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84.16% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 218: Tactful Tending

Capítulo 218: Tactful Tending

I don't own Star Wars

"…What the hell happened to you?" Rykkr asked skeptically as Oriana hefted me into the ship, my legs had finally given out halfway up the ramp. Nerri quickly darted towards me, getting my other arm onto her shoulder and helping Oriana drag me onto the ship. "You look like you went three rounds with an Oggdo Bogdo."

"…A couple of angry Trandoshans jumped us." I hissed through the pain. Everything was hurting now… not necessarily as bad as when I had a durasteel bar through my leg. But it was still significantly annoying.

"I don't suppose we have a working bacta tank, do we?" Oriana asked but she was probably more than aware that our medbay most certainly didn't.

"Haven't gotten to that yet…" Rattletrap noted, walking out of a panel in the wall and lifting another hatch on the floor open. "Good news though! Got the engines working properly." He then lept down into the floor, pulling the hatch shut.

"The guy is a miracle worker." Rykkr noted as a few of his men went about above us repairing the ship. "Anyway, drag him to the medbay and let's have a look." He said, rolling up his sleeves.

"Mechanic and doctor?" Oriana noted as she dragged me into the medbay and together with Nerri they lay me down gently onto my back as Rykkr shrugged.

"I've tended to a few injured thugs in my time…" he then retrieved a rather decrepit looking medkit from a locker and opened it. "I wouldn't perform surgery as 'butcher' happens to be another of my skillsets…" he joked, "but I think I can diagnose you."

He then removed an old scanner clearly on the fritz from the kit and ran it over me. Nerri and Oriana watched for a moment before finally, Nerri asked. "…What's an Oggdo Bogdo?"

"About 30 pounds of 'Nope' in a 10-pound bag." Rykkr noted, frowning sourly as he pulled the scanner away from me and glared. "…Describe the trandoshans." He asked as if examining me for a head cold.

"Albinos." Oriana noted as Rykkr rolled his eyes.

"So WORSE than an Oggdo Bogdo... Sawtooth and Helesh?" he asked as I nodded skeptically.

"…He might have growled his name before I slammed his head repeatedly against a crate." I noted as he smirked playfully.

"You didn't happen to cut OFF that head when you were done did you?"


"Then the crazy fuckers are probably still alive and licking their scales." He turned off the scanners. "So good news. Your bones are fractured; Not broken, and a few ribs are bruised. But rest and a dip in a bacta tank will clear you right up." He turned to the girls, eyeing them playfully, "Off with you now." Nerri snorted and turned, Oriana eyed him suspiciously, but his mustache twitched, and she turned.

"I'll get you something to eat Kal." She left, Rykkr closed up the medkit and went to put it away… and I couldn't help myself.

"Why are you helping us?" I asked as he paused, and glanced out of the medbay as everyone scrambled around. He seemed to think about it, his mustache twitching.

"…I'm Nar Shadda born and bred. I killed people before my balls dropped, I've run drugs, guns, food…" he shrugged unapologetically, "I've helped the wrong people, and the right ones… I'm… not necessarily a good man, but I'm not a bad one.


"So." he repeated back to me calmly. "…I get this feeling about people, I like to think I can read them… last time I felt it I saved the life of a man I like to now call my 'guardian angel.'." he adjusted his sleeves rather tactfully. "And by that, I mean if somebody REALLY pisses me off, I can ask him to 'take care of it'. Not remotely the point."

"…Are you going to get to it?" I asked, flinching as he tossed me a pack of painkiller bacta patches. his mustache twitched over a faint smile.

"…When I was a young nameless thug, a red-haired green-eyed bounty hunter saved my life…" he shrugged, "…No other reason than he could, probably doesn't even remember it." He pointed at me, and my hair and eyes. "…A relative?"

"Not all green-eyed redheads are related but… Probably." I noted in reluctant understanding as I applied the patches to my legs.

"So… I help people who might come back and help me… I 'invest' in them. You reminded me of both of those men. I think…" he said conspiratorially. "That maybe one day you'd save my life… by being REALLY good at killing people." He smirked, "I think you have potential. Don't screw me over and we'll be good friends…"

"…Don't give me a reason to." I replied calmly. His mustache twitched again.

"…That's why I like you." He replied fondly, patting my feet. "Get some rest. Eat your girl's cooking." He noted, rolling up his sleeves again and retrieving some sort of hammer tool. "Hey Traps! What needs working on next?"

I tried to block out the echoing sounds of the ship being worked on, but my hopes were slim all things considered. Especially since a crash and a cacophony of noise erupted outside the medbay.

"Touch my spear again and you WILL regret it!" Nerri roared at some poor mechanic as Lala had to intervene.

"Whoa Nerri! relax." Lala noted, "Go. Go over there. Take your pointy stick…" suddenly the beautiful Nelvaanian was shoved into the medbay clutching her spear by Lala. "Keep Kal company." Lala grinned at me before sealing the doors shut. "Hey! Do you have a death wish? Don't touch a lady's stick!"

I sighed, the door only muffled some of the hard work occurring outside as Nerri laid her spear on the far wall and sat on the seat next to my bed. Watching me. I closed my eyes and tried to rest, letting the kolto patches soothe my bones. But as I cracked on eye open, she was still watching me interestedly. "…You don't have to stare." I said notedly. I didn't really care… but it was becoming… creepy.

"…I don't like the ship being full of… people." She noted softly, "People we don't know. And certainly not with you out of commission."

…I don't really know how to respond to that, but I'll try my best. "I'm not out of commission." I noted.

Her eyes narrowed and her canine nose twitched slightly. "Laid up?"

"I… might be laid up…" growled, sitting up and feeling stiff and sore… my ribs screaming at me. Which was a mistake. But I'll deal with it. Lying against the wall as I sat on the bed relieved the pain a little. The door hissed open and Oriana entered, carrying a steaming bowl of… food. I'm not entirely sure what sort of food but it seemed to be stew.

I glanced at the unappetizing looking bowl, chunks of meat and haphazardly chopped vegetables were tossed into some sort of stock… some of the meat still looked pink. I glanced up at Oriana who did not meet my eyes. Putting the bowl aside as Nerri glowered at it… like it insulted her mother.

"…I am not a cook." Oriana admitted sheepishly…

"Pffft!" I coughed, covering my mouth as I tried very hard not to laugh out loud… been a while since I've done that from amusement.

"Shut up Kal." She noted indignantly, blushing furiously as Nerri picked up the bowl, sniffed it once and held it at arms-length.

"You are NOT a cook." She said, "…I'll fix this." She said abruptly, holding the bowl out like it was a bomb about to go off and leaving us in the medbay as the doors shut behind her.

I coughed again. "Shut up Kal!" she replied indignantly. "And lie down!" she noted, carefully but forcefully trying to get me onto the bed.

"Ha-ha." I chuckled as I was guided back onto the support cushions of the medbay bed. "How did you survive on assignments?"

"Shut up." She mumbled, taking off my shoes and getting my feet on the bed like a mother-hen. "I just survived on MREs. If I have instructions, I can make a meal… I'm just not good with doing it from scratch!" she then glared at me indignantly. "And YOU should talk! How many instant noodles did you devour while on Coruscant?"

"That was for practicality." I replied, "I can still cook my own food."

"Uh-Huh." She replied skeptically, looming smugly over me to adjust my pillow…

…Her big bountiful blue breasts swaying gently over my face. Her tight catsuit squeezed every curve of her body… I noted the small burn mark, where she had been shocked by the trandoshan's stun baton. I rested my hand on it and she froze, glancing at me a little hesitantly.

"…Does it hurt?" I asked, rubbing the spot gently

"…No, she just stunned me." She replied comfortingly. I growled quietly… but was quickly muffled between her soft body as her blue breasts pressed around my face.

"Mmpgh!?" I mumbled, feeling her weight on top of me as she caressed my head with her hand… she wasn't heavy, but with her on top of me, it still hurt. Although, as my hands slid down her sides to wrap slowly around her mid-back… I can't say I didn't like her body on top of me. She continued to caress my hair as my eyelids became heavy… it was oddly comforting to have her on top of me. To hear her steady heartbeat in her chest as she lulled me carefully to sleep. Warm… and soothing… I think I could get addicted to having her soft, warm body against mine.

"…Comfy?" she cooed with a smile, her ruby eyes twinkling as I groaned quickly… squeezing her tightly as she giggled. She slid gently down my body, so I was freed from her soft embrace her lips suddenly on mine as I caressed her. "Seems so…" she purred, before kissing me again. "…Don't think I didn't notice you going all berserker on them for me…" she said softly as I snorted. It was no big deal.

"…It was no big deal."

"Uh-huh." She replied with an eye roll. "Well now that you're all hurt, I need to take care of you…" she pressed her lips back to mine as I held her to me… then the doors hissed open. Nerri returned with a steaming bowl of recognizable soup.

An eyebrow rose on over her eye, and a small smile twitched across her face. "…Am I interrupting?"

Oriana actually pouted, turning to glare at her. "YES." She said in a 'well obviously' sort of tone. Nerri however seemed to be humored at this, absently patting Oriana on her rear as the buxom blue beauty slid off my body, zipping up her suit and continuing to glare at Nerri, who promptly handed Oriana the soup.

"Well good, you shouldn't be strenuously nursing him anyway or it'll take longer for him to recover." She then handed Oriana a spoonful of soup. "…Also, I imagine you wouldn't want to give everyone out there a show."

Oriana scowled and scooped up some of the soup, tactfully blowing on it to cool it, before holding it out for me. "Say 'ah' Kal…" before grinning a little childishly, "Open the hangar bay doors."

I glared at her, "Really?" I mumbled as she smirked.

"Ah…" she repeated… a little more… erotically than I imagine she should.

"…Ah." I opened as the spoon full of soup slipped into my mouth, it was surprisingly savory. I chewed and swallowed before glancing at Nerri. "…Did you really make this?"

"I fixed it." she replied, sitting down to watch as Oriana fed me. "In fairness I imagine Oriana simply took it off the heat too soon." She watched Oriana for a moment, before glancing at the door, "…Rattletrap says that with help the ship should be completely functional in two days." She then glanced at me before adding. "And Rykkr sent some men to retrieve his shipment… however there was a distinct lack of trandoshans… a lot of blood though."

I swallowed another spoonful and sat up on the bed. "They weren't there?"

"I am told it's something of a habit." Nerri scowled, "…Lala says that Sawtooth takes after his 'daddy' but I'm not sure what she meant by that."

"…Blackjaw Gryst was a notorious 'monster' bounty hunter." Oriana noted, holding another spoonful to me that I obediently ate. "…And he has a history with one side of Kal's-" she paused before technically correcting herself, "-our family. A history of being 'killed' and not staying dead…"

Nerri seemed confused at that, "…Sounds complicated…"

"It was actually extremely irritating according to my aunt." Mumbled Oriana before making me finish the bowl and lying me down. "Stabbed, blown up, speeder crashes, collapsed buildings… Blackjaw didn't know how to stay down. And apparently neither does his supposed spawn."

"…Next time I'll rip his head off." I noted coolly. "…Or cut it off." I added, holding up my claw gauntlet and snapping out my claws. "…I like that second option."

"Give me those!" Oriana noted, taking off my glove, then the other and placing them on a nearby table. "No claws in the medbay!"

I snorted, as there was a loud crash outside in the hold. "Oi!!" came a muffled Rattletrap from somewhere in the ship. "Who put a damn crate on my hatch!?"

Oriana rubbed her eyes, "…Better get some sleep Kal. I'll have to thank you later…" she opened the medbay door to join in the yelling as Nerri watched in some fascination before shutting the door. I closed my eyes. As the chattering and yelling erupted. Technically this was nothing compared to sleeping in a warzone which I have done before… but it wasn't nearly as soothing as Oriana.

…I fell asleep at some point. I wasn't sure when… but when I awoke, I felt a familiar feeling on my body.

The medbay was dark and the door was shut, Oriana straddled my lap as she kissed me awake. "Hey. It's later…" she cooed as I groaned at the sudden feeling of warmth around my length. "Ahh…" she tossed her hair as she slid down onto me. Her warm tightness waking me immediately as she began to bounce on my lap, slow and gentle. As if afraid she'd hurt me…

I was made of tougher stuff, however. "Ah…" she gasped as I sat up, gripping her soft ass cheeks in my hands. She was still wearing her suit, it clung tightly to her skin as she gasped. "Kal-Mpgh!" I was already kissing her, muffling her as she moaned loudly into my mouth as I bounced her on my lap. "MMn! MMm!!" her insides clung tightly to me as she trembled in excitement, her hips rocking and rolling on my lap as I clung tightly to her beautiful body. "MMn!" she engulfed my entire length as she quivered on my lap, her legs wrapped around me as she tried to suck the air from my lungs. "Ha-ha…" she smiled beautifully at me, pulling away and grinding on my lap. "…How's my bedside manner?" she cooed, seconds before I put her on her back on the bed. "Ooh…" she shuddered in pleasure as I pumped into her, pinning her onto the medbay bed as she gnashed her teeth together. "Hmm! MMMn!!" she clung tightly to me as our hips slammed together.

…But just as quickly as it began it was over. "MMMn!!" she trembled, gasping out loud as I muffled her again with a kiss. She screamed her orgasm into my lungs as I filled her insides with my release. Both of us lying on the bed as she groaned, my full weight on her body as she rubbed my hair again.

"…Sorry…" she said suddenly, after taking a deep calming breath.

I blinked. Glancing at her curiously. "…What for?" …What did she feel sorry about?

She smiled prettily at me… but… there was something off about it… "…For waking you up." She finally said as she put her hand on the back of my head and placed it on her soft chest… a far better pillow than anything we had. "…Go back to sleep Kal." She said softly, her heartbeat oddly calming as I sighed… drifting off back to my dreams.

…I've known Oriana all my life. I like to think I know her tells and habits… but I also know that she's a professional if maybe a little underappreciated, Cipher. One, in my own opinion, incredibly instinctual trooper wouldn't be able to read a Cipher agent so easily.

…So I chose to believe… that she didn't just lie to me.

End of chapter

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