inwardly smiled. I didn't know she cared.

My father rubbed his temples in annoyance, "…Who tried to kill my son?" he said, to nobody in particular as the two women immediately looked away, apparently becoming very interested in the new 'red paint' Lala had used to decorate my walls. "I am in no mood." He said, his voice ominously gravelly as if restraining a serious amount of rage rivaling that of a sith lord. It was so unnerving we all actually flinched at the sound…

"…I don't know anything about my former client other than she was a female." Lacroix said absently, "…She wasn't happy when I told her I was canceling my contract, I even gave her a refund."

"How much was I worth anyway?" I asked, as she absently played with my red hair with a finger.

"Oh don't ask. Its never enough when they ask." She replied. that was disappointing.

"Can we get back to the matter of my son being the target of an assassination?" Father said coolly as we gave him back our attention. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he raised a hand, "Let me think." He was quiet for a while, only the sound of his honor guard patrolling and inspecting the bodies. His eyes opened, "…Very well, nothing else for it." he looked at me, "You're going into hiding, pack what you need."

"What? Father I-"

"Be silent and just do as I say." He replied briskly, before eyeing Kaath-Tyi. "You. I order you to guard my son until further notice."

"You do not give a Sith orders." She said with a dangerous glare…

However my father returned said glare with one of his own, and Kaath-Tyi's look seemed to soften in surprise… before it vanished entirely, it was almost as if she was scared of my father. But that would be silly...

"…However as I have nothing better to do. I suppose I can… do so…" she said, a little feebly.

"…Okay then!" Lacroix smiled, "I'll just go and pack-"

"Not you." My father said, sternly looking at her now, "You are coming with me. You are going to help me find out who hired you." Lacroix smirked, and then outright laughed.

"No I'm not! That's a lot of burned bridges and I quite like them where they are…"

"Airget-Lam." Dad said suddenly, and she blinked curiously at him.

"What?" she replied, confused at the word.

A towering trooper suddenly stepped behind her, easily over six feet tall. I blinked at him. This was Airget-Lam. The only member of my father's honor guard who was a Mandalorian, his most loyal and dangerous soldier. I've only met him three times in my life and that was very briefly, I heard he retired after my father ceded the Moff-ship to mother. His gear while also littered with battle scars, was decorated with dozens of battle trophies, from patches of fur, to bones, to droid pieces.

She blinked up at him and laughed, "Oh come on now…" she said lazily before suddenly spinning on her leg and swinging her other one up into a devastating arch…

Airget caught her ankle as if it was nothing and easily lifted her off the floor, she dangled in his hand like she was a prized fish, caught and displayed as a trophy. She blinked up at him, "…Huh…" she said a little sheepishly before grinning at my father, "I LIKE him…" she said cheerily, as she swayed back and forth in his grip.

"Put her in the speeder." Dad said simply as Airget tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and hauled her away. She pouted like a child, frowning as they left and Dad turned back to me. "I'll make further arrangements, but until then. He pulled out a small device, punched in coordinates, and handed it to me. "Give that to your chauffer droid, go there and wait. Don't tell anyone where you're going."

"What about-" I began but he shook his head.

"I'll deal with them." He said, apparently knowing exactly who I was going to ask about. "Go." He said simply, before addressing the rest of the honor guard. "Defend this place as if he's still here. No one comes in or out. If anyone asks, say he's resting and not to be disturbed… if anyone finds out he is not, remove them." The honor guard saluted as Kaath-Tyi and I collected various things, and eventually got into my speeder. The honor guard had taken several positions around my home, outside doors mainly. Such as the front, back, and my room as well. All the curtains were closed to hide the inside of the manor…

We drove away in silence, Kaath-Tyi sitting across from me as the chauffeur droid stoically followed my father's coordinates. I glanced at her once or twice and it seems she was determinedly glaring out the window. I sighed, flexing my robotic hand absently to improve my response time… never know when I'll need it again…

We drove for almost an hour, it seemed that the droid would occasionally dart and turn, as if trying to throw off a tail, but eventually we left the boundaries of the capital city and heavy rain clattered against the roof of the speeder. I glanced out the window to view what little 'farmland' Dromund Kaas had… I've never been this far out of the city willingly before… I've spent most of my life in the city, or off planet. This was a new experience for me.

…However, barely twenty minutes after we reached farmland the speeder slowed to a stop. Landing outside a rather average looking farmhouse and a barn. I frowned at it. Dad thinks I should hide here?

"We have arrived sir…" the droid said. I frowned and opened the door to meet the rain. "Shit…" I hissed, closing the door as Kaath-Tyi watched me. "Get the chair." I ordered the droid.

"You don't need it." Kaath-Tyi said pointedly before she left the speeder into the rain. Walking steadily towards the farmhouse, uncaring as to how wet she was getting.

"…Nevermind, Get the luggage." I ordered the droid, and realizing that this speeder was a giveaway to my location added, "And hide the speeder somewhere. Try the barn." I noted as I got out and limped slightly to the farmhouse.

Kaath-Tyi waited for me on the porch, her tar black hair cascading wetly down her back before she opened the door. Apparently, it was unlocked. We entered together to find the furniture covered in sheets, the sheets themselves were covered in dust. She yanked a sheet off the obvious couch, a wave of dust cascading away as she glanced around. "…Where are we?"

I however noticed on the wall a slightly faded picture with a red-headed family of three, one of which was a much younger version of my grandfather Roland. "…I think this is my grandfather's home." I said thoughtfully, wondering why he never mentioned it. I then glanced at the red-headed woman next to him. She was the spitting image of my mother, but strangely looked kinder than my mother ever has. "…That must be my grandmother." I said absently, it was strange really. I've always accepted Bella'Dune as my grandmother considering her relationship with my grandfather. Now I felt that I have accidentally insulted this woman's memory…

"Right on both counts." I jumped as Kaath-Tyi's lightsaber jumped into life as my father stood behind me. Airget-Lam behind him, carrying a large umbrella. "This is your grandfather's ancestral home." he then looked absently at the pictures on the wall. "…Your mother hates this place…" he added with a disappointed sigh, "No-one outside the family knows its here, and nobody would ever think to look for you here-put that away." he said quickly to Kaath-Tyi, as her lightsaber extinguished. "Aiden. I've made further arrangements. Stay here and don't draw attention to yourself. I'll have my men deliver supplies later today."

"Father its just an assassination attempt." I said, "I've been through this before."

Its not an uncommon occurrence, simply the most successful so far.

"Yes." He noted, "But now you're injured, and you haven't fully recovered. Someone is taking advantage of that… and it irritates me immensely…" he said bitterly, with a hiss of fury I had never heard him have before. "Now relax, and I will check in on you later." He turned as Airget-Lam raised the umbrella over my father and shut the front door behind them.

I sighed, "…Why do I feel like I am being punished?" I noted as Kaath-Tyi began to aimlessly wander the house.

"I will secure the perimeter." She said a little dismissively, "Find a room." She added before brushing past me, grabbing a dusty umbrella in a stand by the front door, and leaving abruptly.

I frowned… before exploring the house. Kitchen, dining room, basement, and armory; but the weapons looked old and uncared for. Upstairs and downstairs bathroom, three bedrooms, living room, it was a nice place… I found a room with a double bed, must have been grandfathers, and removing the sheet I slid onto the bed. I rolled onto my back as I closed my eyes, wondering if sleep would take me, but taking a few deep breaths I opened them again…

"…Is somebody there?" I said softly, almost sensing another presence I started sitting up and waited.

A very pretty blue face looked around the doorframe, her blue hair was cut short and her majestic cleavage was on display in her tight black suit as she leaned a sniper rifle on the wall. "Good senses Aiden." Newt said with a wink of a bright ruby red eye.

I smiled at her, "What are you doing here?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Well…" she began, strutting sexily into the room, and sliding next to me on the bed, rubbing my right arm, gently brushing my new metal limb. "Daddy Kane wanted extra protection for you…" she said with a smile, "…And contacted your sisters. They seemed to think I was more than enough for you…"

"Hmm." I replied with a smile, wrapping an arm around her waist and giving her a kiss as she moaned into my mouth. "…You certainly are a handful." She smirked kissing me again before standing back up. "That reminds me… I brought you something. A present." She said, swaying her shapely latex clad rear, "You're going to love it."

She stepped out of the room, I waited… and suddenly I felt a little concerned… but then she soon returned. And she wasn't alone.

She was shoved into the room, dressed in white stockings, a garter, panties, bra, and long silk gloves that went over her elbows. Her arms were bound behind her back, tightly held together with a small black cord, binding them tightly, she wore a white collar and a short leash and her ruddy red colored hair was wavy and recently cleaned… The all white confused me, it contrasted obviously with her dark chocolate colored skin, and her golden cathar eyes flicked nervously at me as the black ballgag on her mouth suppressed her words…

…It was Imperial Rose. She struggled for a moment, but Newt yanked obviously on the leash and led her to the bed, her big breasts and round ass wobbling as she struggled on her white high heels. I stared at her concerned and confused before eyeing Newt. "…What's going on?"

Newt looked unashamedly amused. Grinning proudly as she blatantly groped one of Rose's breasts, Rose whimpered, fidgeting as Newt dominated her. "She's a present. Just for you…" Newt said, with a rather cold hiss, "From my father." She said rather dismissively. That was an odd thing to say.

"From your… father? Why would he pay her for a night with-"

Newt laughed, it wasn't necessarily a cruel laugh, it was a beautiful thing to hear. But she was laughing as if she heard something absurdly funny. "No. No Aiden my dear." She leaned forward and kissed me, "She's Just. For. YOU…" she said, Rose moaned angrily fidgeting in place. "Let me put it to you this way…" she pulled a small bag of what was obviously Rose's anti-conception pills, Rose's eyes widened in shock and immediately I knew that she hadn't taken them. Newt shoved Rose onto the bed and strolled into the bathroom, kicking up the toilet seat and opening the bag.

"Whoops." She said in a 'sorry/not sorry' way and dumped the pills into the toilet and flushed.

…No way… I laughed a little as Newt strutted back into the room and gave Rose's big round rear a smack, she gave out a muffled yelp in response "…Why don't you… state it clearly." I said, shifting off the bed and caressing Newt's waist. She was just so damn gorgeous, I couldn't keep my hands off her. Especially now that I was thoroughly in the mood.

Her lips pressed gently to mine, and we kissed for what felt like hours, and she pulled away. "…With the recent threat on your life… we collectively agree that you need an heir… just in case the worst happens." She then began rubbing and squeezing Rose's rear, drawing my attention. "And while it might be fun to do it with me…" she noted as I continued to kiss her, she cooed at my touch. "I'm not exactly prepared for it… not for a guarantee anyway…" before adding with a teasing whisper. "We can still try though." And continuing louder. "Rose here however…" she gave the high-class escort a firm slap on her ass and she yelped again. "Nice and fertile… ready to be filled up with Kane babies-Mmn!?" I kissed her again, gently pressing her against the wall as my hands explored her body."

"Mmn-Ah…" she cooed, as I pulled away, grinning erotically at me.

"First her. Then you." I said kissing her, gently this time, as she rubbed her hands on my back.

"Damn right." She smiled as I pulled away, "Go get her."

Rose fidgeted nervously as she looked over her shoulder at me, her face was red and she looked… conflicted. My hands stroked her body, and she flinched, admittedly my new hand was probably cold to the touch. I leaned over her, close to her ear as she whimpered. "Do you not want my baby Rose?" I asked calmly as she shivered. She stared hard at the bed, her soft ass pressed against my waist, feeling my erection throbbing for action. "…Just shake your head if you don't want to…" I said flatly.

Fucking a baby into her was one thing… Raping a baby into her was another. I wasn't going to be that man. Ever.

When she didn't answer I began to grope those big round ass cheeks, her white panties shifting between them as she moaned. "I'm not hearing a no." I noted softly, sliding my fingers beneath them and beginning to tug them away down her shapely, stocking covered legs. I slid a metallic finger up and down her slit, her body trembled at the unfamiliar touch. Her pussy quivered almost excitedly. Newt, trying to help, undid my belt, letting my pants drop to the floor as I continued to play with Rose's body. Once freed from my bindings my obvious erection jumped to life and Newt sat on the bed, crossing her legs and watching patiently.

I reached over her mouth, undoing the ball gag as she gasped for breath. Panting and moaning softly as she twitched on my finger. "All you got to do is say no."

But she was profoundly silent…

I pulled my fingers away, caressing her slender waist as I viewed that huge soft ass, ready for a good firm pounding. I gripped her arms, the bindings providing a very good handle to a steady pull. I tugged and pushed, she shrieked as my cock rammed balls deep into her tight warm pussy. "Oh fuck!" she cursed, head thrown back as my free, real hand, rubbed that round ass of hers, giving it a light smack. "Mm!"

"Now where's that spot you like…" I said absently, rotating my hips as she shivered, before pulling out, and slamming roughly back in.

"Oh God!"

"There it is!" I teased, slamming again, and again as her ass rippled erotically from the blows.

"Oh! God! OH! MMMNN!!!" she spasmed on my cock as I dropped onto her, keeping up the pace as her pussy drooled, "B-Baby! N-not! So rough!" he heeled feet scraped on the ground, "Oh god! I'm-" she suddenly screamed, head arching back as I pushed deep into that spasming tunnel as it tightened around my throbbing length. I gave her ass cheek a firm smack, before grabbing her shoulders and pulling her hard, bouncing her back and forth on the bed as it rocked beneath us, her screams becoming incoherent and undulating.

"Fuuuuuuuck… Hah!" she stiffened suddenly as I pushed against her flesh, pulling her tightly on my cock and burying myself to the hilt. Her eyes were wide in a silent scream as I released my first load deep inside her fertile body. I let go of her shoulders, sliding my hands down her body and caressing her beautiful ass with both hands. "…Oh God…" she whispered softly, "Oh shit…"

"Every last drop now." Newt smiled, glancing at Rose's face as I slipped from her. A large dollop of cum dribbled out of her onto the dust floor. "Oh now that won't do…" Newt's hand smacked loudly on Rose's ass, Rose shrieked in surprise as her dark chocolate cheek jiggled. She then yanked Rose's hair, she hissed through her teeth at the sudden pain, "Doggystyle is fun… but you need to do this right. Get on the bed." With some effort, Rose crawled slowly onto the bed, still dripping cum as Newt smacked her rear again. "Roll over. On your back."

She hesitated for a minute, then I helped her. pushing her towards Newt as Newt shifted away. Rose lay on her back, legs pressed together and not looking at me as I laid my hands on her knees and pulled them apart. Newt decided to help again, grabbing her ankles and pulling them over Rose so that her pussy pointed straight up and her ankles were almost touching her ears. She grinned down at Rose, stroking her hair as she held Rose's legs in place with her arms. "There we go. Don't waste a drop… apricate it." she added as Rose's eyes widened and she glanced down as I began to climb her again, she bit her bottom lip hesitantly as I straddled her, pushing my cock back against her wet slit and pushing down into her.

"Ugh!!" her head flew back as I rammed into her again. "Oooooh Fuuuuuckkkk." She moaned wildly as I pumped up and down. "Fuck me… fuck meee!!" she whined as she opened and released an wild moan. I gripped her face, making her look at me as her pussy made sloppy, sticky sounds as I pushed into her again and again, my balls slapping loudly on her ass as it jiggled from the blows. "Baby fuck meeee…." She whimpered, cumming again as she moaned, her body thrashing helplessly as I pumped harder.

"Here it cums Rose." I growled, making her look at me again as she panted erotically. "Here! It! Cums!"

"Oh God!" she shrieked into Newt's crotch, which was level with her face. Right as I slammed deep into her, her pussy spasmed and contracted on my length. Instinctively tugging my cum right out of my balls as I flooded her insides. I gave her a very week smile, kissing her exposed neck as I rubbed her stomach. Feeling it clench and spasm as the orgasm surged through her.

Newt forced her to look… lifting her head up as her orgasm face twitch, watching as my cock throbbed the last few drops into her welcoming pussy. My hands moving to her big breasts as I grope them through her lingerie, squeezing the forgotten leash between them as she moaned erotically. As my cock twitched inside her warm, welcoming body I glanced up at Newt…

Without thinking I reached up, cupping her face in my hands and pulling her into a kiss, her tongue instinctively thrusting into my mouth as we wrestled for dominance… My cock stiffening inside Rose as she squeaked nervously at the feeling.

"Mmmnn-Muaaah…" she moaned, pulling away as a string of saliva connected our tongues together briefly before it broke away and splashed onto Rose's chest. "…Ready for me yet?" her hands slipped away from Rose's legs, but she was still held in her mating press position by my body. And Newt's hands slipped to the zipper of her suit, slowly pulling it down as she backed away… her perfect blue body quickly put on display for me as she pulled the skin-tight suit apart, her gloriously big breasts on display as the suit slipped from her body.

My cock stiffened eagerly as I watched her caress her naked body, first her breasts, then slipping a finger into her smooth warm pussy. Panting softly as she warmed herself up for me… but oddly… I felt I wasn't done with Rose. Third time's the charm…

I slipped out of her, and rolled onto my back, resting against the headboard as Rose's legs slapped onto the bed, a tiny dollop of my last load slipping from her as I stroked my slippery length, ready for another round. "Rose. Get on." I ordered. Newt briefly seemed taken aback, Rose too, but Newt recovered quickly and yanked on Rose's leash.

"You heard your baby daddy… he wants another round. Come on." Rose moaned exhaustedly but obeyed, about to sit on my cock when I made her pause.

"Turn around… I want to watch it bounce." I said, as she hesitated, then turned. Back facing me as she slowly squatted down on my cock, her ass jiggling and twitching as she slowly pierced herself on my length once more. Dropping fully onto my cock with a gasp as I slapped my real hand on her cheek, before gripping her arms with my metal one… then pumped.

She bounced on my lap, ass wobbling erotically as she cried out incoherently in pleasure. Our flesh loudly slapped together as I felt a mixture of her arousal and my cum drip down my length. She came again, she shrieked briefly before shivering like hit with a sudden chill, but I kept her moving, she leaned forward as my thrusting continued but I yanked her arms back. She fell on top of me, lying fully on my body as I reached around her, real hand on her neck, metal on her flat, slender waist, stomach…

…Well for now it was flat…

My cock throbbed at the thought, thrusting harder and harder into her as she shook, trembled, and squeaked erotically as I ravaged her body with the sole purpose of producing an heir. My tongue slithered into her ear, my metal hand sliding to her clit and rubbing it gently as she tightened up, I felt her fingers curl in against my stomach, struggling briefly against their bindings as she cried out in pleasure.

"…Tell me you want it…" I whispered, so softly only she would hear me. I felt her pussy tinge excitedly on my length. Her body told no lies, she did. But I wanted to HEAR her say it. "Say it." feeling her cumming again, I sped up. Thrusting to the limit and rubbing her clit, "Say you want my baby!" I hissed demandingly in her ear as she took a very deep breath, thrashing wildly in pleasure.

"I want your baby!!" she whined loudly, shrieking as she went still and I pushed my cock balls deep once more. "Oh God!" her legs thrashed out as I held her firmly down, squeezing her body as Newt watched on. Eyes locked on our connection as she thrust excitedly in her pussy, my pulsing cock throbbing excitedly as if it knew what was going to happen next.

I turned an exhausted Rose's face towards me, kissing her forcefully as she whimpered, then moaned lovingly into my mouth. I finally slid out of her, a torrent of thick seed drooling from between her legs as her body simply could accept any more.

"So wasteful…" Newt scolded, pulling Rose off of me and stroking my fluid-covered cock, "Whatever are you going to do if you don't get pregnant Rose? That was your whole purpose…"

Rose whimpered tiredly but I gently caressed that chocolate colored ass before gripping Newt's face again, pulling her towards me. "She going to do exactly what we're going to do…" Newt grinned as I pulled her to my lips into a kiss, then pulled away.

"And why don't you tell me what we're going to do?" Newt grinned silkily, as I pulled her entirely on top of me, my cock sliding easily between her thighs as she ground slowly on top of me.

"We're going to fuck, breed, rut, impregnate…"

"Mmmn…" she moaned excitedly at the words, "You're going to knock my alien pussy up?" she asked her tongue slithering on my cheek as she gave me butterfly kisses. My hands groped her beautiful blue ass, not nearly as generous as Rose's but it had its own appeal. "You want to put a baby into your sisters' best friend?"

"…Well when you put it that way…" I rolled her onto her back, she grinned excitedly up at me as she submitted to my desires. "…Yes." I hissed, pushing my cock against her warm entrance, and piercing her deep as her arms and legs wrapped tightly around me, kissing me again as I eagerly began to thrust up into her. Her pussy and my cock were a perfect fit for each other, Rose's fluids lubing us both up so I slid easily inside her tight warm tunnel.

We were animals performing a base instinct… and it was fantastic…

She held me tightly to her, her lips always centimeters away from my own, dashing forward occasionally to suppress the tiny orgasms that surged through her body. My arms slipped under her body, crossing on her back and clutching at her shoulders as I pulled her down with each thrust. The sound of our mating was only joined by the creaking of the bed as it scrapped on the floor with our blows, and the sloshing of her pussy as it devoured my cock.

Without warning I slammed my hips to her and filled her, she gasped excitedly, giving me the sexiest bedroom eyes, I've ever seen since Ewok Jungle Fever with Milky Way. Almost immediately I began thrusting again, my cock slightly stiffened and soon firmly hard as she laughed amazed at my stamina. I had already filled Rose three times and I was still ready for more Newt pussy.

"MMnn give me more…" she growled hungrily, kissing me again. "Give me those Kane babies…" my eyes narrowed suddenly… and I rammed her hard. "Oh yeah!! Gimme! Gimme!" she came, writhing beneath me as her arms and legs tightened and quivered on my body. "Fucking breed me…" she cooed with an aroused whisper as I went harder, faster, pounding her so hard it almost hurt, her nipples rigged and firm rubbing against my chest as the bed creaked dangerously.

"…Tell me you want my baby…" I growled, kissing her passionately as she moaned into my mouth. Her pussy convulsed in another orgasm as my cock pulsed, ready to fire, but I was determined to hold it in until she said EXACTLY what she need to say.

She smiled as I pulled away, "Give me that Kane Baby… OUCH!" I yanked her hair suddenly, pounding her hard as she experienced another climax. "Aiden that hurt!"

"Say you want MY baby!" I ordered she blinked and rolled her eyes but I yanked her hair again and stilled. She blinked curiously at me, shivering at the sudden lack of copulation. "Say YOU want MY baby…"

Her exasperated, and admittedly sweaty, look lessened and her eyes widened suddenly as she realized just what I was asking… a look of genuine shock crossed her beautiful features and her mouth opened into a 'O' shape. Staring at me as if amazed… "…I…" she hesitated for a minute, looking into my eyes… I could tell she was conflicted. "I want… your baby Aiden…" she said, her eyes quivering as if she suddenly realized just what she said.

Before we knew it… we were going again, but now it felt different… better. She thrashed more, and cried out in pleasure, laughing happily as another orgasm surged through her. I kissed her, pinning her in place as she wrapped so tightly around me it was almost painful.

We both wanted this now… and we were both committing…

We moaned into each other's mouths, her fingers clawing my back as my cock pulsed a thick filling load of cum into her, her pussy convulsing and pulling it deep into her womb. I stroked her hair, kissing her gently as she cooed into my lips. "…Get pregnant…" I whispered, sighing contentedly as I drained my load.

"...Yes…" she said, stroking my sore back. "…Stay inside me…" she practically begged, stroking my hair lovingly as she pulled me back to her lips. "Don't waste a drop… stay just like this…" she looked, a little terrified, but surprisingly content.

I rubbed my cheek lovingly against her, both of us sighing contentedly as I closed my eyes… it felt good to have hardcore impregnation sex with Rose…

It felt unbelievably amazing with Newt…

End of Chapter

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