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57.52% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 149: Sisterly Bonding

Capítulo 149: Sisterly Bonding

I don't own star wars

…I don't remember when we got to the private wing of the Medcenter. But I Do remember feeling like shit. It was naturally under heavy guard by Urai-Ken's Mandalorians as well as, apparently, a group of warrior wookiees. Led by my uncle Caradoc.

…He greeted me. But I didn't hear him, walking past him almost in a daze. Deep in thought as I went looking for Circe. Mirai was in another room, apparently in the final stages of her checkup as she shoved a twi'lek doctor aside and limped off the bed. Her leg was still tender but she was determined to get back to work.

I found her, resting peacefully with a large shaved patch of fur on her wounded shoulder, stitched and carefully patched with Kolto. She was snoring, and for the first time in a while. I smiled. Sitting down next to her and I took her hand. She clutched mine tightly in her firm grip and her eyes flicked open. She turned towards me, rolling her green eyes.

"…Was I snoring again?" she mumbled rather drearily.

"Yeah but. Only I heard you." I said, my voice hadn't been used since… Altora… it was a little raspy. I was quiet for a moment, uncomfortably so as she noticed. Her pretty face contorted curiously as she watched me.

"…What's wrong? You're too quiet." She gingerly touched the bald patch of pale, shaven skin near her should where she had been stabbed. "…Is it too obvious?" she smiled trying to lighten the mood as she giggled, "It's fine. A couple weeks and I'll be back to normal, and a dip in kolto…"

"…I met Altora…" I said. Softly, she blinked at me and carefully nodded.

"I know. Your Aunt Scarlet told me…"

"…I killed her." I said… and everything went quiet again… for a long time. I couldn't even look at her. I've shot and killed in self-defense, that didn't bother me… but she was begging for her life. She was my grandmother, and I lost my temper and blasted her to death…

Circe shifted slightly on the bed, sitting up as I felt her good arm wrap around me, pulling me close to her chest as she held me. "…It'll be alright…" she said. Simple. Final. Oddly comforting. And we just stayed like that for a very long time as I carefully hugged her bath. "When you want to talk about it. I'll listen…"

"…Am I a bad person?" I asked suddenly as she blinked at me surprised. "…I killed her in cold blood. In a rage… I was just so pissed at her for not caring, and not being able to help dad. I…"

"Shut the fuck up." She stared at me angrily, taking my surprised face in her hands and making me look at her, twitching slightly as the pain in her shoulder returned. "Shut. Up. Don't let that get in your head. That woman, that BITCH, was a horrible, murderous, psycho schutta, who killed her own Father, YOUR namesake." She said gently caressing my cheeks, wiping away what few tears I had shed. "Don't cry over her, don't even think about her." she said coldly. Then letting me go, added very pointedly. "There was a reason Dad never talked about her to us… its because she wasn't important enough to know about."

She gently ruffled my hair, smiling at me as she lay back down. "… We'll find a way to fix Dad, and Moms. He's tough, he's not going to let some stupid virus kill him…"

…But Circe hadn't seen dad… she didn't know how bad it is…

"…Yeah." I said, lying my head on her bed as she continued to stroke my hair. "…We'll fix them."

A knock on the door later Caradoc opened it, Barradowwa just behind him, "Doctors what to have a look at you again Circe." He said, gesturing to me, "Come on Boy give her some privacy."

"Ugh…" Circe groaned, "How often can they poke and prod me for a shoulder scar?"

Caradoc smiled as he rested a hand on me, "They'll just make sure you look nice and pretty for your pictures… and that the thing still functions properly."

"It's fine." She grumbled, rotating it slightly, "I can knock you out with this arm…" Caradoc laughed, and led me out as the added, "Roland. I want you back in here when they're done." She said with a sweet smile that I tried to return… but my mind was wandering so far away it might have come off awkwardly.

Caradoc sighed and turned me into an empty hallway as Barradowwa stood a little away at the entrance, apparently standing guard to keep our privacy. "…You doing alright? Your girls are worried." He added with a sniff, a little annoyed that he was having this conversation. "…And considering two of them are vicious bounty hunters that might be saying something."

I rested my head on his furry chest and he froze… before patting me gently on the back. Staying silent as Baradowwa watched on. "…I think I really fucked up…" I mumbled, "…I think dad's going to be pissed."

Caradoc sighed, and sniffed. He pushed me away gently holding me at arm's length. "…We'll deal with that later… look. Go home for a little while, rest, recover… spend time with your girls. You need time."

"I want to be with Circe." I said, almost immediately as the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he sighed.

"…I suppose you could spend a couple of days with her. Until she's out of the hospital; then you go home." he said firmly, "I'm serious Roland." I nodded. He was only trying to help… he asked me a few more questions. Details about what happened, how it happened. I gave him a few details… but then he asked me what I wanted to do.

I wanted to fix dad… but I could only do that by finding my other grandmother and I didn't even know where to begin... but as I walked back with him to Circe's room… another idea came to mind. Seeing my sister lying on the bed with a hole in her shoulder… she got hurt because of me, because of Vargoss

"…I want payback." I said suddenly, "…I want to find Vargoss and get him back for what he did to Circe." Caradoc eyed Barradowwa both of them sniffed together as he opened the door to Circe's room.

"I'll… see what we can do." He said slowly, "…Barradowwa let's go talk with Urai… I imagine Mirai has a like-minded idea." They left me alone with Circe as she smiled and patted the chair next to her bed. I sat down next to her and smiled… Progressively feeling better…

Dromund Kaas

I pulled the amber-colored bottle from the hidden cabinet behind Father's portrait. Sitting at the table of my personal quarters as I waited, staring at it. It was a bottle of Corelian whiskey aged for 18 years and I was saving it for a special occasion and it seemed like the appropriate time.

My door knocked as I continued to stare at the bottle, "Enter." I said immediately, I knew who it was… A large, black-furred, heavily armored Shistavanen entered… my eyebrow rose curiously at that. Apparently, I didn't know who it was… well, I knew his name was Kallus, but I was expecting…

My twin entered, brushing past Kallus, "At ease." She said simply, approaching me with a smile as I stood up and we embraced. "Tolara."

"Kavilla." I replied, eyeing her bodyguard. I can't say I didn't approve of her choice, in fact, I had no real opinion on the matter, as long as he did the job. "He's not joining us is he?"

"What? No." she waved a hand, Kallus' muzzle twitched as if suppressing a sneer before turning and walking out, the pneumatic door shutting behind him. "He's just doing his job." She eyed the bottle, humming slightly as she sat down opposite me. "So… you brought it out?"

"…I was going to wait and see if Roland ever visited…" I said, uncorking the bottle and letting the well-aged alcohol flutter into my senses. "But I figured now was as good a time as any all things considered." I bought this whiskey when Roland was born, I was saving it for him, but I imagine this was just as good as an occasion. I gently placed two shot glasses on the table. "…Here's to mother." I said pouring the drink, "Fuck off you old hag." I added bluntly as we clinked the glass together and drank together in sync.

Kavilla cooed, "That's good." She smiled, eyeing the shot glass as we placed them back on the table. Now. Amazingly joined by another. We drew pistols as Newt appeared beside us, looking like she already had a few; she glared at us, her eyes a little 'redder' than usual.

"Pour me another." She mumbled, and together we had another drink, she looked… unprofessional.

"What is the matter with you? Altora's dead." Kavilla noted as our friend and Cipher agent glared at my sister. "Enjoy it."

"Altora's dead and Aiden's still sick." Newt growled pointedly.

"…One thing at a time." I noted softly, trying to put my beloved brother and his wives out of my mind for a moment. "…Let's just take our victories."

"This isn't a victory." Newt said, glaring at me now, tears slightly flowing from her eyes. "This is another bump in the road. We don't have a cure. We don't have any leverage. And, oh yeah! Malisis has the damn formula! and no matter how many times I fire my rifle at Korriban's doors they aren't going to open for me."

I frowned slightly, pouring myself another shot. My mind already whirling through dozens of scenarios… I can't, no matter how much clout I have, make an open move on a sith lord of Korriban… And what made it worse was she had the damn formula all along and had played me for a fool. Now she had powerful allies, two already wheedling into high society.

What was his name? Whisper? I had my suspicions, but he had managed to play one noble house against another: we are still trying to clean up the mess. I also believe he had a Moff or two in his pockets. And the other, Gasp: she has her hands down the pants of two others… Four Moffs I couldn't trust was two too many… I kept the majority but suppressed the descent, If I had total control over the council that would make me more of a target but those two were upsetting the balance. Malisis had stayed firmly on Korriban since Kavilla saw her on Blataant… at least as far as I knew. I had no official authority over the Sith, only a semblance of cooperation…

"Hey!" Newt growled, yanking the bottle out of my hand as well as my train of thought. "What the hell are we going to do!?" she shouted, I sighed. She must have had a lot, she was usually so composed. "My 'husband' is still being biochemically tortured and we're sitting here drinking off an old bitch we should've capped ages ago! I already got my brother trying to find Malasis' strongholds as well as her pets, but we can't just sit on our sexy asses getting plastered…" she spilled a considerable amount on the table before simply drinking from the bottle.

"We aren't… we're doing everything we can." I said coldly, as Kavilla watched her with a fond smile, trying very hard not to laugh as well as naturally not helping. "And stop drinking all of that!" I shouted, yanking the bottle. "Save some for Roland!" I hissed, quickly catching myself and clearing my throat. "…When he visits…" I added, capping the bottle and retrieving another, less sentimental vintage.

"Careful sister your emotions are showing…" Kavilla mumbled over her glass as I glared at her, unable to detain my blush. "If you're not careful people will start to think you have a soul…"

"Ha. Ha." I said coolly… I can be affectionate when I want to be. Roland is after all my favorite (albeit only) nephew, and we are going to share a drink together… I'm getting off topic. "Newt."

"What!?" she shouted, I looked around and frowned as I saw her in my bedroom, lying splayed out on the bed. Gods damn it.

"I want you… to…" I paused, "You're not going to remember my instructions are you?" I mumbled knowingly, rubbing my forehead and trying to surprise the oncoming headache.

She didn't reply, and now I probably was going to have to change my sheets because she was drooling prominently… I sighed again. I suppose she was allowed to vent just a little. She's had the most contact with my brother, her lover, and I cannot be an easy thing to deal with… I'll let her rest for now, and I returned to Kavilla, still watching me in good humor.

"…So? what's the plan for Malisis?" she asked finally as I returned to the table to join her in the drink.

"...I might have an idea… but it is taking some intense, subtle, negotiation…" I noted coolly, already thinking about my guest for later this week. Thoughtfully sipping my drink, "…I hate to say it but I'm taking a page from mother's playbook… some of the better ideas."

Kavilla snorted in disbelief, obviously, she didn't believe mother had any good ideas. But she was a Moff for a reason. "…Well… fine. I'll leave the political bullshit to you to." I glared at her at the implication, she shrugged it off, "I have no head for politics… I fight, I plan, I kill. That's what I do." She noted, "…Just keep me in the loop sister…" she said, as we clinked our glasses together again and listened to the sounds of Newt snoring.

"…No… Aiden you know I hate it when Milky wears the collar…" she moaned softly, before giggling, "It's my turn…" frowning, I shut the door.

"…I don't need to hear that." I added, returning once more to Kavilla and pondering where I was going to sleep tonight.

Bvvv… Bvvv… I frowned again, trying to place the sound when I found Newt's belt hanging on the chair, it was a communicator. "What's that buzzing?" Kavilla mumbled, eyeing it as well as I took the communicator.

"…Should I answer it?" I asked, eyeing my sister as she shrugged unhelpfully.

"Well… it might be important? It almost might be treason…" she added, with another casual shrug and sip of her glass.

I answered, and was pleasantly surprised. "Newt." Caradoc's wookiee roar mumbled over the com, "I need to know where Vargoss is."

"Now that is an interesting thing to know." I noted as I was greeted with silence.

"…You're not going to make this awkward, are you?" he mumbled with a sniff and a sigh, "…Because its already awkward over here…"

"Newt's indisposed." I said calmly, "…Why do you want to know where the bounty hunter is?"

"…Because Roland wants to kill him." Caradoc added with cold sincerity.

…What? That doesn't sound like Roland. I turned to Kavilla who looked just as confused as I was. Honestly having her around was much better with a mirror. "…And… so you want to…"

"…For now I want to keep Roland far away from him…" Caradoc said softly and there was a long pause. "…There's something… wrong with him… I think putting Altora down took more of a toll than any of us would have thought. I don't want him running down the wrong path, especially if he's not ready to handle it."

I sighed softly, eying my bedroom and pondering its current occupant. "…I'll tell her to track him down, keep tabs on him."

"That's all I ask." He said. "…Roland is not his father, but I think he's trying to be… that might be a problem."

"Give Roland and Circe our love." Kavilla shouted with a soft smile.

"I'll pass it along." The wookiee replied seriously before turning off the com. I tossed it onto the chair. It sounded like I needed to speed up my own plans…

"…I need to make arrangements." I said, corking the whiskey bottle as Kavilla snorted annoyed. "…Stick around in fact." I added, "I might need you and your furry bodyguard to protect me." I said, "…Dealing with sith is always a risk." I said thoughtfully as Kavilla snorted annoyed with a primal growl and a rather childish moan, like she was just denied a treat.

"God… FUCKING DAMN IT!" she shouted, I jumped slightly at her sudden anger "Why, THE FUCK, are you being cryptic with ME? I am your sister! NOT OUR MOTHER."

"…If you wanted you to know you could've asked." I said, a little surprised at her reaction, I suppose the liquor was interfering with everyone tonight.

"It's just. WE don't need to be fucking cryptic…" she gestured between us with her hands, "…and I'm a little drunk." She growled, standing up. "Now what the hell are you talking about?"

I sighed, rolling my eyes. "…I've been thinking of acquiring my own sith ally. Like Toxitus, only not a crazy bastard… well. Not AS crazy…" I added pointedly, pulling out a holo-picture of my intended target…


End of chapter.


Somewhere in unknown space...

Dr. Xalbaia. Genius scientist, brilliant researcher, doctor, chemist, and possessing of unparalleled beauty watched the ending to My Little Bantha The Movie once more for probably the 412th time… she took in a deep breath before dropping limp onto the table, her head loudly cracking against it as she sighed audibly to nobody in particular..

"…Fuck I'm so bored…" she moaned and promptly switched Holo-disks.

End of Bonus

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