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72.97% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 189: The Escape

Capítulo 189: The Escape

I don't own Star wars

I was in pain. This was apparently nothing new… I remember destroying a droid and beating the hell out of a couple of thugs. Not necessarily in that order. Then the smell hit my nose. Electrical burns… great.

I groaned as I sat up, my hand lashing out and apparently resting on a nearby wall. I pulled myself to my feet hissing in arching pain as I felt my chest, feeling the light burns on it from a static blaster… that was going to smell for awhile

"I got to say you are made of some pretty strong shit!" Lala said suddenly as my eyes focused in the dark and found her sitting casually outside of an energy barrier, I was in a cell… great. "I mean really. Shrugging off five blasts from a static blaster?" she whistled, "…Ooh… Kal, baby…"

I growled quietly, that 'nickname' she was trying to get to catch on was really not working. "I can shrug off most things when I'm angry enough…" I leaned heavily against the wall, using it to walk around my cell before getting to the energy barrier that acted as my door. Quickly examining its design and for any weak points… I highly doubt I'll find one… but it never hurt to look.

"Well if you keep that up and we'll be rolling in credits… of course, we got to keep away from that nutbar Asesino." She added with a rather casual air.

…That name did sound familiar. "Who?"

She glanced at me with her surprisingly pretty purple eyes, they twinkled mischievously as she leaned close to the energy barrier. Letting me look down at her cleavage as she tugged at the edges of her jacket. "Rey Asesino. The masked man."

"…Sounds familiar." I said, trying and failing to see if she had any sort of key on her. Unfortunately, my eyes kept getting drawn back to her chest… Oriana was right, a good set of breasts can be the ultimate distraction.

"Well, he was a big champion fighter and underground wrestler. Don't worry about it, hopefully I'll get you off planet and onto the circuit before he can get his big pinchy mitts on you…"

"…How kind of you…" I muttered as she giggled.

"Well… he'll probably snap your neck. He's been known to do that." he thought about that for a minute… he actually sounded kind of fun… but no time for that.

"I want to go back to Coruscant." I said firmly but she shrugged.

"Well there are some pits there, but the big money is places like Nal Hutta, Juggalo II, New Nar Shaddaa…" I scowled as she merely smiled, "Oh come on now Kal, Baby…"

"Please stop calling me that…" I half pleaded, half warned.

"-Think of the MONEY." She said ignoring my request.

"I don't care about the money…" I said stubbornly, glaring at her as I crossed my arms imposingly across my shirtless chest. "I just want to go back to Coruscant."

"But why?! Coruscant is so BORING…" she moaned, collapsing against the far wall and groaning like a petulant child. Why does it seem like Queenie is more mature than her? "You LOVE it." she said, pointing accusingly at me. "Look me in the eye and TELL ME you don't want to fight…"

"I don't want to…" Honestly, it'll be a lot easier to deny if it wasn't true… but I didn't have to worry about that anymore. Because as I paused, I smelled a familiar scent. I didn't have a shistavanen nose or anything (at least not a great one). But when she wears a perfume I recognize I can usually point her out in a crowd.

"See!?" Lala said excitedly, pointing at me and bouncing (jiggling) in place as she misunderstood my hesitation as acceptance. "You can't even say it! You live for stuff like this! Honestly, I don't know what you were doing on Coruscant in the first place! Look, Kal Baby, just branch out a little! Like me! I could've just stayed on New Nar Shaddaa with my mother and her Boss! But look at me now!"

"Excuse me." A familiar voice said sporting a rylothian accent. Personally, I like that one. "But could you tell me where I am? I seem to be lost…" We both turned to look at the other occupant… and well I was certainly surprised. My eyes widened at Oriana's 'disguise' she was barely wearing anything, and if she was wearing anything under that thing it must have been under a stealth field because she was obviously going commando… she fiddled rather adorably with her braided blue ponytail, her other hand rubbing a bare shapely blue thigh…

…I'm uh… getting mixed feelings right now.

Lala's eyes narrowed at her for a moment, "What are you even doing down here?" she asked, and I cursed. I could hear the suspicion ooze out of every perfect pore.

"I am afraid I got lost… one of the guards asked me to uh…" Oriana fidgeted, smiling coyly and making all sorts of butterflies dance in my stomach… I must have hit my head harder than I thought. "Well… he was very persuasive. You know?"

…I suddenly had a very strange urge to tear out her imaginary guard's throat with my teeth.

Lala put her hands on her hips, still staring at her suspiciously. "…Not really… the guards around her are about as charming as a hungry rancor… not like my Kal, Baby here."

"Please. Stop calling me that…" I said, it was slightly more embarrassing now that somebody I knew was present to hear it. Oriana looked surprisingly piss off.

"I mean LOOK at this guy!" Lala cheered, forgetting her suspicions and dragging a somewhat reluctant Oriana closer as she bragged about me. I'd be flattered normally if I wasn't locked in a damn cell… and was previously kidnapped and forced to fight in an underground pit. "Check the pecs! Hoo! Ha! Hoo! Damn he's pretty!" she smiled, pretending to take pictures as… surprisingly Oriana blushed as her gaze lingered on my many scars. "Hmm… Scars are hot…" Lala winked at a blushing Oriana, "I get it from my mom. But it's nice to see a girl who appreciates a fine, manly specimen covered in battle scars.

"What?" Oriana blinked, her coming out of her daze as she blinked at Lala. Her fake accent dropped for only a moment. "Oh… yes. He is… very handsome." She said, smiling faintly at me as I rolled my eyes… also trying to hide a smile.

"He's going to make us a fucking mint!" Lala said proudly, not noticing Oriana step around her.

"No. I'm really not." I replied as Lala, frowned, and rubbed her chin in thought.

"…You know… I think you just need a bit more convincing…" she reached out and grabbed Oriana by the wrist. "…You're pretty enough." She noted.

"What?" Oriana managed to get out before Lala wrapped an arm around Oriana's slender blue waist and planted a heavy kiss on her lips as the pheromones just oozed out of Lala before she abruptly pulled away, Oriana just a little pink around the cheeks as she panted heavily.

"See? Girls like her? A credit a dozen for Tulba…" Lala said smiling smugly, watching me intently as her hands brushed against Oriana's cheek. "…Now. Why don't you enjoy a little freebie?"

"What?" I said, not really listening, watching my attractive and oldest friend kissing a beautiful Zeltron put me off.

"Well if you don't want credits, how about pussy?" she replied with a shrug as Oriana looked aghast, her face a deep red as she blushed, lips curling in what could only be an attempt to retain a laugh. "I mean… could give you some too… but a convenient slave girl works too for now… don't be shy." She smiled encouragingly. "Come get a taste of the good stuff."

"What the hell makes you think I'm just going to have sex with a woman because you told me too?" I replied indignantly. Who did she think I was? Someone from the Firemane side of the family?... Well I guess that's a bit rude, and wrong. It's not like they slept with just anyone…

"Hmm? Why? What's wrong with her?" Lala asked curiously glancing down Oriana's cleavage, "…Great rack, beautiful face, slender waist, a nice pillowy ass-" she squeezed Oriana's pillow ass for reference, "-sturdy neck choking legs… and a very lovely shade of Azure blue… honestly I'd have a go at her if you don't want her."

"Excuse me?" Oriana blinked, returning to reality as the pheromones deteriorated.

"Look gorgeous I'm trying to get my Kal Baby-"

"PLEASE stop calling me that."

"-To agree to be my fighter and your sexy blue ass isn't helping. So stand there and look distractingly pretty." The look of indignation on Oriana's face was unnoticed by Lala, but still kind of funny. "Now… isn't she just the prettiest little slave girl you've ever seen?"

"Yes." I said, blinking as the words shot from my mouth as Oriana's blue cheeks blushed bright red again. Lala cooed as she rubbed her pink face into the crook of Oriana's neck, her tongue lazily giving it a lick.

"Mmm… I guess he likes em blue… personally, I like me some redheads, but I'll make an exception for you Kal, baby." Before I could even complain about her attempted nickname; she was pressing her lips to Oriana's.

…I wasn't made of fucking stone. Two beautiful women exchanging spit was quite a sight even for me. My pants tightening as the sudden and quite uncomfortable erection made itself known. Lala seemed to throw herself into it, slobbering erotically into Oriana's mouth as Oriana's hands slipped to Lala's skintight-suited waist, rubbing her round shapely backside as they made out before me.

"Mmn taste like candy… sweet…" Lala cooed as she ran her hands up Oriana's slender, dancer waist, caressing her curves almost reverently, "My god you're wasted as a waitress. Look at your curves… you could make a fortune on stage."

"N-No thanks…" Oriana mumbled, her hands slipping into Lala's jacket as she caressed her. "I'm quite content with my job…"

"Whatever you say… but how about you get a little more comfortable." Her hands cupped Oriana's large shapely breasts in the metal bikini. "…Seems a little bit too small for these glorious girls!"

Oriana suddenly grinned, and then she made her move. She pressed Lala to the wall, right by the key lock of my cell and passionately kissed Lala. Pulling her hands from Lala's jacket as a keycard flashed between her talented fingers…


"What?! Shi-" Lala began, but my arm wrapped around her head and got her in a headlock. She slapped my arm, but I got her into a chokehold. She went limp quickly and I lay her gently on the cell bed. She looked rather peaceful, her chest rising and falling proving she was still alive.

"Whoo!" Oriana breathed, looking flushed as she helped me with my bindings. "I'd thought I'd never find a keycard… she doesn't have a lot of pockets." The bindings clattered to the floor as I rubbed my wrist. My eyes wandering her half naked body…

"…Thanks Oriana." I said as she grinned cheerily, stroking a loose strand of blue hair from her eyes as she turned shut Lala in the cell and we headed up the hall.

"Yeah well… you're kind of my responsibility. And our aunts would never let me hear the end of it if I didn't rescue you."

"…I knew you'd come for me." I noted as she wouldn't meet my eyes.

"…Yeah well…" she suddenly pressed her body to me as a trio of thugs wandered by. Hiding us in a small alcove as she blinked up at me. Her metal covered breasts pressed to my chest as she gave me a feeble smile. "…That's me. Always bailing you out of trouble…"

"…At least you look good doing it." I noted as we walked away from the thugs, in the direction they came from which led us to a spare armory.

"I'm half naked. Everyone looks good half naked. Put these on." She said, handing me scraps of clothes, armor, and a mercenary helmet that would cover my face. "We need to get through the casino and those rags will draw attention." She said as I began putting on my disguise. As I slipped the helmet on my head, giving my voice a metallic reverb I could not help but point out.

"I'm certain everyone would be looking at you rather than me…"

She blushed heavily again, and she shoved me lightly. "…When did you get such a silver tongue?"

"…Don't know. I think it's still the pheromones." I noted… but I think really that it was 'uniform' she was wearing. She looked really good in it… I'm not blind.

"If anyone asks… you paid for me." She said, suddenly hanging on my arm as we walked out together.

"…Can't we just be on a date?" I asked as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Ideally we don't want anyone to ask…" she replied flatly.

Luckily we managed to get out of the underground, into a crowded casino with girls dressed like Oriana strutting around with trays of drinks and smokes. We were halfway to the locker rooms when…

"Hey! You! Blue bitch!" we turned as a human thug approached us, he shoved me aside and gripped Oriana. "The fuck is wrong with you?! You think you can knock me out and get away with it?"

He twisted her arm… she flinched in pain…

…I got pissed.

My hand gripped his throat. Bodily lifting him from the ground as I gripped his Oriana grabbing wrist in my other hand slamming him hard against a nearby wall as a few people turned their attention to us as I strangled him.

"Do not touch HER…" I snarled… and snapped his arm like a twig.

"God DAMN IT KAL!" Oriana hissed with a shocked, but a strangely delighted smile on her face. the guard screamed like a baby and I dropped him to the ground, clutching his arm as he drew the attention of other nearby guards. "Dash for it!" she shrieked as we ran for the locker rooms.

We had just slammed the door shut, locked it, and barricaded it with a locker as Oriana retrieved a bag of what I could only assume were her things. "Come on out the back!" she shouted as the whole building lit up with noise and alarms. "Damn it Kal. What the hell!?" she shouted as we made our way onto the street of Nar Shaddaa. You could tell by the neon where we were. I tossed the confining helmet aside as her bottoms flew in the breeze…

Giving me a rather… well… beautiful view actually….

"…I didn't like him." I snarled quietly. Oriana didn't answer. We just ran non-stop to the port. Catching our breath, Oriana blushed her messy hair out of her eyes and pointed to her ship. A sleek Cipher interceptor, it had a slight blue tinge to it.

"There's our ride lets-" suddenly the port erupted with blaster fire. Everyone was screaming and diving for cover as thugs, obviously Tulba's, began firing stun blasters at us. "On the ship!" Oriana demanded as the ramp opened and we scampered up it. She tossed me a spare rifle. "Hold them off!" she cried as I turned and fired blind at the thugs and-


Lala. Looking a little dizzy, still darted expertly through the crowd, dodging and darting like a gymnast as she made her way toward the ship ramp.

"Oriana close the ramp!" I shouted. Firing at Lala as she amazingly dodged my shots… then again, I didn't have the marksmen skills of my uncle so maybe not that amazing. At the words and the priming of the engines, the ramp began to close…

Then in one fluid, smooth movement Lala leaped towards the closing ramp, slipping through seconds before it sealed shut, tucking into a roll before leaping and kicking the blaster from my hand. Her leg darted up towards my head, I blocked it and shoved it away. pushing her back as we felt the ship begin to take off. The sound of blaster fire on our vessel was little more than gnats bothering a wampa.

We stared each other down for a moment. she smirked as I brought my hands up into a fighting stance, cracking my knuckles. "…Round two?" I asked as she began bouncing lightly on her feet. Loosening up her hands as her smirk broadened.

"Oh yeah Kal, Baby." She said before lunging forward, her leg darting up into my stomach. I slapped it back down with my right before jabbing with my left. Feeling the ship move beneath us as we hit the atmosphere.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Oriana shouted from the cockpit as I swung rapid combos at Lala as she barely dodged my heavy hitting blows.

"Dealing with a stowaway!" I shouted as Lala leaped into a spin kick, slamming against my guard.

"What's taking you so long!?" she replied. I guess I should be flattered at her confidence. But just then the ship shook violently as Lala and I both stumbled, losing our balance.

"What was that?!"

"We got fighters on our tail! Hold on!" we felt the ship move again as Lala and I spun through the hold. She landed on top of me as we blinked at each other and began exchanging blows again, her legs wrapping around my arm as she tried to get me in another choke hold.

"I won't fall for that TWICE!" I roared as I struggled, feeling my arm stretch painfully as I lifted and hurled her down, pinning her to the floor as I lifted and slammed her down again. Loosening her grip. I was about to stomp her when the ship shook violently again.

"Fuck!" Oriana cursed. "…Okay. Okay! Hold onto something!" she shouted.

"What are you doing?" I shouted as Lala gripped my leg and twirled, her feet slamming up into my jaw in a very debilitating blow… it was as impressive as it was painful.

"Jumping!" she shouted.

Lala and I paused as the ship shook again, before both of us turned towards the cockpit and managed to get out a flat.


Just as we hit hyperspace.

Lala and I were on the floor again for a moment… then we were flung forward against the wall as Oriana started shouting again. "Fucking! Damn it! Brace for emergency landing!" she roared, as the ship began to flicker with red light, "They wrecked something before we jumped! We're going down!"

I got a glimpse of an oncoming green planet with a large blue shape, a large lake obviously, in the middle giving it an impression of a giant green eye… and it was coming up on us very, very fast…

End of Chapter.

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